Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:02 pm
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


"Right, right, I gotcha, I follow. Er, I wouldn't necessarily worry too much about her and what she says, she's...not really normal, we'll go with. Obviously your name helps, but we'll need to look through the records and everything if we're gonna get anywhere."

Murasaki definitely maintained a cheery demeanor throughout all this, though inwardly she was more than a touch annoyed that Ulv had simply dropped this girl on their doorstep with little to no explanation for anyone. Then again, that made sense, she supposed. Or, well, maybe not made sense, but it was definitely in line with the norm.

"Walk with me, we'll head to the administrative offices and see if they've got any info that might help."

RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:19 am
"Yes, Ma'am." She bowed doing her best to be respectful and not lose it. This was probably the closest she had ever come to finding out what happened to her father this was not the time for rash emotions. She was also still soaked through from the rain of the human world. Her shirt was clinging to her.

"Maybe I should explain better as to why I am here and what has bee..." She stopped mid statement and glanced beside her. "Great what Wager do you want to make this time?" She was looking at the woman standing there rolling dice in her hand.

"Well I bet they have no information aside from your father was here. If I win I get control." She tossed the dice in the air and then caught the dice in her other hand.

"If I win you listen and actually start helping me instead of getting me into worse situations." Rikku was standing there talking to the air and sighed. She realized she had started ignoring Murasaki. She turned away from her inner spirit and looked at Murasaki. "Sorry Ma'am I have this hallucination that always makes my life a gamble."

Taking a few steps faster to catch up with her. "I was going to explain what's been going on in my life." Her voice was monotone now. "It might help with finding something in the library Ulv stated I should visit."
God of Love
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Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:15 am
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


"Er, no need to call me 'ma'am' or anything like that, that's all a little too stuffy for me. Just Murasaki's fine."

It was almost surreal, watching the girl interact so casually with her zanpakuto without apparently having any real grasp on what it was. Most people presumably wouldn't have made the connection to begin with, but when you're half-zanpakuto yourself, it's not so hard to pick up on things like that.

"Hallucination... Right, no worries, no worries. One thing at a time. Mmm... The library will probably be good, yeah, but I'll want to get all the paperwork handled on that, just so they know I gave you the Captain seal of approval to go looking through Gotei records and all that. Could be a headache if they didn't actually know, ya know?"

RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:58 pm
This place just started to feel weirder and weirder the more she learned about them. If they were some sort of military why was her father with them and why did her mother keep her from knowing any of it. the more pieces of the puzzle she got the more it seemed she was missing.

"So just like going to school, you have to get permission to go to the library" Though this seemed more akin to registering for a field trip just not needing your parent's permission. "Murasaki?" Rikku asked. "If I wanted to work here as my father did what would I need to do?"

She didn't realize that most of the steps had been taken already but she still hadn't awakened to her powers but she was able to be here and cross the threshold without getting crushed by the spiritual preassures around her. Though she didn't realize how much danger there was around her or just walking around this place was to her.
God of Love
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Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:20 am
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


"Uh, well, sort of. I mean, you're not really a member of the Gotei or anything, so we can't really just have open access to the records for you. I'm a Captain, so for me it's no big deal."

Idly, it occurred to Murasaki that saying something like "I'm a Captain" may not have actually meant that much to this girl at all. She didn't exactly seem familiar with the Gotei at all, not that it was super duper unusual or anything for a human to not know about the Gotei. It was just a bit strange of a situation.

"To work here? Well... That'd technically be under my division since you'd be a Substitute Shinigami, but you'd need to go through the Academy and stuff in the mean time to make sure you get all the fundamentals and stuff. There's a lot you've gotta learn for that, and you can only learn so much on the job. Plus, uh... I kinda just don't really know everything they'd teach ya, ya know?"

RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:07 am
She continued to walk with her watching the clouds roll across the sky and glancing about. The area seemed strange and she was still trying to understand it. Though she had been paying attention the point that caught her was the word "Academy" this caused her head to turn and she narrowed her eyes. Finally, that woman's words made sense to her.

"Was I going to be Late don't you mean I am late several years late." She whispered this though it wasn't as quiet as she hoped it would have been. "Fine Acadamy and the library searching for my dad in my free time."

Her mind wondered at what she would learn and frankly, she didn't care if she got home something her mother had hidden from her a truth she was just beginning to understand. Her father was apart of this place she hadn't accepted it completely for what it was. Rikku ignored the thought of being a substitute whatever she had said and frankly hadn't even asked what it was she accepted it because somewhere she felt it would bring her closer to understanding what had happened to her father all those years ago.

