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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Empty Re: Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong

Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:55 pm

Rushed steps. Her long red hair flew in the air, circling flames; fanning the war behind her, her blue eyes vivid like a drowning ocean. There was nothing to stop her, but her steps were rushed. Dammit, she had a bad feeling, and she knew it; the moment she walked in, she noted quite a few things. Namely.. ''Byakuya-sama.. there you are.'' she said breathlessly. She was a bit frazzled on the inside, but her back was straight, her face impassive. The girl was probably shorter, but she had quite a curvacious body; quite similar to a certain other captain. But the woman turned, and noted the meeting had already started; and there was an unsettling silence. The woman was not caught up, but a small hell butterly landed on her shoulder, and easily gave her the entirety of the conversation so far; a gift one could say, from the fourth captain. The girl easily schooled her features keeping her calm; she was a captain for Inari's sake. She couldn't lose her cool in front of everyone like this; she was the face of the Gotei, the one that saved the culture, and also, most of all? The one that fostered the young minds, the rules, and enforced them if necessary to a point. Her steps moved forward, towards the Captain that had brought this meeting together; and to make sure everyone's attention was on her, she sent a micro-pulse of electricity. There, that would simulate them to look at her, as her red hair danced, spilling over the back of her haori.

The sixth captain.. she was truly someone that had to be respected in some cases; she had fought her way into the gotei, and many underestimated the woman, as her gaze looked up at the male. ''Damien Crow; Captain of the Third Division. I am Yukashii Sosobi; soon to be Kuchiki, and my position is the Sixth Division Captain. As Byakuya-sama would say; the Kuchiki's have a duty to the Gotei. That said; I clamour immidiately for the hold of Wolf Lionus, destroyer of the Sixth's barracks, along with several other incidents and such. I will not go as far as to clamour his arrest; however that is all I will say on his subject until an investigation is done.'' she said, getting the first matter out of the way; the irritating sore. ''Secondary; I will address all captains, with your permission so lend your ears. Yes, words have been said, and may have been aggressive; all parties should apologize for such, but the opinions remain. We are weak right now; we have no strength.. instead we rely on the likes of Shadin Yuudeshi, and the Iramasha, to provide our own power. Yes, they are powerful; and allies are good, as proven with our war with Aizen and during the Third World War. But to let them do our duties, to rule what we do? Isn't that taking it a bit far? Hope is within us, but it has been buried for a long time.. so I may only beseech this; may we work together? To bring a new future to our Gotei, in order to preserve the very REASON we were created in the first place?''

Surely, she knew her speech would fall on dead ears. But who can blame a woman to try? The motherly girl slowly took in a breath, and did something much Kuchiki's would be surprised at; she smiled. And with a soft, blooming smile, she let her eyes open, the shimmering of unshed tears swimming, swirling. ''Right now, it seems we are a house divided.. we have no Captain-Commander to unite us.. so please, honour the captains that came before us, that stood unflinching in the face of disaster and stayed together, despite their feelings. Our loyalty; our duty is stronger then our own personal vendettas.'' she said, letting out a soft chuckle. She knew Byakuya-sama might be a bit put off; he had chosen her to be his replacement. How had she let all of this sink so far? But she knew that he had picked her for a reason; why else do so? The girl looked at him, out of the corner of her eye, but choose not to acknowledge those feelings directly. She was a captain; she held no ties, but only held the frustration of letting others take care of their business. She knew bitterly that the Gotei had only accepted help from the Vizard when they almost failed; and even then, kept them at arm's length. That was no surprise; the Gotei used to take care of it's own. And now.. it felt like everyone had their own agendas, their own methods; did they even care about what the Gotei meant anymore? Or did they just ascend to captaincy for the kicks?

She would not forgive people like that, no matter who they were. Her eyes lay on Rukia Kuchiki; the one that had seen the old generation, and was now part of the new one. She knew Rukia would understand what Yukashii was talking about; after all, Yuka had been a shinigami, a minor one albeit, for a long time, and understood the old captains. Knew their pains; had seen the changes that happened. And now she was here, aiming to guide them all into an age that evolved from the closed standards, but never lost that feeling of sticking together. They had their own personal things, yes; but they were not fickle.. or had been not. Now.. it just felt like it was just fickle wants, and desires. Who cared really? The 11th captain wasn't even present; what a shame, someone should represent them. But in the end, Yukashii could not concern him with such a man; she had to move forward with what she had. She had to calm down people, take control, and help guide the flow; as a representative of the sixth squad and the noble Kuchiki house shortly, that was merely what she had to do. It didn't matter that they might dislike her for it; Yukashii put the Gotei 13 before her very own soul. That's how it was; their laws, their modality, the very fact that they were the ones that were the most stalwart. Yes.

She had to hold that weight on her shoulder, and carry it on her back like a cross to bear. And she was proud of it.. and would do everything that the woman could for it. And that meant taking out those that would be nuisance if needed.. and she knew that the Kuchiki would understand that most of all. Their duty; their ties to this place. And perhaps the Crows would as well, as they began their legacy here.. but would the others? That was her worry. Her biggest one to boot. She had.. to do the best she could. For the sake of everyone that relied on her to keep going forward.

