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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:58 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 518

It had been a few short days since Carter had decided it was time to return to the world around him, time to give an earnest effort and help make a difference in this world and the next. It was time for him to polish what he considered to be the weakest aspect of his being as a warrior, his hand to hand combat skills.

The short white headed boy groaned as he felt sweat drip off of his chin, he had been going over a very old document to learn fighting styles and had settled learning Crane Style Kungfu, it made the most sense to him as smaller fighter this style relied on speed and balance more than strength. Now he stood, locked in position with his right leg slightly bent, his left leg rose up and bent at the knee to come parallel with the earth beneath him as if he was sitting cross legged and his arms out stretched, also horizontal with the earth.

The wind was stirring but it didn't do much to help, the sky was clear and the sun was high, he had chosen this area to practice for that reason and others. The others being he didn't want anyone he knew to see just how feeble his attempts of becoming a hand to hand fighter were, he had a slight reputation to uphold and didn't need to give anyone a reason to doubt him.

Those were his thoughts as his right ankle buckled from the strain of balancing in that ungodly dodging position for the last hour and a half and he hit the ground with a dulled thud and slight plume of dust. With a huff he stood up and walked over to his bag to get a drink of water, "Let's refresh and get back to it." He said to himself before taking a deep swig of his canteen.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:10 pm


Ulv was patrolling the outskirts to make sure there wasn't anything hiding around there. There wasn't anything, but there was, interestingly enough, Sad Boy. Who was also, if Mirja's memory served correctly, Drunk Boy. And generally not very enticing or a good show of the Seireitei's better half. How he became a Captain must have been quite the story. Though, at the same time, he had lost that Captaincy, so.....

Ehh, Sad Boy was doing something very strange over there, so Ulv appeared. Like a gentle whisper of the wind, she was simply there, as if stepping in between heartbeats.
"'Ey Carter. What, are you doing all the way out here? Is this your prat routine that you are practicing, or something?"


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Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:43 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 581

Somehow he had managed to let his guard down and the next thing he knew his canteen went flying through the air as he jumped about a foot off the ground before turning around with his hands up ready to defend himself. In the same instant when he saw the intruder and remembered the voice he felt foolish, it was Ulv. Ulv standing there in the middle of gods damned no where watching him make a fool of himself and remarking on it as well.

Feigning ignorance at her jab he simply shrugged, "I'm not sure what a prat routine is but to be honest I'm just out here practicing some hand to hand combat techniques. I need to sharpen my skills if I ever hope to be more than who I am today. Ya'know?" He said with a smile as he walked to his dropped canteen and picked it up.

"Anyways, what are you doing here? Last time I saw you you didn't seem interested in the Soul Society what with you getting the Harbor up and running and all." His left hand went out, extending an offer to her of his water. Last he had spoken to her had been almost two years, a lot had happened since then and he had purposefully removed himself from the photo. Last he spoke to Ulv he had departed rather abruptly to go find Animum hearing about her transformation, after he found her and who she had become he realized all that he had worried for was for nothing. She had gained strength in herself and power to be who she wanted while he had stayed stagnate.

Now though he couldn't ignore the feeling in the air, it felt as if the universe was hold its breath, something was coming and soon, something he wanted to be ready for to defend as many innocents as possible, and with that he wiped the sweat from his brow and thought of his training out here.

"Hey Ulv, you feel a lot stronger than me now... will you kick my ass please?" He asked, hating himself for the punishment he was asking to endure but knowing it would help him develop something, something that he sorely needed.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:57 pm


"it's a routine where you are a prat. One would have expected the name to be pretty obvious" Ulv explained, her eyebrow cocked slightly. Where was the era when Captains symbolised the best of their division and the Gotei as a whole? Still, that was hardly the showcase of the current Gotei. The Captains - Henrex included - weren't exactly...uniformly excellent.

"Ahh, that. I made an oops and so I'm doing some work up here to cover up the oops. No troubles" Ulv continued. The guy never really struck her as a hand to hand guy, but maybe he wanted to expand his horizons. It was admirable. The way about it...less so.

