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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Bad blood Empty Bad blood

Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:39 pm
"Howl, Zabimaru!" We're the first words Renji said as his Zabimaru transformed into it's Shikai form, an even longer 6-part segmented blade; each segment is wider than the one preceding it from the hilt with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones at the back. He jumped up and swong the sword downward, The blades starting to extend as his arm moved down, extending until it smashed into a hollow's mask and sliced it in half. As Renji fell to the ground the Hollow vanished and he sealed his Zanpaktou again, Looking down at the spirit he performed what was known as 'The Sending' and sighed "Been alotta hollow attacks lately" He muttered to himself

Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:44 pm
    The chuckle broke the silence that filled the air after the red hair had spoken. ''Well, of course, I'm sure you're aware of the movements in Hueco Mundo and other realms?'' spoke the voice. The location of the voice was found quite quickly : the silver hair stood out in the forest, as did the white garments. The male was leaning against a tree, and even in the evening light, it was still quite startling. The male turned his head that classic smile that everyone in the gotei remembered. ''Or are you as thick as ever, Abarai?'' said the male in a teasing manner, knowing the instinct of many of the Gotei : kill the traitor. Kill the snake.

    With a soft flick, he moved his frame, now on the other side. ''I didn't come to fight.. rather. I wanted to reminisce.'' he said softly, letting a chuckle escape him. But what were the chances he would be believed? Gin knew it was next to none : his goal had consummated his life, and now he had little. But it was definitely something interesting to look at. The male didn't want to get drawn into the functions of the world again : but from time to time, he wanted to touch it again. ''So Abarai.. how are Matsumoto-chan and Kira-kun?'' he said, letting a soft grin touch his lips.

    But if asked, he would fight back. He was no fool, and he was no idiot. Purpose : that was the end of the puzzle. But he already knew what he would do : that plan was set in his mind, as much as anything else in the world. It was just the nature of things, as the former captain waited for the lieutenant's resonse. Or was it former? Everything could change so easily in 400 years..
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:39 pm
Renji was shocked by the voice "That voice!" He muttered as he swong around "Gin!" He said through gritted teeth, Grabbing the hilt of his sword, Even after he said he didn't want to fight he didn't let his guard down "And why should I believe a traitor!" He snapped "400 Years and this is how you greet me Gin?" He asked, When he heard him ask about the other two that only made him tense him "I don't ever want to hear those names come out of your mouth again!" He snapped

Renji didn't trust him, Just like most all Gin was to him was a Traitor and Snake...Yes he helped with the fight against Aizen but......He was still a traitor that had to die...Renji, Thick headed as he may be, Wasn't a fool...He knew he couldn't beat Gin, Gin was far stronger and possibly had gotten stronger in the past 400 years as he had, Despite his training to fight Aizen Renji was quite possibly at a Captain's level by now but...What was Gin at?

Despite all this he pulled his Zanpaktou from it's sheath and held it at the ready, Incase Gin tried attacking, His eye staying tight to Gin's movements "Yes I am aware of the movements within Hueco Mundo....But what's that got to do with the hollows? Sure they come from there but even when Aizen was alive there wasn't anywhere near this many Hollow's showing up, We're taking out anywhere between 20 and 80 a night" He said, Keeping his guard up...What had Gin been up to the past 400 years?

Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Wed May 02, 2012 9:03 pm
    The male seemed to be surprised, and even almost attacked him outright. It was a good move to mention lack of aggressive intent : with hot heads such as him, it was that measure of protection. ''My, Abarai, if you want to talk about greetings, yours is less then stellar.'' the male replied, that familiar fox grin on his face. And his instant reaction to his saying the names : for a singular moment, Gin's eyes flashed, dark and dangerous. The anger underneath that mask. But that was a slip, and only for a moment, as the male just shifted, his body leaning against the tree : although he was more then likely superior, he would not let himself be surprised, as the male let out a soft chuckle, Abarai's naive quality again obvious.

