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Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:45 pm

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 C6b68ddf04ff4da703a1a678a98e17d9af5

"To you, It might be the last time you the good side... But you want this didn't you?"

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April flinch back as he screamed in pure hatred about something. He asked her a question, and simply answered it. Her light bulb went off in her head as she gulped a little. 'Wait... He didn't... But I... I am failure at this... That was April's fault; Possibly the fact a bit light was remained in her darkness; but it was true the female who was good only saw one unit. Both of her eyes had half red and blue, and she tilted her to the side. 'God dammit... I can't do anything right can I? This... is why I should disappear from this world... That very look... ' Refering to Matthew disgusted look towards her.. How blind could she be? When his own blue eyes came out, the orbs narrowed. He was fucking around with her because some how pissed him off. The female stayed quietly watching him, switch forms. His twist words. "AND YOU EXPECT ME TO FOLLOW YOUR ASS TO THE -" What the hell?! She left the shadows wrap her body up tightly, like suishi. This set the bomb off in her mind, "You better not touch me!" It was hard to move; It had her legs all the way up to her shoulders hold her still but she still fought it off or well tried. Noticing Matthew closing in on her trapped body... Leering at him as he spoke about he wanting her... He was weak because of her... The look upon April was sicken, she looked like she wanted to rip his head off.. " I was a foolish little fucking eightteen year old Matthew, I was scared of everything changing. So I brought change to myself... I should stayed in that forest and never came to find you, maybe this shit would have been better!" The Red haired female snapped at him with such hafeful words. It was essance of the light influncing her...

April thought she knew fear but that dropped quickly as he bite into her flesh, making the maiden scream out in pure horror through the city. She had a pair of lungs of an opera singer, but it suddenly stopped... Her muscles were tensing up to the point; when female was paralzed. "M-MATTHEW! DON'T!" She wanted to stop him before it was too late but she could not do anything about it. If her neck tighten anymore, he could rip her veins out. For a second the maiden felt a tiny bit dizzy; Was he only going to drink her dry? April's eyes showed only a bit of blue in them as she felt them closing on her. Something happened... All went pitched black.... All she felt was the pain that seering through her vains; the dark energy pulsed as it began take over warm pink aura to a ruby red, desires and wraith... It mixed pulling out the queen that Matt always knew was in her, didn't tug her strings enough. Something was coming out... Her body jerked around a bit; but inside. 'I love... how you try to fool him... It is my time..." The body went limp within arms of shadows and soon as dropped like a fly. Her blue orb in her hair busted in two neat pieces, rolling off into the Miasma. Her hair scrambled everywhere; covering the tiles surround her. Her body was stayed there as if she was dead... That very drug that April wanted from the beginning, his essance and the tempation... What was happening? She looked at peace for once, with a smile carved onto her lips; a whisper came out from behind him?

"Thank you..."

The young woman was no longer in front of him dead like a stump. Stumbling over to him, moaning softly stretching her loosen muscles. The dark red eyes laid upon him though the long strands of hair covering her face, with such excitement and pleasure; Those eyes were unfamiliar to even him. Looking back far enough, the first night that even Matthew bedded April, those eyes first appeared yet disappear due to lack of dark energy that neither of them had. April managed to build up a good amount but Matthew with hers... She was almost then in being that mistress It lured the Mistress of Darkness to the surface. Her arms snaked around his upper chest, bring the woman closer to him. He was upset at her not managing to break free; it was hard enough to listen the cry baby bitch and moan earlier. Though she didn't understand how a bit of light slipped to get passed. It didn't matter now; for the first time in 411 years, the female was freed from the rest. "My Dark Lord..." The female a smile replaced the painful scowl something that he would possibly expect, and appearing before him.Those lips attack his lower lip hungrily for the taste of him. It had been too long... The white fangs nibbled at his flesh not breaking his perfect skin; and her eyes stood up. There was always something about him that April could not keep away from. A bit weak from the pain; the female fell down breaking the contact off from Matthew, her legs a bit wobbly like a new born cafe.... Glancing up at the male to simply bow her head. "Forgive me my dark master..."

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 EmerSiggy-2

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Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:04 pm

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 61a3fd2386d98b19895d2830dc6c6c312ea

"To you, It might be the last time you the good side... But you want this didn't you?"