"I am somewhat disturbed by how often I get asked to beat the crap out of people. Though, last two people I have done it with have decided to ignore my advice when I did so. Gonna have to pass on kicking your ass. You aren't nearly the kind of person that'd benefit from it anyway" Ulv shook her head. And then, leaned backwards and sat on some invisible chair, crossing her legs as she did.

"Though, I gotta ask. What kind of hand to hand were you trying to learn, precisely?"


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Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:34 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:530

"I know what a prat is Ulv, I was merely hoping to maintain pleasantries but I forgot you are much more blunt than the members of the Gotei I am used to dealing with." He said, a slight exasperated sigh escaping his lips and he put his canteen up when she didn't make a move to accept or refuse the drink. " I won't ask about your oops, as your business is just that. yours."

He listened as she spoke about how kicking his ass up and down this area wouldn't benefit him or help him to uncover that hidden thing he could almost feel, that break through that he knew was right freaking there. Then with a slight chuckle he watched as she sat in the middle of the air, not a care in the world.

" Ya'know before I took my leave for a bit one of my few regrets was not making allies with you, you seem like one of the few people around here that won't mince words or bullshit someone. This life needs more people with your outlook. As for the hand to hand I was trying to learn, White Crane Style or to be more exact when I find what's missing it will become a new style, one style that fits me for who I am and can turn my small fast self into a hand to hand combatant without the need for massive brute strength, it will be Celestial Crane Style."

He said while rummaging through his hiking pack and pulling out the battered old booklet of techniques he had been studying and tossing it to her, "I know it's lame and out dated but it's me and it's what I'm trying to do to better myself. No more drinking, no more self pity at my own short comings, just me looking toward the future and this is step one."

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:12 am


"Ahh, yea. I got no tact. I will tell you you are a prat and twice the prat for trying to study martial arts by yourself. Without a teacher, your wrongs go unquestioned and your rights are crippled with doubt. In the end you take a cacophonous mess into the killing field and get torn apart" Ulv counselled, before walking up to him and poking him in the chest. The poke felt far more than just a poke in the chest, as the force diffused into his whole body and set it tingling.

"Don't know where you are getting the idea that we aren't allies. I thought we got along pretty well! Though, as for your goals..." Ulv would step back and crack a light frown. "You are over thinking them. Stop being so stiff and let your experience guide you. Sure, you'd lose an arm-wrestle to Elyss, but Wing-chun and Tiger Gate are styles that allow you to beat many men with little force"

Ulv would take a few steps back, find a rock, and then adopt a martial stance, flowing like a river into a lithe and gentle form. Her moves were beautiful, like a dancer. With gentle slice of her palm, the rock was neatly cut in half. It was clear from the watching that Ulv had exerted little in the way of strength, relying on the precision to carry the day.

"Though, if you lack the courage to storm ahead with your passion, I suggest learning a few different styles of the same sort of idea. In the same vein as White Crane is Sholin Quan, Taiji Quan, Wing Chun, and Taoist Nengong. Do not try to take one style and build on it's bones, or you are pretty doomed to fail. Even my iconic Ursa Takkeyeon draws from several different forms to achieve it's goals"


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Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:17 am

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:461

Listening as she spoke he couldn't help but be embarrassed with his actions, even now he was being schooled. She was right, to come out here alone and practice something without a teacher would embed his bad habits while weakening his strengths. To that end he couldn't argue nor could he do anything but agree as she spoke if learning many styles and showed her own mastery of self.

His confusion came with how she managed to crack the rock without exerting any physical force, " See that right there is what I am hoping to gain, I want to put my essence into my style and develop it as more than just fist fighting, I need to learn the foundation before I can breathe my energies and life into it though. How did you manage to find the fault in that rock and exploit it? I didn't sense any energy usage."

