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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Mon May 18, 2020 5:06 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

“Mmm… That is a rather nice dress…”

Emerald eyes full of interest and uncertainty look intently through a window at a rather scandalous looking dress on display to attract customers into a particular clothing store. However, quickly, the individual removes her eyes from the display, quickly turning her head left and right taking notice of certain individuals throwing glances in her direction. Ah, that is fair considering the shop she was looking into sells lingerie. With a mighty blush adorning her cheeks, the woman turns and returns to her walk taking mental note of the many stores she has looked at but left alone and the many she has partaken in.

With a sigh, Helle found herself at a loss for why she’s where she is. How did this day begin anyhow? Her eyes moved to the sky as her mind returned to this morning, waking up and discovering that she had nothing to do at all in her office which meant the whole day was hers to do with as she pleased. Somehow that ended up with her visiting Karakura City. She did not know much about the city except for its history of high spiritual activity that used to plague the area. Now, everywhere is as active as Karakura, but she found her interest far too powerful to simply ignore and not explore the place. That ended up leading her into the market district which then caused her eyes to catch sight of so many captivating things: bakeries, candy stores, jewelry, clothing stores, stalls of many trades. The list goes on and on, and with her experience so fresh, it became nearly impossible to ignore everything. Ah. How Helle forgets her true age when stressed out from work. Though, the thought of anyone she knows catching her acting so youthful would surely distress her to no end. She is a figure of power. A captain. However, the bag she carried over her shoulder filled with sweet and spicy desserts pointed otherwise.

She’s dressed rather abnormally too: A simple white blouse that hugged her chest a bit too snugly with a long navy blue skirt and black slippers. To make matters worse, the blouse’s collar is held together with a navy blue ribbon. Helle finds herself missing the authoritative air that she is used to and feels like nothing more than a modern woman, maybe a teenage girl is a better analogy with how she is reacting to every new thing. And, of course, her mind could not help but think about him, Cyrus. Every time she sees a new clothing store, she stops to wonder how he would think of her in a certain outfit, and that causes her to feel nervous and bad at the same time, bad because of Cyrus’ condition but also nervous that whatever she may wear would actually prove effective. So nerve wracking, but it has her, once more, stopping before a window looking at another outfit, this one being a loud red ball gown. Still, her eyes show unease about such interests. And yet, she simply could not move from her spot, now right now. Her mind is lost imagining her life as the princess instead of the knight.

Unarmed Savant

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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Wed May 20, 2020 8:29 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

"Blonde hair is so not my style."

After finally getting permission from Big Brother Asher to have a two month free period, Maria had packed up her stuff from her depressingly tiny home in their similarly tiny community in America and began her travels around the world. Like every other time she traveled, the woman was of course doing her research into the whereabouts of Anton Fang. No matter what came up or what good thing happened to her until now there was no way she was going to just up and get over it, not while being reminded of what he did to her every single day of her "life".

With a great huff, Mimi flipped the now blonde hair over her shoulder as the she eyed her appearance in the rundown bathroom mirror. It wasn't like her to be melancholy about things like that, what's done was done, and she was going to get him one way or another. Changing her appearance to look more like a human wasn't something she enjoyed all that much. Rolling dull red eyes, the slender woman exited the washroom and ignored the Japanese man who called out to her in the living room just before she slammed the door closed behind her. She had seduced the man to let her stay the night there, as she hadn't gotten the transferred money from Big Bro yet. He tried his damnedest to get in her pants but she smoothly kept him at bay by threatening to cut his family jewels off if he dared to touch the temple that is her body. He shut up after that, but he still ogled at her, and that was fine. Humans were so weird like that.

With a haughty sashay of her hips Maria made her way to the markets, the money should be on her card by now and she she needed supplies. What kind of supplies, you ask oh great world? Makeup, glitter, a curling iron because her last one broke, etc. These were all very important necessities, it's not a good look to go around looking like some commoner hoodlum. Well, not if you're Maria Sarasti, she's got an image to uphold. Chin high in the air, Mimi's heels clacked loudly on the ground as she moved around from shop to shop. Bags ranging from beauty supplies to a cake along with the large caramel frappe in her other hand, she looked and felt like some super important model. Which she totally was, of course.

Sunglasses glinting in the sunlight, Maria sashayed through a few more shops, looking to see if any outfits caught her eyes. As much as she loved her lacy leotard, she couldn't wear only this, that'd be outrageous! A crime against fashion, honestly. A soft hum escaped the tall woman as she strolled past a blonde woman, absentmindedly glancing at the store window, then pausing. She looked at the dress in the window, then at the woman, then back at the dress and made a face. Mimi scoffed, there was no way this chick was thinking about wearing that monstrosity, that'd be absurd. What year was it, 2020? Jutting out her hip, the blonde vixen turned fully towards the similarly tall woman and clicked her tongue loudly in order to garner her attention then jabbed her thumb that held her drink at the shop as she released her rant.

