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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Thu 17 Jan 2013, 12:59
For a couple of years, he had been using his powers to walk through the dimensional fabric, using a technique very similar to a Senkaimon gate or a Garganta, though it was relatively faster then both, and like it was for Hollows, was usable by all Quincy. The forest of Menos was one of the places he enjoyed going to, the Quartz forest having a nice ring to it when the wind blew through it. As always, the forest was crowded with the lower classed Hollow and the Adjuchas that looked over the forest for the people of the white castle. During the time he spent in the forest, he had never really seen any Arrancar down there, which was a good thing for him. Hollow all knew that if they attacked him, they would most likely die before they’d even reach him, and he had no intention of attacking someone or something without a reason to do so. As such, one could say that they were living without actually harming one another, and that was the best way to go about it in a world that worked on feeding and killing one another. Why he came to a murderous place like the forest, he didn’t really know, though he liked the primal nature of the place, how everything living there could be dead the next time he got there, or could have gotten twice as strong by then. Hollow have been shown to be killers, but they were at least much more pure then humans, almost sharing a purity at the same level as a common animal.

With that thought in his mind, he would just keep on looking around to see more of the world. Sitting up high on a branch of quartz, he looked out over the forests lower area’s, watching how one Hollow would hunt down and kill the other. It’s very much like how animals fought each other in the material world, something that made it hard for him to see that beneath the ivory colored masks, they still had a human soul. He never really hated the Hollow race for killing his parents, he just hated the one that made the kill, for that was the only thing that seemed fair. Sure, there had been a time when he truly hated them, but after quite some time, he realized that it was thanks to people viewing things so black and white that wars and conflict came to be. Keeping his Reiatsu sensing ability at top notch in case something troublesome would come his way, he would just keep looking at the fighting and killing, enjoying it as if it were some kind of National Geographic Show on the television. Earlier, he had been fighting an Arrancar and a Shinigami in this same forest, and the broken down trees, cracked rocks and blast holes in the wall in the particular part of the forest were very visible. He realized that if he was to stay there, that someone might just come to him and see what had been going on.

Having done research and taking some of the residents to a better place, he used the Reishi of some of the stronger Hollow that claimed to be Vasto Lorde, to create something new for himself. Gaining some of the primary information when fighting several Arrancar and a couple of different Hollow in the forest, the information and the required ingredients had been more then present in the world of Hollow, of that there was no doubt. All that remained now was to see if this was going to be ready for battle, which was to be it’s primary use. Looking over a large open field, it seemed that most Hollow had taken to a different location, only seeing the occasional lonely soul wander the boundaries of the field to see if any food was to be found, after which it would then disappear again.

Last edited by Hitoshi [Adalric] on Thu 17 Jan 2013, 15:37; edited 1 time in total
The Hellknight
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Thu 17 Jan 2013, 13:13

Michael, being the Grand Duke of the First Circle often gets reports of different people entering Hueco Mundo or other places though his underlings. Michael never really cares too much about it until he heard about a Qunicy that was making a stop in Hueco Mundo. Michael normally thought that was nothing special, because some Quincies have been known to be able to jump worlds like any Arrancar or Shinigami. Though what made this one odd was the simple fact that he was not seeing any death on his radar, at least no more so then he usually did and that sent small red flags to him. What was this Quincy doing out there? Why was he there? Michael decided that he should go see what was going on and then went to go see what was happening.

Michael would open a portal into Hueco Mundo, one just big enough for his 6'4" frame to get though as he would walk though and end up within sight of the Quincy. If the Quincy looked over, he would see a human shaped person, with onyx black hair with a black shirt and black jeans with a pair of steel boots. Michael would look at this man for a moment, and apparently did not even notice the Hollow that stood behind him and took a bite into Michael's shoulder. As the hollow tried to bite though Michael's tough skin, Michael would not seem to even notice as he looked at the Quincy with a curious look on his face. Michael would then glance at the hollow that was trying to eat his shoulder, and reach over with his other hand and rip the hollow's mask clean off his face, killing it instantly.