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
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Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Empty Re: Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong

Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:59 pm

Artist: Touhou - Song: Onigashima in the Fairyland - Word Count: 2636
There was a large commotion occurring within the barracks of Squad 11 while the likes of Ibiki Suika was napping the day away in utter peace. Based around the fact that their Captain, Mitsurugi Kenpachi, was nowhere to be seen for a sudden and very urgent meeting of Gotei 13 Captains; they had no choice but to scatter the premises for the likes of their Vice Captain. With that said, a large gathering of men had assembled to storm into the dwelling of the The Menacing Devil Girl in order to awake her from the slumber in which she was under.

Dreaming of all sorts of delicious food in her sleep, the likes of Ibiki couldn't be more carefree at the moment as she was muttering nonsense about buffalo chicken, ribs on a plate and other sorts of specially assorted sauces; drooling even in her deep sleep. It was in this state, this very serene and calming state, that the Division Eleven members stormed into her chambers; shattering this dream like shards of broken glass as Ibiki was noted as yelping a bit as she jolted awake. Luckily for them, The Maiden of this fair squad had one hell of a hangover upon her conscious awakening; or else she would have thrown them, bash them and beaten them to the other side of the moon and back by now.

So before she could fully discern what was going on, a majority of the males in the room stated something along the lines of them requesting Ibiki's assistance because of an emergency gathering of Captains. Rubbing her lightly shaded, chestnut hair; The Vice Captain listened in very closely to what they all were saying as she started to come to her surroundings more from that blissful dream. As they divulged the bases of the meeting to the waking Devil Shinigami, apparently the Captain of Squad Three was requesting his fellow Gotei 13 leaders to come forth to a gathering to discuss the likes of Shadow Fall, The Kokuryuteshi, Monsuta and all of the other antagonist based organizations on Earth which were causing trouble at the moment; most notably the likes of Mana Asthavon out of all of them.

Brushing the bottom of her chin ever so slightly, Ibiki began to take in all of this news with an exhausted sigh. She pondered why the likes of Damien Crow could not simply give them an advanced warning when something this important was going to take place within the Seireitei. You'd figure if it was weighing on his mind for this long, the guy could have taken the time to at least be considerate to others and plan out this sort of meeting amongst Captains. However, life was full of the unexpected and very well did things like this occur whenever it was convenient for other people.

Henceforth, she let them continue on as they explained the reason for waking the Vice Captain was because they could simply not find Mitsurugi Kenpachi. The Division 11 members covered the air, searched the ground and scattered all throughout the Soul Society; finding no trace of the Captain and failing in their scouting mission to retrieve him for the assembly of Captains.

Therefore, with all of that said, the next best step in order to find a representative for the likes of the Squad 11 Company was going to be Ibiki Suika. So, with all of this knowledge now laying ever-so comfortably within Ibiki's lap, she could only give a grim chuckle while taking a strong sip from her bottle of first grade sake. "What other choice do I have? I can't pull a no-show. Give me a few minutes and I'll be prepared to travel to the Central 46 compound to settle these matters."

With those words said, she soon dismissed the men that had assembled within her residence; needing time to change from her sleeping attire; which had consisted of only a long-sleeved black shirt and a pair of charcoal shaded panties...which was luckily more than enough clothing based on the fact they had all appeared around the Maiden of Squad 11 while she was beneath the covers of her bed.

Proceeding to roll out of her mattress upon the time all of the members which once filled her room had all but left, The Menacing Devil Girl began the task of composing herself and finding the proper clothing needed for this meeting. As the males waited outside for their Vice Captain, after a few minutes had passed, they were rather impressed with how she was dressed; seeing how Ibiki did not generally wear darker clothes unless it was for a somber occasion. For when The Horned Beast of Division Eleven stepped out of her abode, she was wearing quite the get-up.

One of the first notable features in her outfit was the fact it had a slate shaded theme to it. From the charcoal hued sandals with black colored extensions that protracted upwards to her calves, to the befitting dress which stretched out to her upper knees; having dark purple blazes of tribal like symbols engraved across the bottom of the dress, with a similar shade of indigo in the form of a shaded line across the midsection of the dress. Additionally, there appeared to be a loop of holes at the bottom of this gown. They were put in place to provide the needed security to house her Zanpakutō which took the shape of belt that had a series of separate chains with various attachments to it. The three primary ones are a cube, which represented Ibiki's Inner Power; a square that symbolized her raw strength; and a circle that embodied her raw willpower. Together with a cuff of chains on each wrist that had signified the hand-to-hand bond both Ibiki and Oni-Kyosei, her Zanpakutō spirit, shared; it was clear to anyone who possessed knowledge of this duo that there are were deep ties with this between this wielder and it's weapon.

And, on the subject between the two, there was also a purple gourd that appeared to have various sealing symbols throughout it. This was most notably known as Ibiki's endless booze supply; for it could contain an infinite amount of sake for Oni-Kyosei and Ibiki so long as their spiritual energy could passively transfer small amounts of energy into its structure.

