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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:21 pm


9/30/2415, 4:30 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 4:30 PM in the Southern Peninsula of Iceland. The temperature is currently fifty degrees, it is beginning to rain and a crimson dome is covering the city of Reykjanesbær itself to prevent Vanguard operatives from breaking in. Their objective is to get pass the line of tens of thousands of Shadow Fall Troops that are now guarding the borders starting through the coast. And, for antags, their goal is to otherwise prevent them from breaking through this line.

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] WVMWLOu

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Metal as Fuck
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:56 pm

Artist: Titan Slayer - Song: Rise of Saturn - Word Count: 899

The war had come without warning.. and so to had the defenses that had arisen along the walls, borders, and around the cities that were deemed vital enough to warrant protection as the oh-so dreaded conflict had escalated.. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all fully aware that they were just as likely to die as they were to ever stand a chance of guarding anything, were dispatched into the field by both sides, hoping to gain an advantage in sheer numbers if nothing else. There weren't enough, though. No one leader or faction had enough manpower to overwhelm the sheer volume of ability and strength shown by any... “special interest” individuals that might've taken notice of a certain strategic area or target. People such as this were more than capable of wiping out legions upon legions of the enemy's forces, regardless of whether or not they decided to actually put up any kind of fight.

Iceland.. was one such occurance.

Without so much as breaking a sweat, the intruder who found it fit to antagonize a major defense guarding the misleadingly-named country had wiped out a great number of soldiers with an amount of effort equivalent to a small child swatting away a fly.. He decimated the ranks of the Shadow Fall.. the organization who guarded these walls so closely.. the ones who had decided that Iceland was land that needed protecting. The guards that were posted.. the soldiers who had been drafted.. they were no match for this opponent's sheer skill and precision, much less his strength. It was a massacre. As if that wasn't enough, the one who had done so seemed to deem it fit to choose not one side, but neither, as he immediately sent a similar wave of death and chaos through the ranks of the opposing side. The Vanguard, who were locked with the Shadow Fall soldiers for control, saw a huge decrease in number as the neutral party's attack sent them flying with the same minimal ease used on the first opponents. If the soldiers there had been the only thing either side had to offer.. this mysterious swordsman would've more than likely been able to seize control of the country single-handedly.

It was lucky, then, that there was another being tasked with guarding this nation.

From a small encampment at the back of Shadow Fall's defenses, a woman walked out to meet the open air, regarding the lone challenger with an amused smirk, even as he stood among disintegrated rocks and the fallen members of her organization. She saw him as amusing.. but even so.. this charade had gone on far too long. It was time to do her job.. no matter how much this carnage excited her.

Shedding the protective cloak she had been wearing to shield her from the rain, the blue-haired woman crouched down before launching herself high into the air and forward over the ranks of her associates. She came to a halt above the intruder, roughly ten stories elevated from his position, although a distance away still so that she could look directly at him.

She grinned from ear to ear, placing her hands on her hips and cocking them, wild eyes boring a hole through the intruder as she spoke, trying to draw his attention to her, as she was certain her current power level wouldn't be enough to do that. She cursed her Primera internally at this thought. Damn seal could be an issue if this guy was as strong as she thought he was.

“Hey, you there!” She yelled, her voice as loud and obnoxious as her leather and cloth ensemble, barely covering enough of her body to qualify as clothing in the first place. “I like violently knocking these cunts around as much as the next psychopath.. buuuuut sadly for both of us, protecting this place.. and these useless plebs.. is my job at the moment. Soooo I propose a new activity!”

The girl giggled, pulling one of the large-looking bullets from the leather belts covering her body. She tossed it up into the air several times, catching it each time it came down as she did so. “How about we make a movie?? Do you like movies?? I have an idea for one!!” She squeed before tossing the bullet again.. except this time, she raised a hand with reflexes faster than should be possible for one who would've felt so weak.. and swatted the back of the bullet.. sending it careening toward her opponent at lightning-fast speed. Whether he dodged it, blocked it, or tanked it head-on, whatever object it came into contact with would take more damage than initially suspected, as the MOMENT the bullet made contact with its impact point.. it would explode violently into a cero reminiscent of a gran rey, only less powerful by a thin margin. The girl cackled, falling backward onto a platform of her own reiatsu as she kicked her feet joyously. “It'll called 'Mama Said Knock You Out'! Starring my fist, and your dickhole!”

In a flash, she was gone from her current position, visible once more at ground-level, directly below where she once was, only this time directly facing the man she had launched the projectile at, wherever he ended up being once the smoke from that had cleared.

