Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:50 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Captain Kagayaku!”

The Seventh Division member ran into the Captain’s yurk in a hurry, his breaths quick and short telling he had ran the whole way. His tone held urgency in it as he came in interrupting whatever the Captain may have been doing at the time, and after a few moments to catch his breath, he began to speak again barely missing a beat.

“Captain! One of the yurks, it’s been ransacked. Elyss Kishimoto’s missing. No one’s seen her today and all her assignments haven’t been done.”

Elyss? This is extremely uncharacteristic of her to not have her duties done and to disappear like this. What even happened to the Yurk? This situation may require urgent attention, but the soldier understands if he is redirected to either the Lieutenant or anyone else capable of handling this situation. In his time of stress, he immediately came to the highest in command of the Seventh Division to give such startling news to. It seemed wise to go to the Captain about such a random event.



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:55 am
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki


The interruption surprised Murasaki more than just a little bit. She knew Elyss had some anger problems, but she'd made sure that other people would check on her now and again, make sure she wasn't taking anything too poorly. Had she not checked enough? Was she sending the wrong people? How did-

Deep breaths, Murasaki. She didn't want to fall into that rabbit hole again, that pit of self-pity and guilt that had taken her nearly a year to climb out of. Keeping herself calm and collected, the Captain simply stood and left her office, gesturing to the other Shinigami to lead the way.

"Take me to the last place anyone saw her. Have everyone keep an eye out."


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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:17 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Yes ma’am. Follow me.”

It was pretty obvious where they would be heading. The last place anyone had seen Elyss was when she had entered her Yurt for the night. So, that is where the Captain is lead. Though, what she’d find isn’t a bland normal Yurt that mimicked the look of every other tent in the area. What she’d see is something more akin to a crime scene. One would immediately think that Elyss was kidnapped rather than abandoning her post in some violent rampage.

Murasaki’s eyes would look upon this scene and know that something isn’t right with Elyss, not at all. As soon as they arrived, there would be that Yurk torn to pieces: the walls have been torn into; slashes made by a sword running through the walls in every direction creating patterns of little coherence, along with those slashes are just plain holes blown through the walls as if someone punched with all their might. Next, is the door that is barely hanging on its hinges threatening to simply fall at any provocation. But, all this simply leads into the building. Inside the plain Yurk, there are simple signs of destruction. Elyss didn’t own much besides a bed and a table, but those two items have been utterly destroyed. The table was beat into splinters littering the floor crunching with each step, and the bed dissected like some dead patient in a morgue split asunder and thrown every which way within the room. Wallpaper ripped and torn to shreds with blood splattered every which way. This is truly a horrific scene of one’s mental state.

“She was last seen coming here at night, but when morning came, one of the men came to check up on her and give her assignments just for them to find nothing but this. There’s no evidence that anyone came and took her or where she could even be Captain. We already have men looking, and a lot of people who she’s helped have volunteered as well.”



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:20 pm
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

"Talk to the Kido Corps and Realm Enforcement, get me a record of any senkaimon that have been opened in the last 12 hours. That's a Captain's order. Send out Hell Butterflies to every patrol that they need to keep an eye out. Keep me posted, I'll start looking myself."

Her every leg muscle tensed for a fraction of a second then, and she practically disappeared as she took a flash step into the air. Being on the ground wouldn't do her any good in this search. Murasaki quickly focused her spiritual energy outward, trying to find one signature in particular. After all, it was common knowledge that Murasaki was familiar with every member of 7th Division to the point that she knew everyone by their first name. Naturally, she knew their spiritual signatures, too. The only question was if she was in Soul Society at all...


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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:51 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

The soldier nodded, but he would find no luck in his eventual talk with the Kido Corps and Realm Enforcement. He would also learn that no Senkaimon have been open with Elyss’ particular description involved. That must mean she’s somewhere within Soul Society, but where? Murasaki had the right idea jumping upwards and trying to sense the redhead, but she would sense nothing pertaining to Elyss’ where abouts in the Gotei among all the other signatures about. This was mostly due to Elyss having left a long while before any word of her disappearance was spoken of. Any trail she may have left behind would have started to fade and meld into other signatures out and about until irrelevant. She’s been gone for a while now.

However, by some small grace, there came forth a hell butterfly right to Murasaki’s position. This one wasn’t part of the batch that the soldier had sent out to the patrols as ordered, but the message that came out of it pertained to the situation.

“Captain Kagayaku. Member of Realm Enforcement.” There’s a brief sigh following the rest of the message. “I saw one of your members, Elyss Kishimoto. She was heading out of the 80th district in the Northern parts of the Rukongai into the Outlands. I tried to speak to her, but she simply responded that she was heading out on patrol. She looked… strange. I recognized her from when she had assisted me in a training session. I was not told of any patrols from your particular Division to watch out for on my own patrol, so I figured I should report it just in case. End Report.”



