Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:02 pm

Her heart was aching, dully beating within her as she was lying in bed. The conversation with her mother ran her ragged, and her body wished nothing more but for rest. Her mind was wracked with sickly thoughts of Ulv's demise - she didn't know where she died. She didn't know when. She didn't know how.

She was angry with Ulv, for what she felt was her neglecting her and her needs, not being there in the capacity she could have been. She could have done more, she could have been there more, she could have instructed her more. But in the end, she couldn't even admit to Caly that she was dying. What was she supposed to think?

But... Of all times... That day, that day was the one, singular time, Ulv ever came to her. Ulv never came to people, it was always the other way around. Why did she not get that at the time? She came to her, sure she gave her a rage stick and melted her house, but... She came to her. Why didn't she see the significance of that before..?

And in the end, all she told a dying woman was to fuck off, pretty much.

She felt ill about that situation ever since, and upon realizing Ulv had died shortly after... She felt responsible. Nightmares about it popped up now and again, but every time felt like trudging through a ghastly mire, her mind left to 'what if's and overall forced to paint in the rest of that ugly picture with her lack of answers.

Lying in bed, her face dirtied with the tar of grief, her eyes would flutter shut, exhaling softly,

...I wish I could do that day over again... Maybe I could have done something better... Maybe I could have saved you..

...Ulv, I wish I could speak to you again...

Her consciousness faded...

...And then returned.

However, the dully lit room she was sleeping in was not what accompanied her sight, but rather an expanse of darkness, only lit by amber stars. She was confused... It didn't feel like her dream.

Where was she? Who's dream was this?

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:21 pm

Absolute Blackness


A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] 6EdIfMt

The amber stars were strange things. They were very much there, very much present. But like the ghost hands of Ulv that started the whole mess with Algos, they didn't seem to have any true presence regardless. The expanse of blackness was absolute, Calypso could not even see her own nose, it was so thick. And yet, denizens of such a plain evolved as required, and there was something out there, prowling. Stalking. A vicious predator that wanted nothing but the raw, dripping meat that Calypso had so kindly brought to it.

"Ohh, hey! There is something here!" spoke the darkness, a voice, gentle and soft. It was a lullaby of delight to listen to, a tone that seems to imply it wouldn't be able to sound angry if she tried. Certainly at odds with the feeling of the creature. Was the feeling just the manifestation of a fear of the dark? Fear of the unknown, or worse, fear of the known that you don't want to admit?

"How did you get here? Did I put you here or are you just a visitor?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:47 pm

Gods, she couldn't see anything in here... Even trying to lift and look at her hand, nothing. The darkness was so thick, she swore she was breathing it as she looked around. Her better judgement was hushed by intrigue - something about this place, this dream, felt... Strange, to the bleeding heart of the Danava. And well, it was better to occupy this apparent place of pure darkness than be faced with the twisted visions of your dead friend blaming you, so, there was that.

"Hello? There anyone here?"

She didn't receive a response, at least, not in the way she expected. Usually when she ended up in other's dreams, they weren't aware of her, or at the very least she could go about and find what was representing their self within the unconscious world their mind stitched together. But here? Nothing. Apart from the stars above her it was pitch black, she couldn't even get a read on any presences-

The sudden voice almost gave her a heart attack, the Danava stumbling a bit in the dark as she hushed a scream. Surprise, she could find her mouth even with this darkness. She settled quickly, listening to the presence that... Seemed less like a person before her, and more like something that surrounded her. It was an awful sweet voice, too - whoever this dream belonged to probably was more gentle-natured, and curious to boot.

"Uhhh, n-... Well, that's a strange question to answer, actually," She'd respond, trying to keep her voice level and gentle, she didn't want to freak this person out, "No, you didn't put me here. Yes, I would think i'm more like a visitor."

She hmmed softly, "As for how, well... I do visit dreams, but, this wasn't an intentional visit. I was just sleeping. I kinda just, ended up in here. Danava of Dreams and Nightmares, yknow?"

She'd chuckle awkwardly, "..So uh.. What's your name? Who are you?"

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:01 pm

Head Empty


A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] 6EdIfMt

Suddenly, with no warning, there was a tackle. Calypso might have been able to see it coming and move, if she could see anything. Sight didn't seem to be a problem for the woman however, which was sort of fitting given that it was her brain realm and everything. The ground was soft, mostly because there wasn't any ground, and the void was endless. People propped up in it by sheer belief that there was a floor.

