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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:45 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 486

There is nothing stupid, arrogant, or disingenuous in offering someone a helping hand, I’m not so foolish as to offer help blindly to any and everyone I meet. From our meeting before to our meeting now I can feel the same energy around you, the same core goodness no matter how gruff you may come off. It’s not hard to see you look down on me if only just a smidge and that’s fine, last time we met I was a weaker person on the inside and maybe I did just kinda walk away from the Gotei with no excuse but I would like to ask that you look at this as meeting me for the first time, from here on out.” He said while shifting his stance to a two legged one, his left leg leading and his right leg in line behind it, bent slightly at the knees with his leg spread just over shoulder length. From there he would shuffle his right foot forward to the lead position while spinning his left foot on the ball counter clock wise.

The digits on his hands would come to conjoin with his thumb and form a cone shape as he slightly bent his wrists downward, “Okay, no flashy stuff then. Thank you for that, now how would I go about using my opponents force against them? I swear without my zanpakuto I feel as lost and naked as a new born child.” He said, his tone open, his eyes fixed on Ulv, no matter what she thought of him he knew she was a more seasoned warrior than him and his pride would not stop him from taking any pointers he could get.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:15 am


"On the face of it, no. Nothing wrong with offering help. But offering help for something you can't do, offering help for something you have no idea about. Offering help for something that'll put you in direct opposition to what you stand for...Basically offering help for things you can't actually carry through on the offer with, is wrong" Ulv told him. From her gait and prose, it seemed she had been a person to offer moral and social advice to a lot of people. "But sure, we can reset the clock to this point"

Ulv would then walk up to him, and gently place her palm against his. Her skin was...surprisingly soft for what she got up to. There was a warmth to her hands as well, not a clammy sticky warmth but the fire in winter kind. It seemed it wasn't just her aura that had the relaxing, emboldening emotions to it.
"To learn how to redirect force, you must first learn to take force. The first step of Three Emperor Cannon Fist, is to get a partner, set into your stance, and push against each other. This allows you to learn the feeling of force, and trains your muscle memory"


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Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:12 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:508

Her palm touched his and w rush of warmth flooded his being, it didn’t feel wrong from what he knew of Ulv. She was rough but at her core she was good, and he could sense a deeper passion in her than most people held, a true soul. Just as soon as he could feel this, she spoke of redirecting force by first learning to take force. Instantly his mind went to using an enemy’s own momentum against them as he had time after time with larger opponents.
She continued to speak about something called the Three Emperor Cannon Fist and talked of needing to have a partner while setting oneself in a stance. At that he felt his legs almost instinctively firm up, his muscles readying to absorb some sort of force that might unbalance him. Is Ulv really teaching me a technique right now?! He thought, feeling giddy like a school girl at the idea of learning something from someone he considered to be elite.

Pushing the thought from his mind he cleared his head of all thought and felt his palm against her own. Closing his eyes he blotted out everything but his hand and her own in an attempt to feel whatever force she was speaking of so he could attempt to return the force to her, for now the only force he knew to give back was the same physical pressure that her palm had on his own but he had a strong feeling that wasn’t what this demonstration was about. For now he needed to look at the energy and come to understand it before he could place whatever she was about to do back on her.

Time to go back to school He thought while focusing on her hand and her energy levels.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:38 am


Ulv would keep a constant flow of pressure from her palm to his, and while doing that, give some vocal aid as well. It wasn't anything spiritual, as her reiatsu kept an even, unused level about it. The force coming was wholly physical.

"When taking this force, imagine a spiral from the tip of your head to the bottom of your feet. All force goes through this spiral and into the ground. And then, from that, it returns up your feet and through your body, a force under your control which you can then redirect towards the enemy. Care must obviously be taken with this, as you can't redirect their force without being in contact with their force. And if you are in contact then there is a good chance that it will be too much for your body to handle and you'll be considerably damaged in the act.

