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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Mon May 25, 2020 4:18 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

Ah… Helle can hear her mind moan and groan. Stop worrying?! If Helle stopped worrying, she might find herself on a corner waiting for some pimp’s car to pull up and take her who knows where! Maria may be trying to help Helle, but Helle knows for a fact that they’re not on the same thought patterns. Well, arguing has gotten her nowhere with Maria, so she might as well comply and keep things rolling. Helle knows herself. If things get out of hand, she can just pull it all back together. She may appear timid, but she’s actually a mighty lion. Yeah, a mighty lion.

Anyway, Helle actually starts undoing the buttons to her blouse before hands are around her waist. “Eep!” Hey…” Though, Helle silences herself seeing how Maria looked deep in thought. Ah, she’s just feeling her up to get a better idea of her size, yeah? Yeah… That better be what’s happening here. Helle couldn’t help but let her mind return to Ulv and how that turned out. Things shouldn’t be like that with Maria though, right? No way would this woman dare suggest teaching her the ways of the bed or pocketing weird gadgets in her dresses. That mischievous grin however… But, before Helle could say anything, Maria is talking again and leaving just as fast. That eye roll didn’t help Helle feel like Maria is out to find something modest. Well, either way, it’s best to get undressed, so Helle does, leaving her in simple white undergarments. Maybe she is a bit too modest…

Unarmed Savant
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Wed May 27, 2020 9:49 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

Shuffling dresses in her wake, Mimi was like a hurricane, fluttering through the shop like a madwoman, trying to find the specific dress she had in mind. She probably wouldn't live with her boobs out, so something that covered it well like a halter dress, but it definitely needed a slit! Which, she was totally not seeing anywhere in this sad, sorry excuse for a third-rate shop— A pause. "Oh.". Humming in thought, she reached out to touch the dress that seemed to pop out of her mind, testing the fabric. Polyester, which meant it would be form fitting on the body, a perfect dress to control the minds of any basic mortal male. A grin slowly started to slide across Maria's pink lips as she cackled to herself, oh the chickpea was just going to love it, she just knew it. Then the whispers of the shop's staff began to reach her ears and the blonde quickly ceased all laughter and instead turned sharply to the commoners, all mirth gone and replaced by haughty distaste. "I want to know who gave you peasants the order to talk, because I sure as Hell don't remember doing so. Go back to watching your soap operas and dreaming about the days you had a chance, hags." She clicked her tongue loudly in disdain and spun on her heel to return back to Helle, snagging a basic pair of strappy black heels on her way out, and ignoring the older worker's soured looks and disrespectful hand signs. She knew they ignored her original request anyway, what total losers.

Returning back to Helle brought a small grin to her lips once again, as if she stepped back onto cloud nine once she saw the blonde followed her order. Holding the dress on the hanger in front of her body, Mimi wiggled her hips in excitement as she put the dress on display against her own body. "Lookie, chickpea, isn't this the best? Personally, I would show off my breast and legs with a bigger slit, but you and your modesty.". Honestly, it had been so long since she had played dress up with other females. The ones in her pack were all rude bitches that hated on her swagger and she didn't like sueki any damn way, rotten bastards. But she did do it a lot with her little sisters in the orphanage! Granted, they didn't have many clothing options but she still remembered playing dress up and then having a mock fashion show, those days were the best. This interaction with Helle isn't what she had planned today, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth when a chance to reminiscent came knocking. Shoving the dress at Helle, she hurriedly ushered the woman into the changing room, squealing like a child in a candy shop. "C'mon, don't keep me waiting, little princess, I'm dying to see how it looks on you, and I'm not taking no as an answer!"

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Wed May 27, 2020 10:58 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

Mmm… Is she fat? Helle couldn’t help but look at herself in the mirror with her body turned slightly to get a better look at her own posterior. She’s just a healthy woman, yeah? It’s not fat. She’s trained her whole life. Her body is firm and taunt, yet, meaty still. She couldn’t help but hug her chest wondering if such large things are even necessary. This is the biggest reason she avoids such scandalous clothing. She doesn’t want people looking at her and imagining things. But, Maria is being so supportive, in her own aggressive way. Helle will at least try this new style for the woman. Maybe she will like it.

