Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 22, 2020 3:14 pm


Enter Calypso


Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Calypso let out a gentle huff from her nostrils in response to the tease, rolling her eyes as they would once again lie on those strange black arms, before they suddenly vanished. Calypso initially just assumed they were something she could turn on and off, some strange power she was unaware Ulv could use.

She would raise an eyebrow in response to Ulv's reference to something behind her, prompting the demon to look behind her, just to be met with a large wolf's canines. She wasn't shocked or scared, looking at the beast relatively calmly, "My, what big teeth you have."

Tilting her head left and right to get a better view of it, the amused demon would soon turn back around to face the muscular woman, confusion settling back into her gaze as that name seemed to come back up once more,

"Okay, who on earth is this Mirja person? You've never told me."

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Sat May 23, 2020 8:44 pm

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Breath of the Wild - Song: The Temple of Time

Vanyel had remained mostly unaware of what the girls were saying, letting them keep their privacy and shit. He heard bits and pieces of what was said, but he was mostly just keeping to himself. He took the occasional glance over at the kitchen, one of those times catching the sudden appearance of a large wolf with what seemed like even larger teeth, causing him to jolt slightly.

The motion caused the switchblade to fall from his pocket, clattering to the floor as he stared at the wolf for a moment before regaining his composure and reaching to the floor to grab the blade. As he did, he took a moment to stare at it, his thumb hovering over the button as he pressed down, emitting a gentle click as the blade quickly slid out of the sheath. The smell of iron became much more apparent as it did, and the man's gaze turned sullen.

He could feel the sting of regret become more and more evident, the longer he stared at the blade. He could have sworn he felt a throbbing heat from the scars on his arms, and a hand instinctively slid under his jacket sleeves, his fingers gently running over the marks. His mind kept going back to the kiss, the sound of Calypso bursting into his home, crying when she saw him, everything that had happened in such a short time, yet it all still was in his mind. His hand trembled as he folded the blade back into the handle, tucking the weapon back into his pocket.

He hurt her. He remembered his own thoughts when the Eris Family had gathered together, that all he wanted to do was protect her, despite his inability to understand why, yet he had gone and done this to himself, something that only hurt her more, and it hurt him to know that he'd hurt her. Why!? Just "feeling terrible" wasn't enough! It didn't explain it! There was more, he knew it, but he just didn't fucking get it!

And it was so frustrating. As the man took in a deep breath, letting out a quiet, shaky sigh as he sat back up in the chair, taking another glance toward Calypso. If she chose to, or even if she could sense his emotions from the other room, two words would be discernable from the confusion and regret in his heart: "I'm sorry."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Sun May 24, 2020 5:49 am


The wolf would give Calypso a face lick, slobbering over her entire face with it's huge tongue, and then vanishing back the way it came. Vanyel was having some problems but it seemed Vanyel was always having some problems, so she wasn't going to call him out on that and just let his girlfriend help there. Instead, she yawned deeply and rubbed her eyes.

"Mmm, Mirja Eeola. Shinigami, turned Vizard. Corporal in Vastime Military. Had a few friends, Inami among them, had most of her screws loose. It is good you've not met her, she wasn't someone that was nice to meet"


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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 29, 2020 11:08 am

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso softly laughed at the giant pooch's licking of her, waving as it vanished. Thankfully she could just will for the slobber to slide off her body, listening as Ulv explained who this Mirja person was. She was only brought to wonder what this person was like, but if Ulv was saying it was good she never met her, then probably she wasn't the best person.

"Oh.. I see." Though, something about this string of events didn't make sense to Calypso, her nose scrunching up as she thought, "But wait, if Mirja is dead, then how-"

Calypso's head flipped over to Vanyel, having heard the sorrowful echo of his apology, seeing him looking not too great, her gaze looking as if she was trying to decide something, ending in her sighing, "I gotta take him home. I'll.. Send a message next time."

She would quickly exit the kitchen, grasping Vanyel by the arm, and pulling him, "Cmon, we're going."

Once the two were at the door, Calypso had her hand on the handle, her head dipping, an exhale leaving her nostrils, as she then looked back to Ulv, a serious glimmer to her eyes, "Next time, we're having a talk."

