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Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:43 pm
Natalia would be seen with an armed escort arriving at the school. She could not help but look around and wonder what the hell she was doing here. She hated the whole idea of school and hated the idea of even being on the grounds. she casually looked to the officers from a few diffrent branches of the goverments police force and military force. Giveing a soft sigh she new she could easily get away from them but new that if she tried they more then likely would get hurt. It pissed her off to no end to have to do nothing but sense they were not her enemies she held back. The people escorting her only talked about random things till her name seemed to pop up. Untill then she was not paying attention.

Damn why are stuck taking this natalia girl to school? i mean why can't she just take herself? The guard muttered as another spoke up. Apperantly she managed to get away from all the others sent to take her into school. From what ive heard she managed to get away without hurting anyone though the extra guards is to make sure she actually goes this time. Natalia began to get annoyed as they were talking about her as if she was not even there. Hey you dumb ass's i am right here you know. And if you do not shut the hell up i may make you all look worthless.

She stated mumbleing under her breath soon after as she gently began to rub her new eye patch as a soft from crossed over her lips. As soon as they got on campus they escorted her to the door and got her into the crowd of students makeing it where she was not able to leave now even though she really wanted to.

Damn it looks like its going to be one of those crappy ass days..

Looking around she had no idea where she was supposed to go. She had never been in one of these school things before. In fact She was never trained all that well in anything that the schools would really have to offer. In any case she was lost in the new suroundings and could not help but mummble to herself as she thought about trying to figure out a way to leave with the least amount of resistance. She would be lost in thought as she moved to lean upon a wall to survey the area for the time being.
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:45 am
The day started off normal enough this Suzu was running some minor test on a blood sample from a demon. But the analysis would take some time so she packed up her things and headed to the living world as she did have class today. She was performing all the normal things that were expected of her. Suzu come to school for today and it looked to be as boring as always.

Suzu saw another girl wearing an eye patch like she did. Suzu was thinking to herself 'how interesting. I don't think I seen her before.' Suzu would use her Perquisa to gage the girl's power.' Hmm she has some strength too. ' the girl she was looking at was Natalia and seeing how Natalia keep looking around Suzu got the feeling she may be new and may need help.

Suzu would walk over to Natalia. "Hello there my name is Suzu Zumizimu. I could not help but see you looking around. Are you new to the school? I don't think I've seen you around here before." Suzu would be in her school uniform with her KHS badge on the right arm. Under the badge there was a student council ribbon. Suzu would reach out offering to shake Natalia's hand and giving a gentle smile as a good gesture.
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:04 am
The new arrival/vizard to school. (open) 1627-41

Natalia could not help but look to the one approaching her. tilting her head to one side she could not help but sigh as she was approached. she decided to go ahead and shake the hand though it was obvious she was rather reluctant to. after shakeing the hand she continued to stare at the person before her.I see.. well i am Natalia DeMortes. I do not really have a say in the matter sense the goverment seems i need to be here. I am rather new to school. Well honestly i am new to this school thing in general really. I have never been to one until now.

She stated as she seemed to keep a close eye on the one before her. Though she would only really have the one it would be apperent that she was more observent then she gave others reason to belive. I take it you have been going to this school for awhile then? I am in the first year though i am told it is rare to have one as old as i am here. Though my age really is not all that important i suppose. she stated her eye remaining focused though it was apperant that Natalia's emotinal standpoint was non existant. It would appear that she had no emotions at all or at the very least that she was extremely good at hideing them. She had no idea what to make of the person before her so she desided to take everything with a grain of salt. Her personality would be the type to question if the need arose but for the time being she was more focused on haveing to go to what she would call a hell whole of an area.

All i will say is i can not wait for this school thing to be done and over with so i can get back to what i find to actually be important. this school crap is nothing more then a damned waste of my time. She would say mumbleing to herself as she gently tapped her chin before gently rubbing a hand over her eyepatch. She would feel like a normal human for the time being but she could not help but notice that her eye seemed to be calm for once. in a way she could not help but think it was because of the schools patch.
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:53 am
Suzu would giggle as Natalia pretty much called herself old. “ OOO DeMortes–Chan I don’t think you will have to worry about age as some people that go to school here are hundreds of years old. I am a first year as well. Class 1-s to be more precise. Though I tend to skip class a lot..” Suzu would place her hand over her mouth as she keep giggling.

