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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:29 pm


Alright, it's time to start leaving notices in threads now. Having said that, I feel that Blade has another 72 hours in order to respond to this thread. After the 72 hour mark, we are allowed to give the go ahead to skip him at any moment until he posts an OOC note explaining his situation. If deemed approval, we will extend. If not, we'll write a conclusion for what happened to his character or simply have him get attacked by the assaults given by Stefan.

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:08 am
The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Image8990_zpsm9nmt91f


Okay, at this point, we are going to say that both Nemain and Eiji had bowed out of the fight. All that was left was Stefan and since he has not left the area, someone will be entering this thread in the next 72-100 hours. Either from myself, JWC with James or Crow if he decides to join this thread. It's whoever posts first. But someone is posting and I apologize for the delay. You can also opt to close the thread and have Stefan leave as well.

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:23 am

Artist: Crysis 3 OST- Song: Memories (Extended) - Word Count: 1067

Drip... drop... drip... drop...
Drops of rain fell gently onto the green grass surrounding the southern coastline of Iceland, the cold air filling the empty space between. Silver puddles of water were dispersed with reckless abandon over the sandy shore, making the ground a grey-brown slop. At the edge of the coast, far east of the battlefield, the muddy shore could be seen darkening. Darkening, and twisting, and rising. Slowly, a form rose from the ground. A single black mud statue.

It's form slowly became recognizable, the grey black energy that formed it falling away slowly to reveal the figure of a Man. The man would raise his leg, still somewhat muddy from being transported here, and step forward off of the black seal on the sandy shore below him. As he did so, the energy would dissipate completely.

This man... was James William Caldwell. The Vanguard's Lord of Whispers.

"Pennipes Mentis et Corporis es." James would fully invoke the spell, granting him a temporary focus and pain endurance boost to Master Level.

James had been in a medically induced coma these past few months, with the installation of his engrams, which increased his energy intake exponentially. In such time, he supposed, it was not unlikely that Azure would take to doing something so rash as to invade a country that was under Shadow Fall rule, rather than wait for the Diplomats of the Vanguard to figure a political solution... but alas. War was upon them. There would be no stopping it.

There would be no stopping him.

The mud clouded shore began to shake and rumble beneath his feet as he stepped one step forward toward the battlefield. It was still about a mile away, and his spiritual pressure was hidden so much so that it would be easy to mistake him for a rabbit, even if one was immediately in front of him. The air became heavy around him. The water falling down would evaporate instantly as it touched his aura. Azure... This couldn't be what you wanted... James thought to himself as jet black tendrils fell slowly from his back, then rose from their position into a float.

The Dimir's place in combat was usually as a scouting party.. but this time... There was just no way James would sit idly by, and let a comrade as close as Azure fight alone. He honestly had no clue why the man would wage such a war in the first place... going so far as to invade a country, rather than play it smart. Reckless abandon was not in Azure's vocabulary. So perhaps... something changed? Although the Dimir prided itself on it's ability to gather information, Azure's personal motives remained a mystery. It upset James.

Upsetting... Upset..? Me..? Hmph.

James left Carine and ASRA at home today. They would only be in danger in a war like this. Of course, if he needed them, he would merely need to call them... or Hebi... should he truly be endangered. Despite this, James could not fathom why this circumstance upset him... but he would make sure to take this place, even if he had to raze it to the ground.

In a burst of speed, James Soul Dashed to the edge of the battlefield, seeing the strong figures before him. His contacts locked onto a demon woman, but as they did, she fled. He wouldn't have to deal with her. But the next one, with green hair and a hideous suit with abhorrent fashion sense was who caught his eye.

-Contact Report-
Subject Name: Stefan Soan - Notable Ties: Former Monsuta Commander - Threat Level: High - Recommended Course of Action: Do Not Engage Unless Provoked

Looking across the battlefield, there were heavy casualties on both sides. Could this have been because of him? Blood everywhere... So much death and destruction... And the only two to stand against him leave the battlefield? To hell with the recommended course of action. James looked up toward the man, then decompressing the Blades of Infinity v2.0 into their greatsword mode, he kicked off the ground and his gravity and propulsion boots propelled him at mach 2 towards the man. He flared his spiritual pressure so the man could detect him. Aiming the more durable black side of the blade not to meet the man's flesh, but instead to get him to draw his blade, James employed the teachings of Moonie's "way of the Fist" to his attack. He needed to see this man's power before he actively fought him. If he didn't draw his blade to defend, it was likely the man would be cleaved directly in two, as force enough to stop a speeding locomotive was currently being paired with a vector at Mach 2.

