Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0/0Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:51 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

This felt strange all of a sudden. At one point, Elyss felt ecstatic to fight until one of them couldn’t move. However, now? She’s feeling less than ready to pummel Vi into rabbit stew. There’s still that excitement that comes with fighting, but it isn’t as demanding as it normally is. But, it’s more like a soft humming the back of her mind instead of the usually demanding beating that she is used to. Ah yeah. She can feel her adrenaline pumping, but she doesn’t feel her mind slipping. The fact that she reigned herself in when that monstrous presence entered into her psyche proves she’s grown beyond that mindless barbarism she’s so used to. The smile on V’s face is so familiar, too familiar. Is that what she looks like everytime she fights?

Though, there’s little time to think too deeply, for V isn’t giving her that luxury. Up she’s dragged by her collar until standing. Their height difference made that far too easy for V to do. The want to be hurt. No. The need to be hurt to feel a dangerous high. Elyss recognizes it. Hell, she’s been living that kind of life her whole life. Tch… Elyss may not be as bloodlusty as she used to be, but she understands that good competition isn’t bad. Things only get bad when they’re done in excess. That’s what she’s been taught by everyone around her. Her initial plan was to beat V to a pulp, but now? She’ll only beat the woman into a mess. “Alright V. You’re asking for it.”

Pain. Inflict pain. Her thoughts are focusing, her body is finally accustomed to the flow of battle. All around Elyss, her Reiatsu flared. The air around them tingled with furious energy, but that’s just for show. Quickly, Elyss’ hand shot up from her side, fist ready, before her knuckles would try to crack Vi’s chin. They’re rather close and V holding Elyss’ collar does her little favors in attempting to dodge or block. Though, immediately after that punch, Elyss is on the move: another punch aimed for V’s left cheek, followed by another on her right. Elyss isn’t letting up either, aiming one punch after another into V’s face.

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The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:52 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V could almost literally smell the hesitation on Elyss as the girl seems to take a moment to think rather than act. What was the problem? V almost taunted her out loud, but she wasn't given much of a chance as a fist connected straight with her jaw. The rabbit's grip on the redhead's collar was loosened and lost all at once before she was struck twice, thrice, and just before the fourth, V threw up her arms in an X right in front of her, the blow striking her and sending her stumbling back for just a second.

It was intoxicating, this dull pain that was overridden by the warmth in her head. Her chocolate skin was starting to sweat too, and now she was just becoming a mess. Good. It was all so good, and the rabbit almost felt bad for not being able to share this feeling with Elyss. Though from the looks of it, she might be indulging herself a decent bit, too. If that was the case, then V might not have felt so bad for beating the shit out of her after all.

The rabbit didn't bother with kicks, because that would just be unfair. At least, from what she knew of Elyss so far. Instead she aimed a punch of her own straight for Elyss' chin. V wanted to get back at her 'friend' for her earlier damages, but whether or not the redhead let her was another thing. The rabbit snapped her fist out quick, but not particularly potent. It was meant to catch her off guard. After that, she followed up with a right hook, then a left hook, and then made a surprise low punch to Elyss' ribs. It was slow enough to react to, but V wanted to make it hard by mixing it up.

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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:52 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Feeling skin and muscle against her knuckles always felt interesting to Elyss. Every person’s build is different from the other. Everytime she pouches someone, it’s never the same. It’s rather funny how fighting never gets old simply because you’re never fighting the same person. Maybe that’s what makes Elyss so accepting of taking on new challengers. It’s a new experience that she can learn from while feeding her own affliction to the sport. However, she has to remember to keep it just that: a sport. When it’s a life or death situation, it’s not a sport, it’s life and death. She’s always struggled with keeping the two separate. Thoughts of beating V in a fight shouldn’t mix with thoughts of making it so V could never walk again. That’s just not right.