“Whaddya say.. do ya want the lead role?~”

Template By: [THEFROST]

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 26

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:32 pm



Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 1023

It was another day for Eiji Youjai, his thin locks shaking violently as the cool rush of rain poured against the southern point of Iceland's main land. He looked about, his eyes watching nothing but pure destruction as he snarled. Dead bodies on both sides, hundreds of people fighting for what? Of course it was a cause, but no one seemed to be stepping up to help those that are simply dying. Eiji would indeed be one of the good guys, one of those willing to help whether the others within his organization and the others would join or not. It was pitiful to see one of the strongest fighters to join was Azure Iramasha, yet he had no assistance whatsoever. Its something that only agitated Eiji further.

"Absolute bull shit, Tch."

It seemed that the Vanguard forces had finally arrived, taking their stance against the legion of Shadowfall members that wished to end their lives quickly. As Eiji watched the legion grow in side, they pushed forward, making their way through the thick land as he followed in pursuit, his own body latching onto the cold air as he let out a small side. Stationed twenty meters behind the legion itself, Eiji watched as Shadowfall forces began to grow in size as well. They began to swell with anger, shaking with power just as The Vanguard had previously. Taking it upon themselves, The Vanguard rushed forward just as the shadowfall force had, yet, they were met with an odd rush of power opposed to each others own weapons.

As Eiji watched the entire frontline of warriors became non-existent, those behind them being sent flying against the physical body of the Vanguard force. Not only did this happen to the Vanguard, but another splice of air had forced a whole among the forces of Shadowfall, their people growing tired and scared due to the pressure that was exerted on them. As for the Vanguard, they stood once more, wiping the dirt and earth that may have bruised them and prepared themselves once more. It seemed that they held the resolve of champions, something that would more than likely get them killed. Yet again, Eiji sighed as he tightened the hood that sat against his scalp, pulling his light rain cloak closer to him as he stepped forward.

Moving through the forces of the Vanguard, the area around them and Eiji began to crackle with electricity, his eyes flashing with rays of crimson as he began to snarl, the rain cloak that was wrapped around the man blew outward in an extreme burst of air, Eiji's own body leaving marks among the Earth's surface as the Vanguard moved from his view.

"Fucking idiots."

Headphones that previously rested against Eiji's neck now began to blast music, his eyes looking upward as another entered the arena that soon would come to be. A woman, long blue locks with a matching set of clothing that seemed to only grow odder in terms of material as she made her way forward. She was of Shadowfall orientation, only growing odder and odder as she began to talk. She was annoying, talking about how she loved hurting her own soldiers, agreeing with the neutral party as if she had a right to talk. She was sadly mistaken.

"Who the fuck would let idiots like yourselves on a battlefield? Get the fuck out of her, shadowfall is leaving whether they want to or not."

Eiji's voice exuded anger, a cold tendancy that he couldn't help but push outward towards the idiots that talked aloud. As the man spoke, Eiji learned that his name was Stefan, which meant little to him in the long run. As he reached the front line of Vanguard forces, the angered male stared at the green haired one, along with the blue haired woman that wouldn't shut her god-forsaken mouth up. Who would ever allow people like this show up in a fight? They talked a lot, too fucking much for Eiji's taste.

"Funerals my fucking ass. Go play with the little blue one while we take care of the city, idiot. You lay a hand on these men and it'll be your fucking head, not theirs."

Smirking, Eiji's body sent out a flourish of red reiatsu, pressure extending outward as the Vanguard forces moved backwards away from the three, taking shelter in a dug out area in order to shield them from the pressure that Eiji himself began to give off. The sky above began to grow dark with the release of bullets that, were not just bullets, they tossed ceros at high speeds. The girl only grew more fucking annoying as she made actions, Eiji just couldn't understand it. As he began to talk once more, he watched as the blue hair girl moved from one area to the next, making it apparent that she already wished to begin the fight. How stupid, she didn't take heed of the man that stood before her, she simply did. Stefan Soan, whoever the hell he was, definitely had the advantage when it came to the pathetic attack she planned for him.

As the male exerted his Reiatsu once more, he snarled and smirked at the two, the earth around the three beginning to tear into nothing, his control over his own reiatsu seeming non-existent in this situation. Bringing his arms outward, the cloak that once shared the male's being was sent flying off, the area around him tremoring under the pressure of an earthquake, the force of its quake being able to harm them if they weren't to take it seriously. The tremor itself was one one that was caused by Eiji's being himself. Staring at the two, he smirked once more, finally, coming to speak once more.


