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The Dark Enforcer
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A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Empty A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana)

Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:30 pm

||Yuri Tsukuyomi||
A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Yuriba36


||The Silent Blade; Time of Meeting||

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Yuriba38
||Enter Attitude||

From what it seemed, Yuri was just out for a stroll. Nothing to extensive, or even to find anyone. Every since gaining the position of the North West Warden of the Vanguard, The Dark Enforcer has been everywhere throughout the remaining locations of earth; His base of operations is the northwest region of the world- Mainly consisting of North america and a bit of the south as well. Alas, Yuri wasn't in his particular region, He was in the Japan- Karakura to be more precise. He was there all day, just aimlessly walking around joying the scenery as he did so. However, Yuri stepped into a part of town that seemed like it was in ruin- Mainly because it was. It was the slums of old karakura town, A relic or a stain, depending on the persons view on such a place; It was definitely a landmark though, Hosting many, many, many battles. As he stepped into the slums fully, His amethyst eyes scanned over most of the ancient buildings that stood stagnate, waiting to decay. Tsukuyomi's pace wasn't fast nor hasty, He was merely taking it in as he did with everything else. It was a long and narrow path that laid ahead of the Dark Enforcer, at every turn of his head he saw someone doing something dastardly; He saw someone breaking into windows, trying to get inside of an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse was actually kind of peculiar, It actually had a weird reiatsu about it- Not many things in this area had a reiatsu that he could actually feel. As the reprobate gained entry into the warehouse, The Dark Enforcer stopped his stride short before pivoting on his right foot, Now actually facing the warehouse bay doors; It was roughly about Twenty feet in front of him, The doors were already broken and withered from years of oppression. Leaning on left leg, Yuri extends his right leg to a locking position, placing his left hand on his hip in repercussion. It was a very desolate day in terms of weather, The wind was almost null and void, And the sun wasn't really shining- Merely clouds covering the horizon for what seemed to be eons. His right eye brow rose slowly commenting to himself about the spectacle that was taking place before him.

"Well, Aren't you a stand-up citizen."

With a soft sigh and a tilt of his head towards the ground in slight annoyance, Yuri had almost no choice to go check out what was actually happening; The weird reiatsu inside of the warehouse, the reprobate climbing into the window, Too many nuances to go unnoticed. With that, Tsukuyomi walked towards the Warehouse with the same speed he was at before, Completely calm, almost bored. Getting about four feet away from the bay doors of the warehouse, Yuri began hear increasing foot steps behind himself- It was fast who ever or whatever it was. He planted his left foot from his last step on the ground before pivoting on his right to sway behind the person that almost stabbed him in the back. Another scumbag. However, He did have the ability to see The Dark Enforcer in the first place, meaning he had the ability to detect spiritual beings. Taking an extra step back from the man, It was definitely clear to Yuri that he wasn't in his right frame of mind. His pupils were dilated to the size of suns, He was sweating profusely- Almost need a pool to catch it all. This man was delaying Tsukuyomi's time to see what was actually happening before something big does. Having what seemed to be no common sense, The man suddenly ran at Yuri again, This time, his weapon held high in the air like a crazy mad man- If it looks like a cat and meows like a cat I suppose. Yuri did nothing but raise his reiatsu to enough power to incapacitate the man into a coma. He lifted his left hand to his forehead, making a wiping gesture which seemed like it was a lot of work- Smug Bastard. Well, There was nothing left to do except continue to on with what he was doing in the first place, Before such a rude and uninteresting interruption. As most people see Yuri now, They notice that he is almost wearing everything Black, except a couple of things that vary. He has his Black cloak that was fairly new. The sleeves and tail draped down the exact same length as a Captains from the Gotei Thirteen. On the bottom of the cloaks back, the Tailor embroidered the Kanji word "Soul". This cloak is made out of the finest cotton that could be found within the man's power. It's very light and versatile, Meaning he is able to wear it in battle if he wanted to. Hoisted on his waist was one thing- Yato Issen. Many would mistake the weapon for his zanpakuto, But, In reality it is just a relic from the past. His real Zanpakuto, Teion-en, is always held by the white ribbon that's tied around the brown sheathe- The remaining length of ribbon was wrapped around Tsukuyomi's right hand. After taking two steps, He had to step over the incapacitated man that hindered his path, finally arriving at the bay doors.