“Hmm school last seven-hours a day. That is without extracurricular activities. So it won’t be over fore quite some time. But it’s not a waste of time at all. If the government told you to come to this school they must think it will help you. Hmm I am only guessing from your spirit energy but you have powers right? This school would be a great help in teaching you how to utilize them properly. And if you really don't want to be here why not just ditch?”

Suzu would raise her hand up to the top of her head and scratch It. “hmm what is it you have to do that is important anyway? That is If I may ask. Maybe I could help you.” Suzu’s voice was soft. Suzu truly did want to here what the girl had to say as she was the most interesting thing at the moment.
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:06 pm
The new arrival/vizard to school. (open) 1627-41

You could say that. But i honestly have a handle on what i can do for the time being. The only thing i do not have control over i can not get help fron a crappy school. Considering it has to do with my eye. Though it seems to be slightly in check right now wich is a good thing.

She stated pointing to her eye patch as she gave a slight grin. Telling one such as her that they could help was a pointless cause in her eyes. Though she decided to slowly shake her head as she gave a soft grin. Nuthin personal but i really dought you can be much help to me. In the end I have so many damned problems that not one can be delt with easy like. I would tell you but honestly i really do not trust ya all that much. She stated her eye showed how serious she was. It seemed to pierce the skin with its intense gaze.

Besides no matter what i have been alone for so long that it would not even matter anyway. I am more used to dealing with things myself. and for the most part that may be how i will decide to keep it for the time being possibly. i suppose now is where i should say nothing personal. but in a way it is rather personal cause i do not see a reason to belive you can even actually help. Her words would possibly seem cold but it was obvious that she ment every word of what was said. The eyepatch would be keeping the eye's power and its leak off in check. Though it was only a matter of time when she would want to use it to leave this place. Given she would need to either use that or her speed to escape the place unseen by the guards and other things keeping watch on the place to make sure she stayed on school.

i would skip if i knew a way i did not have to risk dealing with the military among other things. They only seem to think i belong here cause of age. That in and of its self is rather lame. She stated gently mummbleing to herself under her breath as she soon started to walk on as if looking for a way to escape or possibly heading onwords to take a nap in the kitchen area or something. of the like.
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:34 pm
Suzu shrugged her shoulders seeing no real point in forcing the topic.” Well I can’t make you tell me what is wrong with your eye. Nor do I really want to make you feel like I was trying to. I am taking from what you said that your eye is your power. Most likely an analyzer of some kind as most involving eyes are. O well I don’t want to dig to deep seeing how you don’t want help. So I’ll drop it K? But if it is a analyzer than we do got that in common. ” Suzu would keep a cheerful voice and smile on her face the whole time.

As Natalia walked away suzu would follow behind her. But Natalia would not here any footsteps." Hmm why not just fly away? Not like they would catch you. Just walk up to the roof top jump off it and fly away like a little bird." The reason Natalia would not here any footsteps was because suzu was levitating off the floor to follow her as she was being lazy at the moment and did not really feel like moving her legs." you do know how to fly right? I ditch class a lot and it’s the easiest way. That and just walking out the front door. But then again I don't got people trying to stop me."
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:54 pm
The new arrival/vizard to school. (open) 1627-41

Was not expecting it to be a big deal anyway. sense for now its under check. Though it may be cause of this school patch thing.. In anycase it does not really matter to me at all. I had more then one proublem at one point but i managed to get them under control a long time ago.

She said with a soft grin. She decided to leave it at that for the time being before she looked at the one before her. She slowly looked her over and moved a hand to her chin as she began to think. She was not sure or even positive on why, but she had a strange feeling she had met this person before. Though then again she quickly shrugged it off sense she was positive it had to be her imagination. Anyway my eye's more of a burden then anything else at times. Even though i choose to leave it tied up in a manner of speaking.