"Awesome! My brain realm is empty because my brain is empty, but it's nice to have people that can come visit!" The voice exclaimed, hugging Calypso. "I'm Lethe! I don't know why, or where the name came from really. But I get the feeling giving myself names that have no real backing or reason is not a new thing so I just roll with it. I mean, if I have done it before then it can't be a terrible thing, can it?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:15 pm

Caly yelped and hit the surprisingly not at all hard ground with an 'oof', feeling as if some force had come to tackle her down, however she could tell it was not done with any malice, rather playfulness. She blinked at that odd descriptor, that her 'brain realm is empty' and whatnot, which just caused her to wonder what this being even meant. Like, she didn't know anything? Was she a newborn? Well, that greatly narrowed down what this being was, she just wasn't sure how she ended up in a possible new person's head.

But that name.. Lethe...

Memories that were not hers came into mind, before slightly shaking her head. There was no way, they couldn't be the same person. Even if they were, this Lethe clearly didn't recognize or wonder about her family at all... And with how things are now, maybe it's better off she didn't go looking for them.

"Yeah, not a bad idea at all. Guess you don't really have parents to call you anything, so you might as well call yourself something." She'd reach awkwardly into what felt like thin air in an attempt to pat her head, "..So.. Uh, where are you? Do you know? How long have you been... Uh... Aware of yourself?"

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:11 pm

Head Empty


A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] 6EdIfMt

The head was there, and fully accepting of being patted. She definitely seemed to like it, with the happy noise she made. Though the question was a tough one, and she had to do some counting while laying on the not-floor.
"Hmm. It's been about...five months?" Lethe would comment, nodding a little at that. It was about the right time, yea. "First of May, by the calendar. So yea, about five months" Lethe would then suddenly look up, and let go of Calypso.

"Ohh, customer. Be right back~" Lethe cooed, and then fell silent. Weither or not she vanished was impossible to tell in this dark. Though the age old 'swing your arms around' could always test the theory.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:53 pm

Huh, so she COULD be patted despite how dark it was. She was imagining this more to be a force-of-mind situation, but it was dark and apparently there was some interpretation of touch and feeling, so apparently this was a thing. Alright, okay...

"Five months..." She'd breathe. Wow. That was young. But honestly, didn't explain this level of head-emptiness, has she simply not experienced many things past birth? However, before she could question Lethe any further, she spoke of something bizarre as 'a customer'. What? There was nobody else here, what was she talking about?

"Lethe?" She'd call out, feeling that her weight was no longer on her, compelling her to get up and start walking around looking for her, carefully walking around with her arms out, "Leeethe? I thought nobody else was here!"

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 6:05 pm

Head Empty


A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] 6EdIfMt

"Gods. Is this what you do when someone says they are busy for a moment?" Lethe would ask Calypso with a grumpy, distracted tone. Calypso would quickly find the physical form of the woman she was talking to, but only after a minute was the hug returned.

"There is nobody here. This is my brain realm. But I am also working right now so I sometimes need to switch focus between the two" She stated, as if being awake while you were dreaming was totally a normal thing that everyone did. Given how young she was, she probably really thought that as well...

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:01 pm

Caly appeared.. Absolutely confused by what was going on. Suddenly, she was back, acting like she was disrupted from doing something. Was she actually not aware of the Danava? Was she actually just dreaming and only semi-conscious of her existence?

Well, that would have been what made sense until Lethe flat out told her that she 'was working' and 'needed to switch focus between the two'. She was flabbergasted,

"You're awake AND asleep!?" She'd spout in surprise, "I.. How? I mean.. Yknow what? Nevermind.."

She had to figure out why she ended up in this increasingly strange yet affectionate person's mind...

May 1rst...

And she was thinking about Ulv before she fell asleep... Maybe... Maybe her wish was granted?

She suddenly felt ill, yet excited, yet cautious. She wasn't sure what saying any of that would do, it probably would yield nothing... But she had to try...

".. Does... Do I ring a bell to you?" She'd ask, timidly, "My name is Calypso. Calypso Vael? Or Asthavon? I left my family? I'm... Kind of weird? Does the name 'Ulv' mean anything to you?"

Please. Please. Please.

Don't Be Ulv.

Please Please Don't Be Ulv.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] Empty Re: A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM]

Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:49 am

Head Empty


A Flicker In The Dark [Caly/Lethe] [DREAM] 6EdIfMt

Nevermind. Well, ok. Lethe was going to spring into a deep conversation about how she's totally cool like that, but she was going to never mind instead. And think about bells. Why would they be rung? Huh, what a weird person.

Everything however, froze when Calypso said her name. Her name~
"Yes!" She exclaimed, dragging Calypso in for a deep kiss. "Yes! That is what I have been looking for! I couldn't remember it for the life in me but now it's so right! Asthavon. I am a Night of Asthavon! Ohh, thank you so much Calypso!" She'd very excitably kiss Calypso's lips once more. Both times the girl seemed to know how to kiss just right in a way a Demon so young really should not.

In all her excitement, the name 'Ulv' seemed completely lost.
"I don't have the brain juice to drag you out of my head right now, but if you are real then you could come to me? I'm in Chaya~"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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