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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty Re: Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin

Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:56 pm




The last time I was here... The black t-shirt and pants man thought to himself as he smiled, leaning back in his tree. Has it really been nearly half a year...? He wondered with a slight smile on his face, as he gripped his tilly hat's brim, pulling it down over his eyes and face as he smiled to himself. So much has happened to me... But nothing as large scale since then... He thought fondly as he remembered them. A shield user who had these things everywhere, making life difficult for him... a kid who talked about sperm that he had eventually managed to capture... the scariest captain of squad four in its history... and the she-cat that had nearly raped the shield user. That... was one screwed up battle. He thought as he chuckled to himself at the memory. He blinked, feeling something's reiatsu pressure, before looking over his tree and seeing a young man walking around.

Colin's cyber eyes quickly maneuvered. Hmm... He's captain level at least... Colin thought to himself calmly as he blinked. He himself was giving off very, very little reiatsu; after all, he had used to be the Vice Colonel of Spec. Ops in the Vizard Corps... before he was the Co-Head. The man carried a zanpaktou with him; as Colin cross-checked the Yuudeshi Network, he found it. Hmm... Redd... eh...? Interesting... He's the one who put Len in the hospital... He thought.. and then stopped the frown beginning to form on his face. Or one of them, anyway. He thought as he sighed, before flipping his body out of the tree. How many times have I done THAT little maneuver now? He wondered as his long legs flowed around, before landing simply in front of Redd.

On either side of his body, his hands rested on the sheathe of a blade. One was his zanpaktou, Soringuiguru; the other was his blade of legend, Windscar. Or to him, anyway; he didn't actually know much about Windscar, other than that it was his blade of choice. His eyes, cybernetic in nature, widened slightly as he looked at Redd. The kid was ready for a fight; his muscles were all tight and his gaze was slightly stirred, as if he were ready for any kind of action, as Colin smiled, his right hand coming up as he grabbed the tilly hat on his chest and moved it up, before plopping it on his head. "Oi. I challenge you to a spar." Colin said as he drew Windscar from its sheathe, the cool metal ringing as he shifted the blade, pointing it directly at the shingami's heart with his right arm. "My name is Colin Washi; the Eagleman. Do you accept?" He asked, using his original title for the first time in nearly half a year; a light look in his eyes as he couldn't hold back a small smile on his serious face as he looked at the man before him. "If you do... I would suggest coming at me as hard as you can right from the start." He advised, before thinking to himself.

This... will be interesting.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty Re: Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin

Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:30 pm

"Judge us not equally, Abraham. We may all deserve hell..."

Tesome moved through the forest quietly, the small being was under three and a half feet tall and weighed about 55 pounds. His head was covered with a hood, and a mask hid the lower half of his face, meaning all of his demonic physical traits were hidden. The only thing that really marked him as different was his diminutive size. Upon his back sat what looked like a tactical sabre in a holster strapped from his right shoulder down to his left hip, his green ponytails flipped through the air behind him as he moved.

His body occasionally seemed to blink out of sight as his speed increased massively, at one point in time he screached to a stop, leaving two groves in the soft soil at his feet as he came out of his Speed of Thought as he came up near to where Colin and Redd was speaking. If he was spotted, knowledge of him would be rather easy to find in the database, but knowledge on his abilities were not easy to find, as few seemed to care enough about a filthy half blood like him.

He crouched down and watched the two of them, he was not trying overly hard to avoid being spotted, but an immediate look would think him more of a bystander then someone aiming to interfer. His uniform did not look a whole lot like a Shinigami's uniform, and he currently was not carrying any badge indicating if he was part of a division, which he currently was not. His purple eyes scanned both other individuals and looked for information from the way they dressed and the weapons that they carried.

"... but some of us deserve it sooner than others."


Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty Re: Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin

Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:08 am




Colin's eyes glanced over, seeing another one coming out of the woodwork. Hmm. Strange. He thought as he checked this one against the database. A... hybrid? Now I've seen everything. He thought with a smile as his gaze returned to Redd, seeing him having gone into his next state of power. Hold up a sec... He thought, before his eyes widened. He's gone for bankai right off the bat. He realized with a flash; as his opponent shot towards him. "Interesting! So tell me..." He said, as his smile began to widen, as his blade flipped around in his hand, his left hand gripping his other blade.

Windscar spun in his hand as Redd's fist impacted with the flat of the blade, Colin's arm remaining true as the muscles in his forearm flexed; he was still in sealed, after all. He smiled at Redd as Soringuiguru, in his left hand, flashed, bending over Windscar as he snapped his wrist to attention and over to the left with Rapido Avaces, initiating the great burst of speed with a second-lasting roar, tinging off each appendage as it was stopped in its tracks, deflected.


He asked, before narrowing his eyes just a bit, as he took a step forwards, drawing Redd's right hand to the side as Colin got within his guard, Soringuiguru coming down with its blade flat as well, meant to force Redd to either use his fist or two of those appendages of his as his forehead came down, impacting into the darker-skin'd man's skull... As he vanished completely from Redd's sight. Or, to be exact, HE vanished; however, his afterimage that he left behind remained there in front of Redd as he was headbutted, distracting the shinigami and in all likelihood prompting a counter attack.

