Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:33 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Sigh. Always someone getting in the way. The presence of the Captain was noticed by the redhead as she threw herself into the horde, but the unexpected flex of energy followed by the death and incapacitation of all the Hollow was… unexpected to say the least. Why wouldn’t people just let her have her way? She was enjoying this far more than she could possibly admit, and hated that it ended the way it did, but there is little she can do about such annoyances. All that is available is to face the woman who interrupted her fun.

With a turn of her body, Murasaki is greeted by the blood drenched body of Elyss. Down her form runs dry and wet blood caking her exposed skin and dirty clothing like chocolate fudge in a tub of ice cream. All down her arm are visible scratches ranging from small to squirting. Her face has bruises all over it that accent her scarlet red eyes that glowed with a strange energy. In fact, her whole body seemed to have some strange energy around it emitting heat and creating red visible wisps of her Reiryoku that floated off into the air about. She didn’t look pleased at all as her gaze focused on her Captain. There was no hint of gratitude or relief. She, instead, seemed more tense than before.

“Whatever do you mean Captain? Nothing has happened.”

Her tone is startlingly monotone matching her stoic expression as she moves her arm to wipe at her bleeding lip before spitting bloodied spit onto the ground. This time, when she returned her gaze back to Murasaki, she looked visibly peeved as if the realization of what just occurred suddenly hit her.

“Why are you here?”



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:49 pm
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

"Your yurt was completely destroyed. What happened, Elyss?"

Murasaki might have had a gentle tone, but that didn't mean she was going to treat the woman like a child, either. She didn't step any closer, but she didn't flinch when Elyss faced her. Those injuries looked very bad, she'd need to get her to medical as soon as she could.

"I'm here because I was worried. Because I don't want to see you hurt."

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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:39 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Her bloody eyes rolled upwards as she studied the sky for a bit seeming to be in thought about something. With a shrug, however, she looks back down to Murasaki and gives her an uncaring shrug.

“It was? Huh… Oh… Wait… I remember now. Yeah, that was me I suppose. I just… hated how bland it was: nothing on the walls, barely any furniture… Just an empty bland Yurt. Its only purpose was to be used… Sort of like myself, huh?”

Her eyes seemed to darken slightly as she scoffed and looked upwards again.

“Your feelings are misplaced, my Captain. Worried? For me? Don’t make me laugh. No one should be worried about me. No one should care. That’s why I lived my life the way I did. I didn’t even care about myself. All that mattered was that everyone else was happy, safe, worry free… That’s what it means to be a good person ya know? Sacrificing your own health and happiness for the populace. Ah… I played my part perfectly, maybe a bit too perfectly. And now…”

With a heavy sigh, Elyss lets her eyes roam around at all the blood, carnage, and death. She couldn’t help but smirk lightly at all she’s done. This was supposed to be her grave. She was supposed to go out doing one last nice thing, but with all things she attempts, someone just had to get in her way. As she tried to cleanse the outlands just a bit, someone just had to come and worry about her. Why do people care so much about her? She’s nothing but a mess, and everytime someone tries to get close, they realize just how horrible the Plus known as Elyss truly is. Oh. How she tries to suppress her true self for everyone, but eventually, it starts to rear it’s ugly head.

“Don’t you know… This place is perfect for a person like me.”



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:20 am
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

"Stop it."

Murasaki's tone was slightly less gentle there, but only because of the emphasis she wanted to put on those two words. It was obvious the woman needed help, and genuine help at that. Her words, however misguided, did strike a chord with Murasaki, reminding her of her own time in a mindset like that. Where the self didn't matter.

"That isn't what it means to be a good person. To put yourself in that kind of danger, all that does is make other people worry. Do you think nobody would notice you're gone? You've barely even left and people already reported that you were missing. Throwing yourself away just for other people, just so you can do what seems like the right thing, just hurts the people who want to help you in turn. It feels like the right thing in the moment, but when it's all said and done, it isn't worth it."

The Captain's tone was firm, but buried deep beneath the surface was worry. It was unreadable, of course, as Murasaki was a master of her own emotions. But it was there.

"Come home, Elyss. I'll help you."

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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:51 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Elyss smirked ever so lightly at Murasaki’s slight change of tone. Was something just stuck in her poor Captain’s pretty little head? Though, her smirk is short lived as she frowned listening to the rest of Murasaki’s words. With a deep sigh, she lifts her arm pointing the honed tip of her Zanpakuto towards Murasaki.

