Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Thu May 07, 2020 2:18 pm


Enter Calypso


Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

"Hold your breath."

That was the last thing Calypso would say to Vanyel as suddenly she would grab him, a portal appearing beneath them as they fell through a realm of pure darkness, and suddenly popping back out on their feet to blue skies, the smell of the sea, and a busy street. Calypso got a good look at their surroundings, before suddenly grabbing Vanyel, yanking him away,

They suddenly were dragged right off the road as the next rush of traffic would come not long after, Calypso panting, "Ah, ah, sorry, meant to put us on the sidewalk. Anyway, come with me."

She would walk in front of Vanyel, holding his wrist still as she lead him, continuing to speak, "So, I have a friend who's pretty great at helping people with their trauma. Her name's Ulv, and she's the mayor of this city! If anything, this city kind of exists to help people, too. Just, maybe she'd be better at unearthing whatever traumas are holding onto you better than.. I can."

She seemed a bit melancholic as she continued walking, soon the two were faced with a mansion atop a hill.

"Alright, hang real tight on my shoulders, I can get both of us up easy."

Soon, the two would be walking up, Calypso having sprouted her incomprehensibly-shaded wings, using them as a means to keep the both of them balanced against the thrall of gravity, soon making it to the doorstep. Suddenly Calypso would give Vanyel a stern look, pointing strictly at him,

"Okay, serious warning time; Do not intentionally lie to Ulv. I'm serious, don't. I'm here to make sure stuff doesn't get too weird, but I can't protect you if you act stupid."

She would then sigh, knock on the door, calling out, "Uhh, It's important!"

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Thu May 07, 2020 10:06 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Tired and still processing the events that came before, Vanyel didn't object as he took a deep breath, only to suddenly be pulled through a portal, falling through endless darkness and then realigned to be on his feet, landing somewhere new. Cloudless skies, the smell of the sea, and the sound of oncoming traffic -- that he was in the middle of. As he went to move out of the way, Calypso quickly yanked him to safety, stating that she had meant to put them on the sidewalk.

Vanyel rolled his eyes but didn't say a word as she pulled him along by the wrist, going into the explanation of why she had brought him there. If he were honest, he did not feel comfortable going to someone completely new and random to supposedly help him, even if they were connected to and friends with Calypso. But, the knowledge that she'd be there and that it was her friend made it a bit less irritating, and a bit less bothersome. Interesting name, though: "Wolf" in Norweigan.

They stopped briefly at the foot of a hill, with a mansion at the top. Just as he was about to start walking up, Calypso told him to hang tight onto her shoulders as vantablack wings sprouted from her, helping them balance as she guided him up the stairs, warning him not to lie to her intentionally as they arrived at the doorstep and waited.

"Yeah, yeah, fine..."

As she knocked on the door, he found himself inching just the slightest bit closer to Calypso, unsure of what to expect from Ulv.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 08, 2020 7:37 am


There wouldn't be anything from the house for a few moments, but then a presence appeared behind them, touching down like she was merely a breath of wind. And clearly, she was happy to see these two at her doorstep.

"Vanyel! Love the arm! So romantic you'd come get it blown off again~ I made an impact, huh?" Ulv exclaimed, flicking her eyebrows at him and giving a very naughty smirk. Then she turned to Calypso. Sure, there was a little bit of awkward tension on her side, but Ulv wasn't a girl for that kind of thing.

"Though the kid looks like he could do with a nap. You been keeping him up at night?" She teased, stepping past the two of them and entering her house. It was a nice place, and the walls glowed amber. Stepping in was like stepping into a loving hug and the knowledge you would be protected and cared for as you stayed here.

"So, what'cha bringing the Henrex Cosplayer here for? Famous cookie recipe? My sex dungeon? Bottle of milk?"


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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 08, 2020 8:15 am


Enter Calypso


Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

The second she sensed the familiar warm glow of amber energy behind them, she would turn around, sighing softly and shaking her head with a faint giggle to her voice, mumbling softly in jest, "..Guess number three's the big winner."

Calypso's face curled in confusion as Ulv went on about Vanyel's arm and blowing it off and whatnot, but considering the woman clearly felt rather happy and chipper to see them, she was guessing it was Ulv being weird again. Though, she was very strangely specifically weird this time... Not to mention how she even knew his name.. Calypso shook it off, as it wasn't important for now. Calypso didn't even respond to her teasing question, watching her walk past them and into her home, Caly following along silently as she would grasp and lead Vanyel in with her, any resistance met with only more shadowy tendrils sprouting from her being and pushing him along, seamlessly closing the door behind them as to give the idea that she wasn't gonna let him run out too easily.

