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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:45 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - here

To be within the combat division, would be the equivalent of being the best. Anything less than that would be naught but a mockery of the name, and to actively choose to be lesser than the best would be like spitting in the face of those that have made it their duty to ensure only the best were apart of this division. That was but one reason Shura cared little for the rank of any one individual, even the Taicho. In her eyes, if your combat potential was lacking, you were nothing more than a detriment to the true potential of the division known as the combat division, the single best division in the entire Gotei United.

Shura held herself on quite a tall pedestal sure, yet she was never afraid to accept a challenge or, more accurately, start a challenge. She made it a habit to challenge any and all new comers that stepped into the training yards of the Fourth Division, whether they were apart of the division or not. She didn't care who it was, nor did she care how strong they'd claim to be. Her intention, neigh her job, was to ensure only the best were standing here. Those with potential she'd take interest in, those that shown no potential she swiftly dismissed as naught more than a weight upon the best division.

She hadn't fought everyone just yet that was within the fourth, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to do so. But most that she saw were so weak that she'd likely beat them without even drawing her Zanpakuto. Weaklings unworthy of her time. But at the same time those same weaklings at least showed the gumption to want to improve, and that was at least worth being within these grounds.

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:06 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

For some being in the combat division meant being the best. A feeling Tento understood but felt a lackluster motivation for. Being the best and that mental focus was for the 1st division after all. Being the best was a far star to reach out for, and he would not kick anyone for going after it. Heck, he went after it in a way. What matter really in his mind though, was each person being the best version of themselves. And that potential was always limitless. As long as they gave their best and worked efficiently for growth and stability, what more could be easy in their line of duty?

That was the face answer he had came up with when he thought of things time and time and again. But for him he knew something was more in him. A competiveness that was etched into his soul that carried over now. Helping others go and challenging himself in comparison to it was something he just could not escape!

That was why he was up before the Ccrack of dawn. Shirt off as he stood in a section of the corner. Sweat gliafig down his form as he stood in a horse stance, practicing oun he's over and over and over again while letting out Kai shouts. It was the best way to get warmed up for a day at the combat division after all!

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Tentos10
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:45 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Agni Kai

Weak mindsets was death for most, one single mistake could end with your head being lopped right off its shoulders in the middle of combat. The best way to tell if someone's mental state was up to the task of combat was how early they were up doing what needed to be done, they showed the greatest potential in Shura's eyes. Those that only did the bare minimum would never live up to their fullest potential, no matter how long they trained.

A strong mentality was but the beginning however, awareness of ones surroundings was another. Then again most of the higher predators of the food chain rarely had a reason to look above them, because nobody was seen as such. That was why Shura slept on the top of the barracks, specifically on the side that faced the training yard. Sure there were technically those stronger than her even in her own squad, but they slept beneath her inside of the barracks. But it gave Shura the perfect opportunity to see who entered the training ground, when they entered the training ground, and how long they stayed in the training ground.

For this day there was but a single individual out and about this early in the morning, someone she'd seen several times training in the arena, but never one that warranted her attention in any earnest capacity. However she'd be a fool to simply ignore the progress he'd made, and with how many times he'd been out here before anyone else it was obvious his skills had improved substantially since he'd first come to the division. Perhaps now was a good time to test that theory.

"Hey you!" She called out from atop the roof before throwing herself off it and down to the ground about a dozen or so meters from Tento "I think it's about time we fought, Don't you?" Most knew about Shura, she wasn't exactly someone trying to keep her name hidden. The Kurata family on its own was of lesser nobility which all by itself made sure at least some of the members were a known individual, and Shura's actions both in and out of the academy had earned her a reputation, for good or bad.

"If nothing else, an empty field like this would give you a good chance to get some real practice, rather than just attacking the wind which ain't about to fight back in any meaningful way."

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:52 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

"HA! HA! HA! HA!", with each punch Tento let out a cry. His arrms tight to his core as he threw out a straight forward fist. The imagary figure matching his height and frame before him as his target. With each strike he let out a breath of concentration, his torso turned to give the full strength he could muster. No hault, no wasted movement. No wasted time or energy. Straight to the head, the chest, the shoulders. Timed to let loose one right after the other to keep his drive and warm up training going to its full potentional. "HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!". He held his last punch, sweat flying from his fish to softly fall to the soil below his feet as he heard a femininely voice that was unfamiliar. Well, that could not do! But something he would normally have to correct later. As much as he enjoyed the attention of the opposite gender and interacting with them, when the man was in the middle of an action or duty, he really wasn't the one to volunteer to be side tracked.