And, of course, Maria comes back at the worst of times while Helle is checking herself out which causes the blonde to jump and turn quickly to pretend nothing was happening. That dress is beautiful. Wait! She has to put that on? Helle found herself turning a shade of red at the idea. The chest area in particular has her mind racing. It amazed Helle that Maria would wear something even more revealing than this, but it also eased her mind that Maria at least found something that is somewhat modest. It proves that the woman isn’t all that ‘her way or no way’ after all. That makes Helle want to actually put the dress on, for Maria of course. Definitely not to sate her own curiosity. Nope. Ack! No time to think any longer it seems. Maria is pushing her to go get changed.

All alone again with a dress, Helle sighs. Well, it’s time to get this over with. It took only a few minutes for Helle to change. It proved somewhat difficult to actually fit into the dress. Maria might have gotten one a bit too small for Helle, but somehow the Quincy made it work, and stepping out awkwardly, Helle held her head down in embarrassment noting herself how the black dress hugged her thighs causing the thigh slip to reveal her thigh with every shift she made. Her chest fit snuggly, maybe a bit too snuggly. Helle pulled at the fabric around her neck as she hugged herself and gave Maria the most pitiful bashful look she possibly could.

“H-How… do I look?”

Unarmed Savant

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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Wed May 27, 2020 1:38 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

Thinking about her days in the orphanage brought out some unwanted feelings of melancholy that had her ruffling her ponytail in annoyance. That was the past, the only thing that mattered right now was the present and future. Besides, they were transferred to homes years ago, they should all be dead by now anyhow and that meant it didn't matter anymore. Ignoring the dull ache in her heart, Maria turned her attention back to Helle, who had reemerged from the dressing now room donning the skintight dress. Her dull red eyes lit up upon seeing how well the blonde filled out the dress , fluttering around her as she smoothed out any wrinkles and straightened out the edge of the backless area. Satisfied that the dress was now on properly, Maria stepped back to snap a quick picture on her phone and then gave Helle her approval. "Yes! You look good, man, I am such a genius, they should tell Titi Banks to move because I am clearly the next top model! And no you can't get this picture, this is for me only. And no I don't like you like that, I like men.". The blonde smirked to herself and flipped her ponytail over shoulder, clearly satisfied with her own work.

Now, she was just missing something crucial...Oh! The heels! Grabbing the strappy heels, Mimi shoved them into the blonde's hands, "You see if these are your shoe size, and if they aren't then come out and grab a pair that are. And switch back to your granny clothes, I'm going to go buy that dress and shoes, you come on out when you're finished! Don't take too little, little princess~" Maria winked at Helle as she strutted out of the dressing room, her previous shopping bags back on her arm. She was going to pay for that outfit and she couldn't stop her, no matter what the blonde said. Stepping in front of the checkout desk, Mimi's good mood changed back to haughty distaste at the sight of the older looking woman behind the desk who in turn gave her a sour look. Putting a manicured hand down on the dusty table, Mimi leaned close to the other woman, giving her a fake sugary smile as she held out her credit card. "Hello again, peasant! I'm going to purchase that dress I had earlier for my friend and those decent enough heels so if you could hurry up and get this rolling, the faster I could leave this shoddy little shop and exit your pathetic existence!"

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Thu May 28, 2020 9:01 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

Eh? A picture of her? That means this moment is going to be forever remembered. Helle would have preferred it stay undocumented, but it’s far too late to protest. Helle felt embarrassed about it, sure, but she didn’t think Maria did so because of an attraction. Helle doesn’t like women to such an extent, Cyrus being an exception for complicated reasons. Though, the true take away from this situation is that she actually looks nice. That compliment did wonders to improve Helle’s mood at the moment as she allowed a small smile to play on her lips. So, this is how it feels to allow the wind to brush against one’s skin so easily. This is how it feels to be beautiful. If only Helle’s younger self could see her now.