Being inside gave that familiar sensation of comfort; though it helped her relax, Calypso still held an air of urgency, grasping the 'Henrex Cosplayer's', whoever that was supposed to be, hand.

"He's.. Under a lot of emotional distress. The... Thing, that happened recently.. I think it made whatever he was feeling worse. He doesn't even realize his own feelings, so it makes it difficult for me to do anything, so I thought to bring him to you..."

Her head dipped to the side, as she sighed, "It was bad enough that he was okay with hurting himself. I don't want to leave him alone for now; I don't want him becoming more mentally damaged to the point he does something.. Really stupid to himself. So please, could you try to help him..?"

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 08, 2020 12:58 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

A sudden feeling of warmth washed over him, and as Calypso turned around, he did as well. Then, in only a few minutes of meeting her, he already had so many questions about and for Ulv. A small sense of apprehension came over him, unsure of how to feel about her knowing so much about him, despite them never meeting and him knowing nothing about her. He didn't like it, especially not that she knew about his arm, a hand slowly reaching over to touch and cover the light scarring around his shoulder, mumbling to himself, irritated that Ulv had referred to him as 'kid', as well as questioning how she knew his name as Calypso guided him inside.

The mansion gave off the same warm aura as Ulv herself did, the inviting feeling of comfort and care that gave mixed feelings in him. It was nice, but also unsettling at the same time -- something that wasn't helped by how suspicious, unnerved, and tired he was right now, after the events that had transpired before now. He was quickly brought out of his head from the feeling of Calypso holding his hand, causing a small tinge of red to spread across his cheeks.

As she started explaining, holding nothing back, Vanyel's grip tightened around her hand, growing tighter and tighter as he practically screamed to himself, mentally, for her to shut up and stop talking. Even after he agreed to trust her to help him, it was the fact that he trusted Calypso with this. Now, she was just laying out everything to someone he didn't even know, and...he didn't know how to feel about it, much less describe it. Part of him was panicking, another was making him want to run away and just say 'fuck it', to get away from these strange feelings that yet another part of him wanted to get rid of.

Everything was complicated again, and he didn't know what to do.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 08, 2020 1:05 pm


"Darlin', guy wants to bolt for the door the second you take your eyes off him. And I am done trying to help people that don't want to be here. It's too much effort, and too much stress just to see them fuck it all up at the first stride" Ulv commented, opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle that she took a big swing from.

"Yea, his brain is all kinds of fucked up, and yea you want to fix that, but I've come to realise it doesn't work like that. Some people prefer their despair, either because it is comfortable or because it's all they know and they don't want to try know any different. I am a Queen, and so I might offer a hand in aid but it is not a hand that will be forced upon anyone. And he is so not comfortable even being here, let alone talking about the deep issues he has and how being connected to the Embodiment of Chaos is not exactly going well for him"


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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 08, 2020 4:43 pm


Enter Calypso


Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Calypso blinked a few times as Ulv spoke of not wishing to impose her help on anyone who clearly doesn't want it, which only caused the young Asthavon to take in a deep breath, her grasp on Vanyel's hand tightening for a moment before loosening, her hand falling to her side. She would look towards him, a sense of tired concern on her face as she would then speak,

"He wants to be helped."

She spoke with a soft, yet stern tone, her hands tightly gripped as she continued, "I know he wants to be helped, I could sense he wanted to believe and trust in me I could get him help..."

She would then face Ulv, her hands on her nosebridge with a form of irritation to her as she continued, "He's scared, Ulv. He doesn't know you, and frankly the weird joke earlier probably didn't help that too much. Why do you think i'm still here instead of dropping him off to you like a shivering puppy? He's having trouble communicating, and i'm pretty sure feeling scared wouldn't help that all too much. And if I recall correctly, you don't pass on scared people."

She slowly exhaled, her hands dropping, soon her gaze would pass to Vanyel, silver eyes drooping with a sense of exhaustion, "..Am I correct Vanyel? Do you want help..?"

Her tired eyes would only look sadder as she dwelled for a moment, "..Or do you really wanna run away? If you really want to remain how you are... I can't stop you.. But please, say something.. Don't just sit there and look pretty because you think it'd make me feel better.. Just... Say something.."

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Sat May 09, 2020 7:02 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Fear was most certainly a large part of why part of him wanted to leave and run away. But, he had put his trust into Calypso, and it was for that reason that he didn't bolt the moment he had the chance. Unease crept along his spine as he squeezed the demoness' hand, the other rubbing his scarred shoulder softly as his gaze turned to the floor, only to move back to Calypso as she spoke to him.

