Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Sun Feb 07, 2021 12:51 am
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 4 NsOqTkn


Murasaki listened carefully to both Rikku and Solhammoned speak, thinking about the situation. It was pretty weird for people to just go totally off the grid like that, wasn't it? Usually there was something to track down, even if it was just a Zanpakuto or somethin'. Though honestly, with all the changes in the Gotei just in the last 10 years or so, it didn't surprise her too much...

"Well, there's a lot of things that might've happened. Not really any way to be totally sure until we can take a look into everything. Wouldn't be surprised if all that stuff with the demons a few years ago made it pretty hard to keep track of some things."

It surprised Murasaki at first that Solhammond was going to the Academy, but then she remembered that he, too, was pretty new to the Gotei. Maybe it was just that he seemed like he at least sort of knew what was going on.

"If you're heading over, Sol, that'd be a super big help. I haven't been to the Academy besides helping with some lessons in a pretty long time now, so I don't know my way around like I used to."

RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sun Feb 07, 2021 2:40 am
Rikku's eyes shifted between them listening to their words hoping to get some information to start with. She swung her bag around in front of her again and pulled the note pad out again and clicked the pin and started to jot some notes about this and circled a few key terms on the page that she recognized and then closed it slipping it back into her bag slipping it back over her shoulder.

"Thank you both." Rikku would bow and then look to Sol who had offered to take over escorting her around she felt like she was being bounced around and unwanted. Remaining neutral at this point as this was a normal state for her and she glanced in the direction Sol had been looking. "Don't we need to get me registered or are you able to just take me there and get me into classes?"
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Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:03 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Yeah I figured we'd get you registered, I mean I can take you to that point- but I do gotta attend my own classes."

Sol would acknowledge with a light smile. While he couldn't help with everything he was sure that at least giving her some escort for her first day would go a long way to making her more comfortable. While he didn't know how truthful that was, he was going to make the attempt to see. So raising his hands into the air stretching lightly, he'd look over to the captain.

"Do you plan to accompany us? Be nice for people to see a captain come around." He'd laugh lightly. In truth, the newer recruits may be a bit shell shocked to see one; and that outta be amusing to see. But it was clear that he was being lighthearted about the whole affair.


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God of Love
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Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:47 am
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 4 NsOqTkn


"Hey, no prob! I'm totally happy to help."

Murasaki offered another cheery smile, not wanting the girl to seem like she was just a hassle or anything. She was definitely confused by the whole situation, but she wasn't the type to just leave anything half-done. And she definitely wasn't one to leave if it was a person in need.

"I'll definitely come with. I wanna make sure we get Rikku all squared away in the Academy, and all that, get the paperwork handled. Plus it'd be better if I went with her to the archives myself, ya know? Make sure she can actually get all the right info."


RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:16 am
Rikku watched them both, with a nod of her head she followed them to get the paperwork sorted out she figured that would be the most annoying part of this and let them lead the way. "Murasaki once we are done with the paperwork I think it best I get to the Academy straight away and start with my classes so that I may better understand this crazy..." She paused for a moment before she realized this wasn't a company this wasn't just some corporation this was another world. "World my father was apart of."

When Rikku entered the building that they had been leading her two she pulled a pen out of her bag again. "Do you use pens here or is it still a brush or quill?" she realized that there was a major difference in technology and time period but wasn't quite sure how far it would go or even what was really going on but she figured the best place to start would be to learn who these people were that took her father from her.
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Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:42 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Yeah getting you to classes would be good, and uh, yeah the Academy uses pens. I know things look a little traditional hear, but they've really modernized. There's even a computer lab."

Solhammond let out a loud laugh, unable to contain himself at that. Like the girl was admittedly a bit culture shocked but all things considered it was all in good fun. As he began to walk escorting the two women, he'd throw his hands behind his back as he walked. His long hair tied back at the neck with a simple binding, swaying slightly as they walked. If they didn't ask or say anything which required a response he'd give them the short walk towards the main office of the Academy.

As they entered he'd begin to walk towards a desk with a receptionist, wearing traditional shinigami robes with a pair of large spectacles. She looked up surprised, and inquisitively. "Afternoon, Kagami. This girl would like to enroll, into the academy." He'd look behind him nodding his head towards Rikku to step forward and fill out whatever forms they needed to. He'd take a step back of course standing next to his Captain patiently.

"Ah crap." He'd comment as he noticed the clock and the time, frowning slightly. "Might be late for practice. Oh! Murasaki did you hear, we're getting a basketball team!" He'd beam at her, his eyes closed from the wide smile. "Can't wait to play again."


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God of Love
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Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:53 am
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 4 NsOqTkn


"Oh yeah, totally! You wanna get all that squared away for sure, that way you're in the system and everything's a lot smoother."

Murasaki was about ready to answer Rikku's questions, but Sol handled it pretty well, so she figured she'd just let him do the talking for now. But then just as quick as he'd arrived, it seemed like he was jetting off again. Wait, they had a basketball team now? When'd they get that? Why'd they get that? Well, if people wanted to play...

"Off already? Alrighty, have fun. Try not to get all bruised up, yeah? I'll keep an eye on Rikku 'til everything's sorted out."

Once the paperwork had been handed over to Rikku (and there was a pretty decent amount of it), Murasaki leaned against the counter and started talking with the receptionist about getting a pass for the archives. She hadn't actually done this yet, so she didn't really know the process, but she'd figure it out.


RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:01 pm
Rikku sat there filling out the paperwork for what seemed like hours reading over it understanding some of it and other parts she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. She continued to work on the forms till she got to a question she didn't understand and asked a question in that soft voice she had that seemed empty. "Um, what's a Zanpakto?"

She truly seemed lost and not understanding what it was asking. "And why would it have a name or type?" She flipped through the next few pages skimming to try and get some sort of context as to what it was talking about.

The receptionist looked to Murasaki confused as to why she was wanting to register someone who didn't understand even the basics of what was being asked of her. but continued getting Murasaki the required forms to get access to the archives it seemed she now had just as much paperwork to fill out as Rikku did now.
God of Love
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Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:25 am
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 4 NsOqTkn


"Ah, don't worry about that. Do they really ask about that nowadays? I guess people keep showin' up with zanpakuto before they even get to the Academy, so might as well ask... Anyway, you don't need to bother with all those I don't think, it's not important for your stuff."

Murasaki shrugged at the paperwork before her, not too terribly surprised by how much there was. Once upon a time she'd have been able to just show up, flash the ol' Captain's haori and that would have been enough to get it all handled. But oh well, things were different now, especially with the Captain Commander modernizing everything. Not that it was a bad thing, but it was weird.

"We might be here a while, looks like."


RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:48 pm
She looking to the captain and put several NA's on the forms. seemed like it took forever to get all the forms filled out. Upon finishing the forms she set the pen down and stood there for a moment and looked about the area she wasn't sure what to say or what to think at this point.

The woman in the black dress showed up again. "You seem lost and alone we could always make another bet but remember there are always two sides to the same coin." She let that hang in the air for a bit before she continued. "yours and mine."

Riku Seemed unimpressed by the statement and didn't reply but waiting for Murasaki to finish her paperwork to find out if she needed to head to the academy or if they were going to the library for research into her father.
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