Nevertheless, some of the final things to note about Ibiki's appearance now was the fact that she was wearing a white shaded, sleeveless shirt which seemed to have purple tribal lavender on it and blackened markings near the top of it's collar. This spread out to a black choker around her neck and completed most of the outfit. As the wind blew all around them, the two ribbons, one dark maroon shaded bow attached to the back of her head, and a indigo hued ribbon attached to her right hand, both gently moved about in the breeze blowing all around them as she took a soft sigh and turned her attention towards the direction in which the Central 46 compound would be located at. It was going to be quite the trying, stressful and critical day for the likes of those in the Gotei 13.

(Imaginery of How Ibiki Looks now:
As a consequence of this, in order for the likes of Ibiki to make it through this eventful day, she was going to need to be in control, composed; but also gentle, calm and easy to approach. Judging from how many spiritual signatures she could sense, even from this distance, within the chambers of that very faithful meeting; there was no doubt in her mind that the atmosphere was going to be tense; so there was no sense in making it worse by being too somber about the situation at hand.

Taking a quick look at her fellow comrades that scattered all about the compound, she ordered them to give quick notice to those within Central 46 that her arrival was imminent. This meant to have all guards whom were protecting the facility to simply let Ibiki bypass without any incident; being that they could not locate their Captain and she was coming into represent the likes of Squad 11 due to the fact she was the next best thing below the Captain to do such a action.

Ergo, multiple Hell BUtterflies were sent to that vicinity; ensuring that this message gets delivered without a single moment to spare. Following that, The Menacing Devil Girl took a soft sigh before fixating on the longtitude and range of the building in which Central 46 was sheltered in. Upon locking on to that area, Ibiki harnessed a Senkaimon to transport her and roughly five other members of the Division Eleven Squad to be taken to the meeting.

Having no second thoughts about what she was going to, Ibiki boldly stepped through the portal to the gathering of a lifetime; directing her men to inform the other agents within the area of the situation. Walking in at around the same time Yukashii, the Captain of Squad 6, made her closing statement; Ibiki rubbed her hand as she felt a bit awkward at first arriving so late, but easily got a hold of herself as she had a relaxed smile emerge across her face. Being in the presence of so many powerful Shinigami did bring her ease; to know that the Gotei 13 was indeed growing in exceptional fighters was a very good thing to see with her own two eyes.

Though, what some of the Captains might notice of the girl; was at the moment, there was a faint, but latent flow of spiritual energy radiating from the girl; one that wasn't overwhelming, but certainly hinted at something much deeper nesting within the depths of her body. It was a sensation that this girl, quite possibly, was stronger than some of the presently available Captains in this very room and showed she was more than capable of holding her own in a throwdown with these juggernauts of the Soul Society.

"He-he-he-he, I know I may not be what you quite expected to show up, but it appears that Captain of Squad 11 is having a bit of issues coming to this assembly of The Thirteen Court Guard Finest Captains. So sorry to say, in his place, I'll be taking over as representative of her Division until he otherwise shows up." Looking upwards at the many different figureheads Central 46, Ibiki bowed and then turned to her fellow allies in arms.

"My name is Ibiki Suika, and I'm here to say: there is hope for the Gotei 13 and Shinigami as a whole. While it may be true we've suffered quite the tremendous blows to our security, our pride and our military; this does not meant the war is over. For it is in man's darkest hour that he knows his true strength. In the ashes of defeat, and the blood of his loss; he will arise to the challenge before him a new man. A man hardened by the experience of his breakdown; being forced to take these bonds of shame, agony and pain and blossom them into tools to ascend. Ascend to a new man, a new being and take these tools that defeat has given him to mold himself, to toughen himself and to become a better version of himself. So that one day, one day very soon, he will use these tools to hack away at all of the obstacles standing in the way between him and victory. Therefore, we are in a time of great uprising."

One she was done speaking this part of the speech, The Menacing Devil Girl figured it was time to speak about the facts of it all. Hopefully with all of that said, a bit more morale would be spread around the densely packed room; as the air all throughout this meeting was overwhelming, hostile and very unnerving; but she had enough discipline within herself to weather through the storm and rise about it. They needed to band together now more than ever, and this was just the spot she needed to be to voice these opinions.

"I stand before you here today to not only give the nourishment of positive energy, but to lay down the true reality of the situation before us. In these unprecedented times that are before us, I see new SHinigami raising everyday to the depths of new power. I mean, just staring at the raw power that all of you wonderful Captains are radiating is enough to tell me that things are beginning to shape up. Not too long ago, we barely had enough Captains to fend off the likes of that accursed male known as Zefonse Kaizme due to the shortage of candidates he possessed the power to lead a squad. Now, in such a short amount of time, there are many before us who are taking up arms, making many stands and willing to fight to the death, if need be, to defend our home, to protect our allies and do battle for our way of life."

Now staring upwards at the pannel of Central 46 members, Ibiki still had many words filled with flavor, optimism and hope to rain down upon them as well. For to change the world, they must first change themselves. Ergo, it was time to bring about the revolution not only within the Living Realm, but one within the Soul Society to. Or, to be more precise, the Gotei 13 operatives themselves.