His demeanor was completely different to what it normally was, something that Calypso would have noticed. No sarcasm, no jokes, nothing, just the quiet voice of a man who wanted answers.

"...I do."

He sighed, bringing his hands to rest in his lap as he fidgeted lightly in place. The longest he spent in this aura of comfort, he found himself becoming more relaxed. It was a small, gradual process, but it was certainly working. Taking a deep breath, he continued.

"I just found it really creepy that you know me, but I don't know you. Sorry."

A hand slowly rose to his arm, rubbing his scarred forearm and slowly moving up to the much older, more condensed scarring around his shoulder as his voice grew even quieter. He didn't fully want to say anything more, but, he had put his faith in her, and she was here with him. Vanyel's hands clenched tightly around his knees as he brought himself to continue.

"...I don't know what to do. I don't understand what's going on with me and what I'm feeling. I guess, I just...want to understand what I'm feelin', and why."


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Sat May 09, 2020 7:18 am


Ulv would watch Calypso talk for Vanyel and basically buzz about like a bee. She really was interested in this'un, huh? Well she was an adult now, those kind of feelings needed a receptacle.

"I know a lot of people, dear. When your the Best Man for the Captain-Commander's wedding and go on dates with the Queen of the Chaya Nation, there is some level of influential capabilities, yea?" Ulv flicked her eyebrows and then with a quick motion of her finger, a set of chairs skated across the ground for them to sit on while Ulv potted about in the kitchen.

"But in your case it's more personal. A few years ago in Greece, you were fighting in the tournament. Absurdly strong wolf girl there, and I dunno, I guess you thought 'hey, my masculinity is on the line here, I need to match her strength in close quarters!' and...well" she'd pause to gesture to his arm and then take a drink. "You didn't match her"

"That wolf girl was me. Sort of. It's a long, complicated story, but yea. I know you because I am the one who blew your arm off. Was fun, you should work out more so we can do that again with me leaving little more than a stain on the ground were I try to do something like that these days"

Finishing with her work, she brought three cups of tea over, carrying two normally and the other in a thick black arm that had spawned out of her back.

"As for what you are feeling, you are feeling like shit. Why, is because the world is shit. It aint a pretty place and you've not exactly gotten off on the right foot with it if your heart is any indication. Cali knows exactly what I am talking about, given the whole..." she looked at the woman for a moment and handed her a cup of tea. One went to Vanyel, and she kept the third.

"...Yea. You want a quick fix I can give you something that's not gentle and doesn't automatically make you rainbows and butterflies. It's proven not to work if the person I use it on doesn't put in the work after the fact. Otherwise, it's just a slow progress. You deal with it day by day and it gets better. Eventually. Having someone to love helps"


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Tue May 12, 2020 7:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Mon May 11, 2020 12:26 pm


Enter Calypso


Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Calypso remained silent as Vanyel spoke, soon her gaze moving to Ulv as she spoke of whom she interacted with and the kinds of connections she would have, which made Calypso a little weary as she was reminded and in turn quietly reflected on the fact that, some way, some how, she needed to begin forming better connections to somehow mend soured relations, especially since this war seemed to be drawing to a close. As the chair skirted by, she would heavily sit down in it, her exhaustion clear on her face as she sunk. Right now, she was more focused on Vanyel's well being at hand, so the more important, less immediate matters were tucked to the back of her mind.

As she spoke of something that happened in Greece, Calypso only got more and more confused as Ulv went on. Quickly, things made absolutely no sense; Vanyel didn't know her, yet Ulv absolutely did, down to fully recounting an event that apparently happened and even Vanyel seemed to know. Coupled with the fact that Ulv sort of spoke like she was talking about someone else, rather than entirely herself, it just caused Calypso to raise an eyebrow, silently confused by what this could mean.

".. I mean he's a dummy but you didn't have to tear his arm off.."

Calypso would grumble, hunched over, but was listening to her as she knew what she was referring to. The young Asthavon didn't look miserable as she had to think about it, merely nodding with soft eyes in response. As of now, she hasn't much to be miserable about in her life; She's fought for change and in some respects, made it happen. Even if it felt like a tiring war of attrition at times, she was alive.

As soon Ulv would bring over tea, she grasped her own cup without questioning the extra black arm in the slightest as she looked at the cup, shrugging gently, and sipped. She would stop for a second, huffing about it being hot under her breath, blowing on it a bit before she continued drinking.

Caly was about to say something about refusing a quick method, until Ulv went into talking about having someone to love would help. Whatever tea was in her mouth would slowly trickle out back into the cup, a gentle light of blush on her face as she was looking at Vanyel for a moment in quiet embarrassment, before looking away, drinking much more hastily than before.

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