"Now, What's going on over here."

Boxes. Lots of them. No labels, Just boxes. His amethyst eyes attempted to scan over everything that was worth a gaze. Alas, He saw nothing of the conspicuous nature around. Yuri continued to advance throughout the warehouse, Tilting his head around every corner to notice any activity. The boxes were piled about Fifteen feet high in neat orderly rows of seven- Orderly ? That doesn't seem like this place has been "abandoned" for a while. Someones been coming here, stocking up on something. These boxes were piled in such a fashion that trying to move them would result in a cavalcade of wood having fallen on the unfortunate person who would do so. Yuri peaked his head around several more corners before finding the same "Man" that was breaking in- Oh, Of course it wasn't a Man, It was a hollow-An Arrancar to be more exact. But, It seemed rather, dimwitted. It was merely rifling through boxes left and right, spreading the contents all along the ground in a shit storm of a mess. Yuri narrowed his eyes at what it was- "VOTE FOR CHANGE, VOTE FOR NEW KARAKURA". Interesting. It obviously wasn't important of any merit, Alas, Yuri sighed once more, Actually hoping for something riveting- Now he had a muse. The Arrancar didn't notice Yuri until after a couple of seconds, Tilting it's ugly head towards The Dark Enforcer. Yuri's lips began to give a faint smug smile at the being before unwrapping the ribbon from his right hand; His left hand grabbing a hold of the sheathe that was hoisted in his belt. Replacing Teion-en with Yato Issen, Yuri placed his right hand on the Handle, Unsheateing the Weapon without any wasted time.

"I kind of doubt that you are the only one here- That would be too easy, And Personally, I think I'm a bit too Cursed to have good luck like that."

As the blades tip made a "shink" sound as it finished being released by the sheathe, An instant Purple aura began to glow over the blade. The Katana has a Octagon shaped hilt, A extremely Shiny blade with the Kanji (正宗; Masemune) engraved into it. The Blade length itself is about 100 Cm's long, with the handle being 30 itself- Giving it a Total Length of 130 Cms. The Sheathe has a Blue-flame like Design that wraps around the outside, The backdrop of the sheathe being Black in Color. Resting Yato Issen on his shoulder in his usual nonchalant battle stance, Yuri tosses the sheathe aimlessly to the side with his left. The Arrancar knew a threat when he saw one, It instantly went on the offensive, Lunging towards Yuri with its claws brandished forward; There're about seven of these claws, each of them were about eleven inches long. Making a scoffing mannerism towards the assault, Yuri takes a step backward away from the arrancar before expelling himself quickly into a shunpo- Nothing like open flank. Appearing on the arrancar's rear flank within a modicum of a second, Tsukuyomi held Yato Issen upward before delivering a downward strike that seemingly "Passed" Through the entire being without any visible damage- For now. The Arrancar turned around swiftly, ready to counter attack Yuri before- Explosion of blood. The cut from Yato Issen activated on the simple minded hollow, Cutting it into Ten clean pieces. His black hair fell back on his shoulders and his back before holding Yato Issen back on his shoulder, Looking at the Arrancar that tried to attack him- Idiot. Beginning to walk away from the Site of murder, That same reiatsu that he felt in the beginning was creeping up again, But, This time in higher number, displaced in what seemed to be about Five spots; The strength of each source was about roughly the same of a Medium level Hollow- Not a problem, But, something that shouldn't be taken lightly anyway, Though his mannerisms may say different. Taking about ten steps away, All of the Boxes in the vicinity blow up randomly, Debris flying everywhere in all directions. The Dark Enforcer's eyes widen as he on instinct shunpos towards the exit of the warehouse. Appearing outside with no repercussions from the sudden explosion, The Dark Enforcer Narrows his eyes at the now burning warehouse, to only find Five more arrancar walk out of the blaze with a strut- They seemed to carry a bit of intelligence and bravado. He shook his head and sighed placing his left hand on his hip in response.