"NOT ENOUGH!" He said as he had used shunpo behind Redd, his eyes slightly widening with Rapido Avaces in an instant as he saw the appendages on the man's back. His right hand flashed as Windscar flipped around, the hilt going around and around his wrist as he moved his wrist and elbow with Rapido Avaces, causing his fist to move in another roar at roughly 392 miles per hour, Colin leaning in and nailing his closed fist into Redd's back between all the appendages that were facing forwards, before he stopped using Rapido Avaces. He didn't hit the appendages due to the fact they were all facing forwards at once, merely spinning his sword once around his wrist to get it out of the way of his fist. Then Colin, leaping back, flicked his wrist, Windscar returning into his hand from spinning around his wrist; as his afterimage vanished, a whole second having passed since he headbutted Redd.

Colin glanced back over at the man who was. Strange... does he have a reason to be here? Colin wondered as the katana that was Soringuiguru in his left hand shifted, pointing at Tesome as Colin returned his gaze to Redd. "Oi, would you care to join our little spar?" Colin asked the hybrid, his eyes remaining focused on Redd as he smiled. "C'mon, it'll be fun. You two versus me... I haven't had a fight like that since... I don't know when." He said as Redd would most likely be finishing up recovering from the extremely fast blow to his spine. His eyes slightly narrowed; he felt like something else was up here; but... he didn't really know what. Guess I'll just have to wait and see... He reflected as his left hand moved back down to his side, his right foot sliding back slightly as his right hand moved slightly forwards from his side, his left foot sliding slightly forwards as his left hand moved back just a bit. This stance was made so that he could intensively stop blows that came right for him... but it had one major weakness. I wonder if they'll find it...? He thought to himself as he continued to wait, his reiatsu still barely higher than it had been before...


Last edited by JJ on Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Left_bar_bleue10/100Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty Re: Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin

Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:42 am

"Judge us not equally, Abraham. We may all deserve hell..."

Tesome watched as the man seems to attempt to overwhelm Redd with sheer speed but he was able to follow the other man, he shook his head, he rarely saw anyone that could move faster then him, and he wasn't really sure the man was actually moving faster then Tesome. But he was moving with far greater Control then Tesome could manage. He heard the man speak to him and he smiled, he wanted him in, so Tesome would oblige him.

He seemed to blur from Colin's point of view for a moment before Colin's eyes would readjust back to being able to see him(which would probably be pretty quick) but it was clear that Tesome was pretty damned fast too, matching Colins speed perfectly(for the moment). Appearing momentarily behind Colin he spat at the feet of Colin, what was hard to see however was the 5 small objects that would come out with the spit, after he did that he sped back into the incredible amount of speed, hopefully avoiding any attack that Colin would throw at him.

The wad of spit would hit the ground, but that wasn't all that happened, the seeds inside of the spit were actually contact explosives. When they hit the ground at Colin's feet each seed would explode with same explosive power of a 2012 hand gernade. He hadn't activated his shikai yet, so most of the energy that was coming off of Tesome was actually his Demonic power and not his reitsu signature.

He lept into the air and landed on a branch, his hand moving to the sabre that sat on his back, and he drew the blade out of its sheath. This guy was fast and powerful he would need more then his Demon power to help slow this guy down. "Shōkan no honō no yume" he spoke quickly which roughly translated to Dream’s of redemptions flames.

The sword that he just drew would disappear, he then reached up and unbuckled his jacket and slid it off tossing it to the side. From either side, coming out of his sides were four chains, on the end of each of those chains were long and broad black and silver blades that seemed to be moving with their own intellegence. His eye color was now purple and his full demonic physical traits were visible.

Tesome didn't speak, he just waited for the other man's next move.

"... but some of us deserve it sooner than others."


Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty Re: Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin

Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:39 pm




Colin's leap back allowed him to avoid Redd's first attack. He's now being too defensive. Colin thought, clicking his tongue in slight irritation. However... He thought as a smile grew wider on his lips. Seems I can go a bit... harder on him. He thought as his eyes narrowed, seeing the spittle falling right in front of himself. What...? CARP! He thought as he exclaimed the name of a fish within his mind as the explosion went off. Colin was still standing there as the blasts went off, but vanished between the time they went off and the time he vanished, as he reappeared behind the two of them. His blades were held firmly on his diseds as he threw out his right arm out to its maximum reach, before nodding his head up, as he smiled at the both of them, assuming that they had already turned around to face him, his blade having made a slashing noise as it moved throughout the air.

Unknown to both of them, his blade had had its maximum amount of wind stored up; it was ready to fire as Colin slashed it out before him. A large, horizontal slash of solid, cutting air shot out, invisible but very dense as it shot right towards the both of them. As this happened, Colin smiled to himself, as he threw both of his blades into his sheathes, his smile widening as he flashed one hand out at Tesome.