Heels come next. Wait! These things seem a bit taller than what Helle is actually used to, but they are still Heels. They shouldn’t prove too much of a problem to walk in. However, Helle has never worn such small shoes before in terms of toe visibility. At least she keeps her feet well so that wearing such things wouldn’t reveal a horrid mess. Call it dumb luck too that Maria somehow picked the right size for Helle. Her feet aren’t actually that big compared to the rest of her body. Bwah. Maria moves much too fast for Helle who’s still gawking at herself. Though, it only takes a couple of minutes for her to return into her ‘granny’ clothes. And, after looking so fabulous for a change, Helle can see how what she had on before this adventure appeared lame and dull. Oh great. Now she’s seeing herself like Maria saw her.

Anyway, Helle comes out of the dressing room with the dress and heels in tow appearing at the checkout desk beside Maria. Even the entranced Quincy could feel the tension between the two. She’s like a small toy poodle between two angry chihuahuas ready to tear into one another. She doesn’t seem disturbed by it. It’s actually a bit comical to see Maria grimacing about something else beside her looks.

“Now, let’s not start a fight Maria.”

Unarmed Savant
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Fri May 29, 2020 5:12 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

"But Helle, it's not my fault her husband left her for the new than down the street."

Maria smirked in cruel satisfaction as she watched the brunette woman's face began to heat up and turn beet red as her companion stifled a snort. Clearly embarrassed, the cashier snatched the items from Helle to ring them up as quickly as possible while Mmi smiled in clear victory. It was very childish but normal for her, it wasn't her fault if married men began to realize just how awful their wives were and tried to scurry to her, but even she denied them after draining them of their energy. It was just fun watching idiotic mortal men give up everything so easily. It was like a small game. Besides, this lady had looked a little familiar when she properly looked at her...Oh! She was the wife of the man she was staying with, she barely recognized her from the pictures. It made perfect sense now!

Snatching the bag and her credit card from the sad, sad woman, Mimi stuck her tongue out in a childish display, completely forgetting she didn't glamour her tongue to look like a normal human's and the two workers were shocked by the long forked tongue that waved at them as the blonde strutted out of the shop. Like usual, the blonde's strut was one of confidence, oblivious to her blunder and expectant of Helle to follow her out. Now, they had the outfit and matching shoes to go with it. Jewelry is fake and unnecessary, so that clearly was not going to be it. And, with a glance at her phone at the time, she was running out of time to really gussy up her hair before she lost the energy to uphold her human appearance. Maybe she could give the blonde a few tips instead? Maria stopped walking in the middle of the street and gripped her chin in thought, humming to herself. She really wanted to give her something else to really pop but knowing that chickpea she'll flush and squawk and say its 'too much'

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch

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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Sat May 30, 2020 8:23 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

Helle blinked, surprised by Maria’s comment but also not surprised. For some reason, Helle had expected such an insult from Maria. What she didn’t expect and doesn’t know is how true that statement is. Though, all it took was one look at the cashier to know that her marriage isn’t going well, and unlike Maria who seemed to glow with victory, Helle could only frown and wish the woman luck in finding happiness somewhere. Hopefully, it is not a happiness that leads to a life of repeatable misery.

Helle having nothing to say about this little sad exchange is quick to follow Maria out of the store just to escape the depressing atmosphere. Maria stepped with joy, but Helle moved with a little bit of slowness. She doesn’t know what is next for the two of them, but she does know that their personalities are way too far apart. Maybe that is what makes this work however. Helle is a passive woman while Maria is all about putting herself into the middle with her teeth showing. Maybe Helle could try to keep Maria’s personality a bit less oppressive? That’s a thought, but that would also mean that they’d spend more time around one another. Helle’s unsure if this is a once in a lifetime sort of meeting or something that will become the starting point of a long lasting friendship. It’s hard to tell right now.