"See, I knew it. Totally Cursed."

Cursed ? Maybe. Fate out to get him ? Perhaps. But, No matter, Yuri just looks upon the five as a bit of fun- Since that other one died so easy. Removing his hand from his hip, He clinched his free hand open and closed slowly before grinning towards the arrancars- Five on One ? Bring it on.

||End Nonchalant||

Last edited by Tsukuyomi on Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 am; edited 2 times in total

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Cfxvcxvgcx_zpsfisagwqu
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A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Empty Re: A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana)

Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:46 am
Ravana Ichiro~Ex Captain/Spec. Ops. Colonel~0-5
A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) 2z7lz5s
(High Definition Image)

Winding the clock back 30-45 minutes from Yuri's perspective, we find ourselves seeing the day's situation from a different angle; and through the eyes of a different man. Sitting at what could be called a desk buried under mounds of papers and an occasional electronic device within a rather spacious room equally filled with papers, filing cabinets, computers and monitoring devices sat Ravana Ichiro; the current Colonel of the Vizard Corps' Special Operations Sector. Taking into consideration the man whom the office belonged to and his duties as head of Spec. Ops., the clutter and various collections of data were easily explained as simply parts of his job. While the office and desk appeared as they always did, the man who inhabited it was not in his usual apparel. Yes, because he was trying out a new "style", something that fit more with his current duties and situation; Ravana was not wearing his usual personalized version of the Shinigami uniform. Instead, today Ravana was wearing a somewhat nice looking black/dark gray jacket over a slightly close fitting dark gray short sleeve shirt and black pants, about the same color as the jacket, with military-style pockets. To finish off the look, he also wore a pair of gray/silver boots that reached far up his shins and a pair of black, fingerless gloves. While the overall color scheme was pretty much the same as his usual clothing, the different style of clothing gave this new outfit a rather different overall appearance to Ravana. To sum it up, he looked quite like a serious Spec. Ops. member/leader in his current outfit.

Of course, what Ravana was wearing was definitely not the most interesting event that would happen this day; and as he sat at his desk going through various different sources of data his involvement was about to begin. As luck would have it, Ravana was in the middle of reading a report when "the call came in" so to speak; one of the monitors behind him lighting up with an aerial map of the slums of old Karakura Town accompanied by what sounded like an alarm. Turning around to face it, Ravana quickly read the data on the screen to see that six hollows had been detected in the slums of old Karakura Town; most likely at arrancar levels. While this in itself was not a rare occurrence and the Vizard Corps didn't always go out there on every single detection of a hollow, Ravana quickly made up his mind to go and investigate. It wasn't as if the six signatures were all that threatening on their own, but their location was close to one of the more inhabited parts of the old town; and to be honest, Ravana was just getting bored of all the paperwork today. While it may have just been an excuse to get out of the office, Ravana quickly made his way to exit the Vizard Corps' base; his sheathed Zanpakuto held by his waist in his left hand. Once on the surface, Ravana quickly used shunpo to travel to the vicinity where the alarm had come from; the trip taking no more than a few minutes. What he didn't know, was that on his way, one of the hollow signatures suddenly went out, signifying a death of the target and leaving only five hollow signatures.

As he arrived on the scene, Ravana was just in time to catch the explosion in the warehouse just a few blocks from where he stood. Using shunpo once again, Ravana appeared a few yards in front of the now smoking warehouse, and spotted six "persons". Of course, unlike what he had been expecting from the alarm, only five of the beings were arrancar; the sixth one appearing to be some sort of Shinigami perhaps. Because he did not know what this unexpected stranger was capable of, or the arrancar for that matter, Ravana had to choose to act quickly and didn't have time to ask the identity of the man. Though the arrancar themselves weren't any more than Ravana could handle on his own, it would be troublesome if one of the group managed to slip off and go hide somewhere. Deciding on his plan of action in less than a second, Ravana quickly raised his right hand and aimed it at the left most of the arrancar. "Bakudo number 30, Shitotsu Sansen!" Ravana shouted, and at the same time, drew a triangle in the air in front of himself in a yellow crackling energy that had appeared in his hand to use the binding spell. In the next second the triangle was complete and three solid spikes of energy shot out from each of the triangle's points directly towards the arrancar. Because it was technically a surprise attack and how fast Ravana had cast the binding spell, the arrancar was unable to dodge in time; and as the three spikes impaled its body, they sent it flying back into a wall of the now beginning to burn warehouse and pinned it there.

