Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Sat Jun 13, 2020 8:58 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Pssh. She can handle a steak. She’s not some lightweight. Being as strong as her takes nutrients, it takes meat. She may not look like a savage when it comes to food, but she’s been reprimanded on her eating habits before, despite her best efforts to have manners. And, another thing. V is really loud, huh? Elyss didn’t mind it because she preferred being the quiet one and listening to the enthusiasm of her company, and it put a small smile on her face since it meant V was enjoying herself. Elyss knows how it feels to have unwanted company, and knowing the mood wasn’t ruined to an extreme extent because of the sad stories they’re sharing made her feel somewhat accepted in a way. Not everyone can take hearing that you were killed and continue on with their day normally. Elyss didn’t want pity or anything, simply letting the thoughts in her head air dry and not be judged is enough for her.

However, when the waitress came by and interrupted them, Elyss couldn’t stop her onyx eyes from widening as her cheeks decided to betray her sudden stance about what was said, her face staying much the same, as V declared the two as a couple. It may have been a joke, but Elyss, having been around some of the lewdest individuals in the world, couldn’t help but feel her heart in her chest thump just a tad bit harder. The redhead would never admit it, but she had found herself wondering about if she’d ever find love. She didn’t want anything that Ulv had while sleeping with any pretty thing that came about. No. She wants an average relationship after experiencing how kinky people could and can be. She’s always written it off as a dream that'll never come true, especially with her lifestyle, but dreams are still dreams even if you push them down and hide them behind other dreams.

“I could use something right about now.” Elyss said with a sigh as she fixed her face, forcing the blush to recede slowly, and began drowning out the ‘what ifs’ forming in her head. Dammit. The last thing she needs right now are thoughts about V in that fashion. Yeah. Focusing more on the Hollow they killed together seemed better than thinking about how toned someone’s body looks or how fluffy their ears probably are, that damn adorable little bunny tail… Ah! Elyss will never admit her admiration for small fluffy looking things, nor would she ever admit to adoring cheesecake. Her actions speak louder than words anyway.

“Anyway, I know how it feels to be the only one sticking up for others. I sort of made it my goal to always stick to my beliefs no matter who gets in my way. Yeah, it’s gotten my ass kicked a few times, but it’s also gotten me the respect of my peers. I don’t want anyone to ever feel afraid… or alone…” She ushered the conversation on just to save her own hide. “I remember when I stared down Shadin. He didn’t like that. I also fought this Viking dude who totally floored my ass, and my Bro almost punched me through a wall one time. Hah. I’ll have to get him back for that at some point.” Her smile started to slowly return as she reminisced about all her past brawls, and even though she got her ass handled every time, she couldn’t help but let that exhilaration race through her again.

“I’ll tell you about them if ya want to know, but you’d have to share some of your best fights as well.”

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:46 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V got a blush out of Elyss and the bunny felt fully satisfied with herself in that moment. So the readhead did have a girly side. Good. Maybe she could have a little more fun teasing her before their little 'date' was over with. Just not right now, though. First V wanted to get to know Elyss and make friends with her if possible. The woman was definitely at least worth in that regards, given that the two clearly had the same interests. Fighting and alcohol. That was more than enough to be friends with V.

"Some good fights?" V pondered to herself as she tried to reminisce of her past bouts. "I remember getting into a wrestling fight with my old master. No punches or kicks were thrown, just good ol' fashioned grappling. He gave me a solid German Suplex off of a cliff edge, and I piledrived him off the ground, about a few hundred feet in the air, and all the way back down into the dirt. He ended up with his head stuck in the ground like one of those old cartoons."

The rabbit couldn't help but laugh plenty loud as she remembered the entire exchange of absurd moves. Nothing that would be really applicable in a real fight, but it was still fun at least. Speaking of which, staring down someone like Shadin or a big ass viking motherfucker sounded like fun too. Ah, shit. V was starting to really like Elyss now. A respectably strong woman, pretty, and she had stories of her own too.