"You know, someone like me usually doesn't like to help to help commoners, but its humans like you that make it so hard to ignore. Firstly, there's no way you're buying that atrocious dress and that's a command! This is for the sake of divas everywhere, I'm trying to prevent a crime against fashion here. Secondly, what are you, 70? Why would you even look at that thing? You may be blonde, but that doesn't mean you have to be dumb, it's not a requirement you know!"

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch

Last edited by Mozy on Wed May 20, 2020 10:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Thu May 21, 2020 10:01 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

The dress reminded her of the small stories she read between her training and studies, remembrance of those whimsical tales causing her to daydream slightly of living in such olden times waiting for a prince to save her from a tower guarded by a dragon or choosing her out in a crowd of plenty. However, the longer Helle gazed at the dress, the stronger her feeling of silliness grew. Such an outfit would look ridiculous on her and be surely out of place in any setting, even if a ball. Gazing down at herself for only a second, Helle felt like she’s already dressed like someone’s grandma. Maybe she should go shopping for clothing that isn’t so old fashioned. Yet, the idea of wearing anything too hip caused her anxiety on what others would think about her due to her position. Ah. She just needs to find her style, yeah? If it works for her, then everyone else wouldn’t mind, but what if they don’t like the style that fits her? Ugh. Being one who puts duty over appearance really has her lost on what to actually do when thinking about her appearance when not on duty.

In her state of disarray, she barely caught whim of another stepping particularly close to her and stopping with a rather dramatic display between Helle and the dress. As soon as words were thrown about without care, Helle couldn’t help but jump slightly with shock, gripping her bag tighter as she turned her attention to this new woman. What was spoken, surely, caught Helle by surprise causing her face to bloom a red color slightly as she shyly threw her gaze to the display window, feeling somewhat ashamed for getting caught up in such a childish idea. Already, she was mentally berating herself, but someone else telling her what a wrong decision she could have made felt like icing on the cake. Surprisingly, Helle couldn’t muster a defence immediately despite the bravado she is known for showing. This is just another example of how far apart the Quincy Savant is from her everyday self. Yet, she didn’t stay silent forever and threw a nervous glance to this strange woman who stood near the same height as her but exuded such swagger that Helle, right now, could only dream of having.

“...I wasn’t planning on buying it exactly. It just reminded me of… the fairytales I read when younger. I’m not 70 either by the way…”

Her defense is pitiful at best. A grown woman gawking at something that others would find unappealing simply because of past memories. Some would think her a liar or just a little absent in the head. Helle didn’t even refute the commoner or blonde comment. Right now, she just wants to hide in her armor and put back on her powerful facade.

Unarmed Savant

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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Thu May 21, 2020 3:33 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

Maria scoffed, was this chick for real? Looking like that and she had the audacity to be this pitiful? The woman squinted at the blonde from behind her Gucci sunglasses and took a hard sip from her frappe, studying the human before her, eyes glancing all over her figure. The woman's sex appeal was nothing in comparison to her own great temple of a body, but it wasn't that bad she supposed, her breast were enough to catch eyes at least. And in the case of human males, that was their more simpler target anyhow, poor animals. Oh how great it would be to be so ignorant again, but years of living torments her so. Then she, painfully, decided to check out to see what the other woman was wearing and it made Mimi groan in distress. What else did she expect when she showed interest in that gaudy dress, not to mention the "fairytales" daydream. Was this some late blossoming virgin? Impossible, not being while being this blonde and dumb, she refused to be believe otherwise. The fake blonde flipped her hair in annoyance,

"You're not a kid anymore, get a reality check. Fairytales aren't, let's get that in your thick head first of all! Secondly, what in the Hell are you wearing? Is this just your thing, grandma clothes? For fucks sake, your breasts are about to rip your shirt open! You've got the bod, but not the brain, so let me tell you something very important; your goods may not be as good as mine but you've got more than enough to show it off, fuck everyone else's opinion!"

