Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Just can't get away from her ~Closed~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Just can't get away from her ~Closed~

Wed 27 Jun 2012, 14:47
Hadō # 3, Piercing Shot. She hadn't even finished her last sentence as she uttered these words. From an outstretched finger shot a small bullet of pink Reiatsu straight at Kanna. He always found this kind of thing funny. The color of his aura and Reiatsu was pink. As such, many attacks took on the color. When he fought some foes, they'd laugh at his Reiatsu when they see pink, but it just made them an easier target. Kanna was obviously not one of those people, but there was still some humor in it none the less.

As the bullet hurled at Kanna, Snopy put his hand on his Zanpakutō, drawing it before choosing to Shunpo over to Kanna. Though he wasn't an expert on Zanjutsu itself, he was generally somewhat skilled at adapting to whatever weapon he was using, and a blade was no different. He brought his sword down where Kanna stood though he expected to fail at striking her. As he swung, he aimed in her direction with his right hand. Hadō #4, Byakurai. Firing in whatever direction Kanna was at the time, he hoped to see how she would react in such close quarters. At this point, he was simply judging his foe's tactics.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed 27 Jun 2012, 17:59

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna's eyes widened for a brief moment when he interrupted her with his Kidō spell. She stepped off to the right, dodging it rather easily, but he quickly came in, bringing his blade down onto her. She didn't move, but instead unsheathed her Zanpakutō, bringing it up and into the path of his own blade. A loud clinging sound of metal hitting metal sounded, echoing through out the valley as the two blades clashed. One thing Kanna had trained herself to do was fight with a sword in one hand, always allowing the other to be free. In this case, it was her left hand, having been holding her Zanpakutō in her right. Seeing that he brought his hand up towards her, she easily brought her free hand, her left, up and pushed his hand to the side, causing the Byakurai to shoot off.

With that done, she shunpo'd backwards, appearing about fifteen feet away from him, her left hand up and the palm pointing to him, "Hadō Number Thirty One, Shakkaho." A large red ball of energy, four foot in diameter, formed in her hand and shot out towards him at about one hundred miles per hour. This was not impossible to dodge. She had not hesitated like before. This was battle and she was going to do her best to bring him down. Whether harsh in his opinion or not, she didn't care. He had already been told that this was going to be a battle. The moment he fired at her, he accepted those terms.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu 28 Jun 2012, 06:09
Snopy observed as Kanna moved back away from him after successfully stopping his attack. He could tell she preferred to fight at a distance by how she kept back. He laughed a little in his head, in most cases distance would give him the advantage. However, at this point in time distance didn't really matter. He felt a small jump in her Reiatsu as he saw her charge a fireball in her hand. Lets not. He quickly Shunpo'd to the left as the fireball hurled by him. It was fast, but luckily he was able to sense the spell in time to start moving before it had been released. Considering the distance, he would've been fried if he had moved even a moment later.

Rather than trying his hand at another close range encounter at this point in time, he chose to continue fighting at a distance and see where it goes. Hadō #17, Pulse Blase. A large orb of Reiatsu formed in his right hand. Once it reached optimal size, he threw it with quite a bit of force. Knowing Kanna, it wouldn't hit if he aimed it directly at her. So rather, he aimed for her feet. Even if she dodged it would collide with the ground and explode, and hopefully she would be caught in the blast, which would still be a few feet in radius. Still, he didn't expect it to hit. He wasn't putting much energy into the spells he was casting. Nor was he putting force into any attacks really. He was consuming only small bits of energy at a time, allowing him to fight for an extended period. Hopefully if he could consistently use less energy than Kanna he could tire her and have a better shot at striking.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just can't get away from her ~Closed~ - Page 2 Empty Re: Just can't get away from her ~Closed~

