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Nise no Eiyū
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Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Left_bar_bleue8700/99999Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty_bar_bleue  (8700/99999)

Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King.

Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:11 pm


Kakeru had arrived back to where he was supposed to be. A part of the royal family, receiving his most powerful weapon, that seemed to always be with him without failure and yet he didn't remember anything farther than that. Not like that it mattered currently and his Guardian Beast Yukianesa? She was in his room making as cold as she liked it. For those people who don't know how cold she likes her room, think of this she walks around in her usual pretty skimpy outfit in the middle of the tundra even sunbathes there too. She likes it cold and to keep it that way she'll keep it cold enough to freeze unless you're near a good hot source which when someone sneaks and sleeps in your room as well makes for awkward moments when you wake up. All in all could of been worse if Kakeru didn't know his mind and heart so well. It was a ; clear. crisp, and beautiful morning for training and for Challenging. He had his clothes on and his Nox Nyctores Yukianesa? Yeah it was with him all he had to do was summoning it into his hands and he would be ready for battle. There was no joking here, it was serious now and Kakeru wanted to prove that he had the right to be a knight, and that was the reason for his challenge he wanted to show that the son of his was the right man for the job at hand which was the reason of the challenge.

Having a right mind to tell the king in advance of his return, and that was to challenge for the knight spot Kakeru was ready for battle. Sure he was royalty and probably didn't need to challenge for the seat, but he wanted to prove his worth as a fighter, and to protect his homeland from people fuckin' it up. He was serious about going at this at full force. He knew that once he battled and proved that he was more than capable than He had full awakening, and yet he couldn't deny the truth. He was going to be fighting the King. Who yes probably could own him if he wanted, but why did he go with the notions of Kakeru to fight him for the right to be it? Was it to see what he was like in battle? Was he planning on seeing if he was seriously his son? Or was it him tired of being bored and so he wanted to fight someone and Kakeru challenging him was more than enough for him to take him on. He said he would meet the valiant king in the middle of the fields behind the palace, because once Kakeru starts fighting especially indoor area's take the cold of his and makes it even more fun for people in the area, because it forces them to learn to deal with such cold temperatures that i would make them nearly freeze while they are fighting him. His ice was so cold it was like being with cold itself. Kakeru was going to prove that not only was he a good fighter, but he could consider all things that had to be necessary when you're a knight in a position of power. When to attack, when to yield, and when to disobey orders when it's not right in the position at hand.

Standing at the middle of the field with intent to battle. His azure green colored eyes looked out from where he was knowing the truth that he held. The absolute will he had for the want to be recognized with his skill to say I'm not just a royal, I do have actual battle skill. He wore his usual black jacket with the Japanese looking vest with the black shirt and pants he wore the blue battle boots. He looked like he usually with his focus unyielding from the arrival of the king. Once he did come though he'd raise his right hand into the air and a snow flake would appear as the ice sword of his would appear. It was long and elegant the sheath was blue and had a seal on it so that it wouldn't release any of that cold ice. Because since that Ice is so cold it'd be like looking into a tundra. He felt okay, and well he was just trying to get better. He wanted to prove his power, and his will. In his mind this was the only way that he could prove he was ready and willing. His eyes closed for a moment until the arrival was near. His heart began to beat faster as he began to breathe at a controlled rate as his breathing was normal but had that edge of excitement brimming from the fact he was going to be fighting strongly until something intervened with the battle and or he had proven adequately that he was capable enough to prove his powers. He felt like his power was only at a small point, and maybe fighting would help him to prove that he was definitely strong enough. The wind blew gently for a second then he laughed softly he was getting too worked up so he began to chill himself as his body relaxed into a stance.

Rebel one Fight!~

''I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world, Nox Nyctores Yukianesa Activate!''


Last edited by Biometal_ZX on Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : New template by Aivee!)

Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty Re: Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:03 pm

Walking towards today’s battlefield, Arturia feels neither fear nor anxiousness, as befits the king of the west, a ruler who should show no fear in the face of opposition. Her Azure irises burned with a unique glow, as they scanned the battlefield looking to sense the man who should have already arrived to the appointed place. For what reason did a king have, fighting a man who had just returned to these lands, one who barely had any remnants of his memory or his past? The answer was relatively simple. Arturia considered him as nothing less than a stranger, not someone who should be given such a high ranking position as the knight so easily. It was safe to assume that there would be no intruders to interrupt their spar, something that suited Arturia quite nicely. Through this way, there would be no excuses, no foul play to be had on either side.

If this man believed he deserved to be bestowed knighthood, then Arturia would make him prove himself worthy, or send him back from whatever place he crawled out of. Taking a few deep breaths, Arturia summoned her holy sword, Excalibur, to her right hand, gripping the hilt with maximum strength. However, her sword was not something that could be seen to the visible eye. Rather, at all times, it was ensconced within an invisible barrier of divinely enchanted air, aptly known as “invisible air”. In all battles, this made her daunting an opponent to face. Forced to fight against an imperceptible threat, not many warriors could even guess the likely length of her sword, or if it wasn’t even a sword at all. Thanks to Arturia’s versatility in the art of western swordsmanship, this only furthered her superlative skill on the battlefield.

Add to this her physical strength honed over extensive years of extremely rigorous training, and it is easy to see why she possesses the title ‘King of Knights. “There—at the center of the battlefield—stood her challenger, Kakeru Sugiura. Measuring the battlefield, Arturia took a few steps forward and without causing too much noise, spoke solemnly, almost emphatically. “I see you issued a battle to me to prove your worth as a knight. I will test the extents of power, and see if you’re fit to be a knight. Prepare yourself, Kakeru!” With that, Arturia took an open wide stance, raising the invisible sword over her right shoulder, announcing the beginning of the battle. The beginning of a tumultuous battle was about to start…
Nise no Eiyū
Joined : 2012-05-31
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Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Left_bar_bleue8700/99999Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty_bar_bleue  (8700/99999)

Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty Re: Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:12 pm


Once the king had arrived and understood why he was being challenged he bowed to his king out of respect and honor as he'd stance holding his weapon in a simple battojutsu stance that would have his left hand ready to catch the handle as he seemed to have the hilt in his right hand gripped firmly but at the same time ready to use all of his skills into one focal point as his eyes showed his resolve to be proven to be someone of power. He'd then speak to the king in a honest, but respectful tone. "I'm grateful for you to accept my challenge, and I'm honored that you're using a weapon I can barely assume is weak. Thank you... For taking me serious King, I hope I can honor you well with a good battle, I'm sure this isn't something you wanted to deal with so soon, with my return and all, but... I have to know if I'm really getting stronger, or am I just getting weaker... I assume it's just a straight sword battle, no summoning my ice swords and such, and you can't and go and drop... what ever the hell your skill is." He was honest at the very least about his intentions, and his reasoning behind it, but now was battle time. for the battle to start now.

He'd move quickly as he slashed out simply with the blade horizontally aiming about mid-way between the chest and the abdomen to state his intentions clearly about the fight, as he did this the wave of cold air would be upon her for a second, Obviously, the cold air was the least of her or his problems, he could never place it really, but he would just focus on the battle and not if his king was a female, although people had jokingly thought that he looked too feminine for his own good, but this was his king and well he would show him that he had the power. There would be a clash hopefully and when that happened he'd do something fun he'd use his sheath to swing it low at the knee caps to strike one of them and throw Arturia off balance for a second if there wasn't a clash but an overwhelming of him he'd use the sheath to pretty much help him block. As the fight was just starting he hoped the king was willing to go down the road that Kakeru was. Kakeru Sugiura? No he was his son, and he was stating his claim to want power, and to become stronger. He was going to prove that he was capable enough for his knightly title. His will was almost indomitable. It was like looking someone who was willing to die to prove his point. Death only would hold a rebirth in the end, and he would prove that he wasn't going to just stop.