"You stared down Shadin?"
The bunny wondered with a wide grin on her face. "What's the story behind that? Did'ya get your ass kicked?" Of course she wanted to hear that the woman did something obscene like fought him and actually landed a blow, but she knew those damn higher powered people like Shadin probably wouldn't even get scratched by either of them. "Still, that's pretty cool, you know?" Bunny reaching out to drink half of her glass of water before setting it asides. "I haven't done anything like that, just stand up against some bullies and some Hollows and that's really it. Nothing cool like that though."
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:58 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Eh… Landed a blow? Yeah, that’s a real stretch right there. As Elyss’ thoughts traveled to the past to recall those events, she couldn’t help but let another soft blush play on her cheeks. One couldn’t even call what happened a fight, much less all that interesting. However, Elyss found the act in of itself a show of her bravado and conviction in the face of anything. That, that seemed enough for her to think fondly of that moment, even if some think her in the wrong for the way she acted. In a sudden sign of embarrassment, Elyss actually moved her arm to rub at the back of her neck as her eyes flickered off slightly. Now, she suddenly feels self conscious about bringing up the way she was put down like a mangy mutt before Shadin. Yet, she must give what she asked to receive.

“Mmm… Well, he kind of just… disabled me with his presence alone. I was nowhere near the level I am now, so he just treated me like a spoiled kid would treat their toys. Uhm… I guess I shouldn’t have been talking so much shit, but damn, did he piss me off with his accusations that I was trying to break someone out of prison.”

She sighed and moved her eyes slowly over the table. She’d much rather talk about her fight with Arkin. Now, that was something you’d see on the TV. Two people throwing their bodies at each other, destroying the environment and having cool ass standoffs. She did lose in a gruesome manner, but you don’t watch fighting shows to not watch someone get mangled. Come on now. Though, she shouldn’t be allowing herself to get drunk on such thoughts. She’s not supposed to find stuff like that exciting, but she can’t help herself sometimes. It’s just the way she is, even if she hates it a bit, but at least she has someone who she can joke around about it with for right now. It eases her worries knowing that she won’t be seen in a negative light because of her violent tendencies.

“So, your master? What was he like? It sounds like you two really went at it. Wrestling isn't my style really. I’m more of a punching and kicking gal, but getting dunked on your head from really high up sounds… like a headache.” She moved the hand from behind her head and looked down at her own arm. Of course, scars are hard to stick these days because of her durability and advanced medical stuff, but she has a few marks here and there detailing her violent life. Tch. Violent? She’s supposed to be an advocate for peaceful solutions, and yet, here she is sharing fighting styles with another. “And don’t worry about fighting really tough people. It’s fun at first, then you have to deal with having everything in your body broken, not as fun as the fighting part.”

She cracks a smirk and chuckles a bit at her own misfortunate past. How many times is she going to end up hospitalized in her life? Who knows? But isn’t that the fun part? Damn, where are the drinks at? She doesn’t really want to drink water right now. She’s ready to loosen her nerves up.

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The Cat
The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:19 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V's shit-eating grin widened the more that Elyss talked about getting her ass kicked. "Yeah that's about what I expected." She admitted as she began to recline in her chair a little, slouching just slightly in an attempt to get more comfortable. "What's important though is that you had the balls to stand up for your own ideals against someone like that. I can't say many people would really do that these days. They're too afraid of getting hurt, even if it just ends up being a little papercut in the end."

Though of course what Elyss had went through didn't exactly sound like just a papercut. "You get used to having your bones broken when it happens several times a year." The rabbit joked with a light chuckle. Training with her old master put her in that exact spot more than once. In fact, she was only so durable now because she was beaten, bruised, and broken so often back then. It truly was just a matter of getting used to it at this point, at least for V.

