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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:06 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - For The Glory

Their stances were something of polar opposites, Shura's was focused on offense and ensuring her blade could strike forward at a moments notice while Tento's took a more defensive approach and ensured he had few openings, at least in the front. He let her retake her stance as well before giving her a compliment, if he was trying to show himself to be a gentlemen then he was doing an alright job so far... But this wasn't about who was more charismatic, it was about who was more skilled in combat and he thankfully hadn't forgotten about that as his next set of strikes came swiftly.

He thankfully decided to drop the façade of weakness, moving at a pace that matched a skilled and practiced fighter. His next series of attacks utilized both Zanpakuto and Sheath, showing that he was clearly skilled in using his sheath as an additional weapon, it'd be a surprise if his release wasn't a duo weapon. The first was an X-shaped strike, remarkably similar to yet another of her techniques. Perhaps they were more similar in fighting style than she'd initially thought. Both of her hands gripping the hilt of her Zanpakuto and slicing in an upwards strike to send the attack skyward, before coming back down to strike at each attack that came towards her in rapid succession. Their speeds were near identical, making them relatively evenly matched.

"My turn." She said as she parried the final attack, bringing her blade once more in an upwards slash towards his chest. However truth be said, this wasn't so much of an attack. Rather as it reached its full height above her "Minna o Horobosu, Hakaishin!" Her Reiatsu erupted around her, though Tento wouldn't have to wait long before her true attack would come slicing downwards "Girochin!" A large spiked axe head came slicing down through the torrent of Reiatsu that briefly encapsulated her directly down towards Tento, a significantly stronger and faster attack than she'd previously given.

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made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:16 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento's actions was all about him having a good time. His practice using sword and sheath, letting Shura reposition herself. Even his choice of words and complimentary banter. All in an act to get a more thrilling enjoyment of this spar and exposure to her. This was a growing opportunity and he planned to use as much of her time as he could!

And with his combo of attacks being fended off as he eased himself into an equal footing of her movement speed. He was sure he was going to get just that. Stepping back out of the reach of her upward strike using a little bit of a boosted pace of footwork than before. He still handy chooses to go full throttle yet. But what he witness and felt next would change that soon enough.

Sword at its held height overhead Shura's reiatsu as her Shikai was unleashed! Immediately following up in a downward slice as the large spike axe head came into view out of the pool of energy. Massive in its comparison before. Hearing "girochin!", he could already feel the torrent of reiatsu that briefly encapsulated her directly come down towards tento, in a forward.

"Wow!!". In a flash tento moved, using his fool speed to shift further out of reach as Shura approached before flash stepping far overhead. Well that felt like a killing blow...if she was going to take things more seriously than he thought. He would follow this woman's lead then!

Bringing his sword overhead and concentrating his own energy, kicking up the flow of his power with a burst. Tento would let loose a quick attack using Hadō #43 Gaki Rekkō to create a circle of energy before firing multiple blasts of green light from its center in a cage-like formation using the length of his blade. Using his focus and advance knowledge of kido to empower the kido with its incantation after releasing it and pushing a further speed output of the kido than normal in a response to show his response of the challenge below him. The numerous volley and power of his piece a challenge for the fire princess as they moved faster than what Tento had bothered to do up to this point in their spar. "Alright hot stuff let's kick it up a notch!!".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Tue Apr 18, 2023 8:58 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - For The Glory

A fast and calculated response from her opponent, a dodge rather than a challenge to the attack. Given the limited time he had to both formulate a response and execute it, dodging was likely the best choice he could've made. The impact to the ground was large, creating a miniature crater at the impact site. His next response was one that... admittedly she found rather cowardly, Kido. A relatively mid-level kido that aimed to keep her within a certain radius and hopefully pin her down, however she had no intention in being pinned.

Shunpo's alone might've been enough normally, however the Shinigami insisted on reinforcing the Hadō with its incantation. While her Shunpo was fast enough to dodge most of them, she did also have to slice down several of the spears that erupted towards her with her Axe as well making it a rare sight if she stayed in any one single spot for more than a split moment before she'd vanish again to another spot. "A cowards tactics, nothing more." She muttered, however it would be a fools mistake to assume her Shunpo was merely for dodging... Rather she was slowly inching closer towards Tento.