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The two bite marks on her neck pulsed a bit, running her over the wound to see the blood leaking out... Her tongue licked the blood that rested on her hand before it dried up. April managed to ignore the male's being full of himself. Sure, The female knew the difference between Light Matthew and Dark Matthew but something was never right. Matthew... She wanted her happy ending years ago but it never happened... He always had to butt into her business, the darkness within her heart was blocking any contact with him. This time, April was going to do what she wanted to do and having the peace and quiet to her ears and possibly get wild... That was her wish of freedom, having everything that she ever wanted without Matthew ripping her plans apart. Those eyes glanced up at the sky where the ravens and crows began fly together. The crows began to gather around area, not landing but cawing at her.. This day has been long but sure entertaining for the female. April's Darkness was based of any desires she had.... Matthew.... Darkness was always wanting bring anything under the will, and April was there to fulfill that mutative. To turn anyone who wanted and desired someone against the light. The idea of enchanting her mind so easily as she watched the dark lord mutter about something else. April brushed her long strads of out of her face, watching him... He only had two way mind about coming upon things. Her cheeks puffed up a bit those eyes narrowed. It was not that funny for her look up at him.

'What a pain....'

When Matthew lifted the female off of her feet, the woman already knew it wasn't because he was romantic or anything. It was time to start something up or even stir the stew of darkness. Slowly adjusting herself enough to reach up to his chin, to lick the blood that ran down from the corner of his mouth. This was the sign it the other motion was that his beloved maiden had returned. The accessing of the darkness for transportion was a wonderful idea... April's arms wrapped around his firm neck just in case something happened. It no long felt cold... Having been close enough to Matthew, April felt a spark inside of her. That familiar spark when those eyes first laid on the group of teenage egons ago. 'With Matthew here, anything can come true... I will not judge thee about anything he might do...'[i] April knew he had his own plans on the future; April did not. What would happen to her after this world of perfection; the world of darkness was created? The feeling of her just standing to make him feel better about himself in the future. This maiden of darkness didn't linger on the thoughts too long... He must have something something for after so long. No matter where she went he was always lingered in her heart .Something else riddled her mind, even the darkness surrounding them worried her so. The idea that made her waver a bit...[i]'I belong to him and only him but he only does what he pleases to other women...into temptation...' Those dark red orbs closed tightly digging her nose into his chest, inhaling his scent... Another puzzle for another time, this was no time to worry about this. The maiden of darkness held her head high to look up at him. The feeling was neutral about what he does.... IT was none of her business on what he did, she wasn't his wife nor his queen... That was a long time ago when he was her guardian... It was no longer, it left only maiden of darkness a bit puzzled.

Being placed down by the mind blowing male, after traveling with the darkness, put the female in bit of dizzy spell; she managed to keep herself up this time. Check out the place around her, it was nice but nothing fancy. April always thought he had better taste then other men; but his room was plain and simple. Each step she took was a bit to examine the room a bit more. The finger tips brushed along the satin sheets, it felt rather neat to feel such a nice fabric. " interesting room..." April knew the intentions of this move... Either there was going to be heavy messing around or meeting of this slave. This was no longer her problem, Matthew's little slave, she could care less about her. It was going to be same thing all over again. So it was best for the red haired vixen to take her leave from his room. April swung her hips as if she didn't care towards the door. At the moment this was a waste of her time while she could be gathering her own team. She had many folks in mind only the few would be selected. Matthew would already guess about the genders of those she seek, but the names stay unknown to all. This was time for her own action to begin... The first place to start all over again, was the very house that the monster of a father kept her in. There was something she needed to retrieve, something that was valuable enough for her risk her neck out. Knowing the bastards of the Soul Society awaiting her appearance; it was going to be one hell of a ride home. April had the snicker planted a crossed her face and licked her lips softly. What ever Matt had in store for the night, even if it was lusty. It was not important... "I will staying at my old place... The one near the ocean front, the Mansion my family owns.... I shall retire now.." With that... The maiden opened up the door and glanced back him with those dark red eyes. They were not glaring they were just calm...

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 EmerSiggy-2

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Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:55 pm

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 Kkk

"To you, It might be the last time you the good side... But you want this didn't you?"