Provided he defended, and the battle still continued, James would attempt to wrap his tendrils at the throat of the man, should he make the mistake of not keeping a free hand as their blades met. If he wasn't careful, he would quickly find himself being paralyzed from the neck down as they wrapped around his neck. "Stefan Soan... What could draw a former Monsuta commander out into the open? Clearly you're not here to play sides.." James spat, disgust hiding in his words as he gestured at all the dead men on both sides. Though James could care less what weak grunts died in this battle, he couldn't help but think back to Carine. All those people had someone to protect... Someone they held fondly... And he slaughtered them.

This is not to say James would not do the same, but for a cause. There was no worth to killing without reason. There was nothing to be gained by killing those weaker than oneself without a purpose. A goal to achieve. James almost couldn't fathom it. He had killed his fair share of people... but never without some express reason. A goal to achieve. To him, it seemed this green-haired bastard just... killed them all.

If the man denied James' tentacles their grip, which would hold him with enough pressure as would pop a powerless human, James would infuse the ground below them with mana, and form a small orb, which he would levitate to his level. "The instant you move, I'll pump you full of paralyzing needles. Why don't we have a chat?" He said, a manic smile drawing across his face. This man's one mistake would be underestimating him because of his power level.

-Contacts Report-
Subject: James William Caldwell - Status: [Mana - 150%]
[Physical Exhaustion - 5%] [Health - 100%] [Transformation Level - SSE1]
[Overshield Activated - 100%]
[Psychological State - Sound, with Slight Deviation]

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:00 am

Artist: Powerglove - Song: X-Men Metal Opening - Word Count: 1031

Smoke, fire, rain, explosions, gunfire, sword clashing.

All of these words and more made up the setting of the shoreline of this coastal clash. It was truly a scene befitting that of hell on earth. BUT -- it was a war. What else was it suppose to look like? Sunshine and daises? Hell no.

This is why The Nuclear Hulk of Russia embraced the setting and welcomed the smells of iron, decay and carnage into his nostrils and soul. It was what brought him alive, gave him strength and made up the majority of his life. So it would only be natural that this strapping Shinigami would be enticed and allured towards the pull of a powerful foe.

Luckily for him -- his sister had the coordinates set-up in his drone ship that was hurdling towards the conflict involving Stefan Soan. According to the status update she gave him along the way his trip to Iceland, one of the Vanguard's intelligence members had confronted The Former Monsuta Leader and was engaged in heavy combat. So, perhaps he was here for a bit of ally checking and assistance? Whatever.

If the runt couldn't hold his own, Radioactive would try to control himself and ensure he doesn't flatten the poor kid. However, he had more hope in his supposed allies determination and willpower. As, if he could fight side by side with Shadin, then he is good enough for The Nuclear Beast. At least, that's if the documents he was given were up to date and correct about that other non-sensible war in the Black World.

Fuck, that isn't important.


What was more important was getting off this damn plane and thrusting himself head first into danger. So, Radioactive would bust a hole in the manless aircraft and jump forth. Descending from the heavens like a beast straight out of space, the shark-toothed male would let out a maddening laugh as the ship exploded and lit-up a massive eruption of destructive light in the heavens above.


As his energy spiked and transformed into a golden glow, Radioactive would dash towards the ground and slam into the earth like a damning comet. Truly, this man was pumped up and wanted to make a heavy entrance. With large chunks of water, sand, earth and metallic debris raining; the male would slowly raise from his carter and await Stefan with a crazed grin.

" are quite strong. So, sorry about this, bub. I don't know who you are, or where you are going, but I'm not going to allow you to leave just yet. You see, I got a craving for a good match and I'm here to have my over indulge. My sister wanted me to have a good dinner date, and damn, if I won't!"