"My master?" V repeated what Elyss asked in surprise. She should have seen the question coming, but her thoughts were so hyperfocused on comparing herself to the redhead that she wasn't really thinking a whole lot about anything else. "Well, he was a bit of a pervert, but that's to be expected when you're as hot as me." V laughed at her own joke like a total loser but she didn't even care. Plenty of men and women alike had ogled her and tried to put their hands in places they shouldn't, each one getting some kind of mark of courage from V for being brave enough to try and grab at her. And by mark of courage, V meant injury.

"He was dedicated to being strong, but he was always talking about life and morals and shit like that. Didn't actually spend a whole lot of time actually trying to get stronger, but at the same time he was kind of... a few hundred years old. Ended up dying of old age since human bodies tend to do that a lot faster than spiritual ones."

The waitress arrived again with their drinks and immediately V took hers and downed about half of the chilled glass' worth of liquid. Her tone was a lot less boisterous and plenty more affectionate as she began to remember her time with her old man. "I hated listening to him sometimes since it just kind of went over my head a lot of the time. Didn't quite know what he was talking about, bunch'a philosophical bullshit and all. But he was a good guy and I learned how to fight for real because of him, so I owe my livelihood to the bastard at the very least. Just sucks that he ended up kicking the bucket, y'know?" V set down her drink, a slightly more calmed and affectionate smile as she looked down in remembrance of the old man. He was the closest thing to a father figure that she's ever had. Nothing could replace him in V's heart.

"What about you though?" The rabbit asked, looking back up at Elyss. She didn't want to forget about her new friend after all. It would be rude to just start spacing out. "You ever have someone like that in your life?"
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:40 pm

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Expected her ass. Tch. Elyss can’t wait until her strength builds up enough to not have to worry about someone tossing her aside like an afterthought. Having gusto is important to getting things done, but power is just, if not more, as important. It doesn’t matter how loudly you can scream if everyone else can talk just as loudly, and better most of the time. It’s one of the main reasons Elyss strives to grow. It does her no good to stand up for herself or others without the proper strength to actually change the outcome. Why must she suffer a broken body every time she acts? Shouldn’t she be able to save people without risking it all? It’s those thoughts that cause her to ponder life as someone like Ulv or Murasaki; all that strength and influence. Though, she doesn’t feel herself worthy of that kind of power yet. With great power comes greater responsibility, and Elyss knows she’s lacking in the responsibility department.

At least she’s taking steps to better herself, but her progress isn’t moving at an expedient rate. Listening to V go on about her master, Elyss couldn’t help but feel slight envy. Elyss has never had anyone instill anything such as morals or beliefs into her. At an early age, she had created her own right and wrong; a spectrum that she would abide by. Yet, even with it, she failed a lot at upholding her own sense of justice. Her parents tried to direct her differently, but they never understood how she felt about life, and it ended up costing the redhead a lot. Now, in her new life, things are progressing the same, but Elyss found someone who shared her mental disposition. Actually, slowly, she’s been introduced to many who understand her better than she could understand herself. It’s a breath of fresh air at times knowing that she’s not alone anymore. It’s why that little bit of envy towards V and her relationship didn’t last long as she followed V’s actions and grabbed her own drink, sipping from the glass slowly to savour the taste and burning that accompanied it. In fact, Elyss felt a bit of comradery while comparing herself to V. The bunny fighter isn’t the only one with a pervertish role model who spouts random life lessons. They may not have had the same childhood, but they, surely, have similar lifestyles now.

Elyss didn’t even notice that she’s smiling lightly while viewing V’s more sentimental side. It’s interesting how emotions shift so drastically based on one’s thoughts alone. Then, Elyss is caught by a question similar to the one she asked. Of course, the redhead’s thoughts focused more intently on Ulv, but Elyss wouldn’t call the Mayor her master. They’re relationship is stranger than that. “Well, I’ve never had a master, but I do have a woman who’s been helping me deal with my messy life. She’s sort of a pervert herself, but I respect her enough. She runs a city, opening it up to everyone and making sure all who come know they have a home they can call their own. Recently, we kind of adopted each other, a mother daughter thing. She’s probably watching me right now or something too. She’s just that paranoid enough.” Now, it’s Elyss’ turn to chuckle lightly thinking about how harsh Ulv could be, but also knowing that the woman has a giant heart even if she didn’t understand emotions like a normal person.