The cage-like formation of the kido made it difficult to escape from its influence, however Shura's intention was not to escape it... Rather to make one of her most uncontrollable and dangerous techniques something of an impossibility to dodge. While on the ground its trajectory and eruption spots were unpredictable and scattered, this was mostly due to the rather enormous nature that was the ground. However within the sky, such a surface was significantly smaller.

When at last she was only twenty meters away, she finally responded to his taunt "Lets see how you handle this notch shall we!?" Her axe swung forward towards one of the spears "Sekai no Hametsu" Her Sekai no Hametsu not only consumed almost half of her total Reiatsu, but it was also normally random areas of torrential Reiatsu within a 100 meter radius... However the surface area of the spear was drastically smaller, which caused all of the Reiatsu that was normally dispersed throughout the entire area hyper condensed. The hyper condensed Reiatsu was launched in a 180 degree cone in front of her, such an attack if not defended against properly was almost assured to end the fight against most enemies under normal circumstances... Who knew what it would do when condensed such as it was.

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made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:19 am
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The rainfall of energy beams descended in their crescendo below. The green trilling wave of energy below in its steady challenge of Shura's might and power! His eyes darting here and to as she made her way closer and closer to him inch by inch. Carefully keeping track of her every shunpo and reposition as she seemed to step, twist, and weave like some elegant dancer before slicing and dicing the several number of spears that seemed to be too close for call. All but the fewest number of them being unable to grace her form. From his distance, and focus, he really could not hear what she said about his choice of response. Such a mutterance was hard to make out in the midst of a growing intense spar. Such was the way of the 4th!

The raining duration of Tentos kido continued as Shura entered the twenty meters range from her target. Her hearty response earned a pleased grin from her fellow division member. Swinging her ax forward towards one of the energy spears of Gaki Rekkō yelling out the name of her technique. A shake and drop of spiritual pressure was felt at first as Shura's power was concentrated and condensed before firing upwards towards Tento! The well reserves of her reiatsu being dropped by half as the cone wave of energy 180 degrees.


Was what Tento thought as he felt the start of the start of the condensed energy. WAS SHE TRYING TO KILL HERE!?!?!

At first Tento had a swept drop as the leftovers of his continued attack pummeled and clashed with hers. Steadily being beaten back more and more before it reached half way between the too fighters. Tento had to think quickly! With its size and progress, he was not sure if he could move fast enough to dodge it. 'Face it'. Tento felt a gulp come from within. 'You won't be able to dodge it fully. You will suffer a nasty wound. Your best bet is to add another defensive or offensive kido against it and hope the previous clash reduced enough energy. I recommend…you put your all into it'.

Always the straight forward Zanpakuto weren't they?

Tento looked with a nervous uncertainty as he watched the clash fully 10 meters away now. That…didn't really sound appetizing. Could he even… "believe in yourself", his Zanpakuto thought to him. Mentally giving a slap to the back of his head. "She is stronger than you power wise but you are close at your base. Give your all, with her release state its your only chance".

Grrrr… fine fine. You two are so bossy today eh? What? Don't want me to get a tan?? If Tento was a betting man. He would have thought his Zan spirits gave a smirking laugh in response. With a sigh, Tento made his decision. “ALRIGHT HERE I GO!”.

As Tentō said this the air immediately around him began to thin and become heavy. A swell of energy being concentrated and outpoured like that of a waterstream.

The focus of his energy to the fullest as he began to store it for its next use, the sparks of energy flow like lightning.. He began to speak, his voice booming, the gentle fiery exposition of his character burning heads on into a deep monotone warrior's shout. "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws...", Tentō moved, shifting his free left arm out towards Shura and her oncoming strike. The restraints of theHadō #43 Gaki Rekkō crumbling away as the string of beams were washed away by sekai no hametsu. In Tento's opened outstretched palm, blue flames began to swirl and charge in a twisting rotation of his energy and determination. He was going to give her a challenge. He was going to make her feel like she got a hell of a spar!