As soon as his Bakudo spell was cast, Ravana quickly drew his Zanpakuto with his right hand, letting the sheath fall to the ground. Because it had been distracted by the fate of it's closest comrade, the now left most (middle left from his perspective) arrancar was too slow to react, and in the next instant, saw Ravana appear before its eyes; exiting shunpo. As he did so, Ravana brought his Zanpakuto down across the arrancar's chest in a slash with his right hand, followed by a palm thrust from his left hand to knock it off balance and finally followed up by a sharp stab to the gut. Pushing the now severely wounded arrancar arrancar from his blade, Ravana brought his gaze back to the arrancar that he had attacked first with his binding spell. Holding up his left arm this time, Ravana aimed his palm at that bound arrancar before he spoke. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado number 31, Shakkahō!" Ravana said, using the full incantation for his hado spell. As soon as the last word left his mouth, a medium/large orb of crimson energy formed less than an inch before his left palm before being fired at that bound arrancar. Because he had used the full incantation and was rather skilled at using kido, when the orb collided with the arrancar, it not only exploded, but also let up a large pillar of energy. With two of the five arrancar taken care of in no time at all, Ravana was hoping that the other man at the scene could at least handle the same number as him in the same amount of time; potentially leaving them with only one arrancar left. Of course, while the other man could have chosen to take on Ravana instead of the arrancar, this possibility was highly unlikely seeing as the arrancar seemed to be targeting him as well.

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
The Dark Enforcer
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A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Empty Re: A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana)

Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:49 pm

||Yuri Tsukuyomi||
A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Yuriba36


||IKUZO!; Beginning of the end||

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Yuriba38
||Enter Attitude||

Cursed. Defiantly cursed to always run into trouble when he wasn't even wanting to find it. The Arrancars slowly walked out of the flames, Ready to begin their assault. Yuri was all but ready to take out these lowlifes at the hands of Yato Issen, Until. A quick flash of a man. As he entered the vicinity, Yuri was slightly caught off guard by the appearance of the man- He used shunpo, that's for sure. It hit him, That reiatsu signature was a little to familiar to him; Being that of a Vizard, The man named Ravana Ichiro. Tsukuyomi and Ichiro have had their little quarrels back in the day, A fight of sealed swords, No powers. He won, proving his skill with the sword to be more superior than Ravana. However, That was in the past, He hadn't even seen him in a couple of months, who knows what might of happened. His Appearance was new too- Oh my. He was wearing a black/dark gray jacket over a slightly close fitting dark gray short sleeve shirt and black pants. To finish off the look, he also wore a pair of gray/silver boots that reached far up his shins and a pair of black, fingerless gloves. While the overall color scheme was pretty much the same as his usual clothing, the different style of clothing gave this new outfit a rather different overall appearance to Ravana. Interesting, He's actually playing the role of Special Ops. He lowered his weapon to his side slowly before scracthing his head with his left hand.

"Well long time no se-"

