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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Satan's Spawn
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Day two of the Corruption. Left_bar_bleue0/0Day two of the Corruption. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Day two of the Corruption. Empty Day two of the Corruption.

Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:34 pm

Day two of the Corruption. Miyuki
Day two of the Corruption. A2d0dubqp736arve7qds71nqu41302934143

"My name is Miyuki Santoru. I am sixteen years of age and my favourite hobby in my spare time is to cook."
Miyuki Santoru

Morning, already? The warmth of her bed made her awaken before she moved on to the side of her body. Having long hair she could see how it could nearly drop from the sides of the bed. Should she trim it a little? She didn't know, just morning thoughts she guessed.

The girl rubbed her eyes, wait...

Where was she anyway? She sat up on the bed and looked around. It surely wasn't her house but the way it was made, such as the walls, the materials and such made it familiar.

But seeing how the bed was so big and pink she squeaked silently, sticking her tongue out cutely. "Nyannn~!" She mewed, jumping out the bed.

Miyuki didn't really get bed head but it did look a bit messy but not that noticable. All her brushes and such were at her original home in Karakura.
The girl turned around and made the bed she had slept in, straight after she looked around at how large it was.


She remembered! Sharu-Chan and that Man whom she called Master now! She remembered...but not a lot.

She didn't remember last night...she Only remembered arriving at the condo and making dinner...the rest..was blank.
So what adventures awaited her today? Only time would tell.

Day two of the Corruption. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.

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Satan's Spawn
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Day two of the Corruption. Left_bar_bleue0/0Day two of the Corruption. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Day two of the Corruption. Empty Re: Day two of the Corruption.

Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:24 am

Day two of the Corruption. Miyuki
Day two of the Corruption. A2d0dubqp736arve7qds71nqu41302934143

"My name is Miyuki Santoru. I am sixteen years of age and my favourite hobby in my spare time is to cook."
Miyuki Santoru

Miyuki had just finished observing the room before a familiar voice was heard,

"You like your new room?"

The girl turned around to see Master. Her face lit up innocently
as she smiled, nodding gently.

"I love it! Thank you.."

She said happily, did he sleep? She really wasn't sure, he looked the same as yesterday after all. Although she forget soon about that when she heard about SHaru and then Clothes shopping coming straight after!

She was wearing the same clothes after all, although she didn't mind. Surely others do, imagining wearing the same clothes for ever didn't appeal to anyone now a days. Her face lit up again before she ran over to Master and hugged him happily, happy that people were being nice to her.

"T-Training? What training? >< I don't do training."

She suddenly said at the mention of training. What training was this? She didn't know of course, she hadn't really done any training before.

Day two of the Corruption. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.

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Day two of the Corruption. Empty Re: Day two of the Corruption.

Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:53 pm
Day two of the Corruption. Sharu
Day two of the Corruption. 7pmkqnu8vn5l4k6cg1f9tumj711303108294
"You got yourself a deal. Demon God's going down and I'ma help you do it, Master."
Demon Caliga Sharu Kitsugi

Sharu had just finished drinking some beer and smoking a cigarrette while enjoying the peaceful day away from her Master and that annoyingly oblivious child he now fostered plans for. She had even managed to drink a man completely dry of blood..granted the man was a goody two shoe's with no life and no she didn't really do anything against the world..but..still she had gotten her nourishment..and it didn't disgust her as much as she thought it would. She stood up and stretched her body backwards a bit before something intruded into her mind.

"Slave, come to me... We've business to attend to..."

Ah..wasn't it grand to be called on like a little bitch..But she made the deal in exchange for fun and excitement..though the intial high had worn off as her body readjusted to its new capacities..She was still finding it much more exciting than being human..thus she continued to be obedient. She figured it had something to do with the new girl that he had under his control. Sharu almost..ALMOST..felt sorry that the girl had been saved only to be used like a mindless puppet..but then she remembered that its the girls own fault for being completely retarded..and shrugged away her sympathy.

"Yes yes I'm coming I'm coming..."

She took a drag on what was left of her cigarrette and suddenly..she was right next to matthew..blowing out the smoke she had just inhaled and sighing softly as she cracked her neck once to relieve some tension that was building up from her relaxing so much lately. She looked between Miyuki and Matthew once each before deciding to open her mouth.

"Where am I taking her...." She said as if she knew exactly what Matthew was going to ask of her. She knew she was the girls babysitter..and she figured that if he wanted her near..and Miyuki was already there..that he wanted Sharu to handle Miyuki. She held out her hand with her palm wide open and made a gimme motion at Matthew.

"I ain't paying for it whatever it is.. Sorry Master." She said with a somewhat matter of fact tone evident in her voice. though her thoughts betrayed the tone. It wasn't because she didn't mind paying for was because at the moment she didn't have any money with which to pay. She had just spent the last of her own hard earned cash from before she became a Caliga getting the alcohol she had finished drinking just after she said where was she taking Miyuki. She now crushed the can and tossed it into the trash can by throwing it behind her shoulder at the nearest trash can.

"oh...and good morning Miyuki.." she said as an afterthought while she waited for Matthew's demands for the day to be spoken or thought so that she could begin with them.

Satan's Spawn
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Day two of the Corruption. Empty Re: Day two of the Corruption.

Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:31 am

Day two of the Corruption. Miyuki
Day two of the Corruption. A2d0dubqp736arve7qds71nqu41302934143

"My name is Miyuki Santoru. I am sixteen years of age and my favourite hobby in my spare time is to cook."
Miyuki Santoru

"Ah, no need to fear little Miyuki, my dear. The training will be simple and understandable..."

Hearing this relieved the girl, at least it wasn't hard like men's training.
She smiled happily before he croached down to meet her eye to eye.


She didn't say anything for a while, unsure of what was happening. Did she do something wrong? She didn't think so and when she was pulled in to a quick hug proved it. She smiled happily suddenly calm about everything. Watching his stand up Miyuki then skipped around the room not knowing what to do for a few minutes before she saw Sharu.

Her innocent face lit up as she ran over to Sharu, suddenly throwing her arms around her friend with a loud, "MORNING SHA-SHA!" She said, forgetting to call her ma'am but that didn't really her at least. But as she hugged her she caught the smell of the smoke, burying her face in Sharu's shoulder not liking the smell.

"Where am I taking her...."
The girl pulled from the hug to look at Matthew forgetting for a second before she looked over to Sharu.

"To the shops! We're going to have a lot of fun together! We can get new clothes and ice-creams!"

She said with a happy motion before she ran outside the room after hearing her say good morning. From there she found her shoes by a wall as she placed them on before skipping back by the doorway.

"And we can get a rabbit! Can we! Can we!"

She asked looking at Matthew and Sharu wondering if any of them would say yesh.

Day two of the Corruption. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.

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Day two of the Corruption. Left_bar_bleue0/0Day two of the Corruption. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Day two of the Corruption. Empty Re: Day two of the Corruption.

Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:07 pm
Day two of the Corruption. Sharu
Day two of the Corruption. 7pmkqnu8vn5l4k6cg1f9tumj711303108294
"You got yourself a deal. Demon God's going down and I'ma help you do it, Master."
Demon Caliga Sharu Kitsugi

Sharu sighed softly as she gripped the pouch that contained the money she was to use today. It was a lot more than she originally figured he would hand over..but she didn't state so..or think it for that matter..She purposely blocked the thought from her head so he wouldn't take any of it back. She looked at Miyuki and faked a smile before speaking.

"Well come along then.. We've got some shopping to do.. We must get you some cuter clothing." She said as she pretended to count the money, "And..if I'm right..we can definitely get you a bunny..but you have to be a good girl during shopping for that to happen." She didn't even count the money..she didn't need to. She knew there was way more than would be nessicary to buy Miyuki some cloths and get a bunny.

Sharu began to walk towards the door that Matthew had created for them to use and stepped outside. Taking in a breath of fresh air before waiting on Miyuki to catch up and begin to follow her new "big sister". Sharu didn't like playing babysitter..but orders are still orders. So she decided to let it slide.

"So Miyuki..what kind of cloths do you like to wear?" Would be heard as Sharu walked away from Matthew's doorway. Soon the two of them would have faded from sight and Matthew would have been alone without the two girls there to pester him or bother him in any fashion. Sharu wondered why he didn't go himself..and figured it was because he was clueless as to what a girl would consider cute. The thought made her chuckle a bit as she continued to talk to Miyuki about the bunny.

"What kind of bunny do you want? What color? How big? How old?" those were just some of the questions she asked Miyuki concerning her bunny that she wanted for a pet.

Satan's Spawn
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Day two of the Corruption. Empty Re: Day two of the Corruption.

Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:18 am

Day two of the Corruption. Miyuki
Day two of the Corruption. A2d0dubqp736arve7qds71nqu41302934143

"My name is Miyuki Santoru. I am sixteen years of age and my favourite hobby in my spare time is to cook."
Miyuki Santoru

"Maybe Sharu will be nice about it after she buys you some clothing... Either way, be a good girl and listen to big sister while your out, understand my little Princess?"

The girl smiled in a cute way as Matthew's hand was placed on top of hers. She was excited more to get a bunny now than the clothes!

"Alright! I understand!"

The girl said before the black door emerged. Karakura was full of shops, and the cutest of clothes were there too! She looked up towards Sharu before hopping over to her.

"Well come along then.. We've got some shopping to do.. We must get you some cuter clothing."

The girl got more excited second by second as she jumped up and down, she could spend time with Sharu now! She couldn't wait.

"And..if I'm right..we can definitely get you a bunny..but you have to be a good girl during shopping for that to happen."

Skipping alongside SHaru as they reached the emerging passageway. The girl smiled as she answered the question of what clothes she liked to wear. Even she had to think about that, she couldn't really pick any sort of clothes until she saw what was there. They reached Karakura within due time and safely too.

"What kind of bunny do you want? What color? How big? How old?"

The little girl's face lit up at this, she hadn't even considered this either! But she had a good idea of her dream bunny!

"Oh! A small baby snow white bunny!" She said joyfully, her face lighting up more as she thought about it. She loved baby animals! They were so helpless and she loved taking care of them! Like that time when a bird landed on her windsill with a broken wing! She enjoyed taking care of that bird for a month until it could fly again.

Day two of the Corruption. Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.

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