Leading Vanyel outside, closing the door behind her, suddenly her body was enveloped in dark smoke, purple energy pulsating as she then became what looked to be a large, dark bird with various purple eye-like patterns along her feathers, speaking through the connection they had through the Seal, "We're flying. Get on."

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Fri May 29, 2020 12:02 pm

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Diamond and Pearl - Song: Pokemon League (Night)

The man's leg shook, almost bouncing as the tip of his foot became the only thing touching the ground, his arms resting on his legs as he was hunched over. He pinched the bridge of his nose, taking another deep breath to try and collect himself, a shaky exhale coming from him yet again. He was almost embarrassed with himself, letting everything just...happen like that. His eyes began to close for a moment as he quietly yawned, blinking a few times. He didn't even realize how much more tired he'd gotten since the brief exchange between him and Calypso.

His head lifted and turned, seeing her look to him out of the corner of his eye, hearing her sigh before she left the kitchen and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the door.

"Hang on, Caly, wait, I'm...fine, you don't need to-"

Before he even finished what he was about to say, he stopped himself, sighing softly. He knew that even if he did object, she probably wouldn't listen. She led him outside, and he watched as she was enveloped in smoke and transformed into a large bird, stunning the man into further silence. A small smile crept across his face, thinking to himself as he slid onto her back and held on tight.

'...Man, that's really cool.'

The smile soon faded as he thought back to the last few moments before she pulled him out of the manor, this time speaking through their connection with the Seal.

"Hey, Caly, did, um...did I mess somethin' up? Or, do somethin' wrong? You just you were puttin' all this emphasis and shit on me, I guess."

He gripped her feathers tight. A feeling of guilt tugged at him, though he quickly tried to push it away, a quiet grunt coming from him as he did. Something just felt off about it, and it was bugging him. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all. She had put so much...emphasis on him, it felt, when she didn't have to or need to. Something just didn't feel right about it, and he wanted to know.

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Sun May 31, 2020 8:11 pm

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Gods, you are such a little kid.

Calypso's voice chuckled softly as she spread her dark wings, taking a bit of a running start before her talons left the hill, vigorously flapping her wings as they would rise into and be soaring within the sky in seconds, ensuring she wasn't going so blindingly fast as to blow the man off her back, or worse, blow his exposed tender human skin off. Soon, they would be softly gliding across the ocean, his question being met with silence at first, until the demon finally spoke once more,

Relax. You didn't do anything wrong. It isn't your fault. It has nothing to do with you.

She would suddenly shake her flight path with a bit of turbulence, giggling softly through their connection as she was intending to shake him up a bit to get his mind off it,

So quit those dumb guilty feelings, you white-haired bastard. You're flying on your girlfriend-turned-giant mythical bird's back, enjoy it a little~!

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:10 am

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: FamilyJules - Song: Memory of Lightwaves

'Shaddup, I'm not a little kid...'

Despite the teasing, he found himself smiling, gently running his hand over her feathers, his gaze relaxing as he turned his head up to look at the sky, reaching up with his other hand to let his arm float aimlessly in the wind. However, the silence after his question quickly turned the feelings of calm into anxiety, and the answer she gave didn't help all that much.

Something still felt off. He still felt like there was something that he either wasn't getting or something that he didn't know -- and both of those only served to stir that sickening feeling of anxiety, discomfort, and irritation in his stomach. But, as she started to move around some, shaking the human from his place and causing him to grip on tighter, he chuckled lightly, not taking long before it turned into casual, jovial laughter as he hung on for dear life.

Calypso soon returned to her regular speed and flight path, and Vanyel readjusted himself on her back. His smile soon returned, and, for some reason -- even with such a small action, he could feel more at ease. His cheeks tinted the faintest shade of red at the teasing notion of her as his girlfriend, something that faded as quickly as it came. Even after the mild madness that had occurred, he reveled in this warm moment, his smile, for once, feeling genuine as he turned his gaze to the sky once more.

'I like the new look, by the way. The, uh...normal you, y'know?'

The human chuckled softly as he leaned back, supporting himself on his hands and arms.

'If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were copying my hair!'

His smile faded for a moment as his mind went back to the Eris Family, and the somewhat obvious, and a most likely influence on the change. He sighed softly, shaking his head as he tried to slowly move a bit further up Calypso's back.