She stated with a soft grin as she looked to the ground her mind racing with thoughts as she gently tapped her finger on her chin. so do you like it here or is there another reason why you are here in general? After all if you belive you can help someone you do not know then does that not mean you may be a tad to advanced for this school thing or some crap like that?

Last edited by Natalia on Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:47 pm
suzu would sit midair with her legs crossed over one another. "Hmm I do have some power. But in no way am I 'to advanced'. In spiritual energy I am with in the top 10% of the school. Meaning I got a HUGE amount of it. But spiritual energy is not everything. Some people with low energy are way stronger than I am and others are even faster than me. More to the point this school is a place for us all to come to gather and help each other to grow. I myself just love helping other people out the most I can.” Suzu would spin in a 360 circle in the air. “My other love is learning new things. So that makes this place perfect for me.”

Suzu placed her hands on her knees. “Hmm may I ask you what some of your likes are? I am sure you can find something worthwhile here. So at least when you’re forced to come here you can enjoy part of it.” Suzu would place her feet back on the ground.” And if there is nothing than you can just skip class with me. There is always something going on in town. Shopping, dancing, gaming arcade, The gem's, and much more.” Suzu was taking A liking to this girl as she seems to be really collected a sign of true intelligence.

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:14 pm
The new arrival/vizard to school. (open) 1627-41

I see. This place is rather interesting then though in a way i really do not think its for me. Though i will say getting used to just being me is one thing i will have to get used to in a manner speaking. Though i can do that outside of this school thing. My power is not huge but in some way's it can give me an advantage if its abused possibly. Then again I suppose one can say that with anyone in a manner of speaking. She stated placing a hand upon her chin. She had to think about what she liked for a few seconds. Considering she had never really gave it much thought until now. For her everything up to this point was for the most part just about actually surviving to make it to the age she was at.

Honestly i have no clue what i would want. considering everything i have done up to this point was honestly just to be able to live to this point. I know i want to return to where i was before that incident that started everything that made it when i ended up in this area. but then again that is what made me the way i am today in a manner of speaking. Though i can not say there is anything i truely want at the moment. She said as she tapped her chin as her thoughts grew but nothing seemed to come to mind. Shakeing her head she stared at the one before her. So i take it this search for wisdom in a manner of speaking? I suppose thats a good thing but in a way it matters not to me really. With me im more interested in the becomeing stronger i suppose so i can get some knew powers to find out what i may truely be capable of in the end. Though thats more of a long term goal i suppose one could say.

She stated with a soft grin as she stretched. She was not sure what else to say. She only truely had that one long term goal for the time being. And to her nothing else really mattered once any form of goal was set. Even if it was one that would possibly not happen till much latter in the future.
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Wed May 01, 2013 1:40 pm
Suzu would give Natalia a cheerful smile. "knowledge is power' but that is not all I mint about learning. New powers. New techniques. Better ways to use a skill. That is way I want to learn. I want to become strong and I can't do that without knowing." Suzu would look Natalia over closely examining her body the best she could. "Hmm why don't you join an organization? If you don't like class it's a good reason to just walk out the door and no one will stop you as the school knows organizations come first. For if you disobey them you get in a lot more trouble than detention or judgment. I think I know a small one that you might like."

Suzu would place her hand over her mouth and talk really quietly to Natalia so that no one else would hear her. "Why not join the Akatsuki? It is a criminal organization' but it's not really good or evil. Though it is the most wanted group in the entire spiritual world. The best thing to call it is a mercenary group. They send Info of jobs that need to be done and that pay money. If you want to-do the job just send word saying you're in. Or don't take the job and don't get money." Suzu would be swaying back a forth. "If nothing else you can use it when you're forced to come to school. After you had enough and can't stand being here anymore just say you got to leave for org stuff. If they ask what org or stuff say you're not permitted to give out any info at all to any one without severe punishment. Most won't even ask."
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