Of course, they will also be damaged by it because you are throwing it back at them but cutting off your finger to spray blood in their eyes is never really a good battle plan"


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Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:03 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:558

With his eyes still closed he focused on his scalp imagining a spiral cascading down his head to his shoulders, then arms, then chest, and finally into his legs to the very earth. All the while he was remotely aware of her hand on his pushing into his, instead of attempting to push back at her with his own force he chose now to accept the force and let it be carried away by the spiraling lattice work he had imagined. With a slight surprise he could feel the kinetic energy of her hand traveling down his arm and body to the very ground beneath him, from there it was distributed in to the massive spiral that was the earth, he could sense the force not dissipating even as it spread but rather could feel it grow and return back up the invisible channel he had created in his mind’s eye, from there it would come back up him and return to its source now with just a small bolster than what had been sent to him.

Opening his eyes he looked at their hands and noticed they were still joined, "So this is more of a way to disperse kinetic energy and potentially use it against the original user with gathered energy from myself and the earth? I could see how it would be practical to use but not as a way to counter an attack without knowing your opponent’s power and your own limits first. Okay, try more. I can handle more, I want to learn whatever you have to teach! He said, the words rushing out rapidly as his mind went in a flurry to process all the information he had just gathered, there was so much he still needed to learn and he was eager to keep going, so far this day had gone from a boring study, to a scolding, to learning a real skill that he could put in practice protecting those in need.

"Whatever your oops is that brought you out here, I am glad we crossed paths again Ulv." He said, a smile of friendship on his face

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:11 am


He was learning, pretty quickly. Well, Shinigami Captains had good instincts for this sort of thing. Takehiko would take a lot longer, if he learned it at all. Guy had a serious problem listening. Additionally, he even clocked onto the problems of the technique pretty immediately, so Ulv nodded.
"Yea, that is the problem. It can be used to redirect, but it's not always the best idea. Damage reduction is not damage negation, and I have broken bones using that technique before"

Ulv would laugh gently and shake her head, before taking her hand away from his palm and moving it to his chest.
"Though, it's application is multi-faceted" She would shift her stance into her Earth-Grasping Step, spiral power up from the earth, and then shove Carter. Despite there being seemingly minuscule muscular movement, the force was like being hit with a concrete rhino. "It's good for shoring up what you lack"


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Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:37 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:622

"Ask and you shall receive." The old saying goes and before Carter could even react, before he even knew what had happened he found himself fifteen feet away from Ulv, flat on his back with his mouth gaping like a fish as he tried to force air back into his deflated lungs. It was one thing to take the force he had earlier, it was another entirely to attempt to lessen the blow he had obtained. Sitting up he winced, on his right side a rib was cracked, he was sure of it. Shaking the blots of black light from his eyes his vision came back around, instead of seeing three Ulvs they all became one as he centered himself and stared at her awe struck.

Okay so that was a major uptick in power, lets gather our thoughts here Carter and put what just happened together. The force she just put through me felt like much more than she should be capable of giving off with such a small exertion on her own behalf. What else could that have been, her foot work changed before she sent that into me. Could she possible be supplementing her own force with the natural energy of the ground beneath us? His thoughts were a flurry of potentials but they kept settling back to that, some how she had managed to pull power from the very ground and use it, raw kinetic energy that she put through herself acting much like a conduit and unleashing it on him.

Looking down at the ground he thought of how he had sent her force before into the earth in his minds eye and how it seemed to gain momentum before volleying back to him to return to her, could it be that this second stance of hers coupled with her knowledge in what she was teaching him allowed her to draw force from the massive reserves of the earth beneath them. Even as static as it seemed for how larger it was the ground was always shifting, always moving, it was just too much to notice with the eye, something that large always in motion had to give off a large amount of energy to utilize if one knew how.

Shaking his head he stood up, feeling a bruise already in his chest where her hand made contact he walked over to her and smiled, a thought forming in his mind. "Okay, again." He said, his words coming out hoarse and just a scant unsure.

[b]Template By:

|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:26 pm


"Again? Ha! You'd die if I did it again. Already cracked your ribs with that last one. That was more a demonstration of what you can do with it" Ulv told him, leaning back and sitting on a plump of air. "Also, do not, this isn't actually an offensive mindset. It's a movement power, much like Shunpo. It's called the Earth-Grasping Step"

She would get up and lift her foot, pointing to the toes as they clenched.
"The kick off is easy enough, but the important part of all this is the landing. I showed you what you can do with it so you don't ask the obvious question of 'what does this have to do with combat?'" Ulv would then point to the arch of her foot.