He was gone again. God damn it. The first person that hadn't pissed him off and he's going all serious agent mode. Yuri sighed and didn't wait to join the action as well. Only after about five seconds Ravana shunpo'd to the threat, As did Yuri; His speed being indeed daunting to some. The Dark Enforcer appeared on the right side of the hollow line, beginning to run at the Arrancar closest to him- Being about six feet away. Yato Issen was glowing with an emanating purple trail as Yuri closed in on his target with swift agility. The Arrancar then turned around, Raising it's Hirreo in a defensive manner- Futile. As he foolishly lifted his arm, Yuri's amethyst eyes caught note of such an attempt, in response, Bending his right knee to an extreme angle before springing forward and over the Arrancar in a front flipping motion; During the arch over the arrancar, Yuri was suspended about a foot and a half above his head as he Swung down his right hand with the eerie purple blade. Once again it "passes" through his skull, leaving no instant noticeable repercussions. The Dark Enforcer then landed on its left flank about two feet away, his left foot landing first on the ground. Without any delay, He sprung back towards the disoriented arrancar, Sliding right past his rear flank, Slicing his back in a quick upward stroke; Yato Issen creating two injuries on a single body is almost fatal indeed. Just as Yuri swung his blade down to his side aimlessly, The arrancar suddenly beamed Purple before falling into twenty clean pieces. One down. These arrancars had nothing on The Dark Enforcer, Simple minded idiots. Tsukuyomi pivoted on his right foot, Now facing the other three arrancars- Ravana seeming to bind an arrancar at the same time as Yuri killed. Nice. His amethyst eyes narrow at the notion that they are all in the general vicinity for- Nice. As he held his empty hand at his side, He reverted Yato Issen to his shoulder in his nonchalant stance; It was suddenly followed by the name of a technique.

"Bakudo No Rokujuunii: Hyapporankan"

Hyapporankan is primarily used to disable. Yuri focused his hand, generating a blue-white glowing rod of energy in his hand. He grinned softly at the fact that this really would make it checkmate for this spectacle to end. Throwing his body into the throw itself, His Hand released the Blue-white glowing rod. It then duplicates itself into a hundred more rods which rain towards the arrancars with shocking speed in stream. Two of them were hit by the Bakudo invoked by Yuri, the other was handed by Ravana by a time Yuri's Bakudo Connected. It sent the two flying for about twenty feet before being pinned to what seems to be another warehouse wall. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a crimson explosion that made his cloak and long hair flutter in the wind wake. No time wasted eh ? Hado wasn't really Yuri's favorite, But, He learnt what he had to. He mostly liked to use Bakudo as a means to close the deal with a sword strike or two. Alas, The arrancars were beginning to grow restless, Not nearly having enough strength to break the Bakudo. It seemed like it was done for now, Until Yuri went to go finish the job- So nonchalant about random duties of killing arrancars. Tsukuyomi began to walk up towards Ravana from his rear flank, Holding Yato Issen at his side aimlessly. Placing his left hand on his hip, He slightly leaned on an angle in response. He slightly tilted his head around Ravana's, Taking note of the burning warehouse that was caused by the arrancars. A soft sigh escaped The Dark Enforcers lips as he took a couple of steps forward to be in front of Ravana, His Back was still faced towards him to look at the barn head on; In his pupils reflected the crimson flames that ravaged around aimlessly, only wanting to destroy. Begin about a foot and a half in front of Ichiro, Yuri pivoted on his right heel before giving a slight wave of acknowledgement.

"Yo Rav- Nice Job. By any chance, Do you have a fire extinguisher ? That Fires kind of getting out of hand."

He of course was just kidding and being the smug bastard that he always is. Tsukuyomi then began to walk towards the burning warehouse, As he got to about the "entrance", A faint red aura began to surround his body with a diameter of Three feet; The focal point of the shine coming from his left bracelet, His bodhi Blastia. Now that the abilities of the Bodhi Blastia are known to Yuri, He now uses the power in his arsenal against enemies. Due to the Blastia being permanently on his body now, one could call this an inert ability that can be used freely without even a modicum of repercussions to his Reiastu unless fueled inside for more power for a obstacle. This Aura was dubbed "Shokubai Shūen", It has the ability to control the speed at which chemical reactions occur. Yuri can increase or decrease the energies emitted or drained in such reactions. For example, he could increase the heat, emitted by exothermic reactions like oxidation; he could also increase the chilling effect of endothermic reactions. He can increase or decrease the speed or rate at which reactions occur, like stopping iron from dissolving in acid or causing steel to rapidly transform into rust. The Power can continually affect a target as long as it functions. In this instance began to change the exothermic reactions of the flames to be almost null in void with a couple of seconds of exposure. The only thing that remained of the fire were a couple of wil-o-wisps that laid stagnant. The aura then felt his body, reverting back into the Red jewel on his wrist. Turning around with a swivel, Yuri was just about to get into conversation with Ravana before Tilting his head around his again; The Arrancars were growing restless, attempting to trash around to break their binding. Lifting his right finger towards the arrancar on his right hand side, Yuri's tip began to generate a red Dot of energy.