The scream echoed across the battlefield as the tremor now shook even greater against the Shadowfall forces, the earth beneath them cracking terribly as they fell to their knees and to laying positions, falling through cracks that were previously created by the tremor that Eiji had sent out.


Template By: [THEFROST]

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] FXpoQxJ
The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] 2Y9rqGk


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Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:21 am

Artist: Bach - Song: Toccata and Fugue - Word Count: 1,685

Nemain was elated. She could not think of a time she had felt this exhilarated by the prospect of a battle... This... this was amazing. What was it? Christmas? Hanukkah? Her birthday? Canadian Independence Day?? Whatever it was.. it was obviously a cause for celebration. It would've been more than enough fighting the swordsman... who was so strong that the pressure he exerted on the area around him was causing soldiers to fall to the ground... who had wiped out half a legion with one sword strike.... But no.. that couldn't be all... instead.. Nemain got a bonus... a second opponent... one with a mouth as brash as her own.. and a power that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Leaving? Why would they do that? Why would SHE do that..?

"You're delusional, kid!" Nemain barked at the second opponent. "Shadowfall isn't goin' ANYWHERE! You're the one about to have my boot so far up your ass that you'll have shoelaces coming out of your fucking nose!"

Nemain's eyebrows raised as the newcomer's reiatsu flared... Red energy spiked upwards and outwards, the area around them becoming so dense with spiritual energy that the soldiers who had been there only moments ago had since fled for the hills, wanting to avoid the impending carnage, and potential death, as even the air seemed more difficult to breath.. the atmosphere seemed heavier and harder to bear... for anyone as weak as Nemain would've seemed to them at the time.. this kind of environment would've been survivable... But she stayed up... stayed standing... stayed cocky.... even as the man barked more.. even as his words turned to a challenge... even as the very ground shook beneath her... Nemain never faltered for a moment... Her steely gaze was locked on her two opponents.. both of whom seemed just as spiteful toward each other as they were toward her.... This was..... This was...


Her attention was immediately commanded by the man who had first stepped into this venue. The swordsman had taken her cero like it was a light breeze.. none the worse for wear than before she had launched it. She could feel her excitement levels rising as he began to get cocky.. saying she might be fun after all.. talking about her attacks as if they were child's play.. to be disregarded.. brushed off... She shivered, a long shudder traveling from her head all the way down to her toes as her eyes began to twitch.. the reticle-like patterns within darting to and fro.. taking in all that she could about their surroundings... there was about to be a grand reckoning here the likes of which Iceland had never seen... and in the center... was Nemain Calliope.

She watched Stefan close enough to see the instant he disappeared... her reticle-like eyes moving at impossible speeds to try and keep up with his movements.. but to no avail. God DAMN that seal! She stepped back, reflexively shifting into a defensive stance as Stefan reappeared in front of her. Damn.. no time! She raised an arm in self defense, hoping to block the oncoming strike.. but it stopped just before reaching her arm. Her eyes widened as she felt the air around her shift, leaning back slightly and throwing an arm up to try and catch the blow that swung downward at her, realizing the feint for what it was... But she was still too slow.. as the moment the sword would've connected... she felt the opponent's fist make contact with her back.. She could FEEL how strong this guy was.. the amount of force he put into that blow was enough to lift her entire body off the ground.. Just in time for the same attacker to bring his elbow down into her midsection.. directly onto her stomach.. Nemain coughed as the attack drove her breath right out of her... carrying blood with it as she made contact with the ground beneath.. hard.. the force of the blow and her body impacting the ground causing it to crack and split for a good distance around her.

For a moment.. only one single moment.. Nemain remained where she was.. To her opponent, who had seemingly already moved on to the loudmouth vanguard, she was as good as done for.. He seemed to have regarded their fight as already over. However.. this.. was far from the truth.. Nemain wasn't done.. hell.. she was hardly even hurt... Between her natural durability and her hierro.. that punch wouldn't have even drawn blood if it hadn't been for her seal... But... this fight.. THIS fight.. this.. was worthy of Nemain Calliope... THIS was worth... her full strength...

The woman's mouth spread once again into a smile... which spread into an insane, wild-eyed grin as she laughed from her place on the ground.. a twisted.. foul-sounding cackle that filled the air. The laugh carried with it a maniacal sense of battle-lust which would be more than apparent to anyone who had known her for even a short time... and immediately obvious to these two who had made the mistake of taking her lightly now...

