Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:17 pm
The young blonde hair ran as the hollow chased her, looking around for the best tactical spot as she did. Her black leather jacket whipped behind her, revealing the metallic vest beneath it. She clenched an AR-15 rifle in one hand as she ran, making a sharp turn suddenly. As she turned, a strange hand gun appeared from behind the vest, and she fired off two shots, both hitting the hollow dead in the mask, the weak hollow crumbling to dust before her eyes.

As she put the handgun back in to the holster behind her vest, she looked around, trying to figure out where in fuma park she was now. The moonlit sky was cloudless, and the breeze rustled in the tree tops. She spotted a bench nearby, and slinging the AR-15 over her shoulders, she walked over and sat down. A nicely sculpted fountain depicting some war hero gurgled nearby. She pulled the glasses off her face, wiping them off, then putting them back on. These weren't your everyday glasses, they looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, and they didn't improve her vision like normal glasses. She sighed as she stood up, stretching as she looked around for what to do next.

"What a lovely night."
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue54500/99999First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (54500/99999)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:53 pm
He had only recently been assigned to Karakura for a while to defend the innocent people from hollow attacks. Things had been slow but he had taken down a few weak ones already. Just as he was about to relax, thinking it would be another quite night like all the others, he got a signal alerting the presence of a hollow and it was on the move. He went as fast as he could towards where the signal was coming from and found himself entering a park. He hoped that he wouldn't be to late to help anyone that was in trouble. It was his job to make sure that people were safe from the hollows after all.

He scanned the entire park trying to find his target and finally spotted it chasing a girl. He sprinted after it to try and kill the hollow before it could reach its pray. Before he even got the chance to pull his Zanpakutō the hollow began to break apart. He watched the girl place a gun in a holster. He watched her sit down on the nearby bench. She stood up and started to look around. He decided to approach her to make sure the hollow had not hurt her at all.

"Hello there miss. Pretty impressive work not many people would have been able to take down a hollow like that. Are you hurt at all?"
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:24 am
As the man talked, she moved. Her body spun around, another pistol, though it looked exactly the same as the other one, being pulled out from another holster, and she pointed it at the man's head.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pull this trigger, or I'll that other being won't be the only thing gone from my sights."

Her blue eyes stared in to his, their hardened, calculating look showing just how little mercy she had at this moment. She took in the man, checking out his every detail, from his black hair to his sandals. As her hand held the pistol, her other hand went to the rifle on her back, holding it in one hand next to her. She could not be sure how strong this man was, and she was making sure she was ready should the man prove stronger then she thought. A light humming could be heard from underneath her jacket, the vest had been activated, ready to protect her should this man attempt to hurt her.

"Tell me your name, who you're working for, and why you came here tonight, now. No one comes to such an isolated area of the park at this hour of the night."
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue54500/99999First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (54500/99999)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:34 am
He raised one hand defensively trying to show that he meant no harm but the other hand reflexively rested on the hilt of his Zanpakutō ready to defend himself against her if she made a move to attack.

"There is no reason to shoot me, I don't want to hurt you." he said the threat in the words clear. "My name is Steven and I work for the seireitei. I came here because of the thing that was chasing you. Its my job to hunt them down and kill them. I was going to kill that one as well, until you did it for me. Quite impressive all things considered. Most people would stand a chance against one."

He could see her eyes analyzing him just as he did the exact same to her. He was taking in everything from the jacket to the pistol to the rifle. She didn't seem like much at first sight but he saw what she did to the hollow so she was certainly capable. He heard a strange sound but could not quite place it yet.

"Now I will ask it again. Did it hurt you before you took it down? And if nobody comes here this late at night what are you doing here?"
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:18 am
She looked at him, her blue eyes staring in to his brown ones. Her gun did not move when he talked, and she waited for a few seconds after her finished to respond.

"I wonder if you can hurt me, I've seen worse then that weak thing. I took it out with only two shots of my pistol, probably only needed one to be honest. As for your question, it couldn't touch me, so I don't know how it would hurt me. I came here specifically because it is a place no one comes, I hate dragging others in to a fight where they don't belong."

Her gun remained pointed at him, not moving an inch. Her eyes no longer stayed on him though, flitting around every couple of seconds, as she looked around to see if anything else would show up. One of the two beings she had been fighting was slower then the other, that had been the real reason she had ran. It was easier to fight them one at a time then let them team up on her. She wasn't sure when the beast would get here, but she knew it couldn't be much longer.
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue54500/99999First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (54500/99999)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:10 am
"Well if your not hurt that is good. If one of those things got its teeth around you it would not be pleasant. I admire your courage trying to make sure that nobody else gets hurt because of your fights but if its hollows your fighting then I always belong there."