"Thus, with all of these facts laid on the table about our side, I'm very sure that within the coming weeks or months, we are more than capable of leading out our own assault or defending against an invasion if it came to it. I see much premise, much potential and many signs of promise throughout the Gotei 13 and Soul Society as a whole. The reason why our enemies are so strong is not because they have immense power, but rather, intellect and brotherhood. By sharing the wisdom of knowledge, and the bond of companionship; they have forged these two elements together to make an overwhelming force of raw power. Meanwhile, on our end, we are simply met setback after setback because of our disjointed shape, lack of comradery and refusal to work with our allies. So the solution is not to become independent, but rather, cooperate with all those who wish to comply and work alongside our interest and goals; much like our foes have."

Now giving a quick look at all of those assembled in this room, Ibiki would lay out her final words on the table to hammer in the point. She would hope they would heed her words with great caution, care and understanding to fully get a grasp at the situation in which they were in.

"So, with all of these grand, wonderful and beautiful words say: will anyone here actually heed my advice? Will we join together not only with our allies, but among the different factions within ourselves? Will he work to have a better team ethic? To train ourselves in the art of togetherness? To bring all men who follow us to the best of their ability as we tread down this perilous road that lays before us? We need to ascend to the challenge above, but we must first get out own house in order before we even attempt to save other societies. For it is nothing but a fools errand to try and the save the world, when one cannot not even save themselves. Henceforth, with these words said, I will end my peace." Taking a soft sigh, Ibiki would let off a genuine smile before taking her bow and awaiting to see what the reaction from all the other Captains would be.

Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 WVMWLOu

Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Empty Re: Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong

Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:49 pm


Damien listened calmly as they spoke their peace taking each person but halting Wolf's words for he knew them well enough. Damien stood from his position he was the oldest Captain currently by the number of days and he'd fought the enemy. His eyes were good for detecting latent power and Ibiki of Squad 11 was radiant with it. Tsubasa Unabara the one he called for was fiercer then he remembered, his power was extreme and he glanced to the second division Captain simply waving a hand as it was alright. He let a sigh out as he looked at the red eyed male whom had called them cowards and feared. But quirked an eye brow and had to hold back his laughter at how honest Tsubasa was being with the situation. Thirteen capable had come, the Eleventh Division leader was either gone or too frightened to show his face here.

"So..I've heard what you had to say..It's true things have looked poor in the past, but these aren't solutions we are arguing over something that is dead and needs to remain that way..Now I called in someone I fought from my days before Captaincy. I thought he may be able to aid us, he and his colleague are here among us. Nis of the Squad 2, this has come to the point where I thought that extra hands would help. Now..Tsubasa Unabara of Squad 12 is one of the fiercer fighters I have engaged in my time as a vagabond... You've all spoken but now I have a plan and I believe it will help us. We have all of our Captains assembled..for the first time in ages..we are not fighting one another nor are we apart.. " Damien said walking across the room, something about his aura demanded respect it wasn't something he asked for or offered. Damien had the Prowess of a good leader. His eyes look over the Captains then to Tsubasa as he spoke once again.

"I agree with your opinion now Tsubasa that I have observed. Now it's in his belief that we have yet to come into our own ever since Head Captain Yamamoto died..I agree with him..Tell me what great thing we have done since when we fought the Traitor Sosuke Aizen. Captains we wear these Haori and the position is important, more so then anything else. I have prepared to fight this war that is going to come. We must show them what it means to be a Captain. Remember the past so we can change the future, the names of the Captains who served the Law proudly such as Byakuya Kuchiki. Remember them and we shall show each of them we can carry on the Legacy they have left us..It's true not one person is fit to carry the mantle yet for Captain Commander..But.we are not children unable to act or think without a leader. We are twelve of the finest Captains gathered here of this generation. Long winded speeches are going to change the future before us, many things must happen."

Damien was normally lazy but this time he had no choice Damien stepped for the moment his aura of leadership fit the role that he wore now as a Captain. But Damien looked at them now each one had fire in them and they had the possible chance of becoming great. Each one was so fierce, he smiled thinking to himself now as he thought. "Shunsui my friend these children are such fierce people, they have good hearts..They just need direction.." Damien said with a light smile as he looked on at the group before rubbing the chin. He had one idea but knew other Captains may of had some, this place was to nurture the ideals that they as Captains raised to protect. Freedom, Peace, Hope even as one of the core beliefs they had so long fought for and worked towards with fierce devotion unlike anything most would see from the regular people whom came before them. These Captains were going to show the generation past that they would handle this mantle.

"I called you here to ask what you can contribute to this effort to make ourselves stable and do the best we can..Hope is not broken, for so long as twelve of us exist we can do anything. I offer my training and knowledge and unlocking the skills of those who wish to stronger, I will teach them the way of the sword and the art of the warrior..It's what I can offer, tell me what is it you can offer to this cause my fellow Captains? Our situation demands each of us to give what we can from the Captains to the Lieutenants that serve under us. As I said previously I can offer my knowledge and strength to finish the training of those whom wish to become stronger. What Hope can we the bringers of hope offer to the Gotei 13 offer to the people whom we are friends and loved ones." Damien finished now pausing with the question, yes hope wasn't gone. These were the embodiment's of hope that exists here. Law was kept by them and order was as well, they had the task of keeping the balance.