“I wonder how many worry because they genuinely cared, or if they just don’t want their Ass to leave them to do all their duties alone. Let’s let you in on the little secret Captain.”

The air around Elyss seemed to change a bit as her face twisted and contorted slightly into a more mature visage. She didn’t feel exactly like Elyss at that moment as if some energy inside of her had risen to the surface to replace her gentleness that she always showed to everyone who knew her.

“We don’t need your help. In fact, it’s that HELP that started all of this. Ya know, Elyss started out as a little rat scurrying the dirty streets of the Rukongai struggling to control herself, struggling to control who she really is. You should be happy, really should. Elyss never expected a reward, congratulations, or even a pat on the back for everything she did. It’s wrong to be given praise for being a fake. But, this… This right here…”

The sword in her hand is swiped outward pointing to their environment with all the downed Hollow and ruined everything.

“This is what we really are, and all you can do is say we need help. Sorry Elyss doesn’t fit into your happy little world. Sorry we aren’t making you proud Captain. It’s people like you that pushed us to this brink!”

“You know Ulv right? Queen of the Vizards. Mayor of Minatumi. Someone so many look up to. A role model to so many, but Captain. She’s no different from us. This rage, this fury, this want to destroy. She and Elyss are the same, yet, all she could tell us was to control it and force it down. What a load of BULLSHIT! We have to control ourselves like her? All she does it fuck whatever she thinks pretty and calls it passion when we all know that at the slightest provocation too strong for her, she turns into a monster that only wants to destroy. She dares try to preach to us a solution when she hasn’t even solved her own problems! Don’t you know Captain? This right here. This is when we don’t swallow how we feel and let it all out into the open. This is the real Elyss, and all you want us to do is to… GET. HELP?”

Elyss starts laughing loudly before doubling over and starts puking blood from her mouth.



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:38 pm
Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 3KgKfxx

Kagayaku no Murasaki

The second Murasaki heard "we" tossed around so casually, she could feel a lot of the puzzle pieces clicking neatly together. But this energy wasn't Hollow, she'd have recognized that right away. A voice in the back of her mind chimed in just for a second-

Sounds right up your alley, kiddo.

Thanks, dad. Ignoring the fact that Kagayaku had been ready to cut this woman down on the spot the moment the blade had been pointed toward her, Murasaki kept her composure, but stepped slowly toward Elyss. She had to take her time, but she obviously couldn't let the woman die.

"Don't speak for Elyss, Miss Za. N. Pa. Ku. To."

Now it was clear that Murasaki was unhappy, and it was not hard to imagine why. The idea of a zanpakuto harming their owner to this degree, causing her this level of distress, that wasn't right. It spoke to problems inside Elyss that, honestly, Murasaki wasn't sure she was qualified to help with. But she had to try.

"Ulv Auber is a role model for the wrong reasons. I've met her, and she's nice enough. But I've also read the reports, I've got people around the world. She and Elyss are not the same. Elyss still has human compassion, still connects with people and understands them as an equal. She's not some inhuman behemoth of 'passion' and 'willpower.' She's a person. A good person, or all this anger inside her wouldn't make her so upset. Don't you dare make her out to be some monster. I'm taking her home, I'm going to help her. And if you want to get in my way, Miss Zanpakuto, then I'll cut you down. Maybe she'd be better off without you."

That was...partly a bluff. Murasaki didn't know if she could do that. But with how good she was at keeping her emotions hidden, that was basically impossible to discern.

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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:42 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Miss Zanpakuto? Really? Heh. You can call me Tenmarin Captain.”

Tenmarin laughs as words are thrown her direction about who Elyss really is. Who does this woman think she is to tell anyone who they really are? How could she possibly understand what is hidden from her, from the whole world. Truly, only Ulv would have any idea of what plagues Elyss’ mind, but even that brutish hooligan gave nothing to remedy this growing problem. But, that’s Elyss’ own fault isn’t it? The redhead failed to take things slow as she was supposed to and ended up propelling herself into this state. Ah, but Tenmarin isn’t to blame for all this.