As it started to fade away, Michael looked at this Quincy before saying calmly What are you doing here Quincy? Aren't you a little out of place?

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Thu 17 Jan 2013, 15:33
Noticing a portal opening in front of him on ground level, he looked over with a semi interested expression on his face. Normally, this kind of anomaly did not appear much, at least not near him, for this was the first time ever seeing something as strange as this. When a human shaped being stepped out, his sensory abilities noted that, in spite of his looks, this man was not a human, he merely looked like it. He would not be able to figure out what this guy was on his own, just because he had not seen this type of spiritual pressure before. It was not bigger then his was, so he would have no reason to really be on his guard more then usual, though the fact that it was entirely new was both intriguing and bothersome. Keeping him in the corner of his eye, he kept looking out over the forest, showing that he was only a little bit interested, and had no real plans of interaction with him. It seemed that the man had some sort of beef with him, for his gaze seemed to be locked on Hitoshi. He had never seen the guy before, though he did not have to be a psychic to be able to tell that he wanted something from him. Not being the most social of men when in Hueco Mundo, he just kept his mouth shut and his eyes and ears open, like any smart man or woman would do in a dangerous environment. When a lone Hollow appeared again and noticed the man, it rushed over to him in a flick of what seemed like hunger and rage, biting into him but not having the strength required to actually puncture his skin. Simply ripping off it’s mask as it did so, the lesser Hollow was quickly killed, and most likely only felt pain for a brief moment.

When it started talking to him, the man asked what someone like him was doing out in a place like this, and that he was quite out of place. It was a strange question, considering the guy was himself not a Hollow or an Arrancar, meaning he was just as much out of place as Hitoshi himself was. Hitoshi was only here because he was doing research, and because he enjoyed the environment quite a bit, not belonging to the place much at all. Still, the last months had been good to him, and most of that time had been spent in the forest of Menos. Shrugging his throat, he turned his attention to the strange creature, even though it was like part of it was still not really there, busy watching the landscape. “The Question is not whether I am out of place or not, but what place it is you would limit me too, rather then the one I am sitting on. Would you prefer it if I stuck to the material world, or do you not enjoy having me sit up in this particular spot?” he said, primarily joking about the things this thing had asked him. He did not fear this new guy, and his little display of power shown when he killed a lesser Hollow only meant that he was aggressive, not that he was strong, for most lesser souls could kill a Hollow. Despite this, he had however proven not to be a completely incompetent buffoon, so maybe it would turn out to be an interesting experience for the young Quincy.

“But in all seriousness, it seems the Hollow want you to be here even less then they want me around. You see, in time, these creatures accepted me, yet they still consider you as nothing more then food. Either they just don’t like you, or they just find your race to be tastier then mine. Now, if you would be so kind as to explain, just what are you?” he said, being entirely serious this time around. If the guy would turn out to be as aggressive to him as he was to the Hollow he killed, he would be fighting something he did not know, though he would not be put at a disadvantage. Just as he knew nothing about this new appearance, the guy would have limited information on him as a Quincy too, for he was nothing like the others back in the Material world. Some of the powers he had were hundreds of years old, while others had been updated to be relevant in the present, even others being creations of his own. Whatever would happen, Hitoshi would be as ready as possible.
The Hellknight
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Thu 17 Jan 2013, 20:08

Michael was not the least bit unobservant, as he noticed the man look at him with a semi interested face as if he had never seen a Demon before and that alone surprised Michael as most people have heard of the people that rule most of Europe and parts of the United States. He would also notice that the man didn't look the least bit impressed at the ease in which he killed the hollow, which along with his sheer power showed him that this man was not someone to mess around with as he was above Michaels, but he didn't really care too much about that as he had fought someone around his level when he was much weaker then he is now, and if a fought broke out now he would be ready.

Michael watched the man as thoughts ran though his head, and then once the question left his mouth Michael only smiled for a moment, smirking at his joking tone and the joke itself. Michael then knew at that moment that this guy clearly had no idea who he was or what a Demon was able to do, but that mattered very little as Michael at this moment had no reason to fight this man and most likely never will if this keeps up. While Michael did need to get a good fight in, he had no problem with simply talking to this Quincy.