Out of this hand blasted three bala, right on top of one another at his opponent. Colin was an advanced vizard; he didn't need his mask to activate his vizard powers, but it enhanced them. Then he instantly changed his gaze over to Redd as he performed a shunpo, appearing in front of the afro ninja.

His right hand flashed out, faster than even Tesome's eyes could follow. "Rapido Avaces." Colin said simply as his fist impacted at Redd's chest so fast; however, it wasn't as hard as it could have been, as Colin's entire body seemed to blur. His left hand shot for Redd's stomach, still at that speed that was impossible for human eyes to ever conceive, as it slammed hard into his chest.

Then, Colin's entire body vanished, as he appeared behind Redd, smiling at him. Barely two seconds had passed since he had used Windscar's ability as Colin felt his hand becoming layered in that special coat of reiatsu he used with Rapido Avaces Bomb, as he gripped onto one of the appendages. These things are so long, it makes it easy. He thought to himself with a smile as he enhanced his grip on the bottom right appendage, the reiatsu field hardening as it made it impossible for the thing to actually touch him.

Colin's arm flashed out as he smiled wider, his plasma knife launching out of his sleeve and down his arm as he flashed it out, tugging on the appendage and releasing it as in an insant he vanished with another Shunpo, now standing directly in front of Redd as he pressed the button on the mere hilt's side, as out of the top of it shot a blade of plasma. His black eyes stared at Redd before his feet moved at that same speed, his right foot flashing up and then suddenly out again as Colin smashed it into Redd's solar plexus, as Colin drew it back in the same instant, Redd not even having time to fly back before the knife in his hand moved, releasing rapido avaces at full sealed power in that arm as he slashed at two of the appendages, aiming to slash off five feet of each in a flash as Redd was finally allowed to go away from the Co-Head.

Hmm. Hope he was able to deal with that little warm up. Colin thought to himself, before his eyes refocused on Tesome, smiling at him, before he suddenly leaned forwards, his body seeming to fade as he used another shunpo, the fading caused by the afterimage he left behind subconsciously vanishing.

He reappeared in front of him, before blinking at the hybrid. "How fast are YOU, I wonder?" Colin asked him, standing immediately in front of the much, much shorter man; Colin was extremely lanky and tall, weighing barely one hundred pounds himself and yet was so tall he looked like he belonged in the NBA of four hundred years ago.

Colin's right hand flashed as he whipped out Windscar once again, before performing a vertical slash at decent speed at Tesome's shoulder; he would most likely be able to keep up with this, and Colin felt a comfortable pace as he spun around, performing a horizontal slash at Tesome's left side as Colin held up his right hand.

"Hadō 1. Sho."

Colin said as out of his hand blasted the Kidō, Colin holding back most of his power so that it would only knock the hybrid off of his feet. However, there WAS a chance he could resist it; in fact, if he surprised Colin, he could even concievably cause damage. However, Colin was keeping an eye on Redd's reiatsu; if he came back and the two of them attacked together... They would actually have a good chance. He thought as he smiled to himself, looking up at the sky for a moment and taking a deep breath...

Before he suddenly leaped, shooting high up into the air, ten, twenty, thirty feet before stopping, landing on a reiatsu place, as his nose wrinkled up. I hate these things... He thought, before chastising himself. Now... now, if I were to release, I could seriously hurt them... that'd be such a waste. He thought, as a flash of anger entered his eyes, before fading. No... I don't think I'll release on them... unless they really, truly press me. He thought as he yawned, sheathing Windscar before throwing his arms back, stretching as he waited for them to join him, up in the sky...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Joined : 2012-06-13
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Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin Empty Re: Redd & Tesome V.S. Colin

Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:29 pm

"Judge us not equally, Abraham. We may all deserve hell..."

Growls as the man seemed to avoid his explosives and as he appeared behind them he spun on the opponent. Smiling a bit as his entire eyes turn black as ink, a black mist seeming to appear from the eyes as suddenly all three individuals are clouded in a sphere of darkness so thick that one could almost move it like water. The sphere was a sensory-dampening sphere that effects all the senses of both Colin and Redd, as he can't pick and choose who it effects.

All around him now were shadows when first the wind swipe and the balla's came in at him, as he watched the attacks start from Colin he used shadow step to disappear from their target area and reappear almost instantaneously behind Colin avoiding both attacks for the moment. He pretty close to answered Colin's future question about just how fast he can go. That being if he could actually be seen by Colin.

While Colin attempts to use an attack that Tesome can't follow he aims at Colin, His four blades aiming to wrap up Colin with a great deal of strength. The attack if successful would tie Colin up and immobilize him from using his advantage in speed. Giving up his location in the darkness worked against him this time as he got knocked away from Colin from use of his kidō, thus his wrap up attack failed.

He backflipped through the air and landed on his feet leaving groves behind in the ground, as his eyes continued to follow Colin and spoke quickly "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hadō number 33 Sōkatsui" Tesome aimed the palm of his hand at Colin and generatee a torrent of blue spiritual energy and fires it at Colin. The energy moves like a large wave of energy because of the sheer amount of power that Tesome placed into it.

"... but some of us deserve it sooner than others."


Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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