"Alright... alright alright alright... That was a pretty good trick, fuckboy... But it's gonna take more than that to bring me down... oh fuck me.. I'm getting all tingly in my nethers just thinking about it.." Her voice traveled across the arena.. a sickeningly sweet mix of praise and sensual need for this fight that was practically designed to make people uncomfortable.. "I didn't think that cero would take you down.. but god damn... tanking it head on? And not even a scratch!?!?! You're one crazy motherfucker, motherfucker!" She cackled as she pulled herself up from the ground, her whole body shaking with the force of her laughter and anticipation as her gaze shifted to the newcomer. "And YOU... making earthquakes.. calling us both out like you have any right to be here either?! Your balls must be dragging against the ground, kid!" She tilted her head back, wiping some blood from her mouth with the palm of her hand as she laughed into the sky before looking at them both again. "I guess it can't be helped... I'm going to have to let a little loose if I'm gonna stand a chance here!" She grinned madly, her whole face seeming to stretch from the insanity of her current gaze as she lowered the blood-stained hand to her hip, placing that hand on the tattoo that rested there....

And as she did so... hell flooded the earth.

A massive explosion ripped through the ground below her as the seal seemed to dissolve into thin air.. immediately followed by a torrent of orange reiatsu so dense and chaotic that it tore the fractured ground she had landed on to shreds.. Her reiatsu was as fucked up as she was... taking no definitive shape but instead spiking and bolting in every which direction.. towering skyward.. outlined by an acidic yellow.. only every now and again would it materialize into something tangible as a shape.. but even then it was something out of a nightmare... teeth.. dismembered limbs.. all of which accompanied by a high-pitched screeching that shook the very air... Nemain's head lowered as her eyes locked onto her opponents.. her red eyes taking on a look of pure murderous dedication.. her body shadowed by the tower of spiritual energy eclipsing her...

And then.. as if it was never there at all... the tower disappeared.. the screeching stopped... and Nemain was gone...

In a flash of speed so blinding that it would've seemed impossible for her mere moments ago, Nemain appeared directly behind the swordsman, her left foot sliding outward toward him as she brought her left fist in the same direction, aiming a backhanded swipe of her fist directly for the side of his head.. Whether or not this connected, the force with which she threw it would be apparent, as it would send a shockwave in its wake violent enough to be mistaken for a cero of its own.. Without wasting a single millisecond, she was gone once more.. this time to his front, already crouched down as she aimed a kick upwards... The goal was to connect with his jaw.. the aim being to launch him skyward.. which was where her next move came in..

In a similar flash.. she was gone once more.. flashing herself skyward.. above the man in question... Whether or not her previous attack had launched him, she did three things in a very quick succession... First, the second she reached her peak, she unbelted a bullet, tossing it and flicking it.. but this time not down at her current opponent... but sideways.. sending it hurtling straight at the second opponent.. the loudmouth who saw fit to join in this battle... Second, she would throw her body weight forward, spinning herself into a downward somersault and exiting the rotation with her leg extended, driving her full force AND weight into a downward kick aimed for the top of the swordsman's head, hoping to drive him into the ground the same way that he had just floored her... Even if this missed, her next action was simple... A sharp whistling sound filled the air as a flash of light would appear next to her hip.. a reflection of the sunlight off of metal as her Zanpakutō, acting as if on its own accord, zipped through the air with speeds rivaling Nemain's own, aimed straight for the midsection of the second opponent... Once this initial onslaught was complete, Nemain would use her sonido to carry her away one final time, carrying her some distance, and back to stable footing. Her mad grin still ever-present on her face... her growing excitement only increasing her strength...

"Let me introduce myself... My name is Nemain Calliope... Third Espada to the Shadow Fall... Walking Earthquake.. Crippler of Heroes...." She slid a foot back, immediately taking on an aggressive melee stance as she cackled. "And I demand your respect!"

Template By: [THEFROST]

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

We Are Legion
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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 26

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Platinum Points:
The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:45 am



Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 1785

Bringing his hands to his face, Eiji sighed and let a small shake of his black and white locks to occur, his eyes glowing with a bout of anger. The world around Stefan, Eiji and Nemain began to tremble with pure strength, the pressure coming off of the demi-god like beings only began to take its simple toll against the soiled Earth that Shadowfall and Vanguard members were previously fighting upon. Without the beings themselves going to their full power forms, they still seemed to exert a sense of power and pressure that would only cause mere mortals to pass out or feel effects upon their body that may cause irreversible effects. Though, with that being said, Eiji stood firmly, the two enemies that seemed to make their way onto the battlefield didn't pay him too much mind, yet. That would change rather quickly if they weren't more than willing to listen.