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"...My Dark L-"

The one time she delays her Dark-Lord was the moment he was up her ass about it; the darkness prevented the maiden to leave without Matthew's permission. She didn't care about the idea anymore about Matthew not being hers... He could do anything he wanted, why did he bring her back? April saw that only reason others could live but the darkness just mocked the maiden's heart about Matthew not being hers. The darkness that came from within her heart was easily jealous; that caused the frown upon those bloody lips. It was the matter of control her jealousy over Matthew; He was only thing kept her alive... Past and Future. She wanted to see that dream that he always spoke about before intercourse come true; if it made him happy she would follow him until the end of the world or to her own grave. The maiden was still at 100% Darkness ratio, Why of her does he always play these stupid games. April swirled around to glance at him... He was thinking, but April leaned her back against the darkness while her arms were crossed under her nice rack. This time April's desire for him only pain her more just staring at him from afar... She blinked once to find herself in a day dream... 'You are nasty little child not worthy of the Redwood name!' April's eyes examined the darkness that surrounded her... 'M-Mother?' April shouted out loud before an image appeared... It was a woman within a sleeping summer time Kimono, with a younger April... She didn't have blue eyes, but blood red eyes... The woman sobbing into her hands, while the child tugged onto woman's white gown... 'Mommy! I managed to take brother to the other side!' When the girl spoke about it, the grown woman slapped her across the face, sending the child off of her feet and into the ground face first. 'YOU KILLED YOUR OWN BROTHER!? WHAT TYPE OF MONSTER ARE YOU?! I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOU! YOU WILL BE THE CURSE OF OUR FAMILY' The mother disappeared while the girl was knocked out cold and alone. No one even bother coming after her... Not even her other brothers... April remembered this moment awfully well... It was the moment after that, her tortment happened; the doctors...

Snapping out of it, the female's eyes were forming tears, a quick busted of laughter escaped her lips. "Hahahah... HAHAH!" April held her head in one hand covering up one eye... Wraith... Lust... Envy.... This was oh too familiar for her... Always trapped, always scowled at and always beaten down. April laughter died off a bit before noticing the male approaching her. 'Another test...Great...'[i] April pulled herself back together as he asked her if she was leaving. Yeah... This was not going to be her night... He watched her like she had done something wrong again. The trouble female glanced away at the bathroom, as if she was planning a type of get away from Matt. The way he spoke to her... It was going end up his way, so the female awaiting him.

"My Dark Lord... I insure you I will-"

Again interrupted by the male's actions, his reitsu was flaring like hot oil in a flying pan, she didn't want to get overwhelmed by him, even though he was going to win... Her own aura began battle his aura... Her aura was a hot pink with a bit and pieces of black mixed together. A frown resident onto her lips watching him closely... Those next words scared her shitless, this was not Matthew.... [i]Don't leave...
In a bit shocked moment, that dried lump returned... Her hormones were going a bit out hand...


It happened so sudden... He had her within his grasp... His right hand to her neck, his other hand pinning her wrist down, and his leg between her legs... She felt like a puppet... Her eyes winched a bit while trying to look at him. She wanted to have sex so badly at the moment as her legs began to squirm a bit. This didn't mount up to how much she loved him or even desired him. 'This must be a dream.... If it is by god it is turning the hell on...' She didn't speak a word about it. She found her falling into his trap, her legs wrapped around his waist tightly not letting him go... There was not a thing to turn her off of him unless some how... Her breathing was irregularly. Matthew was the master at making her feel weak, it felt so wonderful.

Poison... His love or even lust was the sweet poison to her, she just could never recieve enough... April felt his aura push against hers as he made contact. Her lips attack his in the moment of heat. He wasn't willing to move on... April knew this... That is what made her pull her fine away from his intoxicating lips. That tongue lap them instead enjoying the favor of his lips. Her energy made the poor girl shiver as the thought of her being just a toy for him. Her lust for him. Those eyes moved off of his face not to glance away but to see his hand entangled into her.... It was something that took her breath away, she didn't expect this... The attention of her former guardian. Those perfect pink lips parted for soft pant as crimson red cursed her face as she thought about it. Her free hand made it's way around his back, playing with his hair.. Twirling it and playfully tugging a bit; while her lips found themselves at his neck... Nuzzling and nipping at his flesh. There was one thing she could try... Screw the other woman he was seeking, he was hers... She was going to curve some bitches she must for her fruit.

"My Dark lord..... Please..."