" Don't get me wrong, I intend on learning from multiple styles to create something that is truly my own, to get there though I must start here. Crane Style seems to be the most fitting and once I have a better understanding of self and these techniques I can begin to flesh them out with other styles, other abilities. For now I cannot be so prideful as to assume I can learn more than one school at a time, I must accept I am at the beginning and push onward." He said, in his mind though he didn't harbor any more lack of courage or passion, the Carter she had met years before and the Carter standing in front of her now were two different men. The shadows of doubt he had had in himself were gone and now he had a determination of steel to see his goals actualized.

" Anyway, I need to get back to practicing. If you care to stick around and show me my errors or hit me with some pointers I'm not opposed to it. You're right that I'll only embed my negative tendencies without a teacher and you seem very well versed in this arena. Hell, you help me and I wouldn't mind helping you fix whatever your "oops" is, no questions asked. He said while he walked back over to the patch of dirt he had stood in before and put himself back into the one legged Crane dodge stance, this time using his left leg to give his right a break.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:23 am


"That was Tai Chi Flow Extrusion. I drew energy up through the earth with Spiral Control and then fed the energy to my palm. Thus, I could cut the rock in half without any actual strength put into it. It's great for people without any strength and even better for people with a lot of strength like myself. With that, I didn't need to find the fault line. Flow Manipulation is a big part of Takkeyeon, and thus a big part of my style" Ulv explained.

Then, he took his stance again and stood like a statue, so Ulv walked over to him and pushed him.
"Move. Don't just stand like that. Crane Style is fluid, flexible and with impeccable footwork. Nothing you'll learn standing there like a prat" Ulv told him, bearing down like a teacher. She didn't sugar coat anything or baby to you, but taught you exactly how you needed to be taught.

"And fixing my oops, huh? Ha! You have been fired from your Captaincy and replaced quickly without care. Where as I was the Best Man of the Captain Commander's husband and one of the Commander's closest confidants. I can easily fix my own oops, much better than you ever could"


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Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:48 am

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:461

Tai Chi Flow Extrusion. Remember that for later. He thought, taking a quick mental note while listening to her explain how she performed the act. It seemed to be something he might want to pursue, something he could adopt into what he was currently learning. Before he could even question her on how it worked so he could try it she came over and abruptly attempted to push him, without thinking his right foot made contact with the ground to plant himself an strength his stance and his left hand came up, the back side of his hand aiming to slap her out stretched hand downward that was meant to throw him off balance. Blinking he took a step back instead of continuing in with a counter attack, " Hey, that was good! That made me react and perform technique one, the hand chop!" He exclaimed before she went in on him for offering his help to her.

His golden eyes dulling just a bit he would stand straight and look her eye to eye, "It's one thing to be blunt, it's entirely another to be rude when someone tries to offer help. Quick to throw my loss of Captain in my face without knowing me as a person, without know that I walked away from the Gotei and only joined as a Captain last time to pursue some of my own goals. Mock me as you wish and tell the story how you want but in the end I left the Gotei and I have no intent on rejoining them as they are now. Do not spit on who I am for simply trying to extend a hand of friendship." he said, his voice becoming very monotone and his face losing any hint of expression.

Just as quickly as his seriousness appeared it vanished though, his brow loosening and his eyes regain some light to them, " Now then, what about this?" He asked while returning to his first stance and transitioning to the Crane Kick stance, his left leg staying firmly planted while his right knee came up even with his chest and his arms went above his head to help distribute his weight and make the one foot balancing act a little easier.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:03 pm


"Go ask Atlas to hold up the sky for him, see how that works. Offering help without knowing anything about what you are offering help for, triply so when you are in no position of authority to help, is just at minimum stupid. At most, arrogant and disingenuous. You say you extend a hand of friendship, but do not offer what you can not give in that hand" Ulv told him, her words not at all gentle, but firm and precise, like a mother's.

Then, Ulv would look over his stance for a moment and nod. While she didn't know how to do White Crane all that much, she knew it's intent and how to replicate the intent.
"You have your wings, and your claws. The current stance you are in is not really all that good for anything, but you can push your front foot down and use the momentum to block aside an attack and then spin into an auxiliary strike. There is big focus in using your opponent's force to enhance your own because you don't have that much. It's kind of flashy and baseless Wushu in the killing grounds, but looks good"


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