However, given it was such a sentence given to gain attention, it was proper to see what was up. From above apparently. Cranking his head up he saw the form on a lady that he was sure he had not met before. This early in the morning though it had to be someone from the 4th. Not many was up this early though, normally at least. A few passing times sure but not consistently; especially sitting on top of a roof! He followed her body as she descended down landing some distance away from him. Hearing her speak her turned towards her and relaxed his stance before reaching down and picking up one of many bottles of water. Picking it up and unscrewing he took a sip before looking at Shura with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah sure? We can have a spar. But ah....who...are you? Sorry, lot of names and faces I still don't know". He did hate not reconizing people. Most likely he did know Shura by reputation yes and actions. Name. But face, nope. Can't know the face of someone you never had met! Either way he let out a cheesy welcoming smile as he continued to speak to her. "Real practice indeed. But combating oneselves limit is a good opponent as well...even if its a simple as punching some lame wind heh".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Tentos10
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:14 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Agni Kai

Shura almost let out a snort at the remarkability of his lack of knowledge... almost. But she held herself back, and simply smiled at him "Ah, of course.. I shouldn't expect everyone to know me, not yet anyway." she let out a playful giggle as she drew her Zanpakuto before giving a deep, respectful bow. Her arm that held her Zanpakuto sliding under her chest as she bent forward "Kurata Shura, First of the Kurata Family," She paused as she straightened herself back up, twirling her Zanpakuto in her hand as she continued "Wielder of the Mighty Hakaishin." She gave one more bow, this time twirling her Zanpakuto so it was held in a reverse grip, the blunt edge of the blade placed against the back of her arm as her left hand came over her breast and placed over her heart.

"Member of the Single Best Division within the Gotei United, and insurer that all within meet their true potential." As she straightened herself once more she flipped her Zanpakuto back around, lifting the blade so that it now rested against her first three finger tips as her eyes trailed over it "But for the sake of ease, we may skip the formalities and you can simply call me Shura." She pulled the blade down and whipped it in a circle before pointing it towards the male.

"I'm sure you've probably got a name, but truth be told I couldn't care less about it. All I care about is what you are capable of in combat, so show me." She did one more twirl of the blade before letting it come to rest next to her, scraping slightly against the ground as she awaited the Shinigami before her to begin.

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:17 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well it seemed this lass had no issue with Tento recognizing her just by looks. A calm smile was a positive sign right? ...well. As long as he was not getting an underlying bad vibes. So far so good! "Apologizes. If I don't know the face of someone I can't really connect a name to it", Tento said calmly. The soft giggle of this woman before him a pleasant tune to his ears. The bow she gave was quickly returned in promptness and deepness. Such as all should do when greeting a comrade in the art of a spar. "Kurata Shura. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance".

Kurt's family huh? Must be something about family. He learned of the noble houses when he was at Shino. Deep history, connections, skill, weapons, and spiritual power. A refined legacy that passed more and more like a boon to the next generation. He knew all of the noble families he thought. Perhaps this was one of the lesser noble families he heard about that competited to reach the higher realms of the soul society? And Hakaishin was it? He wondered what that meant!

With that emphasis though it was clear she had a bit of pride in her division. An expection. He moved, walked over to the stand the take hold of his Zanpatuko that he had rested against a wooden beam. "Yes, our division is great. One with a long history and furure", using his thumb he quickly flicked his sword free form its sheath before grabbing ahold of it with his right hand. Twirling it in two small circles while keeping the sheath in his left hand.

Well, if she had no real desire to get his name he had no qualms about not giving it. It was what it was. And by her reputation it matched her short and straight to the point persona.

Facing her ready and taking the cue that she was as well. He stood before her knees bent. His tall frame guarded with his sheeth and sword in front of him in an X sharp over his tordo at the center. His sword facing up to primary guard his body and right side of his face while his sheath faced down. Guarding his left side torso and left side of his legs. "Very well. Let's have fun then!". In a gentle steep he moved to test her reaction for subtle movements before approaching at a pace far less then his true speed. Testing her further with a triad of quick stabs with his sword. To the left leg, lower torso, and right shoulder in quick succession.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Tentos10
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:15 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Agni Kai

Wonderful, he didn't seem to be in the mood to disagree with self introductions being unnecessary beyond what he requested. That only further proved to her that he was one that wished to improve himself, not converse with the enemy. Furthermore he agreed that their division was, in fact, the greatest... well maybe not in those specific words but close enough for her!

