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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Thu May 12, 2011 1:37 pm
Edwin didn't notice what had just happened to his eyes. He was more happy that he actally landed a hit, but something wasn't right.. but then suddenly he found himself confronted with four more needles.. at point blank.. he was pretty much screwed near enough. But then he realised his new power.. he was going to use that. His reaitsu shot up, and the area was about to get even colder.. "God of the cold void, become one with me.Kami Shimo Akuma! A huge frost storm began surrounding him, causing the blood needles to freeze up because of the extremely low tempatures. This reaitsu could be felt for a bit.. and soon enough, this frost storm cleared up. Edwin emerged as some kind of big Frost demon, with huge muscles and a metal right leg.

"This is my Deus Ex! He had horns that extended from the left and right sides of his head.. and spikes covered his entire body, frosty, cold spikes. "My strength is immense now.. To carry on this fight, he used Sonido behind Ashlei. Already, Ashlei would feel that it was very, very cold around him. He threw one punch at her. This would send her a fair distance and cause some damage if it hit her.
Queen Of The Sands
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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Thu May 12, 2011 2:50 pm

| | . A S H L E I . C L I X X . | |

~ I was left with nothing and had to survive in the sands alone just as a child... Now, I have everything... and nobody will take that away from me... ~

Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Konachancom20-206723820sample-3

Ashlei counted on him using his dues ex to get out of that as it was probably his only true way of running from that sort of attack. However, soon after he activated it and Ashlei was watching in awe, he attacked. Ashlei did manage to see what was happening but received a fist to the side of her head and causing her to cartwheel to the right a good 30ft. After sliding for a few metres, Ashlei kicked up with her legs and flung her body around so she landed on her feet without using her arms to do so.


Ashlei's reitsu suddenly started to go all kenpachi. Her entire body was raging with pink reitsu that soon went red. But what was really odd, was how the reitsu was no fiery like most. her reitsu was a broken piece of artwork, and soared around her body like disks that came out of her body, rotated around her and into the scenery, and hundreds of these everywhere on her body.


The girl let out a hideous laugh that could be heard by everyone in las Noches before she started to yell something that would make even the strongest man quiver in fear.


Ashlei literally screamed her swords name as she tore it from the strap on her right thigh. Holding onto it, her reitsu started to shoot out in most directions until she couldn't even be seen within it anymore.

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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Fri May 13, 2011 10:33 am
Edwin grinned when he saw he sent Ashlei flying, but he knew that this was going to make it harder for him because Ashleis powers fed off her own blood.. so if Edwin made her bled.. it was going to cause more problems. But when she stood up screaming, and her reaitsu going crazy.. he only began to feel one thing.. fear. That feeling of knowing he was weak compared to her... but Edwin began to feel one thing again, which was anger at the fact he knew he was weaker. HE didn't want to be weak. He wanted to be the strongest so that he wouldn't let weakness catch up to him.

"I WON'T LET YOU WIN OVER ME WITH FEAR! He shouted out in a roar, but this feeling of fear couldn't be denied when he heard her screaming his release. Ashlei was one of the few people in the world Edwin wouldn't ever want to be on the bad side on.. but he had to prove his strength to stay alive. "TAKE THIS!! He began charging what appeared to be the Gran Rey Cero. After charging it, he shouted.. [/i] "GRAN REY CERO! [/i] [b] It was blue in color, And it began firing at Ashlei. It began spinning like a razor torwards Ashlei..
Queen Of The Sands
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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Fri May 13, 2011 1:33 pm

| | . A S H L E I . C L I X X . | |

~ I was left with nothing and had to survive in the sands alone just as a child... Now, I have everything... and nobody will take that away from me... ~

Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Konachancom20-206723820sample-3

Suddenly, it started to rain within the sunlit dome. This wasn't possible as there was no cloud cover at all, but it happened anyway. The rain fell and quite hard at that, building up to a downpour rapidly. Each drop was of a blood texture as though the sky was bleeding and some of it encased Ashlei's body.

Those wings on the girls back suddenly flapped outwards at a huge wingspan from the reitsu blur she had become. Then in an instant, flapped downwards and was gone into the sky and smashed through the roof of the dome. Reason for this, was a rule which she still upheld from Aizens rule.

An espada above 4 must not use Resserecion within the dome. Ashlei appeared in the sky as a blur of red before she reached the height she wanted to be at and spread her wings again. This caused the reitsu around her to disappear outwards and revealing her bloody appearance. it still rained where she was floating and some fell into the hole in the dome she created. This hole wasn't a small one though, as it was about 20ft wide.

Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Kaokuma2

The girl stood in the air with her wings spread wide and in perfect formation to block the moon. The moon made her body glow vibrantly as she turned around slowly to look back down the hole. Her shoulders and knee's were suddenly spiked with what looked like black bone spears and her entire appearance felt very eerie as though she could kill with her looks.