As the male's thoughts peaked at their highest point, he looked about the terrain that would soon be crashing into nothing, the two enemies that were before him adjusted their movements as they both began to continue an assault. As Nemain, the girl that had disgustingly bright blue hair had released a large cero to the man's face, Stefan's body became enveloped with smoke as wind rushed throughout the field once more. Dust, stones and general pressure was sent outward for quite some length, pressing against the Vanguard Members that were currently taking shelter quite a way's away. Bracing the impact, Eiji's eyes flared as he brought his hand upward to his mouth, shielding it from the rocks and dirt that was uplifted so easily. It was a pain, they played as if they were children. They weren't taking this seriously whatsoever, it was more annoying than anything.

"Little kids, that's all you two are."

His voice was cold and filled with hatred, a sense of despair beginning to grow in the man's belly as he stared at the two foolish beings before him. Smirking, the dust began to clear and there stood the man, green hair only slightly burned and fully unscathed, a fact that Eiji had only deduced prior to the attack landing. No one would be stupid enough to simply stare an attack of such size directly without knowing they'd be perfectly fine. It only furthered his low opinion of the extremely... odd girl that continued an assault of words as well. She wasn't anything special, neither was Stefan. To Eiji, they were those that were impending destruction on the Vanguard, an ally of the Yayjuu. They were to be defended whether his allies believed it to be the correct choice or not. Bringing his arms outward again, Eiji chuckled, headphones wrapped around his neck jolted apart yet again, the music within them becoming a blaring techno piece that only seemed to radiate around the three beings.

"This as to be a joke."

Eiji watched on as Stefan had his fun, movements that would be blind to the human eye were exchanged with the ugly girl and only furthered in succession. Each movement, each impending blow was abruptly stopped by the next, the energy radiating from the man's very body only further obstructing the air's cool quality. Heat and thick humidity began to grow within the air as Stefan finally released his blow, a build up that only seemed to inevitably end in Nemain taking a direct hit to her back. Whether the blow left lasting effects on the girl or not didn't matter, the coin had flipped and now Stefan was the idiot.

Clearly believing that he was some overpowered being, he commented on how he was only looking for fun, the future of this battle hopefully giving that to him. It was sad, Eiji didn't believe the man's strength meant much if he was stupid enough to boast like a babbling bastard. Taking his hands and sliding them into his pant pockets, letting a small amount of spit to be spat against the ground beside him. It seemed that it was time to stop playing around, if they were stupid enough to act like children, Eiji would only gain the upper hand.

"You won't be having any fun where I'll be taking you, and that stupid girl over there. I've never met bigger fucking idiots, but time has passed, so why wouldn't I, now of all times?"

Sliding his right arm outward from his pocket, Eiji gripped the very end of the Katana that lay next to his hip and sighed, looking rather somber as he pulled it outward. Holding it above the ground, his lips moved, yet the only sound that could be heard was that of the ground shaking once more.

"Heh. Lose Control, Furueru."

With the words uttered quietly, the Earth directly in front of Eiji outward in a three hundred meter radius became barren. The lush grass of Iceland, at least near the three beings, was nothing but a barren wasteland now. Cracks formed along its surface, the dirt becoming more and more apparent as it became dehydrated. The tremors only intensified, Eiji's hands rubbing together as they began to grow in size and strength. The tremors were comparable to a ten magnitude rated earthquake, constant and unwavering. As Eiji's body shook with pure energy, he smirked and looked as the girl once again stood up, muttering words of idiocy as she moved outward to go on the attack yet again.

A seal was tore from her being, whether it was physical or spiritual didn't matter, her power only became bolstered as her demeanor entirely changed. She was quite the surprising woman, whether stupid or not she wasn't playing around anymore. The three would soon all be on the offensive, so now was the moment to make a plan and stick to it. Though, before Eiji could begin his own assault on Stefan, Nemain made her own assault on the man, moving at speeds she previously didn't exert. Though she may have moved, any of their movements now, other than Eiji's may be altered or stopped entirely from the rupturing earth that shook at speeds unimaginable, the continuous earthquake only continuing as she made her attack. Eiji smirked as she was in the man's face instantly, letting a blow fly once more as the smoke lifted upward. She was a feisty one, but pretty fuckin' annoying to Eiji.

