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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:25 am
Snopy expression didn't change at all. This reaction was actually exactly what he expected. He knew she would ask these very questions. He actually didn't have a reply prepared though. If his heart could not get him through this then there was no point. Nothing was planned. It was simply the true feelings of all involved pouring out. Lied to you? No, I never lied about this. You never asked, and if you had, I would have told you. I am hiding nothing. No matter if the info helps or hinders me, I will say nothing but the truth. As I said, her name is Kiyomi. She is in my squad, though in all honesty I don't see her much. As I said she is my best friend and basically a sister to me. It is as simple as that. She did find out about you. That was yet another blunder I made. But as I said, I will not hide anything. But you know. There may be a reason I didn't tell you about her until the severity of it was mentioned by an acquaintance of mine. The reason I never told you, was because she was never once on my mind while I was with you. When I'm with you, you are the only thing on my mind. You and anything in my surroundings that could cause any harm. I didn't tell you because, I forgot about her while I was with you.

He shook his head. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt or betray you. No matter what, you are currently the most important thing in my life. She may be like a sister to me, but me you are more than that. The feelings I have...all of them are genuine. I have said this several times but I will say it again, I will prove I'm telling the truth to you! He continued to look into her eyes, never faltering for an instant.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:44 am
"Asked? Hahaha... What the fuck? I am supposed to ASK about another girl in your life? And people say my logic is twisted! I'm not going to ask you about that. I was stupid enough to trust you, remember!?" This was the old Kanna coming out, the one before all of this emotional stress and pain forced her to repress everything. She was really acting like a normal girl for the first time in years. "Oh and yeah... She's your 'best friend', in your squad, yet you don't see her very often. Sounds like something someone would make up to get themselves off the hook. How am I supposed to believe that, Snopy!? You even let her know about me before I knew about her... It's obvious who is at the top of your fucking list!!!" At this point she was on the verge of crying again, and it began sounding in her voice. The rain was hiding her tears, so she didn't really have to worry about that. The rest of what he said, she wasn't sure how to react to. It sounded great, but only brought on another question. "Yeah... You think about me only while you're with me... So tell me who the hell you think about when you're alone?"

Kanna looked away for a moment. She felt nothing but defeat. She listened to the rest of what he was saying to her, but still didn't know how to react. She wanted to believe him so bad, but her experience with everything else in her past made told her to turn away. Everyone else lied to her, betrayed her, left her, hurt her over and over again, so why would this man ever be any different? She thought he would. She truly thought that he would actually love her and only her, until now... Now she was unsure. Her mind was clouded with anger, rage, and even jealousy. She looked to Snopy and just stared at him for a while. Looking away once more, crying again, and shaking her head. "I decided to give myself to you because you seemed... so different. You weren't supposed to be anything like any of those men from my past... I wanted... I wanted you to be the one." She said, shaking her head still, "Now I don't know. I don't trust people. I THOUGHT I was the only woman in your life, because you are literally the only man in mine. Besides you, I have Kaminari and I have Kuro, both who of which are naive children. Now... I have to worry about some other girl coming in and ruining everything. I hate that." The final three words she said came out in a hiss, sounding almost evil. She wasn't just saying that she hated the situation, but the girl that caused it as well. Her trust had already been damaged, now what?
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:07 am
Snopy looked up towards the sky for a moment. He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. Looking back at Kanna with the same determined look. Let me tell you something. Children or adult, it doesn't matter, they almost always love their mom with all their heart. In general, a person's mother is one of the most important people in their life. Now most people in conversation will mention their mother about something. Be it what they do, or something about them. Or even complaining about them at times. Yet, no mother knows all of their offspring's friends. Only the most important of them. Yet most people will learn about that person's mother. It is because the mother is so important to them. Not all friends, however, are so important that the child tells the mother about them. The mother finds out about only the closest, since they are important. The mother is only an example. This principle, I believe, applies to everyone. Kiyomi learned about you because you are that important to me. You are so important that I go and tell my friends. However, perhaps she didn't seem important enough to tell you about. Even if she is like a sister to me, and I won't lie, I care about her, but she isn't on your level. Yes, she should be someone important enough to tell you about, but maybe you are just that much higher on my list that she seems unimportant.