Shuffling the bags in her arm, Mimi opened her fur leopard print coat to show off her body and leotard to the woman as a way to further make her point. She sighed and shook her head, what was with this generation? Were they all this clueless? Who in God's name let this pitiful creature outside while violating the laws of fashion and womanly dignity? Humans really were like little puppies, always needing to be led around and helped. Pathetic, but cute nonetheless. Maria smirked, then stuck her nose up in the air, completely anything this chickpea had to say to her, Because you are oh so pitiful, I, the great Maria Sarasti, will help right the universe by fixing the disaster that is you. Don't worry, no need to thank me or anything, I know you must be just overjoyed but please do contain yourself. I'll do my best but don't blame me if you can't compare to my temple, not many do, but fret not little chickpea, I'll make you a slightly worthy contender. Follow me!". Turning on her heel, Maria click-clacked her way down the street, in the opposite direction of that ridiculous excuse for a clothing store. Seriously, was that like some time rip thing? No one wears any of those clothes anymore, unless they're some weird gothic crap, which was so not the move. She only stopped to throw away her now empty cup of coffee and to turn to the blonde to make sure she was following. Eyeing her, Mimi gave a hard 'hmph' and made a face as she studied her once more quickly then snapped her fingers and smirked as a thought suddenly occurred to her.

"So, what is this for, so I know just how badly I should make you sexable. A date, some casual play, tinder, or what? Be honest with me here, princess chickpea, after all, I am your fairy godmother since you like fairytales so goddamn much."

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch

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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Fri May 22, 2020 11:29 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

Sex appeal? When Helle had stepped out today, she did not have the intention of attracting the eyes of those around her to her body. That’s the last thing she wanted out of today. Yet, she would be lying if she completely denied that there is a desire to appear… hot. However, modesty calmed those thoughts whenever they arise. However, it felt weird to hear that fairytales didn’t exist in a world where an average person could destroy cities whenever they wanted to if left to their own devices. Guess that just goes to show that once many are capable of something, it’s no longer just a fairytale. Helle would have wondered how fairytales would have been shaped if life were just this advanced as it is in the past, but she’s left little time to pull her thoughts together in a truly cohesive manner before whoever this stranger is shows her a rather immodest scene.

The woman has no pants on with a very tight outfit covered by just a flashy coat that brought attention to her easily. Helle couldn’t help but look down at herself again with a slight blush at the outfit she has on. It’s modest and she thought it cute, but she also got a size that wasn’t exactly fit for someone with her assets by accident. Maybe it wasn’t a complete accident though. Maybe she did want others to look if only a little. When she was younger, she adored the attention she got from the elders and other kids until it all turned sour. Now, she always tells herself that she should work towards her goals and ignore everyone else who tells her otherwise. That desire to be noticed, if only by a bit, must still linger, and that fact causes her to become even more intrigued with this woman, if not completely afraid of her.

Ah. So scary! Help? Help from this stranger who hasn’t even given Helle her name? Things are moving too quickly, but Helle felt that she must listen to this woman’s wishes whether she truly wanted to or not. Is this how people back at home felt whenever she paraded around in her armor issuing orders and corrected issues. Helle couldn’t help but wonder who out of all her coworkers respected her or feared her. Maybe she should lighten up while on duty. Yeah… Though, again, she’s getting caught up in her thoughts. She didn’t even realize she was following behind this other woman like a dumbstruck puppy until the gal turned around and gave her a once over again. What?!

“Sexable? A date? Ah… Uh… Erm… I didn’t exactly come out here to… become… like yourself… It’s just a day off from work…”

Oh gosh. Oh jeez. What even is Tinder? It doesn’t matter exactly, but those accusations send her mind skyrocketing to the clouds with thoughts of her body actually being viewed and touched in such ways. She’s always worn her body to protect her interior and exterior, so the idea of someone being able to touch her flesh as they pleased in such manners… She could have fainted right there from the mere thought of it. And, what if it’s him… Ah… Dammit. That deep voice is resounding in her head as she reveals clothing suited for a woman of her shape, suited to seduce any man in this world… All for him… Her eyes would have spun in circles if they could, and her face shows her dirty thoughts all too plainly with how guilty her expression became.

“...I… I don’t know if this is for me… I’ve never dressed up for anyone or anything or anyplace. You’d be better off helping some other confused woman. We don’t even know each other.”

Ah. She’s trying to escape. She’s afraid of what will come of this day. Will she hate a makeover… or will she enjoy it? Would he like that she’s prettier? AH! Get these thoughts out of her head. She’d probably look nice in a leotard though… Eek! Bad! Shoo! Shoo!

Unarmed Savant
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Sun May 24, 2020 9:42 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

"I just told you I'm the great Maria Sarasti!"