Damien had done his best thus far and to some degree many could argue he did a decent job as the person who ran this show. He had the correct feeling about him as he looked through each person almost with his coal eyes. As he got ready to make another message known, he was going to ask one more person his opinion he wanted to know what he could offer. After all he fought Tsubasa so long ago what was it the silent leader of the Unabara could offer in regards of hope. Tsubasa's figure was something people would know somewhat, his name was fairly known among the Captains whom practiced swordsmanship. Damien had read the books written on the subject of swordplay by Tsubasa one. It was fascinatingly detailed for those who took a look. He had a collection of them in his room he read now and then, swordplay is both knowledge and body after all. Damien could certainly teach one's body but he didn't believe he could educate one's mind on everything they would encounter.

"What do you offer Tsubasa Unabara and Nis, what hope do you bring us? Tell me this Tsubasa, tell me your opinion on your peers including me if you can." That was partly a challenge from Damien it could be taken as one, he'd had to listen to information about his adopted son before in Jaeden Crow. Yes that had happened hadn't it? Well only one path exists for them and that is to bring hope so Damien waited calmly his hope burning strong as he looked at the new Captains. He acknowledged that the new Tenth was here as well, but the power radiating from him was that of a young Captain yet to come into his own by his eyes, he just became a Captain but he had things to offer then Damien knew to take them. But from here even Damien knew things had gotten tough, he made sure Zero heard his words before he left having walked to the male putting a hand on his shoulder softly.- All that remained as he returned to his seat now among the Central 46 was to hear what they had to say about his comments.

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Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Empty Re: Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong

Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:16 am

Artist: Ashley Mac Issac Song: Wing Stock (Rukia's theme) Wordcount: 1561

Noise. That is what filled the ears of Rukia as she stood amongst the captains that were in this Central 46 chamber. Raising her hand to the side of her neck, she's run it past the bottom of her hair and begin to massage the back of her neck. Tension filled, not only the entire chamber of captains and vice-captains, but it filled her body like a plague. Her muscles felt very tense and her body continuously locking up as each swear word, each hostile means filled the air of the meeting. Was this it? Was this what the Gotei 13 had been refined to? It was beginning to not only being sad, but pathetic. These people in this room were leaders, they were meant to be setting examples for those within the Shinigami race, to lead the people underneath them. So why? Why was everyone acting like this? All the hostility in the room hurt, watching the once great and mighty Gotei 13 Hierarchy being thrown into disarray by the own people inside of it. It hurt Rukia to see this, for the time she was a vice-captain until now... she had never seen it like this. She wandered if it was because of the lack of command, the lack of the Captain Commander and the leader that could very well guide them. She also wandered if it was because they lacked discipline or the way they were being taught. Never the less, something had to change. And if it didn't change? It could very well mean the end of them. They couldn't have the hostility that was going on here remain whilst there were other enemies right on their doorstep.

Rukia's ears perked as more people entered the room, her spiritual pressure remaining in a constant feeling, almost not present at all. Her eyes scanned to Jin, watching him as he entered, followed by his speech, thanking Rukia for her own thought on the matter. She smiled as she listened to him, following the words with careful precisions and noting why he said what he did. Generally, they both had the same argument. Most of them seemed to have the same argument, it seemed. Never the less, she smiled softly as he finished talking, taking a step back to the wall again, avoiding all the seats and resting softly against the wall that was slightly shaded in darkness, covering the top half of her body in darkness. Although her eyes scanned again as she slowly raised her brow to look at a new man entering the chambers, his hair red and mid-length whilst his skin was pale. That was Kinoen, Rukia knew this rather simply; the Captain of the Seventh Division. He was a calm person usually, although she wasn't sure of what she'd see from him here today. One again, the Ice Maiden would let out a soft smirk as he spoke. Seems everyone wanted to bring the Gotei back to normal. So far.

As she stood in the dark, more pressures entered the room. Each one raising quickly, slowly and then all together and in a bunch. Her eyes scanned as the Captain of the Fourth Division entered Tiamat Crow, Captain of the 12th Division Tsubasa Unabara, Zero Captain of the Ninth Division, Nistelkov the Captain of the Second division, Iriko Captain of the 5th division, and even the former sixth captain, Byakuya. All of these reiatsu's clashed well together, each raising them higher and lower constantly. Rukia simply watched, her smile now gone, drowned out by her own annoyance as Tiamat kicked the chair and stopped it mid air by a simple Kidō. On top of this, all of the people who had entered were sprouting nonsense along with the un-needed swearing of the so called 'elite' members of the Gotei. Is this... really what we've come to... Rukia though, looking to the ground as her fist clenched and her teeth gritted tight. She wasn't going to say anything yet, she didn't need to. The Kuchiki Maiden simply needed to wait for the right moment to say anything, otherwise nothing would be fixed here. She listened, and waited. All of these people had their points, in their own respective way, but every single one went about it completely wrong.

This wasn't a meeting. This was a time bomb.