“I have a lot of people waiting for me to grow, and I don’t want to let them down. I never saw myself making any friends in life, but, somehow, I’ve accidentally ended up with a whole ass family.” Her eyes drift away for a second as she places a hand over her face. She’s letting herself get too carried away. Get it together Elyss.

“Anyway… We’re both pretty strong, yeah? Ya know what we should do?” She returns her eyes back to V and drops her hand while lifting her glass up towards the other. “How about a contest of strength, eh? I’ve never wrestled before, but I think I’d toss you around a bit; maybe even make ya call uncle.” Her smile is more taunting now and full of confidence which is only intensified by her intense gaze.

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Wed Jun 24, 2020 7:58 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

So it seemed that the two of them had a lot more in common than she initially thought. Even their masters had a few traits in common, both seemingly being perverts with a heart of gold. V had to hold back her laughter as she thought about just how ironic that truly was. Maybe then when V met Elyss' master, it wouldn't be so hard to get used to her. When, not if. The more that V listened to this girl talk, the more that she started to become attached to her. V didn't have a whole lot of friends that shared her interests, let alone were on her actual level.

Though from what Elyss was saying, this mysterious new perverted woman was a lot more important than what V ended up with. That was fine, she was fully content with where her own master had been. It was just surprising to hear that Elyss' master owned a whole city. "A whole ass city?" The rabbit mused her thoughts out loud before taking a sip of her water. "That's pretty damn cool, actually."

And then Elyss said something about having people waiting for her, and V simply sighed. If only she had people like that for herself. There was no one to show off to after her old man kicked the bucket. Elyss might become someone like that for V, but she wasn't sure if the girl really cared. Maybe, just maybe...

"Oh, you wanna wrestle huh?" The rabbit's tone suddenly shifted from soft and genuine to quiet yet dripping with intrigue, as if she couldn't believe Elyss wanted to actually do it with her. "Sure, just don't be afraid to give up whenever I slam you into the dirt enough. I don't want to break your pretty little bones after you recovered so recently." The bunny smirked and kept eye contact with Elyss even as the waitress came by and set their plates in front of them, just to drive home her intent to the redhead. "I'm not stopping unless you're broken again, or you start cryin' uncle."

And after she got her point across, the rabbit sat up in her seat and started to cut into her steak eagerly.

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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:18 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

When, not if? If Elyss were to introduce V to Ulv, one could only wonder about how such an interaction would go. No doubt it would be filled with a level of indecency that may make V’s old master seem more akin to a saint than a pervert. Who knows however? Ulv may surprise Elyss and act oppositely from the norm. That’s a big maybe though, and it’s a maybe Elyss is unsure she’d want to test. Owning a city doesn’t automatically make someone cool in Elyss’ eyes. The redhead is pretty weird with how she judge’s people. She doesn’t let what she hears sway her thoughts and prefers meeting one on one, but if V thinks it cool, Elyss has no reason to burst her bubble.

Anyway, the topic of masters has come and gone, much like how the waiter came and went after dropping their plates off. Finally, the meal they’ve both been waiting for has arrived. It smelled great, but V probably knows that better than Elyss. Eh… Though, the sudden stare off sort of distracted the redhead from actually partaking in her dish. Strange. She felt excited as she usually does when the idea of a great fight appears before her, but now, she feels a competitive edge that she’s never felt before. Maybe it’s because V is closer to her power level. It’s not a fight just to survive, it’s a test of skill and endurance. The redhead couldn’t help but throw a smirk that one would call suicidal. “Break me? Come on V. Is that how you treat everyone on the first date?”