She waited with her Zanpakuto at her side for the other Shinigami to strike first, and strike quickly he did. Darting forwards and making several quick strikes towards her, the first she dodged by leaping off of the ground, the second she brought her own Zanpakuto up to parry it away and using the momentum that gave her to carry herself into a slow backwards spin to bring her Zanpakuto back up to parry the third one. With each being dealt with swiftly, she then brought her blade around as her feet were once more planted onto the ground and retaliated with five swift strikes of her own, though unlike Tento she wasn't holding her speed or power back in the slightest, with these five strikes being highly practiced and precise, a technique she dubbed Raijin no Senko. The first being aimed towards his right shoulder, the second towards his left thigh, the third aimed towards his core, the fourth aimed at his right thigh, and the fifth being aimed at his left shoulder.

Techniques used:

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:54 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The weak testing strikes from Tento were responded to just as good from someone who was a part of the combat division! Even more so by her reputation. Such a long time in the division, there were words about her. Fierce, strong, unemotional and ah...a bit puschpathical. Crazy lady? Or just a warrior woman. Wouldn't be the first time people overreacted. Even fighters! And once you got a reputation attached to your name it was hard to shake it off or change it. He would thus see what she was made of and how her personality was himself.

In her counter she threw out dive strikes! With his sword out and energy further reinforcing his sheath his grin grew heavier in a power joy of attneoiaction of battle. He felt she was going harder than he did in the first blows being exchange. Much faster then his beginner lackluster, skilled and practiced. But not more then he could perceive and react to! When the first strike came to his right shoulder he simple turned his shoulder away, sides barely avoiding getting nicked as he decided to move much closer to his true speed. Dropping his sheath down in a short strike, he clashed with her blade attempting to push it away just enough to prevent it from cutting skin or fabric. By that blow he held the suspicion that she held a great deal of might in her muscles. Likely a fruit of hard training! Good, it excited him more to get that hint!

"Hahahaha!", he dropped his right hand holding his sword, clashing with her sword as he slipped his sword in an upward arc to have it fly overhead before attempting to use his sheath once again to know it away. "Nice! More, show me more comrade". If he managed to keep the last blow overhead he would flick his blade further, clashing with hers using his sword and sheath to reinforce the pressure to pull Shura's sword to the ground before throwing out a low kick aimed at her right calf. A smile and hungry look growing in his eyes as he did so.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Tentos10
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:42 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - For The Glory

A good showing from the both of them to be sure, Tento's attacks were clearly meant to be a test and Shura was more than capable of passing such a test. Shura's attacks were likewise a test, a test of Tento's reflexes and a test that he passed for sure! Each attack skillfully blocked or parried, utilizing not only his Zanpakuto but it's sheath as well. Shura held naught back with her speed or strength, yet Tento's reflexes and capabilities showed he was at a minimum close to her level of speed and strength or he wouldn't have been able to so artfully parry and block all of her attacks.

His counterattack was simple much like his first attack, yet in spite, or perhaps as a result, of its simplicity it did manage to strike her calf. There was a brief moment where Shura was floating just above the ground, before her hand dropped to the ground to stop the fall. Shortly thereafter she pushed herself off the ground with that arm, leaping backwards as her Zanpakuto came in an upwards strike towards Tento. However this strike was little more than a feint, a distraction to keep Tento from following up with a strike or immediately following after her and to give her time to recover and plant her feet once more on the ground. If she was able to do this, she'd swiftly flip her Zanpakuto so that it pointed towards Tento with the palm of one hand pressed against the butt of the hilt and the blade of it facing upwards as she grinned towards him readying herself for the next strike.

Techniques used:

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:34 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Now this was a wonderful warm up to his day! He could finally see what the Fire Princess of the 4th division could do. She had a fanciness to her sword style. Extra, but smooth and effective. The wonders of its value an interest to the martial skill lover. Strong. Fast, almost as much as Co Vice Captain Rio and Captain Kanae. Almost. He could most certainly keep up with the movements of speed, and challenge hers in his counters. Her might and trickery would factors to be cautious off. As the two stared off at each other after their exchange of tests. The show was just getting started, that was clear.

His foot went down, slowly sliding down to the cool floor, heel lifted. Choosing to let Shura catch her balance. His body hanging back, letting her blade swish through the air. Once she flipped her zanpakuto so that it pointed towards him, the palm of one hand pressed against the butt of the hilt and the blade of it facing upwards as she grinned towards him readying herself once again. Tento fell back into his X guard. Smile on his face. "You sure got a pretty smile", he shifting his left leg. "Let me give you some more to light up your warrior spirit then!!", Tento said as leaned right moving right before bursting towards left in a sharp zag. Sword out threw out a double X slash before quickly throwing out a quick trio swing using his sword and sheath back to back to back. His body moving at a pace much faster than before; no longer moving like a novice but more of a seasoned fighter. His strikes coming as precise and swift strikes that would match Shura's abilties and hopfully challenge her slightly.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] Tentos10
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