Holding out his hands, The Brazen Male would stand as a wall preventing The Vizard from leaving this scene so easily and his energy would then begin to rise as his blood boiled with absolute delight. Volts of golden bio-electricity surged around his body, the earth began to shake and the feeling of a great power looming over the horizon filled the atmosphere around them. Indeed, this man was ready to fight and he wanted to see what his new foe would do against that might.

"Now....come on....come at me and show me what that blade of yours can do. I need something to wake me up, take out the back pains and make me alert since I'm exhausted beyond all belief, comrade."

Motioning with his hand for Stefan to charge, Radioactive hoped he would take this invitation to see what in the world he was up against and gauge if he truly could find fun, entertainment and progression in this match.

However, he couldn't help by turn his sight of James and he cackled grimly. It didn't matter what shape he was in, if he was going to be an ally of his, he could manage his own. Sure, Radioactive wouldn't let him die if he could help it, but he wasn't exactly a healer and there wouldn't be much he could do if the boy got himself mauled. So, it would be in both of their best interest that he make the arrangement of this battle -- clearly defined

"As for the boy? You can either stay or go. I don't care which. But if you stay, make sure your primal spirit is ready for the hell that is about to come."

Snickering with the utmost of glee, the shark was amused and pondered what that human boy would do in a circumstance as dire as this. Would he stay? Would he run? Would he help? Or would he focus on the mission? So many choices, but time would only tell what would come of them.

But, for the moment, Radioactive was only concerned with having a good fight. Everything else was secondary and irrelevant to that. So, if James wasn't careful, he may very well find himself on the collateral end of Radioactive's assaults once the blood took over and his senses for combat came to a peak.

"Oh, and before we begin, I would like to say that Priscilla Yunari set me. So I guess you can say I'm an ally of the Vanguard. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

With a hardy laugh, Radioactive added that tid-bit of information for James to digest so he wouldn't freak out about him being a foe or something retarded like that. He didn't seem to mind much being affiliated with them. After all, once he was finished fighting their later back in the Platinum Heart Arc Tournament, he deemed a worthy foe and could stand to fight alongside his desires. And, with his sister intermixed within this organization, it was apparent he was going to have ties sooner or later.

So, hopefully, with all the mystery cleared, they could then get this little match on.

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:57 am



As a result of numerous clusters of high energy descending upon this area, the dome around the city seems to have reacted upon Neoveta's will. The barrier has blocked out the view of the city and a high amount of demonic energy can be sensed coming from it. In order to prepare for the rigid battle to come, The Princess of Demon World has called down the blessings of Za Koa to mark this city in its satanic blood. Therefore, there is a higher durability given to the city and it is prepared to withhold the oncoming clash.

For more information, see here:

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:18 pm

Artist: Crysis 3 OST- Song: Memories (Extended) - Word Count: 925

As the orb James had corrupted fell into dust, it became abundantly clear that he would not be able to defeat this man using conventional measures. Learning the opponent was key in Way of the Fist, and this opponent was too over-confident in his own abilities. His spiritual pressure was far to powerful for James, overwhelming him completely as he struggled desperately to raise a hand towards him. If he could just... cast... a... spell...

The man's hands clasped around his throat, and James, refusing to give in clutched his blade with all his strength. It was not enough however, as the man still pulled it from him with a seeming ease. James tendrils retracted to him upon being severed. As the man reached to lift him up, James was almost in a daze, looking below him at the ground. Focusing heavily on the ground below him, he mustered enough strength to circle the entire area where he stood. Initially, he intended to use this as an attack that would paralyze the man completely, but as the man slammed him into the ground, just the instant before he hit it, James converted the dirt below into water, absorbing some of the shock from the blow. As he slammed face first into this person sized lake, his Overshield would absorb the remainder of the shock, at the very least leaving him unharmed.

Then, fighting the crushing energy of the man's spiritual pressure through sheer willpower alone, he continued as planned. All of the water would be turned into needles that were almost invisible to the untrained eye as they launched up simultaneously at Stefan with the speed of individual bullets. If he didn't release his grip on James, his healing ability would be drastically lowered, as well as he would slowly become paralyzed over the next 2 posts until his entire body could not move.

