Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:10 pm
"It looked as though I had cut his stomach, but the blade reached out and cut his throat. The misdirection blade move of the Crow's it's a style form that has the blade go somewhere other then the intended area, it won't kill him this time since I used a blade other than my Zanpakutō. I also used a weaker form of the style that way he would only suffer a minor injury. " Jaeden said, answering her softly as he looked at her. The girl didn't know what she was looking at, because she looked with her eyes. Than again it was truly rare that Crows could use it with eyes open.

Jae's spiritual energy soon went back into it's hiding. Leaving little to no trace of his amazing power, he was a Zanjutsu expert and had shown skills that were almost unknown to people. This girl was just beginning in her journey to see things, but the first rule of his swordsmanship required you rely on senses other then sight.

"I only hit him in the neck, those watching the sword believe it to be an attack on the gut or the other location used as a faint. But the blade is truthfully going somewhere else, this move is highly hard to say within a means of words. Those who learn it, can do things like this.
" Jae pulled the sword free once more, walking to a dummy with on the right. He seemed to slice the one on the left all the way, yet no damage was shown on it. Suddenly the one on the right had a slice all the way down it.

"This is our families style of swordsmanship, very rare and useful most people wouldn't be able to figure it out or even really understand the true concept that it brings forward. But most of the family branch that I hail from are alive to show it.."

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:14 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari did her best to attempt to understand what he was saying, but it seemed to all fly over her head. What she saw was interesting though. She would never understand this man's concept of sword fighting, but was definitely interested in the results that it created. She blinked a few times, staring blankly at the dummy and then glancing back at him. She looked back to the dummy once more and then looked back to him. She felt slightly insecure and stupid since she was not understand the concept, but just kept a blank face.

"So... What are you doing in the Junrinan District?" She suddenly asked him, bluntly trying to change the subject. Her style of fighting was different as well, but it wasn't as complex and confusing as his. She went and sat down at a table, leaning forward on it and staring at him like she was about ask about his entire life story before daring to go back to the subject of his families swordsmanship.

"...if you have nothing to protect."


Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:29 pm
Jaeden smiled somewhat at the question, walking over he sat down slowly deciding he'd pry give her an answer to this well enough. Someone with skills like his outside the Gotei 13 and living a somewhat peaceful life out here was pry odd. He'd not even scratched the surface of his power. For example if he told her what he was wearing was weighted clothing that kept him from moving extremely fast, also helped him train. But where to begin about why he chose to leave the academy when he was at a level where many believed the position of Captain was next on his list of goals.

"Well let's see, like most I went to the Academy but I already knew my Shikai and was well on the way to learn Bankai..I had shown tremendous skills, called often the new ages prodigy because of my talents. Believe it or not I held back against him to prevent causing him a death, just a small scare. See, I may still join the Gotei 13. But I am waiting and want to meet a Captain to see where I stand before I make an offer I am not be strong enough deliver on. I am a man who believes in honesty and strength Kaminari. So I wouldn't offer something I didn't feel I could give, as for me maybe joining as a Seated officer below Captain. The thought's crossed my mind a couple times, gives me a good chance to hide my powers and just blend in. But, I am not good at following sometimes..Because I have my own beliefs and path I follow."

Jaeden paused and touched the scar that went down his left eye, the crimson orbs able to be seen. Smiling a bit, he spoke again softly at Kaminari letting his voice reach the female.

"You know, i was born with brown eyes before they turned this color..It's been so long I often wonder what they would look like now if they'd remained brown."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:39 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari stared at him, but not in a disrespectful way. She actually listened to every word he said, unlike what a lot of people would have done. A small smile crossed her face and she looked off for a moment, thinking to herself as he finished speaking. She was about to speak to him, but he stopped her when he mentioned the color of his eyes. She blinked a couple times, staring straight into them.

"I think they look nice now." She told him honestly. She probably sounded like she was only trying to make him feel better, but the truth is she didn't really like normal colored eyes. There were many times that people thought her own eyes were strange because they weren't the regular brown, blue, or green that so many other people had. Hers were a deep oceanic purple/violet with a metallic hint to them. Some people even told her that her eyes were fake, but she of course knew they weren't. Who could have fake eyes?

"If you're wanting to test your skill against a Captain, you should probably ask Captain Reed of Squad Two or Captain Hijikata of Squad Three. I've seen Captain Hijikata at work... kinda... and Captain Reed is leading the Stealth Force, so I assume they might be good challenges. Just don't actually hurt anyone..." She giggled a little and glanced out the window, "I can't say I like it when nice people get hurt..."

"...if you have nothing to protect."


Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:21 pm
Jaeden smiled and somewhat laughed at the last comment she'd made, he didn't quite mean combat wise. Jaeden lacked no confidence in his skills of combat, but he didn't want to be a bad person and Jaeden wasn't sure how the Captain's were. Rumors about Mayuri and some Captains similar had made him wonder what gave them the right to act so coldly towards a person and seem to be like they were gods, no thank you.