As she disappeared once more, she was in the air, now moving downward at speeds she once again had never shown to her two opponents. Then, as if it were almost instant, the woman was gone yet again, a blade barreling at Eiji in response to her vanishing. Without much thought, Eiji had to move. Bringing his hands downward, he lifted a piece of the earth beneath him upward, tossing it slightly upward to sent a fist flying into its surface. By doing so, he caused the large earth to go flying forward, the blade that was once flying at him had been altered, its path being sent far left towards the general region of Stefan. Letting off a small sigh and shaking his right hand, Eiji looked at the girl with a rather disgusted look.

"You really don't understand a warning when you're given one do you? You're starting to get on my nerves. You and your green hair buddy over there."

A chuckle moved from Eiji's lips, his eyes shifting to the dust filled area that Stefan presumably entertained. He wasn't a blip on Eiji's radar, he knew that he had to be careful and thoughtfully to account of his movements. If he were to make an attack now, Eiji knew he had to take them both seriously in this very moment.

"If you haven't noticed yet, you aren't much of a walking earthquake. I, however? Fuck, I can't go anywhere without the ground breaking around me. It's starting to grow fucking old."

Playing the ways of speech rather lax, Eiji only grinned more and more as he spoke to the blue haired girl. Nemain, was not of his concerns anymore. She boasted and babbled, just like the idiot that called out to him earlier. If anything, they were children, just like he had thought.

"You two better learn quickly..."

Slamming his right foot downward, large pieces of the Earth began to fly out of its surface, circling around Eiji at high speeds as he snickered. It was time for him to go on the offensive now, it seemed. This was his battle. His territory. This battlefield was nothing but a giant weapon for him. If they were stupid enough to play by his rules then let them, there would be no remorse.

"This is Eiji Youjai's territory. You better watching your step, assholes."

With his final words echoing throughout the area, the earthen rocks that were now swirling around him were sent flying at speeds deemed unimaginable, flying forward at the young girl in a set of six. On the other side of the coin, four pieces of the earth sized at about ten meters in length and four meters in thickness were sent flying into the extreme dust that was built up from Stefan's attack towards the man.

That wasn't it, he was far from done. Following the rocks that were sent flying forward towards Nemain, Eiji's body moved at insane speeds towards the girl. Given the slight boost to his speed he had gained from his Shikai, he brought himself forward into a slide, bringing himself directly in front of the girl to only release a monstrous punch to the girl's gut. The blow could be compared to that of earth shattering, being enough to rival Radioactive's fist themselves. Letting off a second blow to the girl's chest, Eiji's body exerted enough pressure to completely destroy the earth around him. If he were to land the blows or not didn't matter, by breaking the earth around him he was once again able to telepathically lift the shoddy rock into the sky once more, swirling around him at high speeds in order to defend him of any ranged blows that may be sent his way. He wanted a piece of the green haired idiot that couldn't keep his mouth shut, but the fuck-headed arrancar would fit well enough.

"Speak a little louder, I can't hear you over all the bull shit you two are spouting."

The area around Eiji only began to tremor more, the air that was now vibrating at stupidly high speeds caused it to begin to grow rather hard to breathe for most. The oxygen within the air itself was moving too quickly to take inward, not sufficiently at least. He wasn't going to step down from this battle, the Earth was his playground, these were the intruders on his land.


Template By: [THEFROST]

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] FXpoQxJ
The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] 2Y9rqGk


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Metal as Fuck
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:41 am

Artist: Adam Hurst - Song: Forsaken - Word Count: 2,131

Pathetic. That was the word most likely to be used by Nemain Calliope to describe both of her opponents in this instance.. Sure, yes.. Banter was fun.. Fuck, talking shit about someone who stepped out of their depth and faced someone when they weren't ready to is fucking hilarious. However.. it seemed as if the white and black haired tremor boy had a penchant for talking.. a lot. If they were standing around with their thumbs up their asses, maybe that wouldn't have been so bad.. But no. They weren't circlejerking. They were supposed to be fighting. And no amount of clever little quips could end this fight any faster. Which was for the best, in her opinion, because Nemain.. most /definitely/.. wanted to be the one to end this fight..

Nemain's assault was swift and precise.. with her seal now inactive and her excitement levels beginning to rise, the increase in her strength as she pumped herself up would become immediately obvious... Her body was moving so quickly at the moment that the tremors which tore at the ground beneath them barely even affected her ability to move, as she was simply moving too quickly to have time to stand up straight or try and hold balance on shaky ground that would probably crumble any second now regardless.