There are only two people who could equal you in how much I care about them. That is my mother and my real sister. Since...since I will never see them again, you are unequaled at the top. If Kiyomi ever EVER tried to give me an ultimatum and say it was her or you, I would choose to stay with you in a heartbeat. I understand why you don't trust people, but I am not the kind of scumbag who would do anything to intentionally hurt or betray you. I could have just let you walk away. But...but unlike the men from your past, you are far too important to me to ever let go of. Which is why I will fight as long as I have to in order to prove everything to you. Snopy stared into her eyes. Nothing but truth shined in them. She wasn't leaving until she believed him. After all, why would he work this hard for a woman he didn't care about?
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:23 am
"Snopy..." Kanna just dropped down to the floor and sat there, bringing her knees up to her chest and laying her head on them, "... You're not my mother. You are supposed to be my boyfriend, lover... whatever you want to call it." She closed here eyes. Thunder crashed once again, lightning shot down and lit up the darkened sky for a moment. It felt like this had been going on for hours. Emotionally and mentally, Kanna was drained, tired of it all and it showed on her face and in her eyes. There was a high chance that this was her last straw. A decision had to be made. If she didn't feel like she could trust Snopy again, there really was only one other option out there for her. A breeze picked up, pushing the rain and even lifting her soaked hair a bit. It was getting colder, which only made her feel worse physically. Hearing what he said about the ultimatum, she wondered what he would do if she did that at this exact moment. Were his words false? Would he actually go to this Kiyomi girl and tell her he never wanted to see her again. Something in Kanna's mind made her doubt that fully. "Heh..." she chuckled once and shook her head, looking back up to him and for the first time in a while, staring at him like she normally would, "Explain to me what you want, or even expect me to do from this moment on, Snopy? Are you willing to go to her right now, and in front of me, tell her that you never want to see her again?"
The Site Hideyoshi
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Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:46 am
Snopy listened as she spoke, first responding to her first comment. I know there is a difference. All I'm saying is the principal applies either way. He watched her, he condition worried him more and more. It was killing him to see her like this. Then she said something and he went to respond. She had asked a question he had hoped she wouldn't ask. Kanna...I...I...can't. He himself had to stop himself from dropping to his knees, but immediately hardened his resolve once more. I still consider her like a sister to me, but Kanna, there is a difference. If she gave me an ultimatum, I would forget about her in a second. But if you do, I will fight with everything I have to change your mind. What I want from you, though it may be hard, is trust. I know I screwed up, but Kanna. If this girl was any threat to you, would I even be here fighting? Would I be exhausting every ounce of mental power trying to keep you? If she threatened your in any way, if there was anything about it that would be considered cheating, would I fight this hard? If that was the case, I would just go and be with her, since things would be much easier that way. In that case I would have someone as a "lover" but not have to fight like crazy. But that isn't how it is.

Snopy stared up at the sky. Every ounce of his being seemed to be pushing him forward. He even thought he could hear his Zanpakutō spirits cheering him on. He looked back to Kanna. I am going through a lot of work, a lot of suffering right now, just trying to keep you with me. I am a lazy person. The only reason I would ever exert this kind of energy and effort is if something was important to me. The fact I'm going through all of this, and refuse to give up, is because you are that important. There is no one on this planet, and there never will be, someone whom I want to take your place. I only need one girlfriend, one lover, and I want that to be you. I want it to be you with all my heart. No, I need it to be you. I love you. I would give my life for you if I had to. That is how far my feelings go. Literally every feeling he felt was pouring out all at once. In fact, his voice was becoming incredibly emotional. Though determination was still emanating from him, he was letting his emotions guide his words.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:12 pm
"Hehe.... Oh. I see. So, if I ask you to do something, it's not important enough for you to actually choose?" Kanna said to him while shaking her head as if she were ashamed, "But if SHE says it, if SHE gives you the same choice I just did, suddenly it's important enough for you to actually give her your answer. But me, no. You try to change MY mind, but not hers. Lovely." Hearing the rest of his explanation she just kept shaking her head. She wasn't able to understand the way he was trying to fix this. She didn't feel like he could. In her mind, he had just lied to her once again. Tells her that if he was given an ultimatum, he would choose her, but the moment he is given on, he says he can't and that it would happen only if she would give him the ultimatum. Not only did she not find that fair, but she felt like what she wanted meant nothing to him. It felt no different than before, when she was betrayed years and years go. Just remembering what happened way back that tore her apart. She couldn't handle it.

"Shut up..." Kanna mumbled under her breath, bringing her hands up to the sides of her heads and squeezing it, as if trying to push out the memories, "Stop it, stop it, stop it! I can't trust you... I can't trust anyone. I try and then get let down, disappointing... betrayed. I'M SICK OF IT!" At that moment, she actually screamed those last four words in a high pitched tone. She grabbed onto her hair and began pulling at it hard enough to rip it out if she wasn't careful. "Sorry this, sorry that, I love you, Kanna. I really do. Don't leave me. I won't do it again. I won't lie anymore. I promise! I swear!" she said, laughing at her own words, "Over and over and over again.... I heard it all the time, every single time they got caught, just an I'm sorry. And I am stupid enough to fall right back into it." She stood up and looked to him, her eyes widened with insanity. She finally had snapped.