"Captain?" she asked in a quizzical nature as if maybe trying to ask her a question or ask about the title. Her shoulder shifted and she tossed her bag in front of her and pulled out a pin and notepad. She started jotting things down making notes of everything that she had learned and everything she didn't quite grasp.
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Morph OTY
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Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:47 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, and Solhammond Palliser was currently on his way to the academy. The reason for doing so was for some extracurricular studying he was doing in his off time, while he wasn't lacking in his general physical ability he was in the taught skills of the Gotei. The tattooed male was wearing his usual trousers he'd acquired from the Suika, and some slippers. His long hair in a pony tail, with his hands interlaced behind his head he'd be humming a small tune before stopping.

Ahead of him he saw a strange sight, which was Captain and some girl speaking. His footsteps stopping as he wondered if there was something wrong, before he saw her take out a notepad. This far away he couldn't tell what was being said, but it looked mildly interesting. Maybe the new girl needed some help, and besides, he didn't want his captain time entirely caught up. So he'd begin to walking over to them.


The smooth tenor of Sol could be heard as he walked towards them, undoing his hands behind his back. He'd offer a small smile to the two, probably a new face for both of them.

"Sorry if I'm intruding, but I'm you looked a little new here. I know Captain's can be busy, so if I can help anyway let me know. Ah! MY name is Solhammond Palliser, by the way. Kinda new to the Seventh." He'd offer a wide smile to the two. He thought it would be good to make some effort to help out.


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God of Love
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Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:21 am
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 3 NsOqTkn


Murasaki had been about ready to explain in more detail what being a Captain actually entailed, but was cut off by the arrival of one of the newer squad members. He was uh... Sol! Solhammond, that was right. He was...oh, yeah. Him and Chidori know, never mind. That wasn't important.

"Nice seein' you around, Sol, didn't think I'd run into you here. This is Rikku, she's here on family business I guess you'd call it. She can probably tell ya more than I can."

The entire situation was still more than a touch odd for her, so she was pretty glad to have someone else that she could bounce off of. Admittedly, she didn't know him too well at all, but maybe this'd be a good opportunity.

RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:43 am
Watched the man making his way over and her entire posture tightened and she jumped back putting the captain between the two of them have already been rushed before Ulv and Murasaki made it clear she was okay to be here she was not too keen on others. The wind that blew rustled her hair causing the blue and white streaks to dance and look almost like snow coming off her for a moment. she held the pen in her hand as if it were a blade.

As Murasaki started to speak to the man her posture calmed and moved back to its natural state as that empty look in her eyes made her look lost in thought. she quickly put the pen into the note pad and put it back into her bag and nodded to him. "Yes I'm Rikku it is nice to meet you Solhammond." her voice even sounded detached aside from the fight Murasaki had seen her in earlier with the Zanpakto spirit though she didn't even carry a Zanpakto or know how to manifest the item. The spirit was there and all too ready to give her grief.

"Yes, it's Family business my father worked here and 12 years ago he never came home.." Here came the more flared-sounding emotions the anger and almost hate that she held for the place that took her father from her. "I want to know what happened why he never came home and why this place meant so much to him that he would abandon me."

Rikku took a deep breath and looked at them and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as tears pricked the edges of her eyes. as the depression of remembering it was starting to set in. She forced herself to remember why she was here and opened her eyes and forced a smile upon her face. "I'm also going to join the academy and search the library for information on my father in my spare time." speaking as if she was already in the Academy and okayed to study in the library.
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Morph OTY
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Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:03 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Sol listened to what his captain had to say, over a small nod. That wasn't too strange, he was sure there where resources in the Gotei to help out with whatever she needed. The new captain-commander, whom technically was also his queen (that was still weird), was definitely on point when it came to organization. But for the meantime he simply listened to what they both had to say.

When Rikku finally explained the situation to him, he was silent at first. The smile on his lips shifting a bit faltering. Perhaps it merely struck a cord with him, as if a personal grievance was brought to the surface. But as quickly as it arrived it was pushed downward, barely able to be caught by anyone. He'd crossed his arms in front of him thoughtfully, thinking for but a moment.

"It's a pleasure Rikku." He'd say, before adding on. "That's a very admirable goal of yours." He'd uncross his arms as he looked to the academy building from afar. A small rumble escaping his lips, before speaking again. "It ain't entirely the same, but I had a brother. Went off somewhere and still hasn't come home yet. So I getcha'. If you need any help in your searchin' just let me know. Most people in the Seventh division are helpful like that."

He wasn't as experienced as others, especially Murasaki, but he did seem genuinely invested in helping the young woman. He knew well the feeling of a lost family member, and while he wasn't sure what path lay ahead of the girl she'd probably need help. And if there was anyone on this planet who understood how important a helping hand was, it was the grey-greenish eye'd shinigami.

"I'm on my way right now, we could go get your enrolled right now if you want."


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