She cackled loudly, catching a glimpse of the kid shit talking the green-haired bastard who had started all this. She wanted to put him in his place. That smug fucker who rolled up in here.. and decided to try and attack both sides.. for what? To win? How would one person hold control of an entire nation without an army? How could a freelancer defend territory that took the Shadow Fall's full military might AND Nemain, the "general" chosen for this territory, just to barricade and garrison? It wasn't possible. Whoever this man was, he was out of his damn mind and out of his damn depth. Someone that fickle with their loyalties could never truly lead anyone. The thought alone made Nemain scowl like an attack dog, looking as if she was ready to bite a chunk out of someone if she didn't get to pound this bitch's face into the dirt. And soon.

The kid had his own plans, it seemed. Regardless of Nemain's desire for a fight she could really go all-out with... and her want to beat the fuck out of this green-tipped fucknugget.. the vanguard kid decided it was time to act in defense of his side as well. Shit. She grumbled mentally. Two-versus-one and one-versus-one-versus-one matchups were always so boring... Too much going on for attention to be pointed at everything at once.. so attention gets diverted anywhere... No one can ever go all-out because everyone has their strength split basically down the middle as they have to focus on fighting two people at once instead of just letting loose on one, singular opponent. One-on-one combat was the only honorable method of battle. That much, Nemain knew.

In a move that didn't really surprise Nemain, knowing how quickly people jumped to dick measuring competitions when in this kind of battle, the yammering boy had, apparently, released his weapon... She wasn't sure if it was a Zanpakutō, but it sure looked like it would be one.. Up until the point where her line of sight was broken by the ground around her cracking, the tremors intensifying, and the boy's smirk taunting her through the space between them.

The tremors, even as they intensified, couldn't quite keep up with an excited Nemain... As she launched her assault against Stefan, her feet barely even glanced the ground between moves, feints, and attacks.. most of her combat coming aerially.. though even that was made more difficult by the release that had turned their battleground so barren and lifeless... it seemed as if these tremors, heightened in power as they may be, were vibrating the very air around them.. Making the oxygen thinner.. and the air harder to breathe. This was one situation in which her adaptability came in handy, as her body began to adjust to the new environment with every passing second. However, that didn't account for the vibrations through the air and the ground beneath them... Those made her have to push herself that much harder to move at the speeds she wanted to move at... and get the power behind her strikes that she wanted to exert.. But that wasn't necessarily a problem.. she was LITERALLY built for this.. with each compensation for the tremors, she became more and more used to the vibrations and shaking that seemed to endlessly expand within their "little" arena.

Nemain's first attack was blocked outright, the sheath that the man used to block it not taking so much as a dent on its surface as he did so. The fury from her attack not connecting mixed with the exhileration of her seal being released had done something to her that she didn't think either opponent had seemed to realize yet...

Once again.. her power had scaled..

So even as her smug little dumbshit of an opponent grabbed onto her foot to deflect her second attack on his personage, she was ready. With force so massive and violent that it could've sent an asteroid off-course, Nemain twisted her whole body into a corkscrew, twisting her foot in such a way that if Stefan didn't let go, he risked breaking a finger or two. With this corkscrewing motion, Nemain threw herself to one side, landing feet-first on the ground and wobbling a bit as her landing happened in time with a particularly aggressive tremor... That was when she saw it.. The blade she had sent at the kid.. perfect. As the kid deflected it, using more earth abilities to do so, she watched it travel toward Stefan.. And if she knew this asshole well enough by now.. he would more than likely attempt to block it, as a Zanpakutō flying through the air was nothing to sneeze at. But that... was all part of the plan.

Grinning madly, Jinx disappeared in a burst of Sonido that ripped the air around her from the suddenness and aggressiveness of it. As her Zanpakutō sailed toward Stefan's personage, Nemain would become visible once more directly behind him... She took a step forward, planting herself into a tiger-style stance before a sharp whistle rang through the air.. and the blade that Stefan might have been poised to block.. had gone in an instant, traveling so quickly that by the time the whistle had already ceased to be audible, Nemain had it in-hand, using the stance she had chosen to punch the sword forward, aiming for Stefan's right arm, just above the elbow, as she did so.