"You don't understand, do you?" Kanna set her hands on her face and tilted her head to the side, "No. You couldn't. Have I told you yet? Why I don't trust people? Why I don't trust men? I thought I told you, but obviously it did not sink in." Kanna began walking around in circles, pacing back and forth. It was almost like she was speaking to herself, but indeed was speaking to the man before her. "WELL I'M TELLING YOU AGAIN! .... I HATE PEOPLE! All they do is lie and cheat. Reason? I don't know. It's stupid. Hurt someone because they want to have more than one at a time! Hehehehehehehehe. First time it happened, I was pregnant with my little girl. Forgave him because we were having a baby and I was FOOLISHLY IN LOVE! Hahahaha! Then, he does it again, but this time that bitch is pregnant. Did our little girl matter to him? No. I was done. SO FINALLY... I FINALLY get up the fucking courage to take my baby away from that and back home... What happens..?? Ahaha The most HILARIOUS thing happened. The... Ahaha the fucking plane crashed." She walked behind Snopy and then set her chin on his shoulder, smiling at him.

"Guess what happened next?" Kanna said, giggling insanely, "I ended up here, in the Soul Society... I looked for her. I did. For years and years to come. Did I find her? ALMOST! I almost did. But guess what happened then! The man... that said he was going to help me.. brought me into a village that his gang ran.. to be FUCKED." She spoke that word right into his ear, running her hand along the top of his head. "I would have too. He would have done it if those damn Hollows hadn't shown up and I got away. After that I gave up of course. Dead inside, I some how found a village that took me in. Met a shop owner, married him, thought I was in love again. BUT THEN, my best friend... HA YES! MY BEST FRIEND! Kinda like your bitch, huh? I walked in on the two of them fucking! IF I CAN'T TRUST MY OWN BEST FRIEND, Why should I trust yours!??!?!?" After that she just began laughing and laughing and laughing, until finally... she stopped... She blinked a few times and then walked over towards the river, staring down into the water. She took one more glance towards Snopy and then began walking through the water to the other side, wondering if the rough current would sweep her off her feet and take her with it. In a way... hoping it would.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:10 am
Snopy looked on in increasing horror as she seemed to be losing it more and more, she was that upset. He hated seeing her like this, it almost made him want to just give in and end up choosing. However, that was the last resort. He wouldn't just throw away a friend unless he absolutely had to. As Kanna finished, he saw her start into the water. This seemed like a very bad idea, so Snopy ran over. Running into the water, he grabbed Kanna's shoulder. Kanna...I am aware of why you don't trust people. And... His entire body was beginning to tremble, he was beginning to lose it a bit. Yet he wasn't giving up. you really think all this is is some half-assed apology don't you. Suddenly his grip on her shoulder became more firm, and his body stopped shaking. Perhaps you are right, words are just words. I can say them all I want, but it isn't enough for you to believe them. But still, this isn't some two-bit half-assed apology JUST TO GET OUT OF SOMETHING!!! I KNOW I MESSED UP, BUT I AM FIGHTING TO PROVE THE TRUTH OF MY INTENTIONS! I'M NOT JUST GIVING UP! EVEN IF I FIND MYSELF ALONE, EVEN IF I LIE GASPING FOR BREATH, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! He let go of Kanna's shoulder and stepped back a few feet.

He placed his hand on one of his blades. Umm boss, what are you doing? Boss? He drew his Zanpakutō and gripped it firmly in his hand. What is more important to me? You or my own body? He raised it, then flipped it and swung, creating a large gash on himself. It cut deeply into his stomach, it was actually a bad wound. He now had a horizontal gash on his stomach, dripping blood. He wasn't sure if it was fatal, but he knew if he couldn't convince Kanna it would be bad. If that wasn't enough, he took the necklace he wore around his neck off. It was the last thing he had of his sister. At his next action, he had a look of sorrow. The last thing I have to remember my sister by. I may have never told you this, but I've held it close to me for over 80 years. I don't want to just prove I care about you more than Kiyomi anymore. I want to prove you are the most important thing in my life. I don't want there to be any doubt about that. As he spoke he teared up, this was all that remained of his sister. He was crying heavily and it was obvious from his voice. It was even a risk, as Kanna might not even believe him. The only time he had ever spoken of this before was when he was sitting on a bench in Rukongai waiting for Kanna, and as far as he knew no one else heard him. He held the arm with the necklace out over the water. I...I'm sorry sis, you'll always be in my heart. No matter what happens.