Thu 28 Jun 2012, 15:27

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna saw the ball form in his hand, immediately being able to tell which Kidō was being cast. Seeing as it was one to be thrown, she shunpo'd forward as he threw it. Moving to the side at the same time, the ball flew passed her body and hit the ground behind her. She on the other hand continued moving forward, shunpo'ing until she was only three feet from his body. She brought swung her blade upwards from this position, aiming for it to slice along his chest without holding back. Whether this hit or not, she continued on attacking him, jumping into the air and bringing her right knee upwards to the underline of his jaw with a decent amount of force behind it. Obviously she want not going to be into playing game today. She was actually fighting with a serious intent to cause this male Snopy damage. After the strike with her knee, she had brought herself into the air enough to have glided over his body and landed four feet behind him, turning to be ready for him to either attack her or to attack him as well. His reaction would decide what her next move would be, obviously she would not give him any warning.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu 28 Jun 2012, 16:04
Snopy saw Kanna flying at him and immediately knew what the best choice was. His sword had never left his right hand, so he raised it up as he saw her blade coming. He blocked the blade only barely from leaving a giant gash on his chest. He had no time to rest as he saw her jump into the air. He moved his head to the side, causing the knee to miss its mark. However, it did clip the side of his head and, though not a serious hit, there was a slight burning sensation. It was light enough that Snopy could ignore it. She appeared to be really trying, which Snopy found amusing. Weak or not, it would take a bit more than that to force him to put everything hes got into his offense.

He simply pointed his finger back where Kanna was inevitably landing. Snopy had not yet even turned his body around, so his hand was pointed behind him. Hadō #4, Byakurai. Had only just turned around as the attack fired off at her. As soon as the spell was done, he did a light Shunpo away and built up an extra 6 feet between them. He was ready as he turned around to see what she planned on doing to him. She had gotten serious, but she was using small-time movements. Snopy knew a little something about fighting foes stronger than him, so he had some skill in not being hit. He wanted to know what she would do to finally push him to the edge and cause him to seriously fight.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Thu 28 Jun 2012, 17:10

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna had been completely serious in her attempts to lad strikes on Snopy, but she was not using her full power. His skill of perception was something to be wary of. For a while she was testing it, but seeing that he was able to move himself out of the way of both of her attacks, she was becoming slightly amused in the fight. It was no longer just something she was doing to train, but now she would up her power just a bit. She refused to fight him at full strength, mainly because she was not going to be responsible for the death of a young squad member. This was just supposed to be a friendly match between the two of them either way, but now she only wanted to test his abilities further.

Having just turned to him after landing, she saw that he was once again pointing his finger towards her. The moment the Byakurai was fired, she shunpo'd over to the right. Seeing that he had moved back a few more feet, she decided to see how he would handle a large amount of Kidō being thrown at him at once. "Hadō thirty three, Sokatasui!" She held out her left hand towards him and a massive amount of blue energy shot out towards him at one hundred miles per hour, coming out as wide as it had when she had use this Kidō as an example. "Hadō Number Four." she shifted the same hand, now pointing both her index and middle finger towards him. Before shooting it out, she shunpo'd, vanishing from sight and appearing behind him, "Byakurai". Once she appeared, she was about fifteen feet away, and then she shot out the Byakurai towards his back.

She wasn't done there. Shunpo'ing once more, she vanished and appeared to his left, her fingers once again pointing towards him, but this Kidō was different. She wasn't going to use the same one, which she thought that it would catch him off guard. "Bakudo Number Nine, Horin." An orange string of what could be described similar to lightning, shot forward towards his body at the same speed as both her Byakurai and Sokatsui. This Kidō would wrap around his entire body, binding his arms to his sides. If successful, she would bring her arm back, turn her body in a one eighty, and sort of sling shot him towards the lake. Once his body went flying, she would cancel out the Kidō and allow him to fall into the water. This in a way was just for her own amusement, but she was still just as serious about this fight as she was before, keeping her eyes on him with the same serious look.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu 28 Jun 2012, 18:12
Snopy saw her dodge and sensed the spike in her energy. Better, definitely better. He knew the power of the spell was going to be quite strong. As he witnessed her release the spell, he Shunpo'd to the side, allowing the spell to harmlessly pass. But then he noticed something. He heard someones feel landing on the ground behind him. Had the spell been any louder it might have gone unnoticed, but Snopy's senses were keen indeed. He preferred not to be blown his own hollow hole so he moved and ran to the right before even sensing the spell go off. It was immensely fast, so it clipped his arm, despite his attempt to dodge.