"Hadō #33...Sōkatsui!!!!", a beam shot out immediately to meet the boom of her energy crashing forward. The cone torrent of her power being met by the wide massive expansion of kido. Crackling and snapping the sound of fire sizzling and erupting matching the explosive force of power from the Fire Princess. The torrent of vibrant blue energy flew in a direct confrontation, shaking and sliding through the air as it grew and grew in size to form into a large wave. Tento concentrated on the completion of this kido, altering the components of the kido spell to push out a wider range than ever before relying on his further developed proficiency over the last year. It held the accumulation of his kido knowledge and prowess.

But would it be enough to prove a challenge?

Time seemed to sit still for a moment as sweats of tension fell from him. Energy against flames dancing in the air. Swirling, popping, and swinging as both forces were unrelentless. Tento’s body grew drained, a deep well of power used to combat Shura’s massive gambit. It was a wonder though how either of them would be feeling after this. SWOOOSH

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 319697

Tento’s eyes went wide as the two attacks finished their collide.Twisting in an explosion as a storm like gust of wind erupted. Rocking the training ground and waking a number of people up! Training dummies got flipped, walls were dented, and grounded tiles chipped and scattered practically everywhere in a madness of movement. The wave of power and wind smacking into Tento. A large amount of power was reduced from Shura’s attack. But not all. And thus the wave of energy washed over his form as the backlash of their clash traveled all around.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:01 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - For The Glory

As the energy released Shura herself was sent back to the ground, slamming into it and skidding backwards. Her body crouched down as one hand pressed down onto the ground as she came skidding to a stop, as she looked back up towards where she'd just been she didn't hear any words but she could feel the energy that swiftly built beyond her vision and soon enough saw a massive swirling mass of blue and yellow energy.

It wasn't difficult for her to put together that it was yet more Kido being used, and... well she'll admit that it was an impressive amount of power packed behind it. But still in her eyes it wasn't enough to impress, and as the two energies exploded in a magnificent blaze of glory she used her Shunpo once more. Admittedly she had a lot of ground to cover, but the majority of it was covered by the explosion and subsequent smoke that resulted from it.

However even with the cover it wouldn't be enough to ensure he didn't see her moving behind him, so instead she came soaring out of the smoke, quickly rising up to Tento, her axe spinning within her hands with a big ol' grin on her face "girochin" She brought her axe sideways this time, a palpable amount of sweat on her brow from the exertion of the previous attack. Most of her attacks were aimed at ending a fight in as few swings as possible, and the fact that Tento still stood proved the strength he had, but would he challenge her attack again? Or would he seek an alternative defensive measure?

Techniques used:

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:25 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

On and on Tento's body moved. By no means out of control but definitely suffering more of the say....consequences of the offensive action than Shura likely did. Even as somewhat tanky he thought himself that definitely did something to him. The only question was it worth it to cou ter with an offensive approach instead of defense?? The aura of Shura's reshi lingering fell off of him, dealing their taste of harm.

Good. You believed in yourself. Now fight. Keep pushing. Move. Breath. Strike.

I must say...I never heard you two do talkative as today. What? Did Shura light a spark in you?? Tento said in a tease mentally to his Zan spirits.

Of focus...geez.

Well they didn't have to say that. Mentally connecting with them Gento still had his eyes on the prize. And even more so on Shura's spiritual pressure. Even as average as he was with sensing energy there was no way he could miss her coming in not holding back her power. He could sense her as soon as she started coming with that flash step.

So as soon as she began to flash stepped towards him covering that large bit of space caused by both of them to be pushed back. He would do something she would probably absolutely hate. More kido!!

Without speaking an incantation. Tento casted Bakudō #26. Kyokkō to bend light in the area around him. Using it to hide his physical form and Reiatsu as he moved in preparation of Shura's likely attack. Following it up with using Bakudō #27 Mirāju, to create an illusionary image if Tento, looking a little less for less for wear than what he currently was using the same principles of Bakudō #26. Bending light to do so and cresting a false pressure of spiritual energy. Weaker than what Tento was but with the clash, using up energy, and damage suffered. Perhaps it would be enough to fool her.