Of Course the hollows don't want me here... I have spent quite a bit of time gaining strength in the forest of Menos, and I guess they remember my smell. As for what I am, I am the son of Touketsu. Michael Capolitare, Grand Duke of the First Circle of Shadow Fall and The King of Blood. I am the Blood Demon, and I know you are a Quincy with a Bankai in your glove. That is very old tech, and I have to say that is rather interesting to me but lets get to know each other before we talk about abilities. His opponent, not knowing what a Demon was should not have any idea what a Demon is capable of doing from his ability to manipulate his body to the fact that he knows just about everything that is going on in the environment due to his Master level in Zo Koa skill, the power of most Demon abilities. The reason why he could know that he had a Bankai inside of his glove was due to the sheer amount of energy coming from the glove and the fact it was Shinigami in Nature.

Michael up his hands into his jeans as he looked at the Quincy, as his blood red eyes would stare at the Quincies wondering what is going on in that head as this man clearly was going to have seriously problems determining what a Demon could do and separating fact from fiction and what could Michael do with Blood. Michael would look around for a moment as he would see the hollows starting to gather around them both, and he would sigh loudly for a moment before looking at the ground and they would stop for a moment, then turn around and run away. They clearly knew that Michael was waiting for them, and he was ready to spill their blood. Michael then went back to looking at the Quincy as he said It seems they really don't like me here.. but I guess they know better then to attack me head on...the Hollows are a lot smarter then they use to be... I remember when they would literally walk up to someone that could flick them and kill them all.. Survival of the Fittest I guess... all the dumb ones are dead. Michael smirked slightly at this, as he tried to make a joke if the Quincy thought it was funny was something else.

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Sat 19 Jan 2013, 20:17
“So you are capable of sensing spiritual pressure, I guess that is a testament to at least a slight amount of skill. I am indeed a Quincy, though that was to be seen by just looking at my clothing. The thing that takes a bit more skill is reading into this glove of mine, not many knew before hand that this glove has the power of a Shinigami inside of it. However, it is not something you should have to worry too much about, I do not use it very often” he said in response to the man and his statement about what he believed Hitoshi to be. Anyone could have made the primary guess as to him being a Quincy, for his wardrobe did not leave a whole lot of question. The white and blue of Quincy were the chosen colors of his ensemble, at least when headed into the spiritual world. It was relatively easy to spot from a distance, making it easier for most Hollow and creatures that wanted to be left alone to avoid him, which was just the way he liked it. He had his own things to do, his own studies to perform and had no time for foolish struggles. Currently, his studies in the behaviour and patterns of Hollows in the forest of Menos was quite important, though most people would not care to understand his reasons.

If one was to understand how a type of power functioned, how something brain worked, it needed to be studied up close. Hitoshi liked the forest, just like how he loved watching the lesser Hollow, that making his studies that much more fun and rewarding. Turning his attention back to the man, he let his thoughts drift for a while. “As to your rank, that does not mean a whole lot to me. I don’t know who Touketsu is, what Shadow fall is or what it means to be a grand duke, though you could say that this is just because of a lack of interest. Residents of hell don’t interest me as much as they might believe, because in the end, most of you are common murderers, cutthroats and thieves. Whether you’d be the son of Dracula or the son of a common peasant, the only thing that matters is whether you can fight or not. Status means nothing if you can’t raise a weapon or dish out a good beating. That’s why I like Hueco Mundo, in this place it’s everyone for himself, meaning that it is indeed a survival of the fittest kind of thing.” The Hollow of this world had taught him quite a bit about how unfair the world was. For just seeing them struggle to regain their sanity and satisfy their hunger showed that the problems of humans were incredibly trivial.