"Henkō Hado No Yon: Jūgeki Byakurai"

A modified version of the #4. Hadō spell Byakurai. This spell, unlike its unmodified counterpart, takes the appearance of a red beam that's powerful enough to shoot right through an opponent from a considerable distance. It was then fired at a distance of twenty feet, clearing the travel in less then a second before piercing the head of the one arrancar. Pointing his finger at the other one, He narrowed his eyes and began to slightly suck on his tongue before Firing again- Bulls-eye. A little bit of a static discharge resided on his finger before he shook his hand slowly to allow it to dissipate. Now that didn't really take too long, Three minutes at most. With all the arrancars dead and the fire put to rest, There was now nothing that could hinder Yuri's attempt at having a conversion with the Vizard. The Dark Enforcer rose Yato Issen to his Shoulder, Giving a slight yawn in repercussion, Tilting his head from side to side. Yuri began to pace slowly back and forth in a line, Beginning to contemplate how He even knew something was happening here anyway. Yuri was always one to read in between the lines when it came to certain things. His hand rubbed against his chin in a pondering manner before shifting his attention towards Ravana; His bangs slightly in his vision, but, nothing major to fix right about now. The Docile day hasn't even gotten any better either, the stagnant clouds in the air swirling around just looking for something to do. Even though there was cloud movement about 100,000 feet above him, There wasn't even a faint draft on the plane that The Dark Enforcer stood on. Alas, He tilted his head towards the Vizard before making his inquisition.

"How did you even know that there was hollow activity here ? Playing Ninja Rav ?"

He chuckled a bit after his comment, nothing to drawn on. Yuri stood there waiting for the rebuttal of the man, Once again beginning to pace back and forth in a pondering manner; Whenever he thinks, He usually can't sit still, always having to move. A trait like that allows Yuri to think on the fly, while also concentrating on whats at hand. Tsukuyomi then put his hands behind his head, Interlocking his fingers in response. He paused in his pacing before kneeling down and catching a glimpse of something peculiar in his mind. Reaching down with his right hand, It wasn't anything cool, Just the advertisement from the exploded barn. "VOTE FOR CHANGE, VOTE FOR NE-", It was burnt. Damn, He tossed the remnant paper on the ground aimlessly before sighing softly. It's been cumbersome already today, so much for the "nice stroll".

||End Nonchalant||

Last edited by Tsukuyomi on Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Cfxvcxvgcx_zpsfisagwqu
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A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Empty Re: A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana)

Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:57 pm
Ravana Ichiro~Ex Captain/Spec. Ops. Colonel~0-5
A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) 2z7lz5s
(High Definition Image)

Although focused on the two Arrancar while he had been dealing with them, Ravana was more than able to sense the actions of the other man who had been at the scene before him. Actually, now that he stopped to think about it, this man seemed familiar, and it almost seemed like he had said something to Ravana before he had jumped right into the fray. Thinking he might know who this man actually was, Ravana turned his head towards him and the other Arrancar after saying the incantation to his hado spell; only to see both a man and a bakudo spell that were all to familiar to him. Yes, the man was Yuri Tsukuyomi; a Shinigami he had met and actually fought against, albeit having not even released his shikai, and been bested. If it had been his younger self, Ravana probably would have denied the defeat or have claimed to have been having an off day (even if that second one may have been true); but being more mature, he was able to accept that Yuri had won their little fight. Of course, should they ever fight again, Ravana would make sure to show the man his shikai; and when using the powers of his Zanpakuto, Ravana's fighting style was drastically different. Still, Ravana held no grudge against Yuri, and even found it kind of funny that they should meet again under such circumstances. As for the second thing he had noticed, the bakudo spell, it was number 62; one that Ravana was actually well known for using and manipulating to fit multiple uses outside of just binding. This, combined with just who was using it, seemed to be just too "rich" of a situation to pass up for a joke.