    ''That's because Aizen didn't want to tip off anyone. But, more hollows, more attacks : movements in Hueco Mundo. Who says the other worlds are quiet? Demons, Iramasha, Sugiura? Are you that dense, Abarai? Something's happening. Evil's afoot.'' he said, chuckling softly, as he shifted. ''And I'm tired of this entire good and evil. I came here for a reason : to think about my past and those.. well, that doesn't matter to you. You just see a traitor, a man that you have to kill.'' he said, shaking his head, and tilting his head at the male. ''There is more at work here then just appearances. I hope the Gotei has realized that.''

    In fact, why was Gin wasting his time with this one? He could be speaking to much more decent people : but the truth of the matter was, the male didn't care. If a hot-head it was, then that's what it was. There was nothing more to it. ''Even though you hate me and the only reason you haven't attacked is not out of fear, but knowing you may be outmatched, would you do something?'' he said, almost oddly inquisitive. It was unusual for him to even ask for a favour, but it was such. But he knew what he wanted : and this was the only thing permitted to him, on his own schedule.

    ''Tell Rangiku and Kira that Madripoor will be open to them. Tell anyone that wishes to stay neutral the same.'' the male said, before he straightened. He was clearly gearing to leave, but the deliberate slowness he put into it would give the red-head a chance to interject or say something. Maybe Gin just wanted a reason to come back : but that was useless. He would just have to continue : and simply hope that Rangiku could forgive him for all the pain he had caused her. For that was the only thing he regretted. But he would never admit it.

    Gin didn't admit jackshit about what was inside. Always lying and covering : that was the way he was, even when honest. And that's who he'd always be.
Kanji Man
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Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Thu May 03, 2012 6:50 pm
Renji kept his eye on him as he shifted...He didn't even seem to pose a threat really...He never once showed an aggressive stance or intent...Renji slowly sheathed his Zabimaru though kept his hands on it. "So then your saying your not here to kill me?" He asked, He could feel Gin's spiritual pressure...Even when he was trying to hide it...Gin's pressure was far greater then Renji's...Renji had trained for several months to take on Aizen and he had grown significantly more powerful but even still....He couldn't take on Gin alone...He had heard about the White Snakes Shikai and Bankai...Those we're the biggest reason's he didn't attack...Despite knowing that at any moment he could be dead in an instant and not even realize it until it was too late.

"Would I do something?" He asked "If I knew I could kill you before you drew your Zanpaktou then yes I would do something" He said, Moving his body so Gin would have a smaller target with the way he was facing "However I know how fast you are and I can tell your stronger then me even without releasing your Shikai, At least alone you are" He said, His eyes remained locked on Gin "And do you think the Gotei are stupid? They know of the movements in Hueco Mundo....But even still how is it something could be happening like this? As I said even when Aizen was around the hollows didn't attack this much so what exactly is going on?" He demanded, He might've been hot headed but....Because of his training...Renji had changed, He was more level headed and had much more determination in him and had a greater will power then before as well...No doubt Gin could tell all the changes that happened with Renji from the last time they had met, Especially since he had trained for a very long time in the past 400 years to fight Aizen, True Aizen was defeated but even still, Training to defeat Aizen was his best way of training since Aizen was still the strongest foe that the Soul Society had ever faced and Aizen was still a serious threat since he was immortal

"How can I be sure your not still working for Aizen, Gin? It was proven to a very obvious extent where your loyalties lie and sure you helped us take down Aizen but even still you never once proved to the Soul Society that you we're worth trusting again, You know why you have the nickname 'White Snake' because that's all you are..." He said narrowing his eyes "A treacherous snake! It's true that I hate you...And it's true I should kill you where you stand but....Even if I managed to get close I'd be dead before I ever touched you wouldn't I....Gin?" Renji asked "So answer my question, What's going on in Hueco Mundo? Why are so many hollows being forced into the world of the living?"

Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Tue May 15, 2012 6:38 am
    Gin almost wanted to facepalm.


    ''Abarai, are you really that dense? If I wanted you dead, you'd be a corpse already.'' the male's voice said, that trademark smirk flashing again. Arrogance : and what spiritual pressure that the red head could sense was some that Gin leaked out on purpose. After all, it didn't matter if it was there or not : Gin could and would dispatch those he found useless, should they intervene. And the male seemed to be still so dense : obviously not catching what Gin was just about bluntly saying. But no, the male would not make this easy for the red head. And he liked repeating himself too. Gin was starting to wonder if Renji was more then dense : but that statement was revised before it even formed. Renji Abarai was just about as dense as dense could be. It was a true shame, really, because he had some potential : even Gin would admit that, in the dark pitts of his mind. Never voice it : but still, the male had some potential, having managed to keep his Bankai a secret from Byakuya for one, surprising the Kuchiki with it. And for someone like him to be surprised.. well to be fair, it was an achievement.