Maria huffed, with a life so short why was this human wasting such precious time worrying about such small details? Why, when she was human, she...! A lump caught in her throat and she stopped that train of thought immediately, locking it to the back of her mind with a vengeance. There was no reason to dwell on the past, the present is all that matters right now. Besides, melancholy was so not her style. The woman pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation, at both the woman, herself, and the blonde's incompetence. Then she frowned at the other woman, crossing her arms across her chest as much as her bags would allow, "Were you not listening, princess chickpea? Names aren't important! Someone as great as myself has declared herself your fairy godmother, you should be a grateful little human and accept this once in a lifetime opportunity! Of course, you'll never be as me but everyone has to have something great to compare themselves to!"

Mimi chuckled to herself, amused by this human's wide-eyed virgin look she seemed to have adopted. She was obviously conflicted by the way her body language was reacting. It was almost cute. Humans really were such adorable little creatures, or at least the ones there basically monsters were. The blonde watched with interest as the other woman obviously seemed to have some sort of inner conflict, looking like someone who was denying herself the pleasures of life. A chickpea through and through it seemed. Then Maria sighed and clapped her hand on the other's shoulder, preventing them from escaping just yet as she pressed closer and pressed her lips close to the taller woman's ear.
"Look, kid. It's plain as day that you aren't even sure what you want, so let me give you some advice. Don't let what others think hold you back, you don't have to dress up exactly like me, but you also don't have to be a stickler for some lame reason like 'keeping up appearances'. If you do that your whole life, you'll be grey by thirty! Take it from someone's who's experienced it all, don't let anyone or anything hold you back." The look in her eyes were somber and sad, but the look was quickly replaced by haughty embarrassment as Maria snatched her hand away from her and covered the bottom half of her face, cheeks reddening slightly as she sputtered, "B-besides, you'll never be as great as moi but that doesn't mean you can't try! Yeah?!". To cover up her own embarrassing stutter, Mimi threw her head back and laughed, hands placed firmly on her hips to belt it out from deep within her belly. Stupid small, puppy humans, always making her let her guard down!

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch

Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) 1qVEv1a Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) SIhKoY9 Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) TM2tm1A
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Sun May 24, 2020 11:22 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

Maria Sarasti… Oh… Helle must have blanked out a bit the first time Maria gave her name. The woman sort of came in like a wrecking ball and didn’t slow down much at all once she got started. It had caught Helle off guard a good bit. Though, that time of confusion had begun to pass as Helle started to control her thoughts and get a better grasp of herself and the situation she’s in. Of course she still feels out of place and ignorant to Maria’s lifestyle, but the blonde Quincy felt that there’s something peculiar about Maria. First off, the fact Maria kept referring to Helle as human made it clear that the other blonde isn’t human. What she is eludes Helle however because she’s never met a Sueki before. In fact, curiosity killed the cat, and Helle wanted to ask more questions to learn a bit about her new “fairy godmother”, but a quick hand slapping down on her shoulder snapped her out of her thoughts and put her focus entirely on Maria.

That was a rather solemn message. Helle did not expect something like it to escape from Maria’s mouth. The woman seemed far too egotistical to share such heartfelt advice. The emotion that overtook whatever swagger Maria held felt all too real to be just a show, and Helle couldn’t help but wonder more about Maria. The blush that bloomed on her acquantance’s face told Helle enough not to pursue the subject despite how comically Maria tried to play it off. At that moment, the worry and nervousness Helle had shown seemed to fade somewhat as she smiled gently and decided to actually follow along with Maria’s wishes, even if they’ll end up embarrassing her down the line.

“Yes… I doubt I could ever be as carefree and great as thou, but names are important. Instead of chickpea, let’s try Helle. Helle Armstrong in fact, but Helle works well enough.”

There seems to be little desire to actually go against Maria’s extravagant, if not cocky, personality. Despite all the worrying and mental distraught that was caused, Helle finds the situation to be enjoyable deep down. Not ever has she met someone that spewed such bravado. And, ignoring Maria’s slight hiccup, Helle takes the lead in their little adventure stepping past Maria and down the street with little idea of where she is supposed to be heading. Though, she feels that this is just enough to help her friend get back into her groove and take charge of the situation again. Oh… What has she gotten herself into? Ah, but it’s sure to be fun, right?

Unarmed Savant

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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Mon May 25, 2020 4:01 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly


Uncomfortable now with her show of weakness, Mimi coughed awkwardly into her hand and waved away the woman's introduction. "Like I said, names aren't important! The soul is what really matters, in more ways than one.". Then she straighten up her posture and readjusted her sunglasses. She wasn't going to lose her macho twice with some pathetic blonde human, not unless she wanted to just jump off a cliff right afterwards. And that definitely was not happening any time soon. Gusto back in full swing again, Maria sashayed her back to Helle's side, head swelling with childish arrogance as she slowly rose her nose into the air. The little human had finally admitted that she could never be as great as herself and it brought a stupid grin to her lips. Oh this was going to be sun, she loved it when people stroked her ego, it really rustled her jimmies!