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 EmerSiggy-2

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:22 pm

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 Sample_5392a17bd825bb2c9d29bdb35-1

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She noticed how he enjoyed being stroked on back of his head... It was nice to know, if Matthew would claim if he was tired. She only had to pet the back of his head. It made her giggle like a high school girl as if she was to watch couple kiss in a hallway. As his hips crashed into her as his dominate side began to show, she could feel it. His member, it was only a matter of time, but that look. One thing she didn't want was that sweet tender and oh so loving shit, she was ready to get ripped apart by Matthew's lust. He could only please her so, not even the pain would matter after it. That is how she liked it. That is how she remember it being like. Having the carving of lust, and his always being there at the right time and right place. That look he gave her was eary and cold, it was some what of a turn on for the red haired female. Retreating her hand away from his neck, and her legs from around his hips, the maiden listened in closely on what he had to say to her. It was true, April was going to accept this either way, she might not like it but she would love the outcome. Her eyes shimmered brightly as a smile appeared on her lips. She understand every single word that spoken by him.

"I understand fully to the ends of this... I will not do anything screw up your team; if they start anything with me, I will merely walk away like an 'adult'. I will not display such an act, I will manage to keep myself unwraps. I keep out of your way.. Saeko can do as she wishes, I will be doing what I do best my dark lord. Converting those who desire the darkness..." April didn't stop there, oh no, she continued to with her contact. Her eyes were in perfect in sync with his. This was the best of her... "My command is your orders My lordship. To make my king as happy he would ever wanted to be is my top on my list right under your mission... My common needs are secondary to your mission as if I was only there to please you in anyway. I will never run away from you, I will always be there by your side..." The female brought his other hand to her warmed cheeks and peered into his eyes with the silverish outline. Was this the contact again? It felt so familiar... If it was that meant another painful bite sometime during this section. "That is a promise I can make. In the heat of danger I will protect you and all that you find worthy, I am your Juggernaut, I will strike any fuckers out there that got in your way... and I will make you a sandwich if you want it any time... I will make your favorite..." The female stopped and stared into his eyes. His aura was coating both of them, it made the hairs on her arm stand up a bit.

'Let it begin'

Those words that spoke out of her lips seemed so innocent that even she didn't believe on what she just said... 'That doesn't mean I can't emotion connect myself to them either... Maybe Miss. Saeko is willing to play with me while we tease the shit out him...' A smirk grew onto her face as she schemed some of the naughtest bedroom scenes. Image; seeing one girl in the pure pleasure moaning the other female name... While April ate her out as if she was feasting.. Saeko would stop glancing at him in the mist of passion, and fell back into the bed... Where April would rise licking her lips... Two ladies were always the best even Matthew had to agree. It would be his punishment for keeping his calm. It would be rather entertaining for one to say so herself.

The female felt a bit unhanded here in this position it was time to show Matthew he was going to be in for a rough time.With her immense strength, April pulled the male's hand off of her neck and tossed him onto the bed a bit roughly, enough to knock the wind out him just a bit. This little girl was no longer defenseless as she was in her human state... Being a shinigami only pushed her abilities to blossom greatly and now... There before him stood the female with a sinister touch to her, her aura seemed to hissed at him. So many possibilities she could do. April licked her fingers at the very images that came into mind... The maiden could slitter up to him while nibbling a few special areas or mock him as she stood there modeling for him... It was all up to chance. One finger... started at her sweet tender lips piercing the skin before traveling down the mystical lands leaving a trail of blood. That bikini snapped like a rubber band as the claw ran over it, it came right off of her, reveal her breast fully. It was no surprise that her nipples were harden, He could notice something else about the female, if he came closer to her. The warmth was beating off her skin in waves. Her indoor heater was going berserk on her, making her sweat just a bit also leaving her panting.. That desire was great enough... to say she would keep him busy for at least a week or so.

