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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:49 pm

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Is there a sound? It’s like something’s beating against the floor respectively, a thumping kind of noise. Elyss’ eyes focused on V once her brain figured out that the noise was coming from the ebony woman’s side. Not knowing much about bunnies besides that they have long ears and good noses, Elyss didn’t immediately come to the conclusion that V’s the one making that sound. For a second, her muddied mind had thought someone had planted a bomb without either woman noticing, but that’s stupid. The thumping is too rapid anyway, a strange bomb that’d be. Then, it had gotten louder randomly before going poof like it had never even occurred. Wait… Elyss will have to read up on bunnies and rabbits it seems. Though, V’s unusually cute habits aren’t the main focus right now.

Home. Yeah. Elyss is curious. Forget the forthcoming battle and the warm feeling both women are causing each other to feel. “Eh…” What a lame response after listening to V spill more about herself. Elyss wishes she could relate. Her memories remind her about the kind loving family she had before she ended up dead in some dirty alley. If anything, Elyss had taken her life for granted. Now she’s a ghost running around trying to save everyone else’s life. “I just wanted to know if ya got out a lot is all. I’m traveling myself with a few goals in mind. Though, it’s felt like I’ve been traveling way longer than I had originally thought. I don’t think I could call anywhere my home right now. I mean, I have a place that I can always go back to, but I feel more like a guest that’s overstayed their welcome than if that’s where I truly belong. Maybe one day I’ll find something that feels right. Maybe traveling will start to feel the right thing for me. I don’t know. It was just a random thought to keep the conversation moving, but…”

She puts her drink down and rummages through her bag pulling out some money and throws it down onto the table. “That should be enough. Let’s get on out of here, yeah? I’m ready for some action to go along with all this chit chatting.” She chuckled lightly as she slid out of her seat, stretching herself out a bit before nodding her head towards the exit. “I want to see some of your wrestling moves, even if they’ll leave me bruised for a bit.”

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:40 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

"Traveling can feel good but it's nice to have a place you can at least go back to so you can relax." V thought aloud without really thinking. "But you're probably just in some kind of transition phase to the next big part of your life. Or at least, that's the kind of old wise bullshit my master would try and tell me. It's just what it sounds like to me, is all." The woman shrugged and stood up, tossing some money on the table too so Elyss wouldn't be the only one paying. Leaving her with the whole bill would be plenty disrespectful, and V didn't want to disappoint.

"I know a place we can go nuts without having to worry about damage or interruptions."
V said, starting to lead Elyss through a series of alleyways and towards the outskirts of Karakura. The place that the two ended up at wasn't so fancy, but that was kind of important. If they were to do this in a place that looked even remotely important they'd most definitely cause damage and get in trouble as a result.

"Well, here we are." The bunny said as she stretched her arms out. An abandoned park in the middle of an abandoned lot. The surrounding buildings were totally empty and that was clear by their dilapidated, worn down state. The park itself was fairly barren, though the grass wasn't too long and the trees were few and far between. "We've got plenty of room to beat the shit out of eachother here, so go ahead. Make the first move." Taunted V as she rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck. "'Cause it won't matter in the end. I'm still gonna win."

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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:48 pm

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Transitioning? Eh. That’s one way to look at it. What Elyss is going to look like at the end of all this is beyond her. She just knows she’s working towards something, and hopefully, that something won’t lead her to an early grave again. Then, she’ll have no place to call her home. Though, there’s no room for such thoughts. Elyss had to spend the whole time the two of them walked to clear her head again for the fight that is to come. However, she did take note of how the area slowly transitioned to a more run down atmosphere until they reached an empty park that V had chosen for their bout.

Well, this area does seem unimportant. It’d make for a good and quick clash that won’t create too much disturbance to alert anyone worthwhile. Elyss can jive with this. Following V’s lead, she took the time to stretch out her body as well, a hand under her head as she cracked her neck and shook her arms and legs. Then, her shirt is thrown off leaving her in a black sports bra, toned body flexing and ready to brawl. Rolling her shoulders, she spoke up a bit to contradict V’s statement about the coming victor of this match.