Letting a deep sigh escape his lips, he placed both hands behind his head as if he was strained by something, being tired of all the talking. To be honest, he felt like he was being quite forward with his questions, though he wished to know why this guy came up to him in the forest, interfering with his studies. “Now, lets get down to business. You came to me with a question, that question has been answered. That just leaves the reason as to why you came here in the first place. What is it you, Michael, want from me?” It was truly the last thing that still remained to be seen. The man had come here, stepping from some kind of gate to meet up with him for reasons currently beyond him, for he had no idea who the man was. Maybe he was here for someone, or maybe he wanted something Hitoshi had. In time, he would figure out the reasons behind the man’s sudden arrival, and likely a lot more then that.
The Hellknight
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Sat 19 Jan 2013, 21:17

Michael could not help but smile slightly as he heard the Quincies mouth, knowing very well that he didn't seem to care at all at what Michael had to say, though he did seem to comment on the ability of him to sense the Zanpaktou in the glove. Michael would close his eyes for a moment as he began to do something with his body. The blood in his own body would begin to be absorbed into the muscles in every corner of his body, and then instantly replaced with a new set of blood that was being re created by Michael's own Spiritual energy. As Michael did this, his outer appearance would not change and his own spiritual energy would not change as doing this drained him of less then a percent of his total power. Michael would then smile even wider as he heard the guy say that he knows nothing about Shadow Fall or his God. Michael could not allow that, now could he?

Michael looked at his opponent once he asked the question of what he wanted with him. Now that is the correct question my friend! You see, my job is to watch for attacks here in the Hollow World and any other place that is controlled by Shadowfall. I saw your reiastu signature on our screens, and I was wondering why you were not killing any Hollows, so I came down here.... Now that I realize that you don't seem to be aware of what a Grand Duke of Shadow Fall could do, or what Shadow Fall is in general. I have thought of showing you what they are capable of doing. As the last sentence started to leave Michael's mouth, Michael without even moving a finger or a part of his body would turn the sand behind his opponent's feet into blood. This was one of his many abilities that he could do with blood, and it would only get worse from there as two chains would come out of the blood and attempt to wrap around his opponent's legs to hold him in place. The chains what they lacked in holding power they made up for in speed, at this point only being able to hold the Quincy for a mere moment or two but that is all Michael needed.

Michael, in his current Blood State, was moving at twice the speed that he would normally be able to do and he even began to use the seals on his legs to active Shadow Movement This was the equivalent of a Shinigami's Shunpo or an Arrancar's Sonido. Michael would even take that a step farther, activating Shadow Burst which increased his speed even farther then before, increasing his total speed to nearly five times what it was before which at this point allowed him to be nearly a blur, if not vanish, to any person. Michael would appear in front of his opponent, and he would simply whisper

Demon Barrage!

Demon Barrage is much like Raiōken in the sheer number of attacks and speed at which the attacks are thrown. This attack was made all the more dangerous by the fact that Michael's own strength was at Master level and then further augmented by his Blood State, which increased his strength to be able to level 4 city blocks with a single punch. The Shadow Burst not only increased his speed but it effectively doubled his strength in his punches. This is also increased by the fact that Michael no longer has any organs in his upper body, expect for his eyes and brain and all that space was replaced with muscle tissue increasing his strength and speed in his upper body EVEN FARTHER! Then to make matters worse, Michael infused bits of his fist with Za Koa energy, and on contact with his opponent would explode outwards, effectively doubling the force in which his opponent was hit making this extremely dangerous to be hit by him. Then to make matters worse, mixed in with that massive array of hits was attacks that was made to pierce the skin and go into deep muscle tissue such as the heart and lungs.

This of course comes at a massive price for Michael though, as using this attack had literally shredded every muscle in his arm and parts of his upper body leaving his arms completely limp from the attack. Michael had to then active his regeneration for a moment, which quickly repaired the damage back to nearly perfect status which made Michael able to lift his arms again, though he knew well enough that he could not keep doing that to this guy and still remain able to fight as his regenerative ability would soon stop and he would then be screwed.