That was the reason for Elyss’ hesitation. She had to calm herself down before she went too far in a fight that isn’t supposed to have a gruesome ending. But, of course, all her thinking created a distraction. She wasn’t prepared for V to counter with a quick jab. It hit her chin, but Elyss ate it like it was nothing. Though, that punch was followed by a quick series of other punches: a right hook, a left hook, and a punch to her ribs. Elyss ate it all. She feels like a true boxer, taking hits to create an opening, and with that first punch, her mind had focused on the situation. It isn’t about maiming, it’s about winning. Her black eyes grew cold, calculated; they shined dangerously as they saw an opening. It was V’s attack on her ribs that awoke Elyss’ instincts to strike.

Her arm shot out, aiming directly for the side that V had just punched with that had no guard. It was a giant hook reinforced with Elyss’ full power due to her waiting for the perfect chance to land cleanly. She wasn’t aiming for the side of V’s head or her face. Her knuckles are moving right for V’s chin, the lowest part of V’s chin. A classic boxing technique that revolves around cause and effect. The chin is the bullseye. Once hit with powerful force, it causes the brain to rattle dangerously fast in one’s head which causes their consciousness to fade and their motor functions to fail. Elyss is looking to lay V out with this one hit. If it works is up to skill and fate.

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The Cat
The Cat
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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:36 pm
Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 W8pqAdU


The girl tosses away her life to chase the near-death. Blood spills. Souls scream. But only one stands satisfied. All is done, but addiction fuels further. Her bloodied body continues to war. She seeks to satisfy, but her cardinal sins breathe eternal. The end is transient.

V felt the rush of endorphins hit her brain as her fist collided with Elyss' face. It felt so good to hit things and be hit in return that V couldn't even think about anything else, she was far too gone in her adrenaline high. So far gone in fact that she barely registered the incoming punch to her face. Getting hit felt great for all of two seconds, her body treating her to more adrenaline to keep her steady and consciousness for the moment of impact, but it would only last so long.

The rabbit's brain was rattled around in her head as Elyss' fist cracked against her chin. V's eyes widened in shock for the moment that she was still awake and aware of what was going on, but after that she was out like a fucking light. With a solid smack, V was sent knocked clean on her ass and sprawled out along the pavement by Elyss' vicious punch to her chin. V just wasn't coherent enough to realize it was coming and react in time, so she just ate it like a chump.

The bunny was still breathing of course. That hit didn't kill her, but it would hurt like a bitch when she eventually woke up. Right now though? V was just unconscious and would be until Elyss woke her up, or let her rest. And even then, it would take a lot more than just shaking her and slapping her face to wake her after a brutal hit like that. What Elyss did with her was up to the redhead's discretion. V was absolutely done after that, whether she liked it or not.

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Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 Empty Re: Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss)

Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:23 am

Ambitions of the Bold (V/Elyss) - Page 4 J9aZnIZ

Elyss Kishimoto

Uh… Oops… Well, she had accidentally turned this wrestling match into a boxing match. V definitely had the advantage when it came to tactics beyond punching, but in a straight fist brawl, Elyss’ experience with boxing proved to be the defining factor. One can punch and hurt someone, but when one is able to aim that punch in a dangerous manner, then the drama of the fight truly changes. Maybe there’s some lesson here for the both of them, or maybe Elyss just had a realization thanks to V. The redhead could have lost herself to her own adrenaline much like V, but instead of doing that, she had hardened her focus. V, during that erratic barrage, had left herself open due to ignorance, and Elyss had abused such. That wouldn’t have happened if she had joined V with the bloodthirsty charades.

“Sorry, V, but I guess that means I’ve won.”

Elyss isn’t smiling though. There’s no one to smile to. In fact, the redhead looks more worried than anything else. She didn’t punch V with gloves on. Usually, the gloves soften such a blow, but without them, one could accidentally kill a person by rattling their head hard enough; not to mention the damage to their skull and jaw based on the power of the hit. Kneeling down, she sat, with her feet under her butt and her knees outward, sliding V’s head onto her lap. There’s nowhere to go right now, and after a quick look over and feel, Elyss had guessed that V isn’t in any life threatening situation. Instead of rushing to the hospital, which Elyss has no idea where that even is or how to get out of this run down area, she’ll sit here and wait. V will wake up eventually, yeah?

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