“Eh, You’re claiming victory far too early sweetheart. You already know I’m not as fragile as I look.” Clapping her hands against her cheeks to sober up a bit more from earlier, Elyss focused her mind further accepting that she’s about to hurt a lot. Yet, that just causes adrenaline to pump through her blood warming her up and making her feel more lucid. “Heh…” She gives a small smile as her arms fall to her sides, and in the next few seconds, she’s already reaching out towards V, no warning given. Not all wrestlers play fair, and Elyss isn’t aiming to give V the chance to counter her so easily.

A grab at the forearm, both her hands wanting to grip tightly around V. Quickly, it’d be followed by Elyss attempting to pull V towards her just to get behind the woman swiftly and grab her midsection tightly, her hand wrapping around her wrist to strengthen the hold, just for Elyss to follow it up by lifting the woman and throwing her to the side roughly onto the ground while staying on top of her. From there, Elyss would be lost on what to do next for she’s not a wrestler, knows zero holds, and just wanted to throw the woman on the ground because she’s seen wrestlers do that a lot. The technical stuff is going to require some trial and error, but that is the time V will have if she doesn’t halt Elyss during this transition to react to her actions. Elyss wasn’t that fast about it either since she’s trying to improvise, but it was enough to catch someone untrained off guard. Hopefully, it was enough to catch V.

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The Cat
The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:56 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

"Am I though?"

V spoke with extreme confidence, especially when she felt Elyss pull her to circle behind and grab her. Even as she was thrown to the ground, the rabbit could feel that her opponent was new to this, that she didn't know a whole ton about how to pin or how to gain the advantage. In the second that she was thrown down, V managed to catch herself and roll onto her back, legs spread just wide enough to wrap around the woman's waist when she got on top.

"Come on, you can do better than that."
Said V almost mockingly. "It's gonna take a lot more than just throwing me around to wear me out." And with that, V started to tighten her grip around Elyss' waist. It would become immediately apparent that V was indeed a bunny, as indicated by the sheer hip crushing force that Elyss would feel. The rabbit's thighs weren't thick for sex appeal, they were thick from muscle.

Before she caused any real damage to Elyss, V simply flung the redhead away and over her head, letting her tumble away while V herself curled back and launched back up onto her feet. "Come on, that wasn't much of a move. Get your ass over here and make me feel it." V turned back to Elyss so she could taunt her opponent more, hopefully provoking her into actually doing some fucking damage.

And to rub in her taunting some more, V simply went back to stretching, now stretching her arms over her head shortly before rolling her shoulders. All that V wanted was for Elyss to hurt her, that way the adrenaline would get flowing. In the moment, that was one of only two things that she cared about. The other? Well, V wanted to keep that a secret for now. Elyss would figure out about it in due time.

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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Mon Jul 20, 2020 12:43 pm

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Grr! A mockery! That’s what V is trying to make of Elyss. No, the redhead isn’t good at wrestling. She’s always been a puncher, not a grabber. Though, it was Elyss’ fault for trying to commit to a wrestling style to try and take V down quickly. Of course, the rabbit was going to immediately turn it around. However, those damn legs really struck the back of Elyss’ mind. They are not something the redhead wanted to actually get hit by headon. It only took a second for V to reveal this to her with how the woman could have crushed Elyss’ spine in one simple hold. At least V spared her and sent her sprawling away onto the cement instead of actually forcing her to submit. Technically speaking, Elyss could have probably broken out if she had wanted to with some effort, but surely, she would have suffered some annoying aching pain.

Rising from her spot, her black eyes focused on V, and seeing the rabbit stretching again got under her skin. Eh?! She’s making fun of her! Feel it? “Oh, I’ll make you feel something alright.” She grumbled rising to her feet and clenching her fists. Wrestling may involve grapples and such, but Elyss also knows that some prefer to simply knock their opponents out with their bare fists. Elyss can work with that. “Better prepare your ass V. I’m ‘bout to knock you right on it.”

Rolling her neck and planting her feet on the ground, Elyss raises both her arms up, fists parallel to her face. The rabbit wanted to get her own adrenaline pumping? Elyss will help her with that. Without indication, besides her leg muscles tightening, Elyss shot forward again, this time, causing the cement under her feet to crack and break under the pressure of her foot. Her right arm cranks back as veins bulge in her knuckles and arm. In moments, she’s before V once more pumping her arm forward like a bullet, aiming her fist right for V’s stomach. She doesn’t want to ruin the rabbit’s face just yet.