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui

Look here for reference on what Raiōken is.
Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Tue 22 Jan 2013, 09:51
Listening to what the guy had to say, it seemed like a bunch of posh words and ramblings, stuff he did not much care about. He never bothered to listen to the ramblings of others, for most people became bothersome after a while, believing themselves to be stronger then their adversary without even knowing what they were up against. For instance, this guy believed that because Hitoshi had no knowledge of him or his group of weirdo’s, that he would be in a position to beat him. Knowledge could be a deciding factor, though he had learned from experience that those looking for shelter in knowledge, would not find what they were looking for. One of the things this guy should keep in mind was the fact that there was no race that had a greater skill at reading spiritual pressure then a true Quincy. Letting his senses drift, he felt that something was happening behind him, a spiritual pressure similar to that of the guy in front of him. After the things this guy told him, he knew better then to wait for it to hit him, making use of his Hirenkyaku to step out of harms way. Landing about ten meters from his initial location, he saw the strange chains that were obviously meant to restrain him fly through the air, not hitting their desired target.

Setting up a plan to fight back, he watched as the demon performed some unholy rite to empower his own body. When he dashed towards him, it was not that hard for him to figure out that whatever he had done to himself had boosted his physical prowess quite a bit. Not being willing to let this guy just do as he pleased, he refused to go into a defensive stance, instead launching himself at the demon. By altering his Blut ability to go from defense to offense, he would be able to hold out with striking at the same amount of power as this guy, though he was known to be a very fast individual. Capable of trading punches with the guy, he let his energy flow into his shadow, rapidly forming an exact copy of his own body. Hitoshi felt a strain being put on his fists when he countered the raw force of the demon, though he would not simply give up and get hit. As the copy formed, he would perform a roundhouse kick aimed at his side, thus ending the short yet high paced brawl between the two. This was Hitoshi’s unique power, the Shadow Soul, an exact copy of himself that had the same powers as the original, but was capable of moving independent of him. If the roundhouse kick would hit, it would not give this guy the time to break off and heal his internal wounds.

Regardless of hitting the guy with the kick, he would continue to remain close, both the original and the copy. Forming weaponry out of Hueco Mundo’s particles, Hitoshi and his clone both formed a shining blue short sword in what seemed to be only a split second. Even though it was created on a whim, his mastery over reishi and their further manipulation was not something that should be underestimated, for this particular weapon would have no trouble at all with taking an arm off. The aim was to keep this guy from receiving any kind of rest to do what he had just done, or to fix the damage dealt to his body by keeping within range, ready to lop off a limb if he got careless. “You’re getting slower kid, maybe all that knowledge about me and all those big words you spoke earlier hold less value then you had hoped” he said, keeping his straight, emotionless facial expression while saying something that could be considered to be a provocation. Surely, whatever was going to happen now was only going to be flashier then what had happened now, and be more in Hitoshi’s favor.

He already knew about his hidden weapon, so there would be no point in restraining what he held in his glove. If this so called demon wanted to fight all out, he would show him that the power of a Quincy was not something that should be underestimated so easily, for the amount of tricks he had up his sleeve were far from depleted. The guy would have a hard time healing his wounds if he was constantly harassed and attacked in close range, placing this battle in his hands. If it would keep up as it did now, Hitoshi was very certain of his victory.
The Hellknight
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Tue 22 Jan 2013, 12:38

Michael could not help but smile as his opponent easily dodged the chains that were meant to hold him in place as he unleashed the barrage of hits, knowing now that this guy was not just holding the quincy gear and now he was a True Quincy, which made Michael all the more happy considering the sheer fact that he now had someone interesting to fight. Michael had not been able to fight anyone this interesting sense Moonie and even now he could already feel the smile and adrenaline pumping though his blood stream. Michael then watched, with some joy that the man would run right at him, going on the offensive instead of the defensive which made Michael all the more interested in the man and what he was able to do. As his opponent ran up and attempted to trade blows with him, Michael was much faster then he was due to the sheer fact that his speed was increased many times over due to the technique and the risk Michael had on his very body, as he pushed his body extremely hard while he used that technique. Michael due to this sheer amount of attacks in the short moments, with the massive increase in speed Michael would have most likely gotten couple of punches to slip though the hail of defenses, at least until the Shadow Figure appeared next to him.