'Gotta say, this is kinda nice. Never really flown like this before, out in the open. Always been in a plane, thirty-thousand feet in the air for twelve hours. Wouldn't mind doin' this more often, it's...pretty peaceful up here.'

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:31 pm

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

You definitely sound like one~

The demon's large wings spread effortlessly as they floated atop the clouds, the young one making sure she wasn't going so high that Vanyel would suffer from any oxygen deprivation - Lungs were such fickle things. She kept a close watch on his emotional state, being unwilling to let him be shaken into such a state of self harm like that again.

Normal me, huh? Van, there isn't a single 'normal' me, ya sillyhead. This form is also a normal me. Actually, I don't think you'd ever be able to even see my full body, ever.

She would jovially laugh through the connection as her form slowly sunk from the sky, humming gently, It's too big for me to draw out, even if I could you'd probably go nuts looking at it. But... As far as my human form.. Thanks... But I'm not copying your do, Vainyel~

A sense of the woman smiling would glow in their connection as he was rather impressed with the little trip they performed, prompting the young one to cheerfully reply,

We can do this as much as ya want, whenever you want~ As long as im not busy at least. Wanna dive?

But it was too late, Calypso was already folding her wings, tilting down headfirst as her voice rushed with ecstasy, Hang on tight, whether ya wanna or not~!

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Thu Jun 04, 2020 3:23 pm

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Persona 4 Golden - Song: Snowflakes

"Well...fuck you."

Vanyel grumbled at the comment, unable to really think of a good retort to what she said, and that was the first and only thing that came to his mind. Regardless, what she said next caught his attention: That there wasn't any true "normal" form for her, that her humanoid form was also a "true" form, and that he wouldn't even be able to see her true, full body.

He remembered hearing about something like that, though it was in reference to Cthulhu and the concept of infinity, how the regular mind could never process it because of being, well, infinite. It was impossible to conceptualize and visualize with both the limitlessness and the limitations of the human mind. It was a bit disappointing since there was that curious part of him that wanted to see it purely to see it, but part of him just wanted to see her at her core. To have that knowledge that it couldn't happen was, to say the least, a little disheartening.

But, his thoughts were quickly swayed to the teasing nickname Calypso called him. The man just rolled his eyes, groaning as he shifted his position, still holding onto her feathers.

"Piss off..."

The thought of being able to fly like this more often was exciting, almost to a childish level -- being able to just soar through the sky like this, even if it was on her back, it gave him a sense of giddiness, even more so, deep down, that it was with her. He enjoyed spending time with her, and he didn't mind at all that it was with the "restriction" due to his inability to fly freely. But, as she asked if he wanted to dive, he was about to say to give him a moment to readjust.

But, before he could answer, Calypso quickly folded her wings in, proceeding to divebomb to the ground, and Vanyel quickly grabbed onto her and held on for dear fucking life. as he screamed:


Despite the sudden nature of it, Vanyel still couldn't help but burst out laughing. The thrill of speed like this, falling from such a high distance and feeling the wind pass through his clothes, over his skin, through his hair, it was exhilarating. He was laughing the entire way down, even if he was hanging on for dear life. A surge of adrenaline pumped through him as they made the drop, and he was loving every last second of it.

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Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv]

Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:28 pm

Carry On [Caly/Vanyel/Ulv] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The sound of Calypso's adrenaline-spiked laughter would echo through their connection as they raced to the surface of blue, thoroughly enjoying it and Vanyel's own enjoyment as she would briskly spread her wings not too far from hitting the water. Instead, her flight path would suddenly be shifted into going straight, the sight of land not too far off as the bullet of an Asthavon slowed, and flapped her wings, rising back into the sky with the cool breeze touching her body's undertones,

Ya liked that, huh?

Her physical body panted a little bit, but she clearly sounded like she enjoyed it, soon they were flying over the land on their way to Vanyel's house, Calypso's head tilting sideways to get a view at the ground,

Man, the view up high's always so nice, right?

She then would rear her head to look at him, a silver eye eying him with care,

Didja think I was gonna drop you~?

A soft laughing sigh would escape through their mental link, ..Don't worry, i'd never let that happen.

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