    And then the past was brought up. Gin kept that smile, but inside, he was starting to wonder if he should just gut the boy. Waiting till he was done his rant, the silver haired male didn't even sigh, and just raised his hand. ''You make a good point Abarai. So what makes you justified to demand things from me, when I could just as easily kill you? I asked you something so simple a monkey could do it.'' the male said, hiding the subtle reference to the male's bankai. Oh, lovely, he was down to insults : but he'd doubt Abarai would truly catch on to Gin's irritation. After all, the fox just wanted a damn message given to his former vice-captain and his childhood friend. Because he had actually cared : but damned if he admitted it. After all, the whole reason he went with Aizen in the first place was to get his revenge : revenge on the people that harmed Rangiku.

    Although, Gin had to give it to the male that he was somewhat level headed : if not stubborn, oblivous and demanding. But he had grown : had everyone else grown to such an extent? Gin understood the time he spent hiding : that other self he had let out for the first time in such a long while. The child that had been locked away, all in order to get revenge. The silver haired male just jerked his hand, and put it back to his side. ''I doubt you understand this Abarai : but London was just the start. What if Hollows and Demons banded together? That is all I am saying : the Gotei will do well with that minor warning. As for what's happening? I cannot say for sure : it's a theory, if anything, from watching, and observing. And knowing what's happening. Perhaps you could do well with a pair of your own eyes. That is all I know : I prefer not to go towards that place again. Now, will you deliver my message to Rangiku-chan and Kira-kun? I would like to see them in Madripoor.. unless you wish to once again ignore that request.'' he said, the last words a bit more venomous. It was a sign that his patience was growing thin.
Kanji Man
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Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:20 pm
Renji listened and as Gin started to speak of Demon's and Hollows banding together he scoffed and interrupted "Baka! Since when would they join forces!? Since when would a Demon and a Hollow or a group of them work together!" He snapped, pulling his sword out yet again "What are you stupid!?" He shouted, The very notion of Demon's and Hollows working together.......It wasn't really that Renji thought it impossible....It was moreso Renji was trying to deny it could ever happen and being the hothead Renji was...... "Gin I know your not a fool but to even consider those two to work together......." His hand gripped even tighter onto Zabimaru's hilt "The very idea....It's impossible!" His voice had lowered to more of a muffled snear

Renji's eye's had changed drastically from the last time Gin had seen him...And even more so now....Renji's eyes didn't show the foolish nature that he once had, Though he was still very hotheaded....Renji wasn't a fool like he was before, He wouldn't just recklessly charge into a fight nor does he wish to fight Gin but.....Gin...Could what he said be true?

Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:38 pm
    Renji's reaction was instant denial. A smirk curled on Gin's lips, but his fingers were resting on the hilt of his blade now, as if not even afraid of him. His body was relaxed but his mind was sharper then even his blade. ''Choose to believe it or not, Abarai, that is not my concern. But it is a valid suggestion.. and I would not be surprised if the Gotei had already thought of that. Maybe the humans will help too, this time.'' he said, his voice soft, forcing Renji to quieten to listen. It was an old trick : if you spoke softly, the person that wanted to hear would in turn become more quiet, and therefore force their attention on you. Gin's hand was still on his weapon, relaxed however, but that was deceptive. Renji would know that the fox-faced man could easily whip out the blade. ''And praytell, why would it not be possible? Considering that both are branded as outcasts or rather enemies, by Soul Society and that both have designs on this world. Even more so, what about the other organizations? If all of evil had been put in a cuckhold by good.. then why shouldn't they band together? Isn't that what everyone did against Aizen? So therefore, it wouldn't be out of line to assume that if good can come together, so can evil.''