"Heh, thanks Tsukuyomi, but I coulda' swore that I was the one who was supposed to use that spell" Ravana replied to Yuri with a laugh. Though maybe not obvious, this was a joke; though it shouldn't take a genius to figure it out. "But that was some good work yourself; seems I was right to leave you the extra one" he added, returning Yuri's little compliment. Of course, before he could reply to the last part, the joke, with his own little wise remark, Yuri began to take action himself to quell the fire. Because he had not seen Yuri's powers in their previous battle, Ravana decided that it'd be a good idea to sit back and let him handle it; as well as perhaps get a glimpse of his powers. Unfortunately, aside from a faint red aura, there was really nothing else to see about this power other than its effect. Sure, Ravana could probably make a whole lotta guesses about what exactly Yuri had done, but there was a good chance that he'd guess wrong. Still, at the very least, Ravana was pretty sure that it wasn't some kind of simple power such as control over fire. Actually, if he did have to take a guess, he would probably say it was some sort of ability aimed more at controlling natural phenomenon such as the fire; or effecting it on one of its mechanical levels. But, since it was all assumptions, there was really no need for Ravana to dwell too long on the possibilities; well, that, and the fact that, at least for the moment, they both seemed to be on the same side.

Actually, now that Ravana thought about it, he really had no clue what "side" Yuri was on. Since their last, or rather, first meeting hadn't really had much dialogue, Ravana didn't know too much about this man, Sure, while some things about a person were revealed two people crossed blades, exactly which "faction" someone belonged to was not one of them. Of course, Ravana was able to tell that, at least under the smug and sarcastic surface, Yuri was a go... well, he could at least tell that he wasn't an enemy. While it could be said that their first conversation had gotten a little "heated", there actually was no grudge between the two; and now that he actually knew what to expect, Ravana actually found Yuri's personality rather entertaining. While it may not seem like it, especially since Ravana is known for being quite the friendly person, he too could be sarcastic when the situation called for it. Of course, there was probably more about these two warriors that allowed for them to get along like this even after their first meeting and battle, perhaps something they saw in the heat of battle, but as to what it was; it was really to early to tell. Then again, Ravana was a naturally friendly guy, and since he did enjoy making new friends, it was hardly a surprise that he was able to get along with a wide range of different people. That, and Ravana just seemed to have some kind of quality about him that made him easy for people to talk to; something that was a good trait for someone in a leadership position.

As Yuri used the modified version of hado number 4, Ravana clapped his hands softly with a smile, as if congratulating him on a "job well done". While it wasn't exactly "sincere", it also wasn't sarcastic; really, it just ended up being a way to acknowledge the man's actions. "Neat little trick ya got there; mind telling me what it was?" he asked, a smile on his face. Really, he was only half serious with the question; mainly because there was about a fifty-fifty chance that Yuri would actually even answer him. As Yuri once again spoke to him, a small chuckle escaped Ravana's lips. "Heh, didn't I tell ya last time? I'm the head of the Vizard Corps' Spec. Ops. sector; being a 'ninja' is kinda my job" Ravana responded in a friendly tone. "Of course, I'll admit that the Yuudeshi Network helps out a bit too" he added with another small chuckle. With his responses done, it was now time for Ravana to as a few questions of Yuri. Of course, he was in no way "interrogating" he man, merely continuing the conversation that they had struck. "So tell me Tsukuyomi, what'cha doing down here in Karakura? Last time we met, it looked like you were comfortable back in the Rukongai" Ravana said, his tone now more fitting of a conversation but still friendly. "Heh, I mean, not that a little travel is a bad thing, but it would help to know whether you were with one of the friendlier orgs" he added with a laugh.

