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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:50 am

Artist: Sound Sepher - Song: Last Remote (Arrange) - Word Count: 1566
Observing the results of her previous attack against the Shinigami, Cirno could only crack a small smile before hearing what he had to say towards about that onslaught. Mentioning things such as her incredible level of strength had been something to be admitted, this first comment eased the facial tensions across the icy fairies face as she smiled a bit; but it wasn't the smug or conceited type of smile that was showcased earlier. No. This was a more genuine smile which represented the fact that The Angel of the Ice was happy to have finally have her power reach the male and prove that even for a kid, she was something to be taken seriously. Therefore, she considered this as a form of apology as she was rather elated to hear that through the mashing of their powers, a brand new world had been opened into the eyes of the Shinigami. When the Shinigami had said this, Cirno gave him a thumbs up and felt a bit of exchange was needed before any type of offense was made in order to set the record straight for how she felt now.

"Hehehe, I appreciate what you said, Jin Hoshigawa. I'm very glad my strength was able to finally reach you. As in the world I live in, age doesn't matter much. The only thing that should be of any fighters concern is how much determination they put into their attacks, if they really given it their all to the opponent and most of all..." A grin emerging across her face at this point, she'd seem a bit more vibrant and energetic at this point. "...IF YOU EVEN HAD FUN WITH THE FIGHT!" Making sure those words were echoed across the battlefield like a raging thunderdome, it seemed the true reason why The Angel of The Ice was fighting was made all too clear. Although the Iramashsa was quite angered that she was underestimated for just being a kid, the only actual reason for why she fought so hard on this day was because she wanted to explore this intriguing world, have a good time with a new friend and make sure, that at the end of the day, they'd both have something worth reminiscing over.

"I never understood why some of my other brethren so desperately clung to power. To me, between the two of us, when you are locked against someone who is a worthwhile opponent, you'll understand that the reason you wanted to get so strong in the first place. It's not because of age, it's not because of race, it's not because of birthrights; it's because you wanted to sharpen your skills to the best of your ability against someone else in a competition durability, resolve and the strive to always get better! I don't care if I lose this battle, and I really don't care if you lose this battle either: but I'm sure the both of us will have had a great time from it." Rubbing her nose a bit, she'd continued onward with her speech as she had been having the time of her life in this barren and frozen-over forest with The Reaper himself.

"We'll both take what we learned here today, mister, and use it as maps to put us on the routes of power to make us both stronger for another day. Everything you've told me about the world of the Shinigami, the powers you've shown and your own capacity have impressed me....well..everything except for that mouth of yours." Snickering a bit at that last comment, she'd soon get into a defensive stance as The Ice Fairy prepared for combat once more; knowing that this lull won't last forever. "But I believe I can overlook that fact because of everything that has taken place here. You to have shown me a new world. A world I'm just finding myself in and a world I want to force myself further into as I explore all it's secrets, all the unknown areas and push the limits of my strength to it's utmost potential during these trials. There is no point in having power if you don't constantly keep going forward; it's all wasted!" With the cracking of the little girl's fist, another burst of blue and white energy exploded from her body; as she seemed to be gathering a large deal of Chaos Energy and Reiryoku at once to make up for some of the attacks she produced earlier against The Shinigami while she wiped the sweat from her head.

"So with that said, I'm not going to waste anymore time here in our fight. If you've forced me to push myself this far, I surely won't disrespect you by not giving you my full determination! Give it your all and come at me with the same strength, Jin The Shinigami! I believe in you!" When those words had been exchanged, the uttering of a Kidō move had escaped from the lips of the male. Smirking a bit out of excitement, The Ice Fairy knew that something absurd was about to take place. For each time the male uttered those sorts of phrases from his mouth, some sort of mystical ability occurred across on the field or to the Shinigami himself. Having this knowledge in mind, the defenses of Cirno would be hard at work formulating a circle of ice below her feet. Within a matter of moments, it soon turned into a triple threat. A ring around her head, waist and feet; these would produce the needed counter if something should catch her off guard; for the Iramasha simply couldn't detect him.

In that moment in which Rikujōkōrō was released, although something like this had be suspected by the ice girl, it still seemed to catch her by surprise as she had slightly widened eyes because of it and acted purely out of instinct due to the fact there was no possible way of sensing him until the last moment; most likely being his plan to catch her off guard no doubt. Increasing how much power radiated from these frozen rings, Cirno placed her hands outward, gritted her teeth and did her best to freeze over the six spiritual bands; resulting in a massive clash between the two's power as sparks of yellow and blue shaded electricity scattered all throughout the battlefield. Based on the fact she had such short notice, The Angel of the Ice had to truly work for this one. "Glad to see you are finally stepping things up in the end, huh?! I LIKE IT!"