Michael instantly registered this ability and he knew that this was going to be a fun and interesting fight, as the Quincy was clearly not holding back as he had already unleashed a unique ability and pulled out Blut. Michael also knew that during this stream of punches, that he could not block the kick that was coming towards his side with his fists, so he would simply smile and allow his body to be hit by the power of the kick. Due to the sheer power of the kick, and Michael's light-ish body he would be sent flying couple meters away and by the time he hit the ground the wounds on his arms were already healed completely, but that was all internal so even with the Quincies ability he should not be able to see what is going on. Michael then watched as two blades were formed, out of the reiastu of the world around them in the Hueco Mundo, and Michael knew very well that those swords were capable of doing very powerful things and knew better then to try and get cut by one of them if he could help it. Very very true Quincy.. I am already starting to regret my choice of fighting you. Which is rather rare for me, but I think this will be very interesting never the less.

Michael would crack his neck slightly, as he knew his opponent was going to come at him most likely and he had to make the best of the fact that right now he was on a short time frame due to his Shadow Burst Ability, as that was most likely the only thing that was keeping him at this guys level of speed and he knew that if he could not keep it up he would be dead before he knew it. Michael knew enough to realize that he had to try and finish this quickly, but this Quincy was not a push over and would most likely cut off an arm or a leg at the first chance which that alone made Michael a little nervous, but he knew that he could most likely handle it.

Suddenly, the world around them would begin to turn to liquid as the very sand under their feet began to change in shapes of matter. The Quincy could most likely figure out what it was going to be, and it was Blood. Michael had changed a one hundred meter radius circle around them all into blood, and Michael smiled there for a moment before nearly two dozen tentacles came ripping out of the blood and attempting to grab the Quincy and the Shadow Clone. They were at least up to their knees in blood at this point, and the blood was not exactly normal blood as it was filled with Michael's Za Koa energy to make it very thick and mud-like to anyone else but him. This would make it much harder for his opponent to escape, as he was most likely now knee deep in blood and with the spiked tentacles attempting to grab him and rip him apart. Michael wanted to see how well the Quincy reacted to being in the place where Michael was now at home, as here he had quite a bit more power.

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui

Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Tue 22 Jan 2013, 17:55
Interesting enough, this guy had just altered the terrain and turned it into a crimson red substance, obviously being the stuff this guy was taking such pride in, blood. Luckily for him, his Hirenkyaku made it so that he did not need to touch the ground in order to find footing, dashing up into the air and standing on what seemed to be nothing more then the air that surrounded them. Sending his clone to take place up high in one of the Quartz trees, he would save it there for later, feeling that things would be best handled by taking point and just watching the terrain for now. The copy would be taking the time to watch what was going on while Hitoshi himself would take care of the bloody tentacles that had sprouted from the area around him. Applying his own physical speed and the blade in his hand, he would cut the closest tentacle away, repeating this process several times. Slicing through it like a hot knife through butter, he could feel that the bloody substance was dense, most likely so due to whatever kind of power this guy was using to both create and control it.

Stepping out of harms way, he hovered about ten meters above the ground, far enough for the tentacles to take way too much time to get to him before he would be able to dodge it with ease. “I’ve got a good idea that might make this more... fun for the both of us. How about I release something I doubt you’ve ever had the privilege of fighting against. It’s a rare form of power that very few of my people still have, for most of them have chosen to indulge in acts that poison their very core. You see, some call this the power of god, the ability to reshape the land and make it so that every tree, every rock, every little grain of sand becomes a weapon of my choice...” he said, looking at the demon that would now get the chance to heal himself back to normal, obviously at the cost of his total amount of energy. Surely, regenerating his body internally took a lot out of a man, that much was certain. Still, Hitoshi took no pride in fighting an opponent that had already sustained damage due to his own choosing.