Regardless of whether or not this little deception succeeded, Nemain had other things to worry about. Sonido'ing away, Nemain quickly realized the kid's entry into this brawl as the rocks he had launched came hurtling toward her.. six in total... She laughed into the open air as she dashed forward, punching them to bits as her Hierro's one and only special function kicked in.. her skin hardening against the boulders' composition as she gained momentum, dashing forward all the way to the kid, sliding next to him in a flash of sonido as she span twice, using the motion to evade his aggressive punches which.. admittedly.. might've stung a little.. She grinned at him as she whispered, low enough that only he could hear. "Hey, you, with the earth shit.. Help me take this guy down and we can battle for this territory like proper adults, yeah? Hell, I'll even give it to ya if you end up dealing the final blow to this douchelord." She winked, feigning a punch back toward Eiji's gut (while making it childishly easy to dodge, however subtle the window she had left for him was, he was sure to pick up on it with as close as he was to her), to try and make it seem as if that was her reason for coming over here in the first place. With another flash, she was gone.

Hopefully, he would accept her offer.. And in the meantime...

As Nemain launched herself at Stefan once more, he seemed to be prepared for that also. He disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, resurfacing above her and already spinning as Nemain smirked, pushing off of a platform of her own spiritual pressure to dodge out of the way. Now, with how fast Stefan had moved, it shouldn't have been possible to move in time. However, this was one of those many situations where someone had very obviously underestimated Nemain. Which, in most cases, was a fatal mistake. Stefan had hit her twice now. Hard. Adding that to the blocking of her first strike.. AND the grabbing of her foot.. and Nemain had a generalized feel for his "presence" in this area. With that in mind, as soon as he had disappeared, she had judged where he would end up based solely on the direction that his "presence" had disappeared in. From there, it was just a matter of reflexes.. which Nemain had plenty of to spare.

Nemain watched as the kick connected with empty air, the force of it alone enough to shatter the ground beneath them, whip the area with high-speed wind, and batter the ears and bodies of all involved with the force of the sonic booms being emitted from the speed of the kick. Nemain's wry smirk that had adorned her face for a good portion of her actions here had now spread into a full-on, ear-to-ear, batshit insane smile that would've put the fear of god into any number of slasher movie villains. From Jason to Pinhead, few people in this universe have seen that look and lived to talk about the fear that it struck into the hearts of Nemain's opponents. Not because the grin itself was scary, no. It would simply look as if she was overly excited.. However.. for Nemain.. overly excited.. meant hungry for blood.. and in a big way.

As the green-haired interloper barked nonsense about his superiority, Nemain was already on the move, trying to throw her opponents off to a certain extent by refraining from her normal insults and mockeries. Stefan's spiritual pressure spiked.. and between that, Nemain's own chaotic and anarchic spiritual energy weighing down on the whole of the arena and the tremors.. the very air seemed to be screaming. The clashing forces caused shrieks and screeches that pierced through the sky as energies and elements battled eachother for dominion of the sky while the spiritual creatures below battled for control of the land.

As Stefan was distracted, to some degree or another, with the rocks that were hurtling towards him, Nemain came from the side, her Zanpakutō still clutched tightly in her hand as she moved with blinding speed to close the distance. With precision and more grace than was to be expected from one so dedicated to fucking with the natural order of things, Nemain slid into a left foot forward stance, punching forward with her right hand with enough strength and sheer force of will behind it to cause a massive shockwave of her own to pass through where Stefan had destroyed the boulders only a moment ago, the energy ripping up ground and tearing through foliage as it went. Without so much as pausing, Nemain opened her hand palm-down just as her fist would've hit.. And like that, she was gone.. Until a sharp whistle was heard through the air, immediately flipping Nemain's Zanpakutō mid-air and sending it directly for Stefan's throat as the arrancar in question stood about fifty feet away, closer to Eiji than she was to Stefan, seeing how he would react as she tried to keep herself balanced to some degree.

"Oh my god, will someone tell Napolean Never-Been-Boned-apart here to fuck off already? His self-satisfied smug asshole dickhead attitude is starting to REALLY piss me off... She growled, her eyes narrowing at the man as she yelled about him. He was most definitely the biggest problem here at the moment. If they could take care of him, they'd be in a lot better position to try and actually figure out who would win this war. Despite Nemain's lack of common sense where things such as her own safety or following the rules was concerned, she wasn't stupid. She knew that this guy was bad news, and she would probably need the extra set of limbs and powers that Eiji had so graciously brought to the party if she wanted any chance of taking him out.

Now.. to see how this all plays out...

Template By: [THEFROST]

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:54 pm

As of this moment, Nemain is pulling out of the fight to attend to more important matters. Eiji is being trusted with this.

((A/N: Dickwaving kills all fight muse lmao))

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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