“Hey. Maria?” Helle threw out a questioning call as they stopped again. “You shouldn’t have said all that to that woman. Honestly, I found it a waste of breath, but also, it was rather cruel.”

Now, Helle’s mind is moving on to her situation. She knows she would have hated if someone brought up her strange relationship with Cyrus, if someone were to remind her how pointless her feelings are. That’d hurt so much. Though, she’s sure Maria will just dismiss her concerns, but maybe having concerns is all that’s needed to calm the Sueki down a tone.

Unarmed Savant
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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:00 am
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 JSBPXNM

Maria | Social Butterfly

"In what way?"

Maria's frown tugged at her lips as she turned to face Helle. What was the problem? That woman was a blind prat, she just merely punted her back to reality, she got what she deserved for being that unsightly. Ah, but wait, chickpea was a 'nice' person wasn't she? Her eyes narrowed and a pout formed on her rosy lips, "It's not like I purposely took her husband, he came flying at me without warning...", she grumbled, not ever daring to lower her head but her chin did lower from its usual high spot by a bit. Truth be told, she hated cheaters, which is why she didn't care about using that man. He was an awful person, leaving his wife of years immediately like that, all it did was remind of Anton. Which is why she settled to drain him of energy later and kill him, people like that didn't deserve to live. But she didn't know Helle quite that well, she wasn't ready to explain all of that yet. Still...shifting her feet, Mimi clearly looked uncomfortable, as though deep in thought.

Then, the blonde let loose a long, defeated sigh. She was definitely too soft, but she couldn't help it. Her dull red eyes were looking everywhere but at the woman in front of her, arms folded under her bosom as she gave a reluctant huff. "Look, I'm sorry, ok? Maybe it was a bit too cruel...But she'll never learn to stand on her own if she keeps clinging to despicable men like that, they chew you up then spit you out like it's nothing and it's shitty." Her face gained a bit of coloring by the time she finished, both from embarrassment and exhaustion. She really needed to head back soon, she was going to pass out in the middle of the street at this point. Maria refused to be that that vulnerable in the middle of all these humans. What if Anton was in the area and caught wind of before she found her? Her face scrunched up at the thought, she'd rather die first before she let him see her in such a light again.

Mimi | Enter The Boss Bitch

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Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi)

Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:05 pm
Beauty and The Bitch (Helle/Mimi) - Page 2 GYzHSmv

Helle Armstrong

In what way? Her cruelty? Well, there is knowing that your significant other has broken their sacred vows and then, there is someone throwing such facts into your face as an insult. Helle is sure that the cashier was hurting already, and, most likely, her bad attitude was due to her misfortune. Maria’s attack will, most likely, cause the woman to simply fall further into despair than rise from her tribulations. Though, once Maria revealed her relation to this situation, Helle could not stop her emerald gaze from darkening into a brilliant grassy green as her eyes widened slightly. It was only a brief exclamation of Helle’s Reiatsu, but surely, Maria would feel the immensity of it at that instance, as if staring up into the night, dazzling stars painting the sky, amazed at how vast it is, moments before Helle staggers slightly as the area’s countermeasures to large amounts of energy kicks end causing her sudden nauseousness.

That is the moment that Helle broke eye contact with Maria with a drained wince, luckily, Maria had decided to let her more unsure side show itself. How strange. Helle did not expect an apology to slip from Maria’s lips. “Maria. Such tactics art deplorable. If thou desired for that woman to grow strong, beration was far from helpful.” Helle bit her tongue at hearing her speech grow weary; olden tendencies revealing themselves.

Maria seemed strange anyhow, as if needing a seat before fainting. Helle suddenly felt bad, herself, for letting her emotions catch up to her, and a sigh slipped from between her lips as she reached and placed a hand on Maria’s shoulder. “Thou may find supportive words more beneficial in later confrontations, Maria.” Despite what may have been felt seconds ago, Helle gave off nothing but kind and caring vibes with a soft smile painting her pale face with a, possibly too bright, sheen akin to the sun’s glow.

“Now, it grows late, does it not?”

Unarmed Savant
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