Now, it’s her turn to laugh; a little snickering chuckle that is rather unimpressive compared to V’s violent outbursts. The reserved, serious, redhead that Elyss usually is seems to have become as easy flowing as a river downhill. Of course, one can blame the alcohol being digested without a care, but even then, Elyss has never been one to openly tease and taunt without a care. Ah, her city owning mother has taught her something it seems, even if it’s something that’s useless in any other situation.

Not wanting to be left out, Elyss goes to cut at her steak as well and throws a piece into her mouth. “Mmm. This is actually pretty good. Guess someone has a good nose after all.” She didn't chuckle, but her lips widened as she filled her cheeks and chewed. Yep, she’s enjoying herself. Maybe she should make a habit out of this: get in a fight, get hospitalized, then go out to eat some steak or something; maybe bring V along too. V is fun. She’s upbeat, strong, and seems like a great sparring partner. Well, maybe the sparring partner bit could prove a problem, but Elyss doesn’t care right now. It’s been a while since she’s had a nice time with another person without any life lessons or scary fortunes.

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:45 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V had to exert a level of self control she rarely ever resorted to when Elyss made the retort about them being on a date. It was one thing for the rabbit herself to tease about such a thing, but when Elyss followed through with her own retort, it set something primal off inside of V. Rarely ever did she have someone who could run along with her own shitty jokes and even fire some back at her. Oh fuck no, this girl was not getting away from her now.

"Not on the first date, no." She said after swallowing a particularly large bite of her steak. "But you're special, so you get a different kind of treatment. It's only fair." The woman chuckled to herself for once instead of bursting out in raucous laughter. Suddenly she was feeling a lot more personal, a lot more intimate with this woman. There was only one thing that could make take this a step further, but V wouldn't suggest such a thing. No no, not unless the two of them got there. V wanted to have a bit more of a violent kind of fun with her new redheaded friend first.

Her steak didn't last long and neither did the rest of her beer. V wanted to get it through her system as fast as possible so the two of them could spend more time doing more meaningful things together. Like brutally beating the shit out of each other for hours on end. Yeah, V looked forward to that more than anything. Finally having someone on her own skill level to fight instead of weakling Hollows or overpowered motherfuckers that could nuke a continent with their piss streams, that is.

"Yeah, my nose is pretty trustworthy if I do say so myself. It helps me find all sorts of neat stuff."
Said the bunny as she relaxed back in her chair. Now the two of them had to digest their food, so for now it seemed fitting to just relax until then. Their waitress passed and V flagged her down to get two more beers from her, which she very graciously brought to the table before disappearing once more. At the very least, V hoped that Elyss could hold her alcohol, because she sure as hell could.
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:33 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Special? Her? Well, that’s not how Elyss would describe herself, but she’s far too comfortable right now to demean V’s thoughts about her. Another one of those, best to keep your trap shut, situations. Besides, V isn’t the only one to speak such nonsense about the redhead. Maybe there is some semblance of truth to such compliments. There was something a bit off about V though. The woman’s laugh wasn’t as rambunctious as the previous ones, not nearly as infectious. Eh… Elyss preferred when they were just joking and being stupid. Now, she’s feeling way too conscious about this luncheon. How nerve wracking. Another long sip of her drink was needed before she could muster a few more words to respond to V.

Though, V’s sudden eating vigor silenced her tongue. Damn. She just went straight through that steak like it stole her purse or something. Does V even have a purse? Wait, who’s paying for this? Does V even have a wallet on her?! It’d leave a sour taste in Elyss’ mouth if she ends up having to pay for this. Well, at least the redhead has a lot of money thanks to her mother’s generosity. Anyway, Elyss couldn’t let herself be the reason the both of them are stuck in this building for too long. Obviously, V is ready to move on with their day; most likely the prospect of fighting has the hyperactive bunny beating her foot on the ground with joy, figuratively of course. Putting on a little display of her eating habits she developed in The Rukongai Districts, Elyss’ steak and beer didn’t last that long either, yet, she took a bit more time than V. However, the other diners around them showed little approval of the two women and their Hollow-like eating capabilities. Heh, screw them.