He took a moment to gather himself. It was a hard decision, but he had to prove Kanna was more important to him than anything else. Not just Kiyomi, but anything. Lightning flashed as blood continued to drip from his wound. He was really about to do it, he was about to drop the necklace into the water, never to be seen again. Forgive me sis. Slowly it began to slide from his grip, falling and headed for the waters below. The odds were, it would be gone forever unless he caught it, but he himself had no reason to do so. After all, he was proving a very important point.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:31 am
As her shoulder was grabbed, she slowly turned her head back towards him, listening and watching his movements. As he took a step back, she turned towards him. His words did not seem to bug her. She felt rather strongly about everything. Believe it or not, walking away the way she just did, the opposite direction of the Seireitei, she was on the edge of leaving without telling anyone. The fact that he stopped her was probably a very good thing, especially with what happened next. When he cut himself, her body tensed, but nothing changed. She could tell that the would actually was fatal just by looking at it. If she didn't heal him any time soon, he would more than likely die from the loss of blood. Seeing his tears did nothing on the outside. She felt slightly guilty, but she did not show it. She remained just as hateful and dead on the outside as she had been. Then, he grabbed the necklace he held so dear. She listened to his apology to his sister and then watched him drop it into the water. "He... let it go...." she thought to herself as she just watched it move down stream. The current was taking it farther and farther away. She glanced back towards Snopy and then towards the necklace. It was far enough that it was even hard to see.

GO AND GET IT! QUICK! Kanna heard a voice within her mind and without any hesitation, she vanished from sight using Shunpo. She appeared down the way, running after the necklace by jumping from rock to rock. The current was taking it farther and farther. Finally, they made it to a deeper area and she dove in after it. She reached out, grabbed onto the necklace, and pushed herself to the surface. After getting herself to the shore, she sat there on the edge and just stared at the water, holding tightly onto the necklace, coughing a bit. It seemed like the rain was finally dropping down, the cool breeze was calming and the lightning and thunder began to quit as the clouds moved on. Just sitting there, she didn't even know where Snopy was at the moment, whether he followed or stayed behind, but she did know one thing... He needed to be healed before the dipshit kicked the bucket.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:58 am
Snopy looked on, as Kanna watched the necklace drift downstream. What he expected was some sort of comment. Instead, she suddenly Shunpo'd past him in the direction of the necklace. K-KANNA! Despite his injury, he jumped up all the way on shore and began running as fast as he could. Perhaps if he Shunpo'd he'd go faster, but the wound was making that difficult. It hurt bad enough to run at this kind of speed. He wasn't slow, after all. However, he ignored it as he followed Kanna. Since she wasn't making gigantic strides with her Shunpo he was able to somewhat keep up.

When she finally stopped, he couldn't believe it. Kanna actually dove into the water. Snopy was about to go after her when he saw something. As she came back out, the necklace he had dropped was in her hand. She made her way onto the shore and coughed a bit.He wasn't sure exactly how she felt, but something may have clicked in her head. Whether she fully trusted him, or was on the process of deciding if she should, was unknown. Either way, he was happy to know that not only had he not lost the necklace forever, but that she hadn't completely given up on him.

He walked over and sat down next to her. didn't have to do that you know...I don't know exactly why you did it, but thank you. Thank you, you don't know how much it means to me. So, does this mean you believe me? Or are going to at least think about it? His voice was beginning to sound faint. The blood loss was making him light-headed. It wouldn't be long before it got really bad. He held his head a bit, his motions showing he was obviously losing energy. He sure did hope Kanna would decide to heal him, though he was more worried about what her response to him would be.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:24 am
As he came and sat down next to her, she turned her head towards him. It had already been raining and now she decided to jump into freezing cold water. It really wasn't the smartest idea for her, especially in the current situation. She had a serious headache coming on and that only made her feel worse. Looking towards the gash on his stomach, she narrowed her eyes and a low his left through her teeth. She said nothing more. She placed her hand on his chest and forced him to lay back. She then unsheathed her Zanpakutō. "Raise your shield, Nobuye..." she said while sticking the swords in the ground next to him. A blue shield formed over their bodies and immediately began to heal Snopy's gash. She just sat there, her knees up and her head resting on them. It would take about fifteen minutes for a wound that bad to heal, so they were forced to wait. Kanna had not answered his questions. She only sat there silent for a while and thought about what she should do. She hadn't even handed him his necklace back. Truth was, she wasn't sure what she was going to do when she got it back.

"Just hand it back to him, hun... Don't hurt yourself or him anymore." a voice spoke within her, but she said nothing back. She opened the palm of her hand to look at it. While chasing the necklace down, she had come up with three things she was going to do. She was either going to give it back, break it, or toss it as far as she possibly could. The reason she didn't immediately do that was because the moment she grabbed it, there were certain memories that came rushing back to her. ".... Here." she moved her arm over to him, setting the necklace on his stomach and then began to once again stare of into space.
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