Rukia's fist became clenched ever tighter as more people entered, more and more swearing, unprofessional like attitude being yelled. Not only this, but the cracking of electricity when Tsubasa entered, the raising of intense spiritual pressure from the ninth captain, Zero, as well as the loud-mouth attitude that was seemingly always being exerted from Wolf... the time bomb seemingly was speeding up. Wolf was talking about how he got into the head of the Gotei, and whilst that may have been true... he was a leader of the Gotei too. He was the eighth division captain, and his attitude right now? This was worrying. It wasn't captain like, nor was it anything professional. It was sickening to Rukia. Her eyes closed, her arms now being raised to her bust and putting either hand under each arm, crossed in front of Rukia's body. She couldn't handle this hostility of the great Gotei... the ONCE great Gotei. "I'm going crazy over here, how does everyone else deal with this. Her voice would echo under her breathe, only loud enough for her to hear it. As most of the other captains sat down, her eyes shifted now to the two other people who entered the building. They were... different. As they entered, Rukia's eyes scanned over them; the first one quickly being identified as the sixth division captain, Yukashi then another interesting girl, quickly shown to be Ibiki Suika, Vice Captain of the 11th Division.

Each one of these people spoke more calmer, more informative. That made Rukia regain little of the disappointment she had in the rest of the captains here. Although, it made her chuckle at the same time. The squad that was said to be the most destructive, the 'mindless' warriors was being the most sensible one here. Interesting. Slowly, her eyes dragged to her brother, a small smile escaping her mouth in the darkness at him and then to the other Kuchiki, Yukashi, a small smile escaping at her too, nodding her head in a small thankful way for being calm compared to the rest of the captains that had entered. The royal kuchiki maiden smiled softly as she stood in the shadows, listening to the words of the 11th Vice Captain. She was right. We needed to be together more than anything right now, and that was the one thing that everyone here wasn't being. Together.

Tick...tock...Tick... tock...

"This is sickening." Rukia raised her voice high, echoing through Central 46 and making it heard for everyone in the room. Before continuing, Rukia would wait until everyone in the room would quiet down, including Central 46, walking slowly out of the shadows and back into the light, her short hair flowing as she walked. Is this what we've come to? Swearing at each other to get under one another's skin? I'm sorry, Jin, Damien, Ibiki, Kinoen, Iriko, Byakuya-nii, Yuka-kun. Walking in here, acting like this, swearing, destroying chairs, threatening your own comrades and putting them down. That isn't a team. We're a time bomb, and the bomb is about to explode. We're drawing each other apart, and we're meant to be acting as though we can work together. We're meant to be an elite team, a group of role models. The Gotei has fallen apart, and with all of you coming in here and acting like children are not helping. Comments on the size of Tiamat's bust, icing the walls. What are you all thinking? Control yourselves if but for ten minutes. Shifting her vision to Tiamats eyes, then to Wolfs; penetrating purple, icy eyes looking into his then everyone's around the room. "Ibiki is right. We should head her advice. How can we save anyone if we can't even save us from ourselves? There's a bigger picture here, and we need to band together to work for it.

"Never the less, we need to discuss how we're going to do this. These enthusiastic speeches and such will only get as so far. We need to raise the amount of scouts we push into the world of the living as well as the patrols we have on the walls, in and around them instead of purely relying on the gate guardians. I'll gladly lead a squad of high-class Shinigami soldiers to scout out the areas in world of living to figure out where our own area of control can be established. Enemy forces control much of the real world, we need not only positions to maintain control, but the resources it provides and help re-establish good communication with some countries up there.

Closing her statement, she'd look back to everyone in the room, eyes changing from everyone, then finally looking at Central Forty Six. "So what do you people propose? Instead of insulting each other, sprouting useless nonsense and swearing for no good reason... treat it like a proper threat. If you can't do that, all of you, I am done with waiting for us to die. I'll go to someone who actually cares and knows how to take care of their own.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Blade

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:55 am
Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Central46emblem
中央四十六, Chūō Shijūroku (NPC's)

Central 46 has been listening carefully on all of the cases being brought forward in this place, keeping their voice low whilst each captain and vice-captain had made their appearance here before finally giving a voice of the law on this topic. Stirring carefully in their position, each member of the staff employed to overlook Seireitei's decisions muttered softly before each person joined the room, following with the same for each speech. What were they discussing? It could have been anything. Although as more people flooded the chambers, it seemed that more commotion had taken place. Mainly, the party that encompassed the Central 46 of representatives of the Soul King based on law, had become itching with questions as more hassle, un-captain like areas of behaviour were brought into account. Their eyes were fixed on Captain Tiamat, whilst others were focused on the commotion of power show-offs by freezing the wooden walls as well as the usage of electricity, followed by the raising of reiatsu. The head leader of the Central 46, Hideaki Jurou, slammed down his metal mallet onto his hold, waiting for the quietness of the room to settle over after Rukia had talked about her position of them being far too loud, far too loud and questionable captain leaders of the decision. "This meeting was called into session by Damien Crow, Captain of Squad 3. As what is discussed so far, and according to my documentation..." Hideaki would adjust his glasses, his short ruffled hair moving as he did so.

