Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Just can't get away from her ~Closed~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Just can't get away from her ~Closed~

Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:59 pm
Snopy was once again not surprised that she had diverted his spell. Nor was he surprised when she began to do a back flip, with her foot aimed for his face. Snopy, for one, was getting kind of tired from all the dodging. He also knew that at this point if he tried he'd still get hit. He figured why waste the energy if you're going to be hit anyway. He just stood and took the kick to the face head on. It hurt pretty badly, though other than that there wasn't any major damage. He stumbled back a few feet and watched as Kanna backed up about 30 feet.

Oddly enough, though the kick hurt like hell, it did get rid of a kink in his neck. That was a point he would just keep to himself. Sticking his Zanpakutō in the ground, he slowly raised both his hands in the air. Anyone who had been watching him would swear he was about to cast another spell. Their assumptions, however, would prove to be very wrong. He brought his hands together, and began a slow clapping. The time between each clap was about 2 seconds.

Very very impressive, Kanna-san. Snopy had to stop himself from laughing. It sounded like he was testing her more than the other way around. In a way he was testing her, though he had been doing that since the moment he met her. He stopped the clapping and picked up his Zan, promptly Sheathing it. He looked to the side and saw her bag of wet cloths, shrugging as there was no need to point it out. They were her cloths, and she didn't seem like the type to just forget them. He walked towards a nearby tree and leaned on it. He was a bit closer to Kanna at this location. Tell me something, why are you doing this? Also, if you have any questions of your own, feel free to ask. I don't have anything to hide. He figured now would be a good time to talk and see if he could get a better grasp of her personality.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just can't get away from her ~Closed~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Just can't get away from her ~Closed~

Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:04 am

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna raised an eyebrow once more, but this time at his 'slow clapping'. It was obvious he was trying to get some sort of reaction out of her, but her time of showing emotion towards people seemed to have gone long ago. In truth, she had not been truly irritated, annoying, joyful, loving, or even actual happiness for a very long time. She felt nothing but content. She was content with her life, content with her abilities, and content with the world around her. Sometimes she wondered if she will ever have the ability to actually feel anything but contentment again. Seeing that he sheathed his Zanpakutō, she did the same to her own. A mere nod was all he got in return. She walked over to her clothing and picked it up, only to walk back and stop in her tracks at his question. Turning her head to look at him, she just stared at him for a moment.

"Are you speaking of why I train you?" She asked him, but did not wait for an answer, "I train you because it was my orders. My exact orders were to train Snopy Saika in what ever ability or skill I can. I am doing just that. And to your second statement about me asking questions. I no longer believe in them. I ask nothing, because I do not believe in the answer given. I trust no one to tell me the truth, and if I am not going to trust the answer, tell me... What would be the point in my asking the question in the first place?" With those words she looked away from him, though for the first time in a long time, she did not stop it on such a note. "I have been lied to and betrayed countless times. I have given my trust to someone, only to have it thrown back in my face. In truth, I no longer trust anyone, besides myself." Her last words were spoken in a slight whisper, but those are the ones she meant more than any other.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Just can't get away from her ~Closed~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Just can't get away from her ~Closed~

Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:45 am
Snopy sat back and listened contently as she spoke. Listening, occasionally shaking his head as he heard the comments, occasionally nodding. Snopy's hearing was keen, and he heard each and every word she spoke. Somehow, her last words didn't surprise him at all. Snopy could recall a time where he had almost been that. After his death, and with all the times in life he trusted someone to watch his back but didn't. In life, that was why he chose to do his missions solo. He was tired of expecting to actually get backup and having it fail. Though at the crossroads where he had to make a choice, he chose to let the past go. Snopy could have easily chosen Kanna's path, just being cold and distant. However, he decided that what was in the past happened, and you just have to move on. It was the memory of this time that gave him some understanding of her mindset.

I know how it feels... Snopy started to speak, before letting out a long sigh. To put your faith in people and have them put a dagger in your back. Hell, I've had people become close to me only so they could try and assassinate me. Believe it or not, I let very few people in. When I meet people, I am usually neither trusting nor distrusting. However, I only open up to people I truly feel won't open up all those old dagger wounds in my back. For the first time in years, there was a sadness in his voice. I made a decision long ago, to leave the past behind. What people tried to do to me, or will try to do to me are of no concern. They want to try and kill me, I simply wish them well in their endeavors. All that matters to me is the few people I know I can trust. Snopy was just letting it out. This had been something that had been building up in his mind, and he felt he needed to just say it and be done with it. With that my conscious is clear, the past is officially off my shoulders. Snopy began to walk off. You may not want, need, or give a crap about my opinion, but I think its still in you. The ability to trust. I've lived a life alone, and it is not fun. Now Snopy had the last vestiges of regret off his chest for good. He could live life as he always had, with no sadness from his past left to deal with. He stopped for a moment and thought for a second.

So, you going to kill me yet? He spoke, referring to the comment Kanna had made during their last session. Where she didn't plan on killing him...yet. Its the perfect chance. We're all alone out here, and if you keep training me it might get hard. Snopy laughed loudly as he walked into the woods. He had been in a good mood the entire time, save for when he spilled his guts over the past. Yet somehow, he found himself walking out with some sense of new found peace. Which was funny, because he hadn't been fully aware the past still haunted him in the first place.

~Bye bye thread~
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just can't get away from her ~Closed~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Just can't get away from her ~Closed~

Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:14 am

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna didn't plan on saying anything more to him. She heard his words and took them in, but they would only be put into a file at the back of her head. It was just another memory, another speech. People have told her before that she had the ability to change. People told her constantly that they had been through similar situations, and yes, they were similar situations. In some ways, people could understand, but even if they could slightly understand how she felt, there was one huge difference between them and her. A secret that she had kept to herself. It haunted her. Plagued her dreams, thoughts, and even every day life. It was something that most people would not ever have the ability to understand, and she despised it when people tried to say they could. She only stared at this male through the slits within her bangs, watching him as he turned away.

She heard his final words about her maybe killing him. She remembered the day that she first began training this young Shinigami. She remembered how she had added a 'yet' to her final sentence to him as her own little joke. In a way, that had changed. Her mindset towards him had shifted slightly. As stated before, she despised it when people tried to relate to her. She hated it more than anything, and those who did it, she hated them as well. With him trying to relate to her, telling her that she still had the ability to trust, telling her his story that was supposed to show her that he 'knew how it felt'. It only angered her. As he walked off, little did he know, that her little joke might one day turn into a reality. Lowering her head, she watched him walk off, his back to her. Her bangs were currently covering her eyes, glaring hatefully through them. Watching him...

Shoving it from her thoughts, the young white haired woman turned towards the direction of the lake and stared at it for a moment. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath and then turned her attention towards the direction of the Seireitei. Her bag of wet clothes over her shoulder, her Zanpakutō at her side, she began walking, heading back to the Seireitei to once again continue her job as a Squad Four Lieutenant.

-Thread End.-

"... but I'm not one to really care."

Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Just can't get away from her ~Closed~ - Page 3 Empty Re: Just can't get away from her ~Closed~

Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:20 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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