She Shunpo'd again, however it had appeared she had touched down on some soft ground. The muffled sound due to that combined with the loudness of the Byakurai made it hard to detect, in fact, he didn't detect it. As he sensed the spike in Reiatsu behind him it became clear. He was unable to avoid being wrapped in the spell. If Kanna had looked at his face, she would see nothing more than a smile on it. No matter what happened, nothing could seem to get to him. He simply watched as she did a 180 and shot him at the lake. He could have tried to break the spell with his own, which was not impossible, however it would be far too much wasted energy considering the difference in their powers. So he just rolled with it.

As she flung him into the air the spell was released, freeing up his arms. As he hurdled at the lake he simply thought about his fight with James. Snopy had gotten some nice practice using Hoho to keep himself from falling in the water, so it was time he used it again. Snopy flipped himself into an upright position as he grew ever closer to the lake. When he did, he immediately focused his energy into creating an invisible flooring to land on. It was rather impressive looking, as he had made it on the same level as the water in the lake. It looked as if he was skidding across the surface of the water, as his movement sent water splashing out in both directions (think of a car and a puddle). He slowed to a stop, and had barely gotten his feet wet.

As he stood on the surface of the water, he cracked his neck a bit. He was partially tempted to release his footing and dunk into the water on his own. It was a rather hot day and Snopy never liked the heat. However, he just took it for now. He had a fight to deal with. He walked back off of the lake and stopped with the artificial footing. Pointing at Kanna he spoke. Hadō#3, Piercing Shot. Snopy did grow tired of his limited selection of spells, and hoped soon he would have the necessary power to maintain stronger ones. He actually fired off 4 piercing shots in total, at slightly varying angles. He wanted to get Kanna moving because, lets face it, he had no intention of going to her.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu 28 Jun 2012, 18:32

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna noticed his ability to create a temporary footing beneath his feet. Impressed at this, she raised a single eyebrow for a moment. Not many Shinigami of his level had the ability to do so. He was coming far and he was advancing quickly. Kanna wondered for a moment whether he had his Shikai or not. She had never chose to ask him before, so she had no clue about it. It was also not something that anyone had told her when they assigned her to train him before.

She watched him land a good twenty feet away and began running forward at half of her own speed. Once she entered the area in which the water would become her ground, she created her own temporary footing and moved along easily. Her Zanpakutō was in her right hand, never having been put away. Seeing that he was pointing towards her once more, she waited for the Kidō to be shot. "Raise your shield, Nobuye." She had calculated the distance perfectly. Swinging her blade after releasing her Shikai, a blue shield shot forward, landing about eight feet from Snopy. Kanna ran into this shield at the exact moment that the four shots would slam against the barrier. All four Kidō were automatically stopped and she continued running through, having used that as her ability to block it.

Now only a few feet away, she brought her sword upwards and swung it around towards his left side. If the blade were to successfully hit, a deep gash would form, causing him to lose a large amount of blood. Either way, once the swing was done and her next move came into play, she would hold up her left hand, pointing her two index fingers at him. "Hadō Number Four, Byakurai." she said as she vanished and reappeared four foot behind him, she shot off yet another Kidō.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu 28 Jun 2012, 19:00
Snopy simply observed smiling as the Vice Captain unleashed her Shikai. He had actually pushed her as far as to release her blade to stop his attacks. Snopy thought for a moment about how that didn't seem right. He was simply trying to get her moving, so the attacks weren't at full strength. Did he just do something to push Kanna unintentionally? He didn't have time to keep pondering it however as she ran up and swung at his left side. Perhaps it was a sound tactic in most cases, however Snopy was left-handed, not that Kanna couldn't see that clearly. He moved his sword into place to block her attack, not much motion was required. Too simple. He knew something wasn't right about it. He heard her speak the name of the spell before vanishing and reappearing behind him. Snopy jumped to the right, but his left side was unable to be brought outside of the attack. The attack went through his left side, causing blood to start dripping from his torso.

