Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)[Private]

Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:16 am
James walked into the forest with his satchel full of new equipment. Being an inventor had paid off, and it paid off good. James rested the satchel on a rock. He began removing the equipment, and setting them on the ground nearby, as he always did, especially before training. His contacts, though, he put directly into his eyes. James finished laying out his equipment on the floor in a line. He put them on in the same order as he usually does. Gloves, wristpad, then cloak. He stuffed his communicators back in the bag. He didn't need them today. It was just him today. As he tied his shoelaces, he thought of what he should practice today. I'm thinking Soul Sorcery. He programmed his wristpad, and set his contacts to detection mode. He couldn't risk an ambush. James aimed his hand at a nearby tree. "Manifesto Terra Es!" A small rocky orb, about the size of a bullet appeared in his hand instantly. He clenched a fist, then released it, signalling for his wristpad to launch it. The rocky orb disappeared, and in front of James was a tree, as was stated earlier, but now, with a hole the size of a bullet clean through it's trunk. James examined the size of the hole he made. It was semi-satisfactory. He pointed the glove at another tree. Suddenly, an alarm was triggered near him. It was his contacts, warning him of a nearby presence. He brushed it off. Gotta be a rabbit or something. Then James remembered. His contacts only detect things with powerful auras. He tensed, and prepared for battle.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue1570/100The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:38 am


Kyron Suzu

Kyron had only come out here because she wanted to relax and have a few hours away from the city. She'd been here a while, sleeping under the shade of a large tree. Her aura was completely hidden, undetectable while she was asleep. Suddenly she heard something, causing her to wake up. Her aura would begin to raise slowly, becoming larger the more awake she became. Glancing around, the sleepy eyed woman heard a noise. Out in this forest, she really had no idea what it was. She yawned, stretched a bit, and then stood up. Looking around again, on the other side of a tree and saw a young man. "The hell is he doing out here by himself..." she thought to herself as she watched him to see what he was going to do. She noticed a whole in one of the trees nearby and just raised an eyebrow. Stepping out behind him, she slid her hands into her pockets. By this time her aura would have raised a bit, likely causing his contraption to go off once more. Whether it did or not, she cleared her throat to allow him to realize she was there. She blinked a few times, staring at him with a sleepy expression, which would actually look slightly irritated. "What the hell are you doing out here, kid?" she asked him rather bluntly, yawning and stretching again.


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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:58 am
James' wristpad was beeping like crazy now, whatever this being was, it was right behind him. It had him cornered. It was no use trying to run, and he probably couldn't win if he tried to fight it. Then, he heard a voice. ""What the hell are you doing out here, kid?" What was he doing out here? Why he had a right mind to... He turned around. It was a woman. He sighed. "You come out of nowhere, set off my alarm, then ask me what I'm doing here?" James paused. "You have no respect for privacy." He said, looking the female dead in the eyes. He knew he couldn't take her, but he at least acted like he could. "Anyway, if you must know, I'm out here practicing with some new equipment." James flashed the glove and wristpad at the woman. He blinked, and changed his eye colour to green. He looked the woman over. Despite her blatant rudeness, she still was quite attractive. He smiled. "Any particular reason you're stalking an 18 year old?"
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue1570/100The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:27 am


Kyron Suzu

Okay, that was not what Kyron had expected. Why the hell did he get all defensive so fast? It was only natural for an adult to ask a young person, especially one that looked like a minor, about why they were out in the middle of a forest. Kyron really just stared at him the entire time, up until the comment about her stalking. Kyron stepped closer to him, narrowed her eyes, and got in his face. "Look... For one... I don't know or really care about whatever alarm you have. It's not like I set it off on purpose." Kyron began to explain to him, her voice sounding rather angry, "For two, I didn't expect you to actually give me the exact reason you were out here. Three... This is not your house, this is a forest. Anyone can walk up on you at any time. Be glad it was me. Not everyone will be so nice to you." At that moment, Kyron's eyes flashed bright red. She raised an eyebrow and took a step back. She looked away as if she just got hit by a bright light and blinked a few times. "Also..." she continued, "I'm not stalking some eighteen year old. I was sleeping about five feet in that direction. Someone needs to pay a bit more attention to the things that surround them." Kyron sighed and took a deep breath. She glanced over to the tree and then looked back to this kid. "New piece of equipment, huh?" she said as she went over to the tree to get a closer look, "So, what's it supposed to do?"