She certainly had courage and that was an admirable trait but still she had to realize that he wasn't a threat to her. If he had wanted to hurt her she never would have spoken before attacking her. He noticed that her eyes had started to dart around searching for something. It was only now that he notices that in all of the confusion he had missed the fact that there was still a hollow ping in the area.

"So there was two. I'm getting sloppy I should have noticed that a lot sooner. Where are you?" he said looking around with the girl. He placed his hand around the hilt of his Zanpakutō and started to remove it from its sheath but only part of the way as he waited for it to reveal itself. He planted his feet ready to move quickly to attack it when it finally appeared. "Let me handle this one. It is my job after all."
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:58 pm
She spotted it hiding in the trees off to her left. and spun, her pistol trained on the monster. With a pull of the trigger, a ball of bright blue light flew forth, and the barrel rotated, preparing the next shot. She watched as the shot screamed towards the being, and hit, but something else happened this time. The shot exploded, becoming smoke against the monster. It left only a little blackened spot on its mask as it hit, and she realized it had been slower because it had traded speed for durability. She quickly returned the pistol to its holster as she called to the man.

"I don't care what you do, just don't blame me if you take a couple shots to the back. I'm not going to stop fighting just because you think I should, sorry."

She then move the rifle in to both hands, and turned off the safety as she prepared to fire. It wasn't her most dangerous weapon, arguably that would be the one pistol she hadn't pulled out, but she never wanted to pull that thing out, especially since making the bullets was a pain.

"Hope you realize if this hits you it'll do more then sting."
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue54500/99999First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (54500/99999)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:22 pm
He watched her shoot her gun into the trees and watched the bullet until it hit the second hollow. The bullet simply bounced off of him without doing very much damage. He wasn't sure if this one was just stronger or if she was using a different gun then last time but then she pulled out the rifle and he knew that would be slightly more effective.

"I'm less worried about what you will do then what it will do. Hollows are nasty business and this one seems like it actually has some amount of power behind it. But still shouldn't be to difficult with both of us."

He pulled out his Zanpakutō and rushed towards the hollow his sword trailing behind him. He made a leaping attack towards the hollow which it caught in its tough arms. When he pulled back his Zanpakutō he noticed that it did leave a gash in its arms. "So not just your mask is tough. But I can still cut you and that means that you can be slain." He saw the hollow moving to attack him and he dodged out of the way to the side. He knew that this hollow was actually going to give him a bit of trouble but he was sure that he would find a way to take it down.
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:49 pm
She watched as the man made his attack, leaving a gash in the being, and as he backed away, she moved in to action. Pulling the trigger on her rifle, balls of blue light, spiritual energy, went flying towards the monster, these more powerful then the pistol's shots. They came one after another, no end to the firing, and after a few seconds of this barrage the monster fell, disintegrating. Lowering the rifle, she walks over to the man with the blade, placing her gun back over her back. She smiled as she arrived, then threw a punch at his midsection, aiming to hit him in the gut with her super human strength.

"Still think of me as weakling, kiddo? I made those weapons for a reason you know, I know their limits."

Once again the pistol came out from under her vest, pointed at his forehead.

"You're going to answer some questions for me, kiddo, or you'll end up on the other side of the river stix, understand? Now, first question, what was those monsters, and what are you?"
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First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Left_bar_bleue54500/99999First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty_bar_bleue  (54500/99999)

First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me] Empty Re: First Contact: Shinigami [Thordios, others may be added after consulting with me]

Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:10 pm
He did not expect the punch to hold much strength behind it and was caught off guard when he felt the force of it. It knocked the wind out of him and he doubled over for a little while. When he raised up again he saw the gun was back to being pointed at his face.

"Really again with the gun. Don't you think if i wanted to hurt you I would have by now. I have had more then one opportunity you know. I never thought you were weak. Those creatures are called hollows and they usually only go after people that have high amount of spiritual energy. Then they eat them. I am a shinigami. It is my job to hunt down and slay the hollows." he said lifting up his sword. "This is my Zanpakutō and it still isn't at full power. I am still working on finding out its name. I need to get more practice and get a lot stronger before I will figure it out but once I do that think would take seconds to take down."

He placed the Zanpakutō tip into the sheath and slowly slid the sword into it with a slightly longing look in his eyes as he did so. "Those weapons are pretty impressive. Just a few shots would barely have affected it but with the barrage you gave him it was more than enough. Have these things been after you for very long? And I never did get your name."
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