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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Dragon's Homecoming - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon's Homecoming

Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:38 am

The Rising Dragon

Zhang Shen

A Dragon's Homecoming - Page 6 6EdIfMt

"No, I don't think sex, drugs, or alcohol are unique to me. Hell, I don't think that's unique to anyone, really. If you want to question why I act like it's so taboo, then look no further than my father. He spent all of his time telling me how I had to be a suitable heir, how I had to live up to my family name. Tsu Clan this, legendary that. I found honor in my heritage but he robbed me of feeling pleasure in life in pursuit of nothing but rigorous training until I was exhausted. Exclusive focus on cultivation is what he was all about. Hell at the cost of a loving romance with a fellow cultivator I met, he forced me to cut all contact with her because he thought she'd get in the way of my training."

Zhang leaned back into the chair as he tilted his head. Calypso was a feisty one. Hell, he found himself reminiscing on his sworn brother, Vanyel. She wasted no time in laying into him on his views, albeit she didn't quite understand the context of his history enough to know why he viewed things in such a way that felt so against her views of the wulin and their nature. He hadn't actually learned to enjoy life until he went to Japan. He was free, he was alive.

He could drink anything he wanted. He could smoke. He could sleep with any woman - occasionally a male if he got curious - and not care about the consequences. If anything, Zhang now matched the outlaw nature she spoke so fervently of.

"Until I left his household, I didn't know what it meant to live like an outlaw. It was purely cultivation at all times. I went to Japan thinking all of my actions were morally wrong because of him but... you know what? I got to live life. I fought, I got into trouble, I had lots of sex, and I made many memories with my fellow men in the yakuza world. If that's what it means to be alive, then dammit, I lived one hell of a life."

He exhaled as he gazed at her with genuine emotion in expression.

"And for the record, Zhang Shen is a proud degenerate. Without restraint. That said, I do need help, Calypso. I want to live in this world the way other cultivators do. I want to savor the joys and passions of life while I cultivate and rise through otherworldly realms of strength I came here to see my sister but I'd be a liar to say I don't want to prove my father wrong. I want to show him that the so-called "failure" is no failure at all."

Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Dragon's Homecoming - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon's Homecoming

Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:53 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Did you do nothing to check on your own? Did you not find it suspicious that the guy was keeping you locked away in a tiny room and not teaching you anything other than that? Tsu Clan is one of the four Grand Clans, to be sure. But they are still Cultivators. Ci dropped her dress in a tent and told a guy to give her a baby. Frightened the poor man so much he ran away and never came back to the Bazzar.

When a man tries to take away your freedoms, you kick him in the dick. When you don't feel you have the courage to do dick kicking, you get help from another, there is always someone around to help. If all else fails and you are perfectly locked away with nothing and nobody who could ever reach you, then crow for the great Monkey King. A diligent and pure desire will see him approach you.

You are not a dog, Zheng. Even my dog is not treated that way. And if he was, he'd fucking bite me! Or punch me in the face these days, but still. Your life is yours, don't let somebody else use it for their own gains"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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A Dragon's Homecoming - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon's Homecoming

Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:28 pm

The Rising Dragon

Zhang Shen

A Dragon's Homecoming - Page 6 6EdIfMt

Zhang felt empowered by Calypso's words. She was right in a sense. His life was his own. His destiny was, - for better or worse - his own. He could live it in any way he desired. That was his universal right as a human. He clenched his fist and nodded as he continued to listen to Calypso but his mind was set.

He desired to see his path through. He was going to grab life by its neck, forcing it to give him all that he had lost. He was going to reunite with his sister. He was going to force his father to see things his way. To show him there was more to life than mere cultivation.

Once he was finished with that, he was going to find Vanyel. Reuniting with his sworn brother had always been a dream of his and he would see it through. After that, he'd be the cultivator he was meant to be.

"You know what? Your absolutely right, Calypso. I was a fucking fool all this time. I let things go the way they did because my mother had passed away and I thought my father was grieving, perhaps. That would be the only explanation I viewed as his reason for forcing me to endure such harsh training. I fought with him once for the right to claim leadership and even had the upper hand until my sister stopped me from landing the killing blow."

Zhang patted her shoulders as he took a deep breath.

"You are somethin' of a firecracker, you know that? You've got my blood boiling and I haven't even made it back to m estate yet. That said, I'm not sure how successful it'll go. I might get my ass kicked being out of practice for so long but... thank you for reminding me of what I still have to offer, and being someone I can rely on in my time of need."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Dragon's Homecoming - Page 6 Empty Re: A Dragon's Homecoming

Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:11 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"He was"

It was a simple exclamation, that Calypso put in as Zheng finished. "It's nice and simple to think that we are the only one's suffering and that everyone else is cruel and evil for the sake of being cruel and evil. But the truth is so much harder than that. A fight has two people, after all. He was grieving, and in his grief pushed you too far. And ultimately, away from the Clan.

But you let him. You saw his grief and did nothing to stem it, did nothing to comfort it, did nothing but allow him to be. To brush him off because of what he did to you. With choices laid out before you, you chose to abandon him and run from the problem. This is not the way of the Gandr, and I would think, not the way of Tsu. Learn, be better, do better, teach better. The only mistake in this world is the one you do not learn from"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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