"The goal is to... restore the pride and hope of the Gotei. Now, what I must ask you all is one thing. What made you think we were perhaps every losing our pride? The Soul King still has his pride, as does the Zero Division. Do you not all act based on their orders, as well as your Captain Commander; which I understand is currently lacking a position. As it stand." Looking to the other members that surrounded central 46, Hideaki Jurou look around to them, standing up from his seat and his vision drawing to each captain individually for about two seconds each. "You may all be right about Zefonse Kaizme AND Hakai Chikara infiltrating our walls. How is that possible by our means? We used to have a respectable and well mannered face of the Soul King, now we have people who can't even prevent TWO people, let alone an army that might storm into here. Also, captain Tiamat, captain Nistelkov and captain Tsubasa... " His gaze drew long and hard to them, eyes raising from the paper work, gaze drawing totally to her. "This is a CAPTAINS meeting. I must ask you to refrain from using any form of ability whilst in this room unless totally permitted."

The area was quickly becoming filled with words from them all previously, and Hidaeki had to address them all for this to run smoothly. "I'd also like to point out the lack of professionalism that has been shown from specifically Captain Wolf, Captain Tiamat and Captain Tsubasa's... ludicrous comments about her chest." A small chuckle would erupt from the core group of Central Forty Six, before finally Hideaki would raise his hand to hush the silence of all those in the room. "Never the less, some valid points have been risen in this regard. If it is hope in which we are lacking, then you must prove to us that you have it. Prove it by rebuilding where you all think you have forgotten it and build the Gotei 13, the thirteen protection squads, into something that it used to be. A place of legend. Although Captain Zero is correct also. We do need to raise our defences, that is one of the areas of key concern for the Gotei 13 at this point." Central 46 would rustle amongst themselves once again, before finally a single woman would stand from her position, addressing the issues spoke by Nistelkov, pointing down at him and shrieking loudly. He's right, although crude in wording, we only survive this thing by pulling together. As is Ibiki of the 11th Division, she raises the valid point of survival. How are we meant to pull through this if we can't deal with our own affairs? A cheer would erupt from within the court chairs, before finally sitting back down.

"Vice-captain Ibiki, what have you to say on the status of the 11th division and how can you help enforce the idea of hope into the squads again? Personally I would like the eleventh division to begin mass-trainings combined with the 13th squad, working in conjunction with Rukia Kuchiki to train the Shinigami to a higher level of combat. Opinions or statements on this?" Hideaki's gaze would draw down to that of Wolf now, his brow becoming much more serious and his gaze looking at him with the intent of pure professional words. Leaning forward out of his seat slightly, Hideaki would speak over to him loudly. "Captain Wolf Lionus, I would, from here on, like to see a more professional attitude in these meetings. Although you, along with any of your subordinates, should work on the reserve forces in the event of Seireitei being breached." He shifted his gaze once again, changing it to everyone in the room. Looking at them all, he stood up from his position and placed his hands in his pockets.

"Captains and Vice-captains of the Gotei 13, I must ask you now, what should YOU do to fix this problem created? Ibiki and everyone else had raised the large points. But now, what will you do to comply with this rebuilding? With the way you are currently mostly behaving, we cannot keep this in order. If you do not comply with the rules that are currently in place, you will not only be removed as captain/vice-captaincy position, but you will be branded as a traitor of the Gotei and instantly trailed in this here court room. Sitting down, he'd place the paper in his hands once again and re-push the glasses to fit more firmly onto his face.

Your decision.

Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Ap8OoJO

Jin Hoshigawa
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Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:22 am

Artist: Spill Canvas - Song: All over you - Word Count: 1422
There was something strange about all of this. The way the captains acted toward one another, how everyone was nothing but hostile; these weren't the captains that Jin served. These weren't the captains of old, these were independent leaders of their own factions. Besides a select few of them, it almost seemed like they wanted the hostility, anger, power, greed; they wanted nothing but destruction, and should this meeting continue the way it was headed; Well, needless to say there may not be a Soul Society to protect for much longer after that. Sighing inwardly, Jin's eyes met with his captain that had shown up, he was late, almost like he was missing for years. At least, that's how it felt; Jin had gotten so accustomed to running things, that he had almost forgotten that there was even a captain in the seventh division.

There was one man in particular that was really getting under his skin. One Nistelkov. Whistelbov, frizzletov...whatever the hell his name was. Jin felt a fire in his stomach that he hadn't felt in some time. Adrenaline, anger, and an urge to rip his throat out was overwhelming. It wasn't that Jin disliked the man, hell he didn't even know him, but the way he presented himself; he was supposed to be an assassin but the first thing he did was speak, and then instead of, you know, staying in the shadows, he walks out and starts to talk some more; or rather spout unnecessary things that most clearly made him feel bigger than he was letting on about. He was doing a good enough job that the attentive, and well versed Jin Hoshigawa didn't know his name, but now anyone with any sort of tracking ability could keep up with him, and so his only true advantage, the shadows, was all but gone. That didn't exactly help his case when the other half of the time he was holding Tsubasa's pocket like some jail yard bitch. These were, of course, inward thoughts; his own person opinion, but there was a feeling, an urge to come out and tell him to pick up his sagging pants. No one needed to see he was taking, his words alone pointed out that fact.