Now that he had adjusted to the crushing power of the spiritual pressure of his enemy, he would stand slowly, calling his blade back to him from where it was 15 feet away. The mana infused within his blade allowed him to pull it over to himself almost telepathically. When it reached his hands, he would grasp the hilt, and pull the blade into two separate ones, one white and one black.

"As long... as you keep.... underestimating... your opponents... You will never... succeed." James kicked off the ground and backwards onto the top of the small crater he had just created from launching so many needles at him. He could feel his lack of magical energy taking it's toll on him.

"Haha... hahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" James would laugh maniacally as his spiritual pressure flared to reach something befitting of a lieutenant class in bankai. Slowly, dark purple armor would form around his figure as his skin and muscle would be slowly torn back. His laughter would slowly turn into screams akin to agony as even with his his current mastery over pain endurance, the conversion of his entire body into pure energy could not be resisted.

He was only half in control now.

His body, being torn apart, was also being slowly possessed by the Mad Knight. His blades became energized even further, black mana creeping it's way down both of the hilts, all the way to the tips of the swords. If Stefan were to block a blow with his hand once again, he would find that his hand would no longer be able to move, as well as it's regeneration ability would be severely limited. His tendrils became semi-solid, making the shattering that had just occurred far less likely. As such, James sharpened the inner edge of his tendrils, and corrected his stance, able to stand through some mix of willpower and sheer energy.

Bursting off the ground, he kicked forward at mach two once more, and assuming Stefan moved away at the instant he sensed the attack, he would fly in the direction where he moved to. Assimilating two of his tendrils with his arms gave them a sort of armored look, increasing his strength twofold on both arms. This attack, unlike the first, had enough strength to not only stop a speeding locomotive, but to also obliterate the first car entirely, and perhaps half of the second. At the same time, he would swing his white blade at the man's shoulders, attempting to wound him and paralyze his right arm from the top down. Taking a blow from the white blade would also begin the stacking process of the blade, generating a poison that would slowly build inside the victim until their heart stops from total paralysis.

Of course, this effect would only start to manifest itself as nausea after the 5th slash, so it was unlikely Stefan would notice this poison immediately. Launching his remaining 4 tendrils once again to clutch the man at the throat, with enough force to pop a powerless human two times over, James would only hold him with the same amount of pressure equivalent in power to what Stefan had just attempted to hold James with. Though it took considerably more strength on James' part, he wanted this man to feel what it meant to be toyed with.

Then, sensing a new energy in the area, James would attempt to throw Stefan directly into the sharkish man's general area. He had no intent to retreat, and this new presence, although he could only vaguely recognize the term Vanguard as "ally", he knew he would enjoy this fight greatly.

"Wonder...ful.." He would half hiss, half yell, still not used to the excruciating pain.

(OOC: Kinda rushed this one, let me know if anything needs changed)
-Contacts Report-
Subject: James William Caldwell - Status: [Mana - 75%]
[Physical Exhaustion - 50%] [Health - 98%] [Transformation Level - SSE2]
[Overshield Activated - 0%]
[Psychological State - Unstable]

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:19 am

Artist: Dope - Song: Fuck The World - Word Count: 1073

Radioactive didn't much care for jumping in the middle of fights in the slightest. It was why he would allow James and Stefan's little conflict to brew on as it did. This was done for two reasons: the first was to gauge the strength of his enemy. While the second -- was to gauge the strength of his ally. If they were going to operate on the same team, he needed someone capable and strong by his side. And, this isn't talking purely in the physical or energy sense, either.


Radioactive needed someone strong in soul, spirit and determination to be his partner. Hence, it is for those reasons why he wanted to see what the human could do when pitted against an absolute menace of an opponent. Of course The Shark Beast wouldn't allow him to die if he could prevent it, but he needed to see what GUTS the man was made of. If a soul is strong enough, their determination can even defy the gods and that was the path this Nuclear Hulk was fixing to set The Nerdy Scientist on.