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:21 pm
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

A lead. Good. Looking northward, Murasaki readied herself, all her mastery of shunpo coming into play now. She didn't have time for any extraneous steps here. And so she readied herself, leaning forward slightly, and bolted off like lightning. Murasaki was, all things considered, likely one of the fastest shinigami in the entirety of the Gotei, even if many others who were no longer officially members could still quite cleanly trounce her. It took only a few short moments for her to reach the edge of the Rukongai, and she gazed outward over the Outlands. There had to be some sort of trail, right?


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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:50 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Such an excellent display of quick movement bring Murasaki to where she wished to be, but she would find no such luck in spotting Elyss that easily. Well, of course, the Captain is a woman capable of sensing even faint trails if necessary. However, from her spot, she would sense little of Elyss’ presence in the area. It’s almost as if the redhead had purposely tried to keep her Reiatsu contained just to keep people from tracking her, but with her inexperience with controlling energy, Elyss could only do so much. Murasaki could definitely tell that Elyss had come through this place, but to where out in the vast outlands of Soul Society?

Though, suddenly, there is a spike of energy in a random direction outward, Hollow energy. At least 1 Kilometers out. Only someone as skilled as Murasaki would have been able to sense such that far from the Rukongai. However, with not many trails, one could only hope that the cause of such spike belonged to a certain individual. Though, that hope may quickly be filled with dread. Many know of Inner Hollows and how dangerous Hollow in general could be. Does Murasaki know how troubled Elyss has been lately? Could the redhead have finally succumbed to her inner turmoils? There are so many possibilities and only one way to find out the truth.



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:34 pm
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

For most, a distance like this might have been a serious concern. For Murasaki, however, whose sheer speed and mastery of hoho was leagues above most, it was practically only a step away, and the Captain took that step with blinding speed.

She knew that Elyss had been having some trouble, but she didn't want to pry, she hadn't wanted to just poke into her personal life. If she had known it was this bad, she would have done so sooner. What had happened? So many questions raced through Murasaki's mind, but given the speed with which she moved, she hardly gave herself any time to think about them. That was, honestly, a good thing. Whatever she might have assumed didn't matter. All that mattered right now was that Elyss was alright.

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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 5:21 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Is it alright? Well, the Captain is soon to discover the truth as she took those steps and flashed forward faster than any normal and many subnormal beings could to the scene right where the mass of sickening energy had gathered. Right before her eyes, she’d seen carnage all about: trees uprooted and slashed into leaving some wounded with deep scars and others in pieces, the ground below churned and cratered, and the Reiatsu of Elyss mixing in the air with that of Hollows. Murasaki will see the redhead, but not just her. All around Elyss are Hollows of varying shapes and sizes thrashing and letting out sounds of uncategorizable degrees. And, with a fury never before witnessed by Murasaki, Elyss maimed and slaughtered these unholy beasts with little grace or mercy letting her twin Zanpakuto sing symphonies upon the mass of black and white. The blood splattering here and there, it is Elyss’ for only she is capable of bleeding in this massive orgy of homicidal intent.

One Hollow tries to bite down on her receiving her sword right between its eyes before it is torn downwards ripping the thing in two as another catches her foot and flings her just for her blades to dance and slice many asunder. Though Elyss' face is hidden from view, her uniform has been torn in many places leaving her right arm bare of any cloth and her left legging torn off as red wisps from her bloodied skin creating this contained heat shimmer around her. However, as she lands, she freezes for a moment before her shoulders start shaking and a sickening gleeful laugh emerges from her throat in a manner that one would find twisted. Enjoyment in this chaos? In this suicidal battle? Truly, something is wrong with one to find this sort of thing fun. Only those insane would hazardously dance with these many beings that wish to eat them. Yet, Elyss gladfully rushes forward towards death bringing her blades up singing the air.



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:02 pm
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

This wasn't right. One more leap, and now Murasaki was in the midst of the fray. Given the gulf in strength between typical hollows and a Captain, it didn't even require that she strike down the vast majority of them. She simply ceased to suppress the full extent of her spiritual pressure, crushing many of the hollows and leaving those few left functionally incapacitated. Of course, the hollows didn't matter to Murasaki. What mattered was Elyss, and she turned to the redhead with concern in her eyes.

"Elyss, talk to me."

Obviously, Murasaki wasn't stupid enough to think that her subordinate was A-OK, that just a simple sentence would snap her out of it. But the Captain's voice was gentle, and she had yet to draw her blades. She wouldn't hurt Elyss unless she had to.

"Tell me what happened."

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