"This, is where you want to land. After you take off, the arch of your foot hits firmly on the ground, and you use your toes to converge the vectors. This allows you to not go ass over tit when you you are landing. Master the vector controlling of the take off and landing, then reverse it, and you'll be channelling forces far beyond your muscular capabilities"

Ulv would then shift left and right in rapid succession. There was barely any stimuli of her movement, she shifted like a wisp of the wind.
"But, problems. It's quite involved, you need to keep your head to use it. You need solid ground to manipulate the vectors, and you've got to be careful how much you are channeling. If you pull too much out of it..."

Ulv would showcase what happened then, drawing her full physical capability out of the Earth and shattering it, throwing off her balance and sending her stumbling.


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Wed Mar 11, 2020 7:43 pm

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:795

He stood transfixed watching her shift feet rapidly, keeping herself slightly suspended above the ground with each tiny movement, the air under her feet seemed to cushion and rotate ever so slightly as if an invisible force was repelling her from the earth but he knew better than that, or so he thought at least. Next she would ask him what this had to do with combat and he stood there stumped trying to think of the potential uses of this technique, if one used this as a kicking attack while keeping their other leg down it could act as a human cannon in a sense greatly magnifying the power of the caster beyond their physical limits but he felt that was the wrong answer here, it could also be used as a means of movement but he saw it wasn't practical already unless one was l versed in it. In fact Ulv's master control of the force she was taking from the ground beneath her and sending back to show case this ability was something he was certain was far beyond his control at his current level.

Think fool, what could this be used for. His eyes studied every movement no matter how small and insignificant, he needed to absorb this to come up with an answer to the question. Attacking, enhanced movement, vector control, absorption, they all swirled around in his head and he knew he was grasping at straws when he began to open his mouth but he felt he needed to answer the question to at least show her he was putting thought into this, "I don't think it's meant to be an attacking power out right but has the potential to be one, at my current state I don't think it's simply another way to get around a battle field, it would be impractical to use with the amount of focus it requires. I keep coming back to what you said over vector control and think there's something else to it, potentially another way to mitigate incoming hostile force. I won't lie to you, I am confused on this one." He offered while taking his shoes off, it made sense to him to practice this bare foot first and get used to it before trying to channel the energy through a material that wasn't the earth.

Okay, let’s try something simple, first lets picture the spiral in our feet. Ah there it is, okay now each two has its own smaller spiral that comes off of the larger one at the arch of my foot, oh this is hard. He thought while focusing, in his mind he would attempt to paint invisible channels for the energy beneath him to travel from one foot to the other. Feeling the flow of the force beneath him he flexed his left calf and immediately knew he was wrong, entirely to his core wrong as he shot twenty feet up into the air.

The next thing he knew he was staring at the sky, not really aware of what was happening as he was trying to force his lungs to take air back in. If he had cracked those ribs before, one of two of them were broken now he thought as he sat up, a small beading of sweat on his brow.

Hiding his embarrassment he would smile at Ulv before getting up with a wince, "Okay, let's try that one more time."

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|Death is but the first step in life|

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

What Good is a Crane?![Carter/Wan] - Page 2 EUuCTxy
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:15 pm


"Did you miss the part about channeling forces far beyond your capabilities? I don't know what you expected, doing it right away without any kind of practice or understanding" Ulv asked, looking down at him with that look your mother gives you when you hurt yourself doing something she told you you were going to hurt yourself doing. Then, the nutter tried to stand up. And while Ulv was all for determination, blithe action without need was something she was against.

So, when Carter looked at Ulv, he would suddenly come under an immense pressure. Not reiatsu in any way, it was still like someone had dropped a moon on him. His bones would rapidly start creaking, which didn't make any sense because they were already pretty banged up and should snap outright. This, would at least clue him in that the weight was entirely mental, but that didn't make it go away at all. Ulv's presence was far too great for there to be a simple out like that.

"No more times. We are done for today, and before you argue, I am well capable of taking a man down without hurting him in the slightest. And I will, if you keep trying to hurt yourself even more than you already have done"


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