Ah, she’s stuffed now. Well, she could go for dessert, but she’ll pass. Besides, the second round of beers will fill her up anyway, even if she loses a bit of brain cells in the process; not like she has a whole lot anyway after the fifth time of getting mutilated by something. No doubt V is planning on mutilating her too, and Elyss is looking forward to it as she usually does, but there’s still that feeling that there’s just a bit more of something between the two women. She feels nervous just focusing her mind on that feeling, so she’s just going to drown it out with more alcohol. She’s not that much of a lightweight though. She’s a durable woman, inside and out.

“Ya know, if we weren’t about to break each other’s faces, arms, and possibly legs, I would so challenge you to a drinking contest, but we wouldn’t want our bodies to numb to feel anything, yeah? Makes the whole point of fighting mute.” She doesn’t speak up until after downing a large portion of her second glass and placing it on the table. Her gaze is laxed and her posture has gone soft. “I’ll try to avoid slamming your face too hard on the ground I guess. It’d be hard to smell anything with a broken nose and blood everywhere.” A taunting smile on her face and her cockiness vandalizing her own features, Elyss chuckled to herself before looking off to the side into the distance. Her expression, still content, seemed slightly more serious from the second before now, but her tone stayed lighthearted as she changed her subject suddenly which may catch the other woman off guard.

“Hey, V? Ever traveled far from home?”

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:12 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 2 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V was excited just having Elyss around and the redhead would no doubt know. There was a soft, rapid thumping sound coming from V's side of the table as she tapped her foot instinctively just out of sheer enjoyment. She used to thump louder, but that got her kicked out of too many places for noise complaints so she eventually learned to keep it to a minimum. Still, she couldn't help herself in the end, and ended up thumping to her heart's content.

Though as Elyss challenged her new dark rabbit friend, she would hear the thumping get gradually louder before V realized and quieted down again. "Add it to the list, but just a fair warning. I'll beat you at that too." She said in response to the drinking challenge. But that was for later, and Elyss was still talking shit. Good, the girl was into it. That only made the rabbit excited for when they actually got to fucking beat each other into the dirt. Or, well, throw each other into the dirt. It was a wrestling competition and V had to remind herself of that. No kicking no punching, just flashy as wrestling moves. Damn was she excited.

But all of it suddenly came to a halt as she was asked about her home. "Home?" V repeated as the question settled in her tiny little fight-focused brain. "Yeah I travel away from my apartment all the time. I was in Korea just the other week." The rabbit said flatly, but something felt wrong. Probably just misunderstood the question... What did Elyss mean when she said-

"Oh you mean like 'Home' home, don't you?" And suddenly V's shit-eating grin softened to a more bemused smirk. "I don't have a 'Home'. I have my apartment, but that's it. I grew up in an orphanage, stuck inside the same walls for most of my life. The outside world was so new to me when I finally got to see it, and now it's just something I deal with on a daily basis. That was only when I ended up leaving the orphanage though, and all those shitty memories behind with it. I wasn't the best kid, I'm sure you can tell.

"But still, I wouldn't really call that 'Home'. Technically Karakura here is my home, I still remember the place I grew up in and where it's at and all, but... Yeah, I really wouldn't call that home. And after that I kind of spent most of my time in the wilderness with that old fart before he went and died. Only just got an apartment this past year, and even then I spend more time away from it than I do in it. Hotel rooms, just out in the woods, that's more 'Home' to me than my own place." V sighed the more she thought about it. "I haven't settled down anywhere and I don't plan to. I only have the place that I do so I have somewhere to put my stuff. You should see it, the whole fuckin' place is just a mess."

She chuckled and downed the half of her second beer before going back to lightly thumping her foot, this time more in thought than out of excitement. "What about you? You got somethin' on your mind that made you ask that?"

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