With a snooty giggle, Mimi looped her arm around the blonde's and steered her to the right, towards a store that displayed strappy and slightly revealing dresses in its windows. She smirked, they weren't exactly her style, too restricting, but not something she wouldn't turn down if asked to wear. "These should do nicely for someone like you, then afterwards I could totally give you some tips on your hair and the perfect makeup, it'll be rad!". Pushing the door open with a hard shove, Mimi announced her presence to the shop workers and to any other customers who might have been in the building. "Listen up, fours, a twenty is speaking! My princess here needs the best of the best you've got in this shoddy little shop. You want an increase in sales? Bring me your five best dresses, hold nothing back!". Her announcement finished, the tall woman strut to the back of the building as if she owner the place, dragging Helle in tow beside her. However, once they reached a more secluded area in the backrooms, the dressing rooms to be exact, Maria shoved the woman in front of her, while dropping her previous shopping bags beside her on a bench and gave a sharp demand, "Take your clothes off."

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch

Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) 1qVEv1a Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) SIhKoY9 Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) TM2tm1A
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Mon May 25, 2020 9:03 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

Eh? But names are important. How else are they supposed to remember their time together if they don’t even know each other’s names? Even if it does seem somewhat minor, it’s a crucial step in creating a bond necessary for more moments like this to occur. Though, Helle didn’t intervene with her thoughts seeing how enlightened Maria had suddenly become, again, for some reason. Maybe it was something Helle had said because Maria’s shit eating grin spoke volumes to the blonde Quincy.

And, to the right they’re suddenly going. Helle wasn’t prepared for the sudden correction in direction and, upon seeing their destination, her small smile turned wryly with nervousness at the site of the revealing strappy dresses. Wait. They’re heading here? Helle remembers spotting this shop as she was walking, but she had immediately dismissed trying anything inside. Now, she’s being dragged right into the dragon’s den, and oh boy. She has no idea what is about to happen within.

“Wait! Nicely for me? I don’t think such things are safe for work.., or any situation for that matter…”

Ah, but her protests are worthless, aren’t they? The two are already inside the shop, and Maria is already making a racket like she’s a superstar ready to close the place down if they denied her. The best? For her? Helle doesn’t know what to say to that, but if it’s the best, it can’t be that bad, right? Right?! Oh… In total dismay, Helle gave in because there’s just no beating Maria. To the back they go, and with the command to take her clothes off, Helle finds herself hesitating; her face showing clear signs of giddy nervousness.

“Eh… Maria. Are you sure this is okay? I mean, I know I sort of agreed to this but, can’t we start a bit more modest, yeah?”

Unarmed Savant
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Mon May 25, 2020 2:34 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

"Didn't I say I'm your fairy godmother? Stop worrying and trust me!"

Maria waved away Helle's worries dismissively, she just told her to not hold back, and the best way to do that was to dive headfirst into the water like a dehydrated man in the desert. That was how the saying went, right? Yeah, totally. She flipped her hair over her shoulder again, then paused to instead put it up in a high ponytail with one of the scrunchies she bought earlier. She needed to focus for this, otherwise the chickpea was gonna escape her clutches then her day would be reduced to going back to seducing another man to let her sleep in their home. Maybe she should feed on the previous human that let her stay? She as upholding this appearance for a bit now and she was definitely going to need a big meal later to compensate for it. Ugh, but this wasn't the time to think about her meal plan, focus!

Mimi folded her arms over her chest and stared at Helle, a slight frown pulling at her lips. She had basically already dismissed the blonde's concerns from her mind, back to doing whatever the hell she wanted as per usual Mimi style. She was now studying the other's physique, pinpointing her best bodily features and what she could focus on for her outfit. Helle's body shape was pretty voluptuous, similar to her own greatness, almost enough to damage her own ego were she not steadfast about her own confidence. Maria hummed, her hips were a bit wider than her own though. Placing her hands on the blonde's hips, she attempted to gauge her hip size then slipped her hands up to shoulders with an inquisitive hum. Stepping back she snapped her fingers as if a thought suddenly occurred to her as a mischievous grin spread across her lips. "Helle, you stay right here, look all cute and stuff. I'm gonna go grab a dress, because these people are apparently clueless to when a queen and princess enter their shoddy little hellhole. And don't worry, I'll try to adhere to your modesty." She said the last bit with an exaggerated eye roll but strutted off nonetheless, looking for someone to help her find what she was looking for.

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch
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