Ergo, whatever happened to James during their scarp would set the scales for how their relationship would go. For now, he would just set his focus his sights on Stefan by the time he started addressing and calling him out. Neither his target or comrade seemed to interact too much with The Shark Beast, so there honestly wasn't anything else other to do then -- FIGHT!

Thus, a razor grin cut itself across Radioactive's face and he was thrilled to oblige Stefan Soan in, what would probably be, the most intense battle he'd encounter on this god forsaken island.

Wait a sec -- island....?

... GOD DAMMIT ....






That was irrelevant.

Better channel that rage into punching the snot out of this green gremlin looking guy.


Charging like a mad man, the Nuclear Hulk would bee-line it straight towards the wicked swordsman. If anything got in his way? His nuclear power would eradicate it. Kido, energy attacks, bullets; everything would prove to melt and burn in the wake of the monster shark's burning soul. Therefore, with so much energy being produced, he transferred that power into his limbs and utilized it in order to deliver a fast and powerful strike straight to the face of Stefan Soan.


Four heavy punches were meant to be delivered across his face; two from each fist! They were intended to flatten everything within a four hundred meter radius, crush the Soan under the dense force of THe Nuclear Hulk's hellish physical might and rip a new asshole into this chapter of the fight and get the male on his guard. If he wanted something to make his spirit scream "HALLE-FUCKING-LUJAH!" -- then RADIOACTIVE HAD THAT PRODUCT IN SPADES!

So, to ride this bull and grab it by the horns, Radioactive would motion his leg upwards and deliver an explosive strike from his kneecap straight to the chin of The Jelly-Haired Vizard. In turn, even if it didn't hurt, the sheer force form this attack would cause a dazzling golden explosion to erupt for roughly one hundred meters in every direction.

Should it hit -- then Stefan may need to see a dentist; as clearly his entire jaw would be in more than a little bit of pain. Stabbing sensations would riddle his skull and he'd probably even be quite dazed from taking such a heavy strike head first. It would be equivalent to standing in the middle of train tracks, running straight towards a freight-train at full speed and getting your ass knocked fine into the dirt as a bloody spat of roadkill. Yeah. That's how intense this shit was.

Digressing, he'd hope the techie-weirdo-who-looks-like-a-chick would have sense enough to prep up his defenses and get his house in order. Otherwise, that entire deck was going to crash, burn and be sent straight to hell with the storm Radioactive was cooking in the kitchen.

For, if all else failed, Radioactive was going to end this with an explosive stomp. Summoning, summoning, summoning and SUMMONING MORE STRENGTH; this word repeated itself over and over in his mind until he finally let everything brewing within himself go, laughed and stomped the earth in order to unleash an explosive burst of power across the lands.

A tidal wave of carnage would spread for five hundred meters in every direction and huge chunks of earth, metal, dead bodies and probably a few mack-hover-trucks were sent hurdling in the air. There were seismic quakes in the ground, huge chunks of carters opened up in the world, explosive waves of light shot into the atmosphere and it was soon turning everything outside the protected dome city into an absolute-fucking-wasteland.


Maybe he let the trigger go off a little to hard to start things, but who fucking cared? This was a war and death, destruction and assloads of collateral damage were to be expected. He just hoped both of these males would know what to do with all of this raw power being thrown around without a single fuck to be given on the end of Radioactive's care meter.

"I never fucking got why all of these brawls always take place on these god forsaken islands. Can't they think of somewhere else to resolve these frigging wars? It's getting to be a pain in the ass every time there is a good fight....IT'S ALWAYS ON SOMETHING SO SMALL! ARGH!"

Even if he was in the middle of being attacked, Radioactive would vent, scream and then take off like a bat straight towards the heavens in order to have more space to wreck shit. Hopefully, each of his foes would follow suit as well. Since, with what he did, there probably would be nothing but smoke, ash, craters and dead bodies galore across the landscape.

So -- let's make it an aerial date-fight!