Shaking his head, he placed his hand on his knee to lift himself to speak once more, at least that was before a rather energetic, and rather obnoxious Wolf Lionus stormed into the building. Jin's eyes met with his, a brow arched at the paper he was holding. What could that be for? It's not like he wasn't in the central forty-six champers, anything they had issued would best be delivered by them right? Unless of course they NEEDED Wolf to deliver the message. Like it was a gimmick, a trap, or...his job? Jin's breathe was taken for a moment. His head shaking, his right hand raising and shaking along with his head. b]"Wait...whoa whoa whoa....I've been what now?"[/b] The idea, albeit amazing, was a little sudden. He was, literally just moments before, a lieutenant attending this meeting so his captain didn't need to. Now, he was a captain himself? That was ludicrous, insane. He loved it. That anger had been lifted, almost like a crane lifting a heavy load. Of course it would most certainly be replaced with some other weight, but this weight Jin could deal with. He loved it. Wait, now that that little bits of information had been delivered, it made sense that Iriko Crow had counted the tenth division as present when to Jin's knowledge it was Vacant.

Of course the added bonus of hearing the entirety of Wolf's rampage before hand was a reward in and of itself, Jin couldn't help but keep a wide grin spread across his face. He felt like, from this point on, grinning would be a main staple to his character. Something that set him apart from the rest; besides those luscious white locks, of course. The meeting from that point on seemed to flow without a hitch. The captains of note, the ones that hadn't royally pissed him off were still coming, such as Yukashii, Byakuya, and of course the eleventh division vice-captain, Ibiki. Jin was taken aback for a moment, the young girl was massively strong, stronger than some captains from the stories he heard, but she was still a vice-captain. Reason enough for Jin to give her the time of day, the respect to at least listen. His grinned seemed to grow a bit wider; she was right seemingly enforcing what he had said when he entered, and adding her own words, and twist to the entire meeting. He nodded along as his attention was pulled to the two captains that were here before him, Rukia and Damien.

These two people, among all of the other captains (barring his previous leader) held the most respect. They were kind, but knew when to put their foot down. They were strong, but sincere in their words. There was something absolutely amazing about being acknowledged by them, whether he knew it or not. Still, it seemed that everything was rounding back to him, and between the new revelation of his immediate captaincy, and all of the new meeting goers, he had plenty to add. He would call out the two circle jerkers, thank Wolf for the message and saying what most of them were probably thinking, and letting his own opinion come out. At least, that was the plan before Rukia had let her opinion on the matter escape outward. She was disgusted with the way everyone was speaking, and for him to add to it would only be disrespecting her, and what the entire gotei stood for. He contemplated his thoughts, his fingers tapping his knee before slapping both of them with his hands and standing up. Normally filled with enthusiasm, and an 'I don't give a damn' attitude, Jin felt something else. Anxious. Vulnerable. Fearful.

He was surrounded by the strongest people in the gotei, and no one here knew him bar his captain and possibly a handful of others. He shook his head, letting his own, miniscule (in comparison) reiatsu out. There were benefits though. It wasn't like others, it was dreary, deathly, and ominous. Three things that didn't fit the white haired captain at all. b]"Well, Rukia-san. Just Rukia? I don't even know anymore..."[/b] He joked awkwardly, before shaping up, and bringing both hands into the air, expressing his opinion more enthusiastically. He may have felt vulnerable, but he was one hell of an actor, "And everyone else here; Enough with the insults. Sure, they were clever, amusing, and probably hit the nail on the head, but what we need now is unification. If we can't even get through one meeting as an army's leaders, how can we expect anyone to follow us? To have faith in us? To lay down their lives with us." He started and while he still wanted to let them know just how much he detested them, now wasn't the time.

"I propose not simply joint training with two divisions, but all divisions. We all offer something that another doesn't. I've spent the better half of my life studying the human realm, and I can offer a strategic analysis of the human realm should any war follow us there." While he was a tactician, he was even better at cooperating with others. He took in a deep breath, understanding that what he was about to suggest may not go over well with everyone. He was a captain now, they had to respect his suggestions, even if they were against it. "I suggest, and I know some of you may need to open your minds to it....but..." It was time. "I suggest we work with the Iramasha. They're powerful, and I understand the tension, but they're allies. And it is NOT..." He started looking at each individual person, and then back to the central 46. "It's NOT a weakness to ask for help. We are NOT weak if we do so. We can offer them knowledge, and vice-versa." He stood tall.

"Turning down help, in any war, is stupid, idiotic, and naive. If you would sooner see us die, before turning to help that is there, then you don't deserve the position you have. You're a fool too." He turned back toward the group, and grinned wildly. "That's what I have to offer. Hope for cooperation, and strategic planning."

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST] - Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

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Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Empty Re: Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong

Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:09 pm
[Go ahead and skip my post. Kinoen was called away on business, and had to take an early leave.]

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Empty Re: Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong

Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:50 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong - Page 2 Empty Re: Hope Regained, A Gathering of Strong

Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:29 pm


The Creator has left the Site.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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