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:55 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V gave a dangerous grin as her taunting seemed to indeed be getting to Elyss' pretty little red head. And on top of that she had gotten back up without any trouble. Then again, all she had done was throw the woman. That wouldn't take her out of the running. No, it would take a lot more than that.


Elyss was already on her yet again, but V was prepared still. The fist connected clean with the rabbit woman's gut, yet she let out no more than a little grunt of pain in response. It hurt, and it felt like shit, but she was used to it. Getting the shit beat out of her is how she became so addicted to the feeling of adrenaline coursing through her veins, and like any hardcore addict, she would do anything to get that feeling going again.

But that didn't mean she was just going to stand around and let Elyss beat the shit out of her. If the woman wanted a proper fight and not just a wrestling match, that's all she had to say. Yet still her fist was buried in V's gut, open and ripe for the grappling. The dark skinned woman reached down and grabbed at Elyss wrist to tug and pull the woman towards her, and that was when V lunged forwards and attempted to grab the redhead by the waist. Despite how fast V normally was, that was usually due to her lower body. Right now, Elyss had time to react to the bunny trying to wrap her arms around her waist, and if she was successful V would be open to attack, but if not... well.

V would hug herself to Elyss' waist and start to swing her body back with a powerful german suplex that would slam Elyss face first into the concrete, and hard enough to shatter it too. V was here to have fun, but she wasn't about to start playing games.

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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:38 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

She felt her fist dig into V’s stomach, her knuckles burying themselves into V’s abs in an attempt to rip the woman’s internal organs asunder with agonizing pain. However, Elyss’ adversary decided to show an extreme tolerance for pain. Though, Elyss knows how shrugging off damage goes. One will take hit after hit and keep moving because of their adrenaline, but eventually, they’ll give. That’s all she has to do. Make V give. Easier said than done obviously, and Elyss couldn’t help but let her curiosity get the best of her. Already feeling agitated by the taunts, the redhead has yet to feel any true attack from V. Maybe that’s why she allowed herself to get grabbed by the wrist and pulled forward into a hold. Elyss didn’t expect for the sudden close proximity, and this position made it difficult for her to actually punch V full force so she didn’t even try to as she’s lifted up. Ah, she’s seen this move before.

With a satisfying cringeworthy crunch, Elyss’ face felt the pavement commit with her nose in a sickening union between soft cartilage and cement. Her nose is far from okay, much like some of her face. She could feel the stickiness of her blood soaking the ground beneath her face spreading to her cheeks and into her eyes. Luckily, her red hair meshed well with her own blood. Hanging limply, her legs rose into the air, pulled by the momentum of the slam. It’d seem as if Elyss had gone limp, but her arms launched themselves quickly pressing against the ground as the sheer force of her hands cracked its surface. Suddenly, her legs snapped to the ground around V, who most likely still held her, and in moments, the air around them popped as she used her legs and arms to literally throw both of them up into the air which exploded the ground under them with a minor eruption.

Up they’d go together, unless V desired to let go of Elyss. However, the redhead is quick to wrap her arms around V’s shoulders and neck, a tight hug that one would find passionate if not for the context around it. So gentle are her arms, but one look at her disfigured face would tell another story about to unfold. Her face is coated drunkenly with her own blood, her nose dripping it down her chin and onto V, her eyes reddening with fire. However, the strangest thing about the redhead isn’t her broken nose that twisted to the side or her bloody visage. It’s her smile, the way the corner of her lips twisted upwards, her canines like fangs in her mouth, bloodied and red. “Nice one…” Is all she had to say before her forehead shot forward looking to collide right into V’s own face to burst her nose just like the dark skinned woman did for her. There was no plan up here at all, Elyss just wanted to throw the both of them for no reason than to have more fun. She can feel herself losing it a bit, and if that’s a good thing? Well, it’d be unwise to ask.

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:50 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V could hear the crunch of Elyss' nose at the very least getting busted when her face brutally met the pavement. Yes, the sound of breaking bones. That was what the rabbit was here for. To break something, either hers or Elyss'. To V, it didn't really matter who got hurt. She just wanted to fight. And so fight she did, even as she was launched into the air with her opponent, she didn't just let it happen. V let go of Elyss and attempted to regain her composure but unfortunately got grabbed in turn and struck right in the face.