“Poor Captain missing the big picture. You think you understand, but you really don’t. Yeah. I guess Elyss is a good girl, but underneath the skin, she’s something rather ugly. I wonder if Arkin ever told you about the time they fought each other. How broken she got. How she reveled in that pain. Enjoyed it. She’s not upset about the anger inside of her because it makes her hurt people. She’s upset because she can’t control it and use it to hurt the right people. She keeps telling herself that she shouldn’t be as violent as she actually is. She keeps telling herself that helping everyone will overshadow her inner voice that tells her to jump at every chance to beat the shit out of every cretin that exists. She’s a fighter, not a lover, and she’s spent so long denying that that now all she wants to do is fight and die somewhere where no one can find her. As her Zanpakuto, I’m simply giving her the means to do so.”

Ah. It’s not that hard to tell when someone is angry. Who wouldn’t get somewhat peeved at having a sword pointed at them? Murasaki may be hiding it expertly, but she already let herself slip up once, and no way would Tenmarin think that behind that face is an anger waiting to be prodded just right for it to explode outward.

“You call me Miss Zanpakuto, but doesn’t that title also work out for you as well Captain? I can sense your other half, you know? Well, it doesn’t matter. We abominations exist in many forms, yeah? I, myself, am an unholy enigma created by Mirja’s and Elyss’ soul becoming one. But, despite all that, I know Elyss better than anyone, so let’s not go and cut out the only true friend she has in this world. I don’t think she’d forgive you for such a thing. She did allow me to take over with my power simply so she can hide her shame from you, but I have no such shame. We’re not coming with you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”



God of Love
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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:08 pm




There was no more room for emotion here. Murasaki knew that, and so she simply shut it off entirely, all of her spiritual pressure plummeting to quite literally nothing.

"Her instincts don't matter. How she handles them is what matters. If you and Elyss aren't coming, then I'll just bring back Elyss."

Even without access to the spiritually-enhanced footholds one might normally use for hoho, the actual fundamentals of the art did not change. Murasaki's speed was nearly unparalleled in the Gotei, and she lept toward Tenmarin with only Keifu drawn. She knew that to allow Kagayaku any access to this bloodbath would distract from her goal. As soon as she arrived in front of the woman, she swung with a strike that was at least marginally telegraphed, but which also carried all of her strength. This was not intended to kill, but to rattle a target already wounded.

[Musonzai will end in 4 posts.]

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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:39 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Hmm. It seems the simple provoking was enough to get the captain prepared for a fight. The lack of emotions would mess with the mentality of many individuals stuck in this situation, but Elyss is clearly too far out of it to seemingly care. However, the sudden lack of presence coming from Murasaki spooked Tenmarin simply because she had no idea of what was to come next after such a plummet of Reiatsu. There is no doubt, this is going to hurt, but that’s exactly what Elyss and it lives for.

What was the point in taking, for the very next second after those words, Murasaki dashed, virtually disappearing from view, and lacking spiritual pressure, Tenmarin had little idea of where the woman would appear again. Thankfully, it was a simple straight shot to right in front of the redhead. With such a telegraphed swing downwards, Tenmarin would undoubtedly raise her blade in a defensive manner. Despite wanting a fight, Tenmarin knew that winning this was a pointless dream. Raising both her arms with her blades crossed perpendicularly, she feels the weight of Murasaki’s strike bear down on her entire person shaking her to her core as the ground under her feet is cracked and broken with the exertion. If this hit was taken head on, no doubt she would have been sliced in two.

“Huh… That smarts Captain…”

Yeah. It sure did. If not for the special energy around her person and additional strength, she would have been completely beaten down by now, but with all the injuries she has on her person, she doubts this will take long. Her arms are already turning into jelly as her mind races. One more simply strike, and she’s completely done for. She said her piece however and could care less about how this ended: broken or not.

Sealed Power: 25% increase to attack and speed, 50% increase to durability



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Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay. - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Captain, My Captain. I'm not Okay.

Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:43 am




Murasaki readied a second strike, this one less telegraphed than the first. Given her sheer mastery of the blade, however, her actual intent would likely evade her opponent entirely, particularly given Tenmarin's bloodlust. She inhaled sharply once as she swung, her explicit aim not Elyss' body, but the blade she held. A parry was exactly what she wanted.


Truth be told, Murasaki had no idea what would happen if she used this on a Zanpakuto. She knew, obviously, that to use Suzuran was to kill, but she did not want to harm Elyss. Killing Tenmarin, then, was the only way. Even if it might prove traumatic in the short term, there was simply no way to reconcile this blade with its wielder. And so Murasaki's strike flew true, fully intent on annihilating Elyss' sword.

[Musonzai will end in 3 posts.]

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