This is how ideally it would go down. He'd get that clash between the air sword and his ice sword using the cold wind from the blade to give him a better idea about how large the weapon was and if he was even in the league to continue fighting this person. Then if he could use the sheath to pretty much knock him or her on one knee, he could capitalize on an opening then make his claim there, if that happened if he was overwhelmed by the king this wasn't going to be a pretty battle probably blood would be spilled and the cold would probably mess up the lands, but that wasn't a problem for him to deal with. The main point was that he would show that he was more than ready for the title of being the Praetorian Knight of the West, and the king would learn he was fighting his son, unless he knew this already, and well the knowledge of him being his son was something old hat. The point was that he didn't want to just sit on his ass, he wanted to be active and ready for the fight. What he didn't know his drive was inspired to be that he wanted to be as strong as his king to be able to serve with distinction and to be known as a respectful man to the wishes of someone he'd barely know now, and hopefully later as someone that he'd hold in high esteem.

"'I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world, Nox Nyctores Yukianesa Activate!'" That was his way of saying he was ready for battle, and that he was going to prove his power. One thing that did scare him though? It was the feeling he had fought this person before... it was just a feeling, but he couldn't place it really...

Main Quote: ''I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world, Nox Nyctores Yukianesa Activate!''


Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty Re: Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King.

Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:55 am
In no more than an infinitesimal second, the battle had erupted into a tumultuous clash of sword versus sword. With neither willing to back down from the other, this duel would see no easy victory for either of these stalwart warriors. Even though Arturia possessed an advantage, Kakeru initiated the battle peerlessly, executing a clever strike in order to disrupt her balance, and early no less. Part of a swordsman’s repertoire does not lie solely in their techniques. Rather, it revolves around a perfect equilibrium of balance and concentration. Without these two crucial components, you’re better off returning to the life of a novice. Sword and mind must exist as one; there can be no deviance from this fundamental correlation.

Arturia’s only advantage in this battle, no doubt, is the undeniable fact that she has participated in past wars before this duel. Through each war, a new experience in her growth helped sculpt her into the perfect war general. Coupled with her precognitive “instinct”, battle was as simple as breathing to her. There was truly no one more worthy of the title “King of Knights”. However, she was also prudent enough to know that advantage has no meaning here. Each battle bears an entirely different result. In a world filled with warriors possessing distinct techniques mastered in distinguishing applications, one could not muse about accolades nor pull too much from the reservoir of past knowledge.

The only thing that matters is here and now! Surveying his quick motions through her eyes, Arturia reacted without missing a beat. His first strike was executed towards her abdomen, his blade soaring in through a horizontal angle. Her invisible sword mirrored Kakeru’s perfectly, defending against his fast strike with flawless grace. However, this was not the end of his attack; Kakeru cleverly used the sheath to his advantage, executing a strike towards her legs. Although a strike with the sheath isn’t particularly sharp or fatal, the blunt force damage caused by one is hardly negligible.

She smirked inwardly. If you think that is all it will take to bring me down, you’re sorely mistaken! Even with her blade locked in combat against Kakeru, Arturia deftly leaped from the ground, evading the blow to her legs. Before landing, she effortlessly maneuvered her body in the air, raising her legs towards his chest in order to perform a dropkick. However, a quick survey of his build calculated alongside her own told Arturia that such an attack wouldn't do much damage as opposed to an actual strike with her sword.

Even so, it would allow her to gain distance, giving her time to prepare for his next strike or go in for an attack of her own. Landing at a safe distance, Arturia gauged his fighting abilities. Although she has heard nothing of this warrior or his feats – things that should befit a knight – she was discerning enough to know his manner of attack had quite an air of familiarity to it. Iaido—the art of drawing and sheathing—was that the culmination of Kakeru’s swordsmanship?

Even though Arturia held no formal teaching in the way of Japanese swordsmanship, she had always studied it, watching others in order to prepare herself for the day she would perhaps have to fight such a warrior. If that were the case, then Arturia merely had to keep herself aware of both his sheath and his sword. Before she could attack him, she caught a glance at his handsome features and noticed something familiar about his face. Who was he, exactly? Why was it that she sensed something familiar about him? Enough! There is no time for distractions.