Now her nose was busted up too, just like Elyss', and the rabbit let out a grunt as the pain affirmed the blow. Blood trickled down to her lip and the rabbit just spat it away into the air while the two of them tumbled downwards. Fuck that stung, but god damn did the adrenaline running in her body feel good. It was the reason she was here, and the reason that she had a playfully sadistic, fanged smile of her own.

"Thanks. Ready for another one?" V asked as she once again found herself attempting to wrap her thighs around the redheaded shinigami's hips. If it worked, once more would she start to contort her body, but instead of throwing the girl again, she simply would start to spin them in a somersault-like fashion. The momentum built as they would begin to rotate faster and faster and faster until the final moment where Elyss hit the ground with V on top of her. The redhead would end up landing on her back, thankfully not her skull now that V realized she could have potentially killed the woman there, and the impact resounded with a loud BOOM while the pavement cracked beneath them. Whether Elyss let that happen, or whether she maneuvered out of the way, would potentially result in the same thing happening but with V being the one crashing into the ground. Either way, one of them was now sitting on top of the other who would likely be reeling in pain on the ground from V's unorthodox wrestling maneuver.

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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:50 pm

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Blood on her head, but it isn’t her own. The pain resounding in her head meant nothing to her at the moment. It felt like nothing more than a dull thud, reminding her that she just shook the brain within her skull just to headbutt V. Though, that doesn’t matter anymore. That pain has come and gone, and now she’s only focused on what happens next. How will V respond? Luckily, or unluckily, V doesn’t waste time in showing Elyss her next move as the bunny wraps her legs back around Elyss’ waist. The redhead recognizes this and expects to feel her back crack again, but that pain did not come.

Instead, she finds herself spinning rapidly in V’s grasp. Urgh. She can feel her stomach sloshing around and the meal they had threatening to come back up. It took all she could to keep from hurling moments before her back crashed into the ground. Her back felt that, but she didn’t really seem to appear as beat up as V probably thought she would have ended up. The most that came out of Elyss was an annoyed grunt after they landed. Finally, the woman felt alive. She didn’t expect to face someone as energetic as Arkin was and is glad she got into this altercation with V. She can feel her muscles loosening and tightening all at the same time, her durability truly shining. With closed eyes, she felt herself breathing a bit too erratically.

Quickly, however, her hands shot up to grab at V’s collar to pull the woman’s head down some as her head rose, eyes opening to reveal them a scarlet red. She didn’t move to headbutt V again. She just wanted to look up at her opponent as they shared maniacally deranged grins. As V’s blood dripped on her own bloody face, Elyss couldn’t help but chuckle and tilt her head a bit. “I think we’re doing more damage to the area than to each other V.” She’d let go and drop her head back down to the ground as her arms splayed out, her breathing starting to even out some. She’s excited but she can’t let herself get lost in that excitement. When her eyes opened again, they’re back to their normal onyx color as she returned her gaze to V.

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:48 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 3 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V stared down at Elyss, her deep crimson blood dripping from her smashed nose and onto the redhead's now dirty face. The two were tangled together and starting to feel the hurt almost as much as the environment around them. It seemed that Elyss agreed too, as she pulled the rabbit down to stare burning fire into her eyes with orbs of scarlet and a crazed smile. V couldn't say that she wasn't doing the same, though her eyes didn't shift color at all. She was just crazy, about as deranged and out of it as Elyss was in that moment at the very least.

Damn did it feel good to have someone like herself to share this moment with.

"You're right."
The rabbit said, feeling a little tempted to fuck with Elyss as their faces were so close to each other, but now was not the time nor the place to do so. "So why don't we change things up a bit." V untangled herself from around Elyss' waist and stood back up, grabbing her new rival-y friend by her collar and standing her upright as she did so. "Now fucking wrestle. You wanted it, now do something other than tossing me around. Piledrive me. Suplex me. Fucking anything. You want us to start hurting each other? You're gonna have to start making me hurt."

But even as the rabbit said this, she looked fucking ecstatic to have the shit beat out of her. It was like a dream come true. Her lips were curled into a devious smile, and her eyes looked a mix of determined and eager, like she was about to get given the gift of a life time. Anything to get that adrenaline rush. She would do literally anything, and she was more than happy to do the same for Elyss.

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