Joined : 2012-11-11
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:31 am
James watched the woman speaking intently, she paused for the right amount of time, and spoke clearly. An intelligent speaker. She looked away from James. Breaking eye contact? She just lost some points on the intelligent speaker scale. "Also..." she said clearly, "I'm not stalking some eighteen year old. I was sleeping about five feet in that direction. Someone needs to pay a bit more attention to the things that surround them." James knew he wasn't paying NEARLY enough attention as he should have. But of course, he was training. What was to be expected of him? To pay attention to every single gust of wind? No. His job was to further his own power. James looked at the woman. “New piece of equipment huh?” She asked. “What’s it supposed to do?” First things first. James responded to her last declaration. “Pay a bit more attention? As you said earlier, this is a forest, and quite frankly I’m out here to train, not sleep. Unlike you.” James looked the woman in the face. His equipment. He looked at his gloves, then his wristpad. “Look me in the eyes.” James changed the colour of his contacts from green, back to his natural silver. “What my equipment does is no easy question to just simply answer.” James gestured at his Cloak of Shadows. “This is my cloak. All I can say about it, is that it does what it’s name implies. And quite well at that.” James lifted the glove. “Are you familiar with the concept of mana?” He looked the woman over. She didn’t appear to be the mage-ly type. He put two fingers on the woman’s forehead, and said an incantation. “Duo-Manifesto Ater Es!” James’ Cloak of Shadows brightly flashed, and he felt the mana surge through it as he turned invisible. He waited a moment until he was almost certain that the darkness had claimed her. He took a few steps behind her, and released the incantation. His cloak flashed again, and he was visible. He tapped her on the shoulder from behind. “This, is what my equipment does.” James said arrogantly.

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue1570/100The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:08 am


Kyron Suzu

"I don't need to pay any more attention than I am." Kyron said as she nodded and stretched once more, "You on the other hand are a different story. You're young, inexperienced, and can get yourself hurt." At this point Kyron was purposely trying to irritated him. His tone with her had been completely disrespectful. Then, he went to put his hand on her forehead. Kyron moved her head to the side, staring directly at him with a sort of warning in her eyes. "Do. Not. Touch. Me." she said to him rather bluntly, "Neither of us know the other. Touching is not going to happen." Kyron had her own little rule about her. If she tells you to do something, or not to do it, she expects that to be listened to. She won't tell someone that they can't do something that doesn't have anything to do with her. She won't do that. Now, if something has to do with her and she tells someone no, it's smart to listen. A short flashback came to mind of the last person that didn't listen. He'll never do that again. A short chuckle emitted from the woman's throat and she took a few steps back, away from him. "Well kid..." she said as she took a few more steps back and then sat down at the trunk of a tree, "I'm bored and don't have anywhere to be tonight, so I'mma watch ya, kay?"


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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:56 am
James listened to the woman insulting him. She knew not of the power he wielded. "Inexperienced? That was an adept level incantation!" The woman had caught his hand. She apparently really doesn't like touching. OCD maybe? James wanted to find out more about this woman now. She'd piqued his interest. He would observe her. Quite frankly, she seemed like they standalone type. James had a plan. He could toy with her emotions. He'd make her betray her own nature. He'd make her so dependent on him, that she'd barely be able to function, then he'd show her her own error. Because after all, that's all humans are to him. Toys to be tinkered with. The only difference between her and a complete stranger was that this one was just particularly interesting. She hadn't revealed much about herself yet other than that she likes sleeping in random forests. James laughed inwardly. Who sleeps in a forest? She said she was bored. James laughed. "If you're bored you can sleep. You seem to have already taken a liking to tree bark. Here, let me pull you up a leaf pillow!" James gestured at some leaves. "Now then, if you wouldn't like to sleep on a tree all day, you could help me. My contacts say you're more powerful than you're letting on. Perhaps you could teach me a few things? You obviously have enough experience, because you seem to think I don't." James folded his arms. He changed his contact colour to blue.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue1570/100The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:22 am