At which pont Tento would remain hidden to wait to see if his plan would work. Letting the moment that Shura strikes at the false Tento to deliver a clean slash to her back, adding an electric shock by the use of Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden to deliver a light but strong electric current through the contact to add a further bit of powe and shock to the attack it if managed to clash or land. Either way Tento would have then attempted to ROCK Shura with a fierce punch to the jaw hopping to use any pause of response given. The whole time though, his Zan spirits were giving him a talking. need more. You want be able to beat her with that. Use more of power tools. Use us. Believe in us. Believe in you more. Challenge her.


Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Wed Apr 26, 2023 10:08 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - Jouki Activated: 2 Posts Remain WORDS; - here MUSE; - Outmatched

For most lesser Shinigami, his tricks might've gone unnoticed. As brief as it was, the disappearance of a Reiatsu signature wasn't something that Shura missed, and the lack of response from 'Tento' made it only that much more clear that something was going on when he didn't move to react to her attack. It was obvious from that moment that something was up, and the thing in front of her was categorically NOT her opponent. Every step she'd taken before, he had always reacted and now he was simply standing there. Perhaps to for a less experienced Shinigami, this wouldn't have even been noticed... However, even with knowing the trick he was pulling she couldn't place where he was.

With that being the case, the surprise slash to her back did manage to catch her off-guard this time, causing her entire body to convulse while the blade was connected with her body. However as it left, she was swift to turn towards him and as his fist connected with her face... she didn't move. Or at least she didn't go flying backwards, rather her hand rocketed up to grab onto his wrist with the look on her face showing she was very much done with this kido business. "I'll give it to you Tento, your shenanigans fooled me this time." She said, her grip tightening onto his wrist.

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 WteRe7D

As her Reiatsu erupted from her in what could only be described as an explosion, her other hand brought up the battle axe in an effort to carve across his torso in an upwards diagonal, from his lower left waist to his upper right shoulder. Though the full strength she might've otherwise put behind it was likely diminished, her penultimate Shikai technique, Jouki, ensured that it would still have an insanely powerful impact even should he block it somehow.

Techniques used:

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:04 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Such a trick was one that was a gambit. A veteran Shinigami like Shura would be able to sense that short moment of energy disappearing, thr timing and overage off to truly take the opportunity to think she put Tento down. Such a thing he knew would be a thing. But it would be a lie he still hoped it would play to his favor. She would be in guard but the hope was that he could still do something with it.

An unresponsive figure did nothing to better the illusion at play~.

That did nothing to stop the sparks in the air when Tento hit her. The short convulsions of her form a payment of layered effort. One he hoped that she would respect. He was trying to test her in strength and mind in this spar after all. Being the first time he had ever met her, it was only a respectful way to act to someone who has been in the 4th division for so long.

He had to give it to her though, she could take a punch. Feeling the blow to the face but not faltering at all. His physical strength at what she could take. Her shikai form bolstered her durability too most likely. Doing its damage just like everything else but not making it a cake walk by a mile.

The whirlwind of motion followed, Shura spinning to grab ahold if uis wrist that held his Zanpakuto sheath. Tento flowing reflex reacting to her sudden act. Would swipe, using the sheath as a battering stick. Deflecting Shura's attempt away at best and at least landing true on the limb for its efforts. "Why thank you. Is hand holding a reward for fooling you though?", Tento said in a still friendly banter knowing full well what was about to come next.

She was going to rock his shiiiit.

Feeling the rush of energy erupting from her form he knew that the real threat would be the next blow likely to come head on. And so, in a quick use of kido that would likely annoy Shura to no end, Tento would lift his sword up in a guard over his body's torso while casting Bakudō #39 Enkosen to generate a dull yellow energy that took the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu. Due to the position he was in he would modify the spell, further condensing the energy used to shorter the space covered since Shura had a grip on his hand, covering the length of his body's arm and torso, further adding the kido's incantation as he felt the blow of energy from Shura crash into it.