    That quiet voice spoke truths that were almost painful. Even though the silver haired male could see the change in Abarai, it seems that it wasn't complete : that denial was more for himself then Gin's words. The possibility was a horrible one, but idily, Gin wondered why he was even helping Abarai with this. He should have left : but admittedly, Abarai was fun right now, and it was.. amusing to tease him with such knowledge. And yet, it was also satisfying : to one that had passed in Aizen's hands, to one that had a bond to his Fukou-taichou. Ah.. he missed Kira. But that was beside the point, everything had been done to absolve his revenge : but that bond with Kira was real, as far as he was concerned. But he was digressing in his thoughts, as the male lifted a single hand. ''But for the last time Abarai, will you deliver my message?''

    The fact that he repeated himself three times to Renji was a miracle enough. Maybe the red head would understand that at this point and get the fact that Gin wanted a confirmation. But he had the feeling that he had been here too long already : that eerie feeling up his spine was definitely of something going to happen. It was a battle instinct, honed through forever times of dodging Aizen and burying his true self. And Gin was not going to waste a moment longer then he had to being here.
Kanji Man
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Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:54 pm
Renji sneared at the thought....How could this be? Could the Gotei have already thought of this? And if so...Why weren't any Lieutenants informed? Renji hadn't been this confused since the incident with Rukia......His stance was getting a bit relaxed now as he lost himself in thought *Rukia.....* He thought to himself as his arms returned to his side "Gin...." He muttered softly "Why tell me this?" He asked "I will deliver your message...But tell me..." His head slowly lifted to face the male again, An expression that hadn't been seen in well over 500 years was now on his face, The usual calm, collected demeanor had changed to a very confused one....He hadn't looked this way since his battle with Ichigo when Rukia was to be executed.

"Why help those who sought to kill you?" He asked, He was struggling to understand....How could this be possible? How is it...No matter how hard he tried....Gin was right, Everybody...The Gotei, Ichigo, Inoue, Sado, Isshida....Even the Vizards who had even been branded outcasts by Soul Society....Even they joined to take down Aizen...."I don't understand it" He muttered, His head lowering now "How is it that no matter how wrong you seem to sound...." He gritted his teeth as he looked up "How is it that you can be right!" He shouted, Almost choking on his own words "How....How could they possibly band together....All the evidence is there...But how...And why wouldn't Captain Kuchiki inform me of this!?"

Bad blood Empty Re: Bad blood

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:37 pm
    Gin almost wanted to laugh. This male : was he so wrapped up in his own worries like that? No wonder, it wouldn't be a surprise if nothing had gone through. ''Lemme tell ya this, just 'cuz I figured I ain't got no more to lose. Ya see it right? The binds? Well, maybe they know, but they ain't gonna do somet'in' 'bout it until they get proof. After all, y'all are the goodies and runnin' off to war ain't your style unless prodded. Like bees, ya see?'' he said, his hand moving back and forth. The seriousness seemed to leak out of him, and his more familiar tone was now bouncing around, dancing on his tongue like an old friend. All that time changing his speech.. he still felt more comfortable with this then with the more clean speech. ''And why? 'Cuz ya tried to kill me, but that was part of what I wanted. Ya see that? If youse didn't think I betrayed ya, none would've tried to kill me, and well, make Aizen trust me more. But that ain't the problem : problem is you're thick and all of youse are just sittin' on your bums waitin' for proof. Now that ain't my problem, but sure is yours : I just wanted them I asked ya for, to know. 'Cuz I'm sure they'll wanna talk to me : so let'em know and that'll go from there.'' he said, shrugging. But he sure as hell didn't clear up most of Renji's confusion.

    What fun would it be if he gave the male the answers? The silver haired shinigami now slipped away, knowing that his message was through : Renji would figure his own stuff out. That was obvious, as he would let no further words sway him. With a soft breath of wind, the male was gone, as if he had never been there in the first place. Something got done today : and sure, he was certain that things would develop. But how? He had no idea, and could just hope.. and maybe wonder for the future. Which was odd for him : almost amusing really. Without a goal, he was aiming to set himself one : but how or why? As far as Gin knew, as long as Aizen was dead, his goal was over. The most pressing question that everyone found if they accomplished their dream, was simple.

    What now?

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