Kyron Suzu

Kyron ignored his statement about his spell being adept. She wasn't sure whether she even knew what he was talking about. His next statement was funny though. "Nah, I don't need a pillow. Thanks though." Kyron smirked to him, as if she was just going along with him. She knew he was being sarcastic, but it was fun just going along with it. Usually going along with sarcasm annoyed people. Then his next statement came. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!" she could not hold that one in. She had to laugh. It was just way too funny. She couldn't believe he just asked her for help. "Now that one was good." Kyron pushed herself back to her feet, not even using her hands in the process, "For one, I'm not exactly hiding my power. I made it quite clear that I knew I was more powerful than you are by saying you were inexperienced." Looking around, she decided what to show him. She didn't care too much about showing him her skill in soul sorcery. Looking towards the tree that he had previously fired at, she shrugged. "I guess I can show you what I can do." she said to him, "Doubt I'll teach ya anything though. You got one hell of an attitude on you."

Kyron stood about five feet away from the tree. Taking in a deep breath, she braced herself a bit. Gathering up a bit of her energy, she said the name of her own spell, "Hitooshi Fo-Shu-Gun!" A wave of energy, looking similar to ripples in a water, formed in rapidly in front of her body. The moment she uttered the final word 'Gun' for the spell, the wave of energy shot forward at over one hundred miles per hour, slamming into the tree. The tree was easily ripped in half and send flying into another tree behind it. It did not stop there, because the second tree broke and was sent flying back into a third. Kyron nodded and clapped her hands together as if she were dusting them off. "Well. There ya go." she said to him with a smile, "Now you have a small bit of knowledge about what I can do." With that done, she walked over to the tree and leaned up against it, waiting for his opinion on what he just saw.


Joined : 2012-11-11
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:50 am
James watched the woman laugh at his request for aide. Her loss. If she wants to keep sleeping on trees, that was fine with him. He'd just go back to peaceful, quiet training. James closed his eyes. It would be calming, training alone. Sometimes it was all he had. James heard a loud noise, then crashing. He opened his eyes to see a tree fall over onto another tree, then that tree proceeding to fall on the next. The woman had done this. Honestly, he had her figured out for strong, but that was overkill. Those poor trees. They didn't stand a chance. He looked at the woman with a blank expression. It was almost as if he was asking her without words, Really? She spoke, but only to boast her own power. James felt like chucking a boulder at her, just to see how fast she could form that energy ball to save her own life. He smirked. He muttered the incantation for Dual-Manifestation of Nature, and made the first, second, and third fallen trees stand themselves up. He proceeded to use the incantation for Dual-Manifestation of Life, and healed each of the fallen trees back to normal, in succession. He looked over at the woman. "What'd you do? All I see are some perfectly normal trees. All that power and you're still refusing to show me? I'm beginning to think you're all talk." He nodded his head in the direction of the trees he'd just repaired. James smirked again.

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3218
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The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Left_bar_bleue1570/100The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter) Empty Re: The Boy in the Forest. (Training. Sub-chapter)

Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:10 am


Kyron Suzu

"Ahhhh!" Kyron stood up straight and walked over to the newly repaired trees. Putting her hands on her hips, she bent over to look at that place that had been busted before. "Not bad, kid! Seems you got enough skill." she said to him, actually complimenting him and once again going along with his sarcastic attitude, "So why do you need my help exactly? Looks like your doing fine on your own." Kyron stepped back over to him, crossing her arms along her chest as she tilted her head to the side and waited for his answer. Once he did, she'd move on and glance back over to the trees he had repaired. "If I did help you with anything, I doubt it would be with Spells or Soul Sorcery." she said to him, then looking back in his direction, "It would likely be martial arts... or how to control your power... I dunno..." She raised her hand to rub the back of her head, thinking about what she would even be able to help this kid with. "I know!" she said with a smirk and put her hands on her hips, leaning forward and sort of getting in his face with a big dorky smile on her face, "I could help you with that attitude of yours. I doubt you get many girls with that in the way."


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