So not wanting to move from this spot until the confirmed destruction of the kdio technique had taken place, there was nothing else to do but continue to go on the defensive. Having a keen enough sense to know that nothing in this battle came in one wave, anticipation for a second attack soon arose when realizing she was pinned at the moment. "Sheesh, you are getting better!" Placing her arms in X pattern in front of The Angel Iramasha's face, the holy girl would go on to use a good deal of the energy in which she summoned earlier that wasn't used on those frozen rings in order to encoat her entire body within an seemingly invisible layer of ice. Although, Jin would however be able to see a strange aqua glow emitting from her body; as if her skin were progressively turning sapphire in hue. Signaling that something must've taken place on a internal level in order for her to defend against his attacks.

Henceforth, when the Shinigami tried to slash Cirno in half, a strong cracking sound could be heard as the areas which he struck were shattered; leaving the girl to take a small bit of damage from the impact as she bled a bit from her ice shattering, but seemed to still be able to keep up with the fight if needed. "See? I told you the more determination and willpower that was put behind your attacks, the stronger they become. Good job in making my bled, Mister Jin!" Swiftly going to work to patch up the mess which was left behind in the wake of his attack, the holes which once oozed out this crimson liquid soon closed; as Cirno used her Chaos Energy to at least repair the openings in her defense. There was still pain inflicted, but nothing she couldn't handle. When this was all said and done, nevertheless, a surprised reaction was noted across the fairies face. Noticing a steep decline in the amount of power which was radiating from the Shinigami, she wondered just what had occurred; despite being under heavy fire herself from the Kidō attack which was unleashed meshing against her icy rings.

"What is going on here now, Mister Jin? Are you okay? What happened to all of that energy I was sensing?" The Little Girl was genuinely confused as to why he suddenly went back this "Bankai" to the original form he took at the start of this fight. Did she perhaps go a little bit too far? Could this perhaps be a clever trap set in place by the male? These were all questions which were ringing inside of the Iramashsa's head as she witnessed his eventual downfall.

Was this fight...over? All time would tell as she waited to see the results of all this occur.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Jin Hoshigawa
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:26 am

Artist: Tech n9ne - Song: Worldwide Choppers - Word Count: Not that many

Jin's eyes had glossed over at this point; standing wasn't a conscious effort, instead something that simply happened through sheer muscle memory. He had been doing this thing for the last seven centuries; fighting till the bitter end, no matter what happened and despite being powerful in his own right, this girl in front of him was a monster. He was no match for her, and it angered him. It made him want to cry out in sheer and utter defeat but he knew it wouldn't happen. He was a prisoner in his own mind at the moment. He wasn't one to display his own weaknesses either, even if he could. His heart skipped a beat, and then another as the girl spoke to him. Congratulating him. What was this, some sort of pep rally? No, he wouldn't lose like this; besides he needed to keep her from the seireitei. He needed to keep them all safe.

Jin's body turned toward her, a sense of resolve coming back over his entire being before he grinned and his eyes came back into focus. He wasn't going to die, but he wasn't going to live without fighting himself into his own slumber. His hand rose to the back of his head, his lips curled into a smile; not one of arrogance, or of hate but one of pure joy. He wanted to win, but he knew he couldn't...but that didn't mean he couldn't have fun losing, right? "No. I'm fine Cirno. Just needed to catch my breath was all." The words almost felt like a lie, his hands were trembling from exhaustion, and his sword had completely reverted to it's sealed state. Why did he have to feel like this? No, not now. He was going to win!

Jin took a step forward, his body prepared to shunpo and here he went! Or at least, that's what he thought. His body gave out, his hand still clenched around his sword, but his body was dropping, and fast. His eyes stared down at the ground, it was getting closer, and closer. He probably wouldn't die from this height, but he could guarantee he would feel it in the morning. Cursing to himself inwardly, Jin closed his eyes, opened his arms to create an almost parachute like affect as he slowly drifted into comatose. Why couldn't he be stronger? Why wouldn't he be better? He wanted to be better!

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:52 pm

Artist: ZUN - Song: True Administrator - Word Count: 1138
As the Kidō which once backed Cirno into a corner faded away into the air around them, it seemed that this battle was all but over. As a result of this, a soft, but content sigh escaped the lips from the icy-haired Iramasha as she lowered her Reiryoku levels tremendously. Wiping the sweat away from her head, The Snow Angel could tell that this guy was on his final legs; but it seemed that he didn't mind much about it. For it warmed her frigid heart that he was able to have fun with it until the very end of it. After all, that's what a good spar was all about. Two good hearted combatants placing their skills against other in a series of well-intent blows until the individuals could no longer keep up their battle. With their fill for the art of combat now fulfilled, there was nothing left here but to wrap things up between the two participants in this very daunting fight which left all those around them left in a state of shock, awe and wonder as people began coming out the woodwork; clapping, shouting and woo'ing over the results of the clash.