"I didn't mean in combat, skills like that are things I've known since childhood and am fully confident in it, but I won't promise to be something I am not is what I mean. I don't look down on others, nor do I feel I am better or more capable then anyone else who has trained. What I mean simply put is that I have no desire to become the type of person who would use someone and simply toss them away for one mistake. Law or no law, their are things such as circumstances for a reason. After all, they got away with things the law here would of been shocked by."

Jaeden seemed to trail off, rubbing at the scar on his face softly.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:21 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was still leaning forward over the table she had decided to sit at. Listening to his story, his words, she couldn't help but keep a softened smile on her face. She brought her elbow down to the table and rested her chin upon an open palm. Once he finished what he was saying, she stared at him for only a moment and then spoke, "Sounds like a Captain." That was all she felt she needed to say after hearing his words. She truly meant them as well. At this point, she assumed that he must think some what low of himself if he thinks his ideals would change just by joining Gotei 13.

"Every Captain runs their Squad a different way..." She began to explain to him, "Some seem insane, some love to fight, some value strength, while others value stealth, honor, or friendship... The man you are, is the Captain you will be. I highly doubt that a man with such morals would switch his mind set because of joining Gotei 13. People expect others to be who they are, not anything less..." At that moment, she took in the thought and noted that he was rubbing his scar again. What significance did it have?

"What happened?" She asked, motioning to the scar he was touching.

"...if you have nothing to protect."


Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:40 am
Jaeden looked upwards, thinking back though a painful memory. Ten sent out and one came back, ten to die and one proved to power to kill and it still bothered him. Jae was thinking back to the hollow that gave him his injury, smiling slightly now more out of unease. He disliked the past, but the female had asked a question and Jaeden was of mind to answer all questions asked without even giving them so much as a second thought. Because it simply was in his nature as a person, somethings were meant to be that way.

"Well let me start with this, my family wasn't always this way. Back when I was a little boy still quite short and happy with the world. Our family did the deed that they were known for as the Main house, they sent ten of us out to die against hollows. Friends I'd played with and spent days dreaming of things such as a newer home and hopefully getting out of the quarters that were infested with problems. We were sent out to fight hollows and the others didn't make it, I did my best and got wounded by a Menos Grande. Not a single day that goes by that I don't forget what this scar means. Or the dreams I must carry onward as the person who lives. It's my job and duty as their friend and the one who made it out."

He wondered how she would react, sure this wasn't exactly a clan of saints with a clear history. They were bad people and that was something Jaeden struggled with changing over these years. Perhaps the Gotei 13 would be the answer in the end after all.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:01 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari watched him, noting the look on his face. A smile moved onto her lips, only to vanish as quickly as it came. It was apparent that he did not enjoy the memory that she had just asked him about. "You know, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." She spoke with honesty, wanting to keep him feeling comfortable with talking to her. Prying into his past and asking so many questions would make a lot of people feel uncomfortable, and since he had been kind enough to answer all questions before hand, she wasn't going to press the issue.

Even though she had told him it was okay, he still told her. Hearing his story, she felt sort of guilty. She too had a difficult past, but to have been sent out by your own family to die? She would never understand the pain and horror that he must have felt. "That sounds like a burden no person should be meant to bear. I know how it feels to have lost someone that you care for." As she spoke, she subconsciously raised her hand to her throat, her own memories flooding her mind, "Carrying the burden of dreams that your friends once had... knowing that they'll never be able to make the dreams come true... It's a horrible feeling... Yet you feel as if you must live on and move through a fulfilling life. As if you're living for them and not for yourself..."

By this point Kaminari seemed to be talking more of her own experience and not his. She soon noticed this and shook her head. Taking a deep breath, she went back to focusing. She dropped her hand from her throat and gave him a weak smile. She looked off, no longer sure of what to say and sort of feeling like she had said too much to begin with.

"...if you have nothing to protect."


Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:47 pm
Jaeden nodded, noticing that Kaminari did indeed understand what he spoke of. thing's like this between them seemed rather normal as though both had lived a hard life. He'd explained things to her as best he was able, this was Jaeden's only real gift now as his fighting yes the crimson eyes are what saved him from his demise. But so too did the man from that day, yes that was indeed the way things were going. His gaze befell this small house, remembering it slightly the night everything burned and his anger wasn't able to be satisfied by any means known but bloodshed. His Inner World fell into turmoil and Seiryu wept for him. The Zanpakutō was so upset and angry along side it's master that the two had sought a vengeance that wasn't fair or right.

"Indeed." Were the only words Jaeden spoke this time around, as time seemed to be simply another thing in this puzzle that Jaeden would work with perhaps he would join the Soul Society. Who knew what he could accomplish if he was to join them and see where he was placed.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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Junrinan District - Closed - Page 2 Empty Re: Junrinan District - Closed

Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:48 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was no longer sure of what she could say at this point. A few sad memories repeated through her mind, leaving her in a slightly depressed mood, something she rarely was. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She did this a lot. It helped her relax and move on from whatever was making her upset. She looked back up to him with a weak smile. Still, she knew nothing else to say. After all, she was sort of a guest in his house, so he should be the host! At least that is what she was thinking at the moment. "Well.. uh..." was all she could say before she just looked from left to the right. Yep. She was stuck, so what now?

"...if you have nothing to protect."

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