The damage wasn't too bad. It was certainly reduced from what it could have been. It wasn't small, but it was less severe than the cut that her sword almost made would've been. Considering Byakurai's size and where it entered, it was like there was half a large bullet hole in his side. It hurt, but he was still able to fight. In fact, he was actually a little happy. He was finally pushed to actually trying for a change. He turned towards Kanna in an instant. Hadō #4, Byakurai. He shot of the spell at Kanna and this one was faster, stronger, and larger than the ones he had been using earlier. At the same time he charged up once again. Bakudo #4, Hainawa.

Should that fail to hold her he would rush up Kanna and brought his sword down on her. His strikes were more powerful than his half-assed ones he had attempted previously. Snopy was aware that these increases didn't make him some super strong fighter. But seeing as Kanna was holding back, it may have been enough to actually deal some damage on her. Should she block or his attack go through, he would have his finger directly aimed at her chest. Should she have evaded, he would still have his finger locked onto her chest. Either way, his words were the same. Hadō#4, Byakurai. Should she have been entangled by the Bakudo, he would've skipped the sword attack and went straight for the Byakurai to the chest.

Would Kanna be hit by the barrage he released? Only time would tell.

Note: That last paragraph has a lot of ifs. So basically, should the Hainawa work, Byakurai point blank to the chest. Should it fail, he runs up and slashes. Whether that works or not, he aims a Byakurai to the chest.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Thu 28 Jun 2012, 20:09

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna's mind was calm and collected, not having any stress upon her thoughts or her body as of yet. Although she was holding back and was not using her full power, before Snopy had arrived within the area, she had been training for a good while. By the time they started this match of theirs, some of her spiritual pressure had been used up, so she knew she had to hold back against him. If she used her spiritual pressure wildly and without thought, she would more than likely be tired out and unable to continue the match that she had practically started against him. Seeing that her Byakurai had partially hit him, she stopped her attacks for the moment to see what he would do. The damage wasn't too bad from what she could tell, and it wasn't like she didn't have the ability to heal him if he got any major injuries during their battle.

Kanna wondered how long it would be before he began to feel his own spiritual pressure begin to tire him out. With how many Kidō, shunpo, and even physical attacks that the both of them had done, he would probably begin feeling it soon, she knew she would. She didn't know why, but for some reason she could tell that he was enjoying this. She had noticed the smile he had on the entire time she had used her Kidō to throw him towards the lake, but she wasn't expecting him to enjoy the battle. Most didn't, unless they were part of Squad Eleven of course. Seeing that he had gone on the offensive once more, she easily shunpo'd out of the way of his Byakurai, but then she heard him say the name of yet another Kidō. Out of everything she had seen him do, she didn't expect him to use a binding Bakudo. Although unexpected, she was still focused enough to move out of the way.

As the Hainawa came towards her, she shunpo'd off to the right and slightly forward towards him, seeing that he had run towards her as well to strike his blade down at her. She lowered her body slightly and brought her right arm upwards, the blade being put into the way of his own blade to block it. At this time, she saw his hand come forward for what she assumed was another Kidō strike since that was obviously their favorite way of fighting. Their blades still connected, she brought her left arm upwards and pushed his hand up quick enough to cause the Byakurai to be shot over her head. With that done, she pushed herself into the air, bringing her body back in a back flipping motion. During this flip, she sent her right foot upwards and towards the underline of his jaw. This time, she was not holding back any speed she had at all. She went to kick him with full force and speed behind it, hoping to send him back a couple of feet. No, her strength wasn't of highest standards, so she didn't expect very much damage, but her speed was of an advanced level.

Whether the kick was successful or not, Kanna would shunpo back, stopping a good thirty feet away from her opponent. Her Zanpakutō still in her right hand, she stared at him to see whether or not he would still want to continue with this. He already had a decent sized wound from one of her Byakurai on his body, so she assumed he might want to stop for the day or at least take a bit of a break. Although, if he said take a break, she'd more than likely walk off and head home, so it was all up to him.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

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