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
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The Dark Enforcer
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A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Empty Re: A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana)

Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:10 pm

||Yuri Tsukuyomi- The Dark Enforcer||
A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Bueno11
||Majestic Trance; Information bares news||

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Yuri_s11

A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Untitled-1copy-13

Well, That takes care of that. With the hollows seemingly dispatched from the immediate area, Tsukuyomi stood back upward as he gave Ravana his fu- Well, More attention then what was being given at the present time. The docile day was beginning to shift into evening, clouds beginning to get a slight discolored hue from the setting sun- Even though, There wasn't much to work with. As the words came out of Ravana's mouth, Only a brief chuckle escaped his own at the time. He still didn't really answer his question about how he knew there was hollow activity, But, Alas, that wasn't really his main concern. He complimented Yuri's actions on how he executed the hollows in a timely fashion, Yuri in response gave a slight nod of the head in acknowledgement. The Dark Enforcer began to walk towards Ravana, his footsteps being docile, Not being obnoxious. He stopped about two feet in front of the vizard before placing his right hand on his hip, leaning to the corresponding side. Ravana then did what Yuri figured what would happen- Asking about the "Shokubai Shūen". No way. Something like that must be kept to ones self at all times, considering the ramifications of the ability itself. Yuri wasn't a secretive man, He just knew when it was better to keep things to himself is all. In a type of rebuttal towards that question, The Dark Enforcer rises his Left eye brow, giving a slight sigh before tilting his head towards the ground for a modicum of time.

"Merely magic. I could show you again some other time, but, I'm going to have to charge you."

Another slight snicker escaped his vocal chords as Yuri began to tap his right foot slowly. Pivoting on his heels, He began to pace forward and backward, His hands being held behind his head- His fingers interlocked as per usual. His ears funneled in the little comments that Ichiro had expressed towards him, Taking it all in, But, Showing no real reciprocation towards much- Off in his own world so it seems. However, That wasn't the case. His Nonchalant mannerisms are the things that play in the most, Especially when it comes it people trying to figure out his train of thought. One of the phrases caught the attention of the Dark Enforcer which actually made his eyebrow rise in interest- "The Yuudeshi Network". That name was familiar, Yet, He had no idea where or Who created it- Except that it correlates with the name or surname "Yuudeshi". That defiantly needed to be looked into later, But, for now, what was in front of him needed some attention as well. Stretching tall before reaching down to his toes in an aerobic fashion, Yuri managed to hear Ravana ask about his reason for being in Karakura- More or less, The Slums of Old Karakura town. Yuri lifted his head up towards The vizard before making a slight scoffing gesture, Nothing too rude, Nothing too nonchalant.

"Merely going for a walk- Don't need an ulterior motive. I'm usually suppose to be in North America, But, That's just not available right now."

It's true. The place where He is suppose to be in is currently under the command of Haseo. A truly frightening villain, Conquering one hundred percent of North america. A magnificent feat- Hitler himself would be proud. Alas, Yuri took residents in the South eastern hemisphere, Mostly in Japan and India. But, he was in Japan right now obviously. Then, A comment came out of Ravana's mouth which actually made him chuckle just a little bit. "Friendlier Organizations". At what point did Yuri come across as a bad guy. Yeah, He's dressed in all black, But, His intentions are usually pure, depending on the situation. Could lie right now, Allowing Ravana to have the false impression that The Dark Enforcer is "Evil" Or He could simply tell him the truth, allowing the vizard to relax a bit. Well, Yuri is a bit a sarcastic asshole. So. He decided that he was going to pull on Ravana's leg for a little bit. A modicum of a smirk came across his lips before beginning to give his rebuttal.

"Nope, I'm Part of the K-world. In Kin Iramasha's Army"

The Dark Enforcer knew that this wouldn't end well. He wanted to get Ravana into a little bit of a pumped up mood. One that is a bit more suited to battle. Shifting his Attention to the weapon on his side arm, Yato Issen, He placed his right palm on the handle of the blade. The Dark Enforcer didn't make a movement to unsheathe or remove it from it's tightened grip. His amethyst eyes narrow forward before gaining a demure demeanor upon his person. With the current surroundings they were in, It was a suitable place for them to have a battle without worrying about many repercussions upon the surrounding area- Considering it's a slum already.

"So, What are you going to do Ichiro ?"

The Ultimatum was there. How was Ravana going to handle the newly Occurred Situation at hand.


A Time to Shatter Reality (Private: Ravana) Gdrg

Last edited by ||Tsukuyomi|| on Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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