The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Coastal Clash: Battle For The Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:50 pm

Artist: Crysis 3 OST- Song: SOS New York (SUITE) - Word Count: 891

A blunder. His left arm went hurtling back unexpectedly, causing James' reflexes to kick in, forming a barrier of what little mana this form could muster. Regardless of how quick to respond he was, he still was too slow. A little too late. The man burst his fist into James' side, crushing his ribs and adding to the already excruciating pain of this transformation. His eyes would water, if the armor weren't already peeling the skin off of those as well. It became so impossibly hard to breathe that James simply gasped shortly, his lungs trying their hardest to gather what little oxygen they could in a frantic manner. Despite this, he did not die. Even as the pain from being struck set in, and the lack of oxygen paid it's toll it seemed he was being supplemented somehow... Like something was driving him to survive...

The armor had cracked... Was it absorbing the blows for him? If so, why and how could it take the force, and still cast magic? A thud slammed into his chest, although the blow was lessened only mildly by the invisible mana barrier James had shaped around himself less than a second ago in response to the first blow. It wasn't possible to fight something this fast... but something urged him.. Something inside told him he needed to fight back. But there was no fighting this... This man was something like a god! As the next blow crashed into his back, his mana turned into a gooey slop, though still invisible. He shattered even that, knocking the wind clean out of James' body, and breaking all of the bones in his ribs.

The armor was in shambles. James could feel his power fading from him quickly... His eyes drooped, and began to close. This was the end. All he had worked for was naught. In this moment, all James could think of was Carine. He closed his eyes, and a single bloodied tear ran down his face. He fell unconscious.

Almost like a parasite, the Armor took over. The embodiment of James' mana itself. Broken and in shambles, it's host having met the same fate, it crafted a manifesto, one that could force oxygen into his lungs. "Manifesto... Aeris... essss..." The armor spoke, seemingly independent of James, a hissing in it's raspy voice as it cast the spell, filling James' bloodstream with the oxygen his blood needed to keep him alive. The Armor would then control the vast amounts of mana in James' bloodstream due to the surgical placement of his engrams which forced mana into him at set intervals. On the outside, the man lay still on the floor, as though dead. But what the Armor was doing was enough to sustain him, at least for the moment.

It maintained as much focus as James was capable of, taking advantage of the spell he had used previously to squeeze even a bit more focus, if only to cast his next spell simultaneously with all of the life support it was doing.

Black figures rose from the ground, all adorned in the same manner of armor as now supported James. If ever there was a time to summon the Armada it would be now. He would lift James' head, and open his mouth to speak. A rattling, hissing sound would come from his lips rather than speech. "Heeeeeeeal...." The three of them surrounded him, all simultaneously holding their hands out toward the bloodied mess on the floor as Radioactive made his mad rush toward Stefan. All of them were entirely focused on James. "Duo-Manifesto Vita Es!" They would all speak, each firing off a purple beam of light in James' direction. It would soon exhaust their magic, but the three of them together was enough to heal a major wound such as the one James had sustained easily. Then, when they'd serve their purpose, the Armor would allow them free reign.


But something different was happening here. Something very different. Rather than James' wounds healing... The armor itself was repairing! James' body was still very much being torn down and peeled away.. The armor was healing itself... repairing itself... Soon it rose, James' body being little more than a skeleton within the armor, it's frame more black and ominous than before. Standing in the midst of the Armada, it would look to see the battle going on with Radioactive.

As blows were launched, massive amounts of energy were released into the air. One in particular was enough to have brutally harmed James, had he still been conscious. Now it was mostly the armor.

WEEEEEEEEAK... It thought, holding up one hand, and enforcing the area around itself with a barrier, as it's helper knights stood closer for cover from the onslaught occurring above. Though there was little mana left, the armor merely had to survive long enough to absorb the very last bit of James' being. Then it would be more than powerful enough to fight these fools. It stood still, not moving nor attacking, but remaining on it's guard.
-Contacts Report-
Subject: James William Caldwell - Status: [Mana - 12%]
[Physical Exhaustion - 130%] [Health - .0000009%] [Transformation Level - SSE2 > Transitioning to 3]
[Overshield Deactivated - Not Applicable]
[Psychological State - Unconscious]

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The Coastal Clash: Battle For The  Southern Peninsula [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
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