Her soft skin began to gain goosebumps up and down her spine, a moan escaping from her lips.. This was not desperation this was down right loyalty to Matthew. She never in this world had sex with anyone else but him. Not a single man has developed enough as he did. He came across as simple Matthew. There were no words for it. Only words she could make out it were fascinating almost any time they could. He tried to leave the maiden would only pulled him in for round five. This female could never let him go... Ever. Her hand finally made it her thong and snickers. Her 'lower' lip were overdosed with sweeten juices that produced. Slipping only finger, to fondle herself to get a bit of that sweet honey for herself. 'Matthew...' Her hot shorts dropped like a dead fly as her hand rose to her lips. That one finger was licked slowly, savoring every bit of juice off of it. Her tongue flicked and made she didn't miss a single bit even lapping her lips. It had a sweet taste with the bitter taste with her blood but of course; To Matthew.It would something of unholy pleasure. Her perk baby soft breasts were pushed together with her two arms as she leaned onto the bed, with her finger hanging out of her mouth with a devilish grin. Her long hair dangled across her face, while the rest of it outline her perfect figure. There not a single thing wrong with her body beside her massive boobage being so big and like pillow.April was truly mocking the male... "Hehe... I am surprised..." Her heart was pumping like crazy as she glanced at the male. He was everything to her. "That even you can resist me... My dark lord..."

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 EmerSiggy-2

Emer McLoughlin's Theme

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Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:19 pm

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~Why?...~ (Private) - Page 2 340b2b2ae4446ffc3bff51f4ac3e32de1dc

"Maybe love is over priced? It is always too hard to ask for... I can never in my life find him... But now I have someone who can my choices..."

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April's eyes widen at the sight of Matthew's transformation. This man was truly her dark lord; and she had not a single problem to be his very rag doll. His emotions about the very creation that came into his mind, drive her even deeper into chaos and insanity. She didn’t know what to do… This was the man who was going to take pleasure of her imaged body? That he was going to completely ravage it? April took a step back to be only found being kissed by the Man… Then It happened.

The very two words came didn't come out of mouth....

'Oh Fuck.'

Within a instant found herself perched against the wall. Her hands above her head and her legs were aparted from each a good distance... April didn't mind the abuse, she wanted Matthew to have his way. Her craving for him... It didn't matter how he would abuse her, as long as he was pleased by her. The liquid from her opening only continue leak from the maiden's excitement. Her face flushed bright red at the sight of tentacles... April was completely helpless and at his very whim. Her head threw back; the tentacles slitting up and down her body, exploring every inch of her very being. Many woman would have passed out but April was not one of them. It made feel almost alive.. The pleasures of life was not completed without tentacles. Some would consider it rape... It wasn't rape for the other part desired it. She began to squirm a bit as she felt one of them find her womanhood... April had to fight off the moans by biting her lip closed though her eyes were dazed of pleasure... Instantly something snapped with April, as one of the tentacles began to find the pleasuring itself in her mouth. Even though the female wasn't emotionly there... The body continued the basic functions of sliding her tongue cross it softly...

The inner world of the maiden was cover in spot of shadows, the dune that which her own Zanpakutô inner world. What was happening to it? Was the darkness completely take over the world of her sword. It was like an infection and it kept growing and growing, even where it was unwanted. Ayame and a creature that she remember dreaming about appeared in front of her… It was a beautiful woman; she seemed like a demon since she resembled Matthew with silted eyes and by god a beautiful body that men would kill. “April… Is this what you want? To have everything on this demonic demon? He seems like anything other then what you want…” A smooth motherly voice spoke out at her, and April looked a bit disappointed. “He only considers you as a slave, not his queen… “ What this demon spoke of was true. April knew she was only going to be his play toy, his doll. She knew that when she even went to the graveyard to seek out Mizore’s and Jade’s grave. It would end in this way… That her love…

That her love for Matthew was never going to be returned….

“I know this…. I can’t turn my back away from him… He always is there, within my veins, calling my name out. Seeking the darkness is the most easiest thing to cover up the pain. It is nice to know that I belong to him once more to please him.”

“This love is not the true thing though…”

“Then who would take me… I am his little crow…Love-…”

April snapped back into once she felt the pain just over ride her entire body; and her lips were moaning beautiful music. Those smooth cheeks of her were felt so warm, so did her lower area being rammed by his long member; just slamming into at full speed not worry of her being hurt or anything. It had easy access due to the large amount of liquid, by god. It was hitting every right edge and spot; just to make her squirm.. ”Ohhhh My dark lordship, I want it more… I-I ahhhhhh~ Beg of you…” The red haired female begged between the various moans and groans that overwhelmed her fragile and non-stop bleeding lip. She was powerless to him even though she wanted some power. Her body began to bounce around with him as pleasuring herself, just so he didn’t have all the fun for himself… That burn feeling within her body began to grown even more and more as he just slammed into her body as the female panted as if she was his pet. The demon within her would not help her… She had no one else to fight Matthew with..

”Oh please…Master!”

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