There were all types of Shinigami who, up until now, had been hiding in the shadow's watching the two partake in their battle of fist, swords, ice and blood. It was amazing, it was astounding and they hadn't seen something like this in awhile. So many were cheering for the two as the brawl had reached it's conclusion. Blinking a bit, Cirno was a bit taken back by this sudden turn of events; but she smiled, waved and gave off a childish giggle as a reaction to all of this taking place from seemly nowhere. "T-thnak you...? I didn't know that you Shinigami were so nice...I'll definitely remember this day, but I need to go over there and save Mister Jin." With those soft-spoken words echoed to the many bystanders of this fight, The Angel of The Ice wasted no time in activating her Chaos Warp in order to instantly be taken above the likes of Jin Hoshigawa.

"I can tell that you put up a greater fight than you give yourself credit for. Although you may be very beaten, mister, each of us had a lot of good times here to remember in the future. If it weren't for you coming here, who knows where I could have ended up. Not only that, but to make me use those sorts of techniques is what told me you were a very good fighter to begin with. So to pay you back, I'm going to be taking you back to my home on the island in the sky. My people, the Iramasha Clan, will take good care of you. I don't want to see hurt like this, so come with me." With those words spoken to the unconscious Jin, Cirno placed him on her shoulder. The mere sight of this may have been funny to those who didn't understand the supernatural capacities of most otherworldly beings; for it was quite amusing to see a little girl single handedly picking up the body of a fully-grown male. Yet, with The Iramasha's great superhuman strength, this was but a simple feat. Henceforth, she was able to then turn her attention towards the crowd all around them as it grew in size.

"Well, I'm glad I could give you all such a great show. I'll most certainly come back to visit this place once again. But like I said before, I need to take Mister Jin back to the island. Hehehe, I need to recharge my own batteries a bit, you know?" Rubbing the back of her head as she let out a soft-hearted laugh, Cirno certainly felt a bit of stinging pain left from the last attack The Shinigami was able to unleash upon her. And although she still had much reserves left in her energy supplies, it was genuinely impressive to her that he was able to make her use the amounts of firepower which she released in that battle in the first place. So to her, there was great potential in him. Potential which warranted the reward of higher power. Which is when a plan started brewing within the depths of Cirno's mind and one which caused a confident smirk to emerge across her face. "I'm going to make you strong, Mister Jin. When you get off Iramasha Island, I'm going to make sure you return to the Gotei 13 a Monster of a Shinigami and they'll all be in shock by how powerful you had gotten in such a short amount of time." Poking his face, Cirno giggle and then started the process of locking on to the coordinates of Iramasha Island.

Picking up on the vast amount of spiritual and otherworldly energies being produced from that rock in the sky, Cirno knew that the leap for Chaos Warp had been ready. Pinpointing the location of the Iramasha Medical Center, she definitely was going to need to take him there first in order to rapidly help him recover from the injuries he sustained while in this fight. Therefore, as a blue light started to surround the two of them, The Angel of the Ice began to wave a final good-bye towards all of the people on the ground as their image began to flicker steadily. "It's time for new things, it's time for greater fighters to come and it's time to have another grand adventure. Now that I know the land of the Shinigami better, I look forward to what comes now. Hehehehe, this is only the start of The Chronicles of Cirno Iramashsa. Let's go home already, Shiro-Chan and Jin." It was at that moment, when the word "Shiro" was uttered; a brief silhouette of a an adult-female could be seen standing above Cirno.

"You never cease to amuse me, Little Cirno. We'll talk more on the island...." A voice much different than the childish tone of Cirno's speech soon echoed throughout the field; as a third entity could briefly be sensed before The Angel Iramasha had Chaos Warped back to the island with Jin on her back. And with those words said, that would finally put an end to this long day. The two of these fighters would certainly take back attributes of the other and Cirno's Venture into the unknown had finally been resolved. Where everything will take the two of them now? Only Destiny knows that and destiny can be quite the surprising fellow to all those who know her nature in it's full intent. Yet, The Angel of the Ice will still happily travel down this road as she continues to gather new experiences, further power and a large circle of companions along the way of her bizarre journey.


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Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:47 pm

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Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:13 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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