Charging towards him at breakneck speed, Arturia decided to showcase her own brand of swordsmanship. As a swordsman hailing from the west, Arturia’s repertoire revolved around striking with both of her hands. Due to her physical strength – honed over years of intense training – she was a war machine who knew no equal in the western kingdom. At the zenith of her arrival, Arturia executed six strikes with Excalibur – still ensconced within its sheath of wind – at his arms, legs, and shoulders. As this was not a duel to the death, she restrained from striking vitals due to her extreme sense of honor. This was a test, and if Kakeru passed it, her kingdom would have a new ally... but still, she could not shake this shocking familiarity he had with someone of her past. Just who was he...?

Nise no Eiyū
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Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty Re: Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King.

Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:33 am


So Arturia had the choice of keeping it up? She decided to drop kick him? Did she think she was from the Boondocks and decided to drop kick him for dropping that sweet shit a second ago? Dayum this girl right here was actin' a fool and Kakeru didn't like it. She may had been the king, and Kakeru used Iado/Kendo, but she didn't realize he also used his legs, as in Kakeru was a hell of a lot faster than he let on. Using that high speed to an advantage, He'd simply side step. Yes he didn't need to get LOL faraway from that attack. In fact it gave him time to cap his blade, and respond accurately to her next movements and attacks. Her kick would go through, but the dynamic of kicking him would be nulled temporarily, because now he had a new issue now.

He had a woman aiming to slice his legs, arms and his shoulders. His eyes narrowed a bit as they were a bright shining green. That should of reminded her of a younger brother to her and Kethel who had that bright green glowing eyes. Then seeing her attack like this made a part of his mind react differently. Instead of patiently backing up like he would normally, Kakeru used something completely different. He'd use sekkaijin and began to swing his blade in wild slashes that each time he'd hit the wind of blade would make a loud clashing sound. He'd seen his wind sort of eaten up by the winds of Excalibur. He felt something interesting. That strength of attack was inhuman sort of. His eyes lit up more showing more of a colder green that was frosted over.

"Hmm... You're a lot stronger then I imagined... interesting... You're the king for good reason eh, Arts-chan?" He didn't just call anybody blank-chan for no good reason, there was a calm familiarity with his voice. If they were incestuous, it would of been kind of cute and endearing.For most people to hear and see. That cold wind that was around him seemed to enjoy the fight as his breathing remained calm. This fight wasn't something out of the blue awkward. This was getting even better. So far he had dodged, and countered and then again there was a possibility for him to miss an attack from that barrage. After all this guy was supposed to be some king of sorts, so then who was really testing their power, Kakeru or Arturia?

For that one second his eyes brightened up and he stared into that face as a smirk appaared on his face. " Heh... This is fun... A lot of fun. This is interesting to fight someone so powerful It's kind of addicting Art-chan. Don't you think a good battle is something good for two strong swordsmen to do eh? Times like these makes me wonder if the reality of this situation is greater." He'd shake a bit from the want of continuing as his blade seemed to swing again, but it was aimed at her right thigh to slash and not to stab into. His eyes narrowed back to the normal as his body shook with desire to continue. The will of ikari was so strong that it was impossible to dissuade him from this battle. He was pretty excited and yet this wasn't his full skills as a fighter.

Main Quote: ''I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world, Nox Nyctores Yukianesa Activate!''


Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty Re: Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King.

Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:49 pm
As expected, Kakeru effortlessly deflected each of her six strikes, using his breathtaking speed to its utmost advantage. What skill! Facing the King of Knights in close combat was no easy feat, and so far, Kakeru was proving his worth as a knight. Even though he was unable to see the length of her sword, he did not falter before her attacks. Wild as they were, they still succeeded in protecting him from battle-ending strikes. Arturia felt a jolt of excitement running through her entire spine. In truth, Arturia did not wish for a easy victory. There was some reason he was elected to be the Praetorian Knight, and her warrior’s curiosity could not let him fulfill that position without proving his worth on the battlefield. Sparks flew from their mighty clash, a surging tornado of wind exploded around the two, causing the ground to shake in reply to the fervor these two warriors emitted. As a knight, facing a strong opponent in battle was a delicacy not easily enjoyed. Arturia thrived on the battlefield, and it was where she enjoyed fighting most. In reply to his own enjoyment of the battle, Arturia said,

“Although the battle has only begun, it would seem as though your ascent to knighthood was not built on mere speculation. Your talents are commendable so far, but can you keep up?” She asked with a playful smirk, showing a small sign of her humanity.

