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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 DVNh7M9
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:49 am
[adm]Expect a post within the next week from me. If I fail to post, then go ahead and skip me. We'll work something out. [/adm]

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:30 am
[adm]I still have an interest in the thread, but I don't mind if I'm skipped as I'm prepared to deal with the consequences. So you all are open to post whenever, but if you don't, I will post at some point. [/adm]

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:55 pm

Artist: TheEnigma - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: 1089

Now, Radioactive wasn't exactly the world's brightest man, but even he could sense something wicked was up with his ally when he was busy taking a nap in the dirt. And, while he wasn't too keen on assisting allies, he didn't exactly want him to die either. As, at the back of his head, he could almost hear his sisters nagging about not wanting her own comrades to die.

Therefore, since Radioactive wasn't exactly gifted in healing, he decided to try the next best thing: energy bestowal. The guy seemed like the nerdy brainy type to him, so maybe he could figure out a means of potential to stand on his own feet with by analyzing and making use of The Nuclear Hulk's vast depth of energy.

Henceforth, in a feat of multi-tasking glory, did the shark-toothed bastard manage to summon a dense cluster of spiritual and atomic power into a sphere of white and gold light. After that ball had been created, he used a relative sense of telekinetic control in order to guide the sphere of light over towards James Caldwell in order for him to absorb it and do something with it.

"I'm not a science guy, nor am I a medic; but bastard, ya better figure out something to do with that. My sis would rather you not die here."

Radioactive would shout that out into the air with much valor -- provided the male wasn't already blown away by the sonic boom. There was a apart of himself that felt bad about dragging a guy like that into a brutal fight like this, but he knew what he signed up for when working under his sister. So he'd hope he'd seize his opportunity and stand with him to fight this war.

"Though, you might serve better in another battleground, purple eyes. This guy looks to only want me and I'll be glad to deliver it."

Once finish screaming at the top of his head, Radioactive then set his sights solely upon The Monsuta King's ugly mug.

With a cocky smirk smeared across his face, he let the waves of pain soothe him and felt the surge of Stefan's destructive force wearing against his body. Blow after blow, strike after strike, hit after hit; he was feeling more alive and the hunger for battle blazed in his eyes like an unending inferno. By the time Stefan had maneuvered himself to avoid his hellish stomp wave, The Beast was too thrilled and filled with laughing to really care much about the dodge.


He wanted to see what the male was made of and witness the might of his swordsmanship. As, apparently, the green gremlin was rambling on about wanting to unveil his Zanjutsu to him. All of it was fine by The Nuclear Giant so long as he came at him with EARNEST.

"Try me."

Yeah, Radioactive wasn't phased much by all the fireworks associated with his release. He was more focused on the kill. So, his eyes zoomed in on the male and his mind zoned out. For in this time of anticipation, the man entered into a meditative state and he awaited for that first strike to come with so much delight beating in his heart.

First -- the distance between the two was gaped with nimble speed. This showed that his opponent was not one to underestimate when it came to the art of momentum. That meant he was going to have to ensure his reactions were on par to deal with swift bastards like this.

Second -- the swing. That was the moment he waited for. As soon as his perception caught wind of that, the sharky son of a gun summoned a high volume of energy into both of his hands. In doing so, he augmented the speed in which his limbs could react at. Which, in that split second decision, allowed him to catch the blade as he gripped with both of his hands.

Additionally, since there was a higher cluster of reiatsu burning through his veins, it served a secondary purpose as layering up his defenses so that he could actually grip the anti-matter. As, Radioactive wasn't sure what that black fluid was, but he could bet it was something sinister and he was simply prepping himself for that based on his battle instinct.

Regardless, there would be a destruction of life all around them as the area seemed to buckle, crack and shatter under the weight of their powers colliding. Dirt, earth, corpses and even clouds themselves broke way due the intensity at which they were brawling at this point.

Thus, from that impact, Radioactive's own hands seemed to burn and bruise ever so slightly, but not nearly as much as they would have been if not enhanced by his energy. He also felt as if a damn mountain or two had crashed into his body, but that only made him grin more as he felt himself needing to push back harder.

Therefore, he summoned his Goliath-like strength in order to pull Stefan closer to him, lean in and deliver a headbutt capable of shattering in his defenses and making that pretty little forehead of his bled. While, at the same time, attempting to throw his blade straight in the dirt, crack it and then deliver a hard sideways kick to the left side of his jaw in order to send him flying.

Regardless of what happened afterward, he'd soon follow it up with a scattering of white spikes that would explode upon contact and erupt the whole area around them into a cyclone of fiery destruction. As, these projectiles were set to explode the minute they made contact with a physical, or spiritual, presence. So, he was aiming to level this area and make the gremlin bounce around some more and feel the heat of the battle.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Come on! Let's see what that Shikai of yours has. Push me, make me use more of my strength and I'll be happy to unleash mine in the next round if you show me that primal side of yours. That's all I want to see!"

With those words laughed out in the atmosphere, the male then prepared to enter the next phase of the battle and awaited to see what both his ALLY and his FOE were made of.

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:00 pm


9/30/2415, 4:30 PM; CST Standard Time

Ho'kay, since we are closing out Iceland threads, we'll just assume that this fight concluded in a draw. The two of them would have continued fighting offshore until Stefan was pulled back by orders given to him from the Monsuta. Radioactive would have left due to orders from the Vanguard and seek to reunite with his sister and take James with him.

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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