Hitoshi was not a man of god, and he did not follow the teachings of the Quincy for that reason. Still, there was no denying that his power was something most spiritual creatures would do well to fear, for underestimating a thing like that would take someones very life away in an instant, one single display of an almost absolute power in the spiritual world. It was funny to him, to believe that a mere human would have a power such as his own, especially when most of the other races bragged so much about the things they could do. This guy claimed to be a Duke in Hell, which was obviously quite a title to hold when so many people of the current day and age stood neck deep in sin. Even so, holding a title such as his own would mean nothing to Hitoshi, a man who had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. “Now, once you’ve taken the time to fully regenerate that body of yours, I will allow you to choose the direction this fight will be taking next. The choices you get are simple, I give you the options A, B and C, while I decide what I will tie to the option” he explained.

“So if you are up for a little gamble, you may pick option A, B or C and then see what happens next. If you really want things to become interesting, I suggest you take this time to make your choice. Oh, and when you do, I suggest you release the full brunt of your power, or I can assure you that your life might be forfeit in less then a minute”. It was not pride that made him say these things, it was the knowledge that this power was too much for some people to handle, and that his own augmented power would be quite capable of ending the fight in very little time. There was nothing else he could do now, nothing other then waiting and watching his environment, making sure none of the tentacles hit him while he waited for the man to make his choice.
The Hellknight
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How this world works  Empty Re: How this world works

Wed 23 Jan 2013, 23:04

Michael watched as the Quincy, with an insane amount of ease so it seemed, dodged every attack he threw at him cutting though the tentacles that he sent out with a great amount of ease, which he fully expected in a way but not with such ease. Michael quickly realized at that point that the difference in their power was not something that he could make up for with more blood, he had to get the man to mess up if he could and then attack. Even before the man had finished his first sentence, Michael's 'internal' damage was completely healed due to the simple fact that it was all muscle bruising and no internal damage due to the fact that Michael lacked them all, internal organs, in his chest.

Michael's tentacles, even as they were being cut down would nearly instantly shot out and reattach themselves to the lost end. The Quincy in all reality only destroyed a minor part of the total blood and as long as there was blood to replace it from the pool below it and Michael had the power to keep them going and he did for quite a while but he realized that it was not going to work against an opponent like this, so he would send the blood tentacles back down into the pool to disappear into it like a monster would go back into the water. Michael would then listen to that last sentence, and he instantly felt a chill coming down his spine. Michael knew enough to realize what he was talking about, and Michael had only heard about it in history books about what the Quincies could do back before the Ender.

Well Michael.. good work.. you got yourself into a fight with one of the most powerful Quincies that you know of.... Well. I guess there is no reason to hold back then is there... As that thought went though his mind a massive pillar would shot into the sky, this onyx and blood red pillar was made of Michael's Demonic Spiritual Energy and in that very same moment the world around them would appear to be raining as Michael's spiritual pressure would be pressing down the world. This was so intense that the Hollows that were near by were instantly destroyed by the sheer pressure, Michael was now unleashing every ounce of his power and was no longer holding back. This was the power a Duke of Hell wielded and he was going to have to push everything he had at this Quincy to even have a chance of beating him.

As this pressure ripped though Hueco Mundo, Michael would reach down into the pool of blood and something interesting would happen at that moment. All the blood would begin to flow towards Michael, going right into his right hand and even though the pool was massive it would soon reach his right hand where he condensed all of that blood into the shape of a sword. This sword was the same size and shape of a Katana, which in Michael's hands looked a lot smaller then it should. As Michael held the blade in his hand, he would growl for a moment for the simple fact that he was forced to use a blade to defeat his opponent as his fists were clearly not working.

Michael then flicked his right wrist, with the sword in it, and a massive wave of sand and dust would explode outward from the sheer power of the swing, showing still how strong Michael was and he knew that if he could get a hit on his opponent when his Blut was not on, he could do some serious damage. " You decide which one to pick... whatever you think it will take to defeat me, and make your choice quickly because I am not sure how long I can keep this blade held." This was very true for Michael, as this was the first time that he had ever had to do anything close to this, but he did know that the power of all the blood was now in that blade for him to use including the blood itself.

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
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