This truly was a contest of swords worthy of giving it her all. The Blade that will restore balance to the world and the King of Knights… just whose sword would ring true? Hoping to get closer to the unknown answer, Arturia prepared herself for his next blow. Coming in at quick speed, Kakeru strikes at her right thigh. Awaiting his strike with perfect patience, Arturia executed a downward swing, deflecting the sword from its intended direction. At the same, she raised her sword upwards, executing an attack from above towards Kakeru’s shoulder. Judging from the trajectory, Kakeru should be able to dodge. However, due to the fact that Arturia’s sword is enveloped within a barrier of wind, gauging just where it was coming from would be the most difficult part of all. And all the while, Arturia could still not shake something about him. The same question raced through her mind like a car pushed to its ultimate limit….

Who are you?

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Nise no Eiyū
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Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. Empty Re: Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King.

Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:09 pm


Kakeru's speed wasn't the only thing she needed to worry about, as well as his impressive swordsmanship. It was more or less his will that she should be more worried about that. His eyes narrowed at Arturia as his breathing was evened once again as his mind and body had balance once again. His heart and soul was into the movements of the fight now. The problem that she would begin to notice right away, was that kakeru wasn't scared at all. In fact it was like that he was more than willing to have this battle in the first place. Who'd thunk that the power of Kakeru wasn't just his ice and origin, but his will to never give up and or back down. Kakeru was more than prepared to fight against Arturia at full force, but the sword play they were doing was a bit more interesting than the usual, although the usual ended up badly. He felt the cold wind of his sword being sucked up by Arturia's and that's how he knew the blade was coming off, and the trajectory of the blade to his body, and how he could counter her. Kakeru's focus nor will did waver one little bit. Kakeru was intent on showing his sister just how strong and dermined he was to show her that she wasn't just messing with someone weak, she was messing with her little brother.

"Wake up Kakeru Leonhardt"

""Art-nee! Mae Muda na! (Older sister Arturia, Dance! It's useless!)" He'd do a quick draw flash to knock her blade above him then stepping back with the attack then quick stepping forward to slash. It was Hirensou, basically a move where a quickdraw flash happens and if he hits the person or the blade and can knock the person down and away from him sending them skidding. SHe was lucky he didn't use Kokuujin: Yukikaze, and try to do worse damage to her, by slicing into her midsection, but that wasn't the case now. If he hit her with the first and second parts of the move she'd be sent back a good ten feet. Then using that stall time to cap his blade, and well then go after her with the intent of hard taking her out. She wasn't expecting him to do this to her now did she? Kakeru was so focused on the battle that something was going on in his head. A unlocking of knowledge and such as the fight progressed, if they didn't both realize it, Kakeru was definitely the younger brother to Arturia. There was no denying it. His skill with the sword and the abilities he was using screamed Leonhardt through and throught. No matter how they'd slice it up, Kakeru was a Leonhardt, could they recognize each other before it got worse?

"Show your older sister your true power, defeat her."

Maybe, but an image popped into his subconscious of them talking as childern, Obviously Kakeru's one of the younger, and the only male heir so far, but in the talks he was always talking about becoming a strong knight and using a weapon of the Leonhardt family. His mind was shocked by the images being shot into his head currently and his heart and soul were shaking a bit, but he didn't waver in the battle, because he couldn't afford to he was fighting his queen after all, if he faltered once. she could have the advantage, and well that could spell bad things for him. Speaking a bit more his voice slightly stinging with pain. "Why... do I feel this way as in I'm fighting someone I love... as in I know you much deeper than we can actually admit to. Fucking hell mind just tell me already!" Frustration brewing in his eyes as they seemed to form tears for a moment then a willful no to them as he resumed his charge against Arturia to show that he was a knight of the Leonhardts, and maybe then he could realize that he was a through and through Leonhardt. He couldn't afford to waiver now when it was getting so good! He just had to keep it up!

Main Quote: ''I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world, Nox Nyctores Yukianesa Activate!''


Kakeru's Home life and challenge for the King. GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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