Denting the shield before being buffed away for a second before a second wind of force crashed through the shield. Energy spent from Tento at this point, crashing her ax hand into Tento's blade with an OOOF that caused his arm to quake and his body to get smacked. Likely sending him flying up and down to the ground with a thud.

With a groan Tento kept his eyes on Shura. All the expecting for her to be in a hot pursuit...

I need you, come in don't you think its about time you said it yet? Tento said to his zan spirits in a dry and tired mental complaint. As he groaned to his feet quickly with a hop before stumbling a step.

Through all their battles they had gotten closer. More respect, more knowledge and synergy. But if he wanted to fight. Fight Shura as her equal and show the spirit he had. He needed more.


"Soar. Shiōmaru". Just then a tornado of energy would seem to unlock and explode from Tento's body. His brown aura skyrocketing outward in a rushing wave that mocked hot wind; a symbolism of fire and wind blending together. His sword changing into the form of a sickle which is attacked to a fan made out of feathers at the end of the chain. Soaring gusts of wind gently flowing around him clearing dust and debri as he he looked up at Shura with an intense fire in his eyes.

"...thanks Shura", was all he said before he began to quickly whirl his blade around in an arc, shunpoing up back into the air before throwing the sickle out in a slash towards her after spinning it for a few rotations. The guiding wind spinning around as the wind itself seemed to sing.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:19 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - Jouki Activated: 1 Posts Remain WORDS; - here MUSE; - Cometh The Hour

Jouki, sure it was her most potent Shikai technique... But it was risky, unlike her Bankai it sapped pretty much all of her remaining Reiatsu for its explosive damage potential. But for Shura her entire life was about risks, everything she'd done was a risk and her Zanpakuto was no exception to this rule of life that cast its invisible net around her, but as Tento was launched into the ground it left him little choice but to respond with a likewise powerful reaction. His Kido could only save him for so long.

His assumption that she was in hot pursuit was an accurate one as well, with her axe held now in both hands instead of a single one she had no intention on letting this battle last much longer past this. Like a rocket flying at full speed it gave Tento no time to use any incantation for Kido, and any Kido that wasn't at full strength would likely fail to do anything to stop the rocketing engine of destruction that now came down towards him.

So it was that he decided to match her release with his own, calling forth its first release... "As if that can match Hakaishin." Shura thought to herself, bringing her arms backwards slowly as she prepared her swing to come in at full force, if her Sekai no Hametsu forced a reaction from before... Tento would have little choice but use whatever he considered to be his strongest resort to try and even match the danger that Shura now posed to him.

As he gave his thanks, her axe made a sickening screech as it was swung downwards, aiming to either cleave into Tento and end this entire fight, or clash with whatever it was he thought to utilize against her most powerful Shikai attack.

Techniques used:

made by RR of DD, cower and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu May 04, 2023 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Empty Re: Outmatched [Shuro/Tento]

Thu May 04, 2023 8:45 pm
Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento's flail soared through the wind. Blending one with the current as it unleashed its nature to its partner. Much much stronger in its power now, it was still a melee attack. The plain effort crashing into Shura's axe as it made its sickening screech. Meeting the slicing swish of Tento's attack head on as it moved downwards.

The force of impact stopped the moment of both attacks, Shura’s blows pushing further closer to its target than Tento's. But the distance away the man was now seemed to be safe, his weapon bouncing off of the clash. Tento shrug his other hand, once holding the sheath of his sword to now hold a fan holding a multitude of feathers. 10 in total. In a swiftness Tento attempted to wrap the end of the fan around Shura's leg as he moved toss his flail once again. Giving a last minute pull on the fans end to pull shura closer to his planned strike if he was successful.

Either way then Tento would then swing the flail in a repeating follow up strike. Light and quick, two times in total. As one as he felt with his Zanpakuto right now. This was still very new to get use to and hard to use all of a sudden!

Light in the Dark | End Post

Outmatched [Shuro/Tento] - Page 2 Tentos10
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