She looked back down through the hole with a straight face and yelled back down.


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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Fri May 13, 2011 3:58 pm
Edwin wasted his Gran Rey for nothing.. but then he felt the blood rain on him.. and only saw her fly up through the hole. He didn't feel put off about her appearance, but rather how much power she had. He looked up at her and was going to have to be brave to not let fear get the best of him. When she shouted at him. He replied back with his own fierce shout. "I WON'T! I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOUR POWER! Edwin then began to use his powerful muscles in his legs to jump up into the air a large height, and then Sonido out through the hole, onto the roof.

Hueco Mundo remained the same as it always did. Eternal moonlight darkness, and the sands stayed the same. He landed onto of the roof, to see Ashlei in her Ressericion. "Your taking this test a bit too far... He didn't expect Ashlei to go to this far.. but she probably was into the fight fully now. "But no matter, HAVE AT YOU! He began to charge a Normal Cero at her, and fire it. He knew this would have no meaning... but he had little else that he could do.
Queen Of The Sands
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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Fri May 13, 2011 4:58 pm

| | . A S H L E I . C L I X X . | |

~ I was left with nothing and had to survive in the sands alone just as a child... Now, I have everything... and nobody will take that away from me... ~

Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Konachancom20-206723820sample-3

Ashlei giggled to herself with a sort of vizard after giggle when they activated their masks. She was a pure hollow after all and definitely sounded evil. She looked at the muscular titan as he leapt up to join her and simply fired a cero. It wasn't much, but enough to potentially hurt. The cero shot at her and she used her wings to push off the air for a few seconds before stopping 10m away from where she originally was bu mvoed clockwise so she remained the same distance away from Edwin.

"Hmm... yes I may be taking this too far, but I can't afford to lose too much blood if I don't enter this form... You see this rain?"

Ashlei held out her hand with a smile. the blood splattered onto her fingertips before stopping entirely and then forming ten spheres the size of marbles.

"This rain, I can use it... Every last drop..."

Ashlei then sent one of the marbles towards Edwin, but to hit the floor beneath his feet causing a runic symbol to appear on the floor. This then sat there for a few seconds, before suddenly glowing red and blasting a huge geyser of Blood, boiling at that.

"This blood is my weapon..."

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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Sat May 14, 2011 1:33 pm
Edwin simply looked on at her smiling.. it was kind of scary for him, as he knew he was probably going to lose this battle, but he wasn't going to give up. His own pride as a Espada prevented him from giving up. He looked up at the rain.. he knew she could use this well.. and to very deadly effect, as she already shown before in this fight. He saw what this runic symbol was.. and then used Sonido to get out of its range. " I know that blood is your weapon.. I learned that a while ago! Doing that, he used his muscle power and dashed towards Ashlei..

"I AM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT HELL! If Edwin got to her, he would of put both of his arms into one powerful punch. Aiming this for Ashleis stomach, this would cause her to be sent miles, and could break bones, destroy internal organs.. but he had the fear deep in his mind that this wouldn't work, he also had the fear of losing. Losing made him feel weak, and he couldn't stand doing that at all..
Queen Of The Sands
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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Mon May 16, 2011 9:16 am


[ A S H L E I C L I X X ]

Edwin's New Power - Page 2 AshleirightEdwin's New Power - Page 2 Ashlei-middleEdwin's New Power - Page 2 Ashleileft


~ Go on, be negative. You'll be just my type ~

~ I will kill you and defile your corpse. Maybe then they will learn to fear me ~


[ L E T T H E B L O O D F A L L ]

Ashlei watched the guy quickly dodge her blood eruption which was wise as the geyser shot into the air, sending blood upwards like an upside down tap into a sink when you slip and jam it on full power. Ashlei saw the giant creature dash, then launch himself at her with some kind of double punch that just made her laugh. Of course he was strong in this form, but she was outperforming him as she rightfully would. After all, the ruler of Las Noches needed to gauge how strong her kind was by being able to withstand it.

Edwin got close and launched his attack, so Ashlei stood still and swung her blade down at him. It was blood red in colour with a golden hilt and handle with a dragon symbol up the side and when it collided this the mans punch, cause him to stop right there. Using her reitsu, she matched his attack and velocity with the swing of her blade which was a bit troublesome but she could do it.

"Hmm... Impressive. I almost had to move from this..."

However Ashlei wasn't going to simply end it there. She lifted her other hand and pointed it at the guy to charge a cero. However, she didn't stand still to do this, but pushed down on her blade to shunt the guy backwards and in the instant he would be shoved back, Sonido forwards so her finger was touching his nose and then fired.

"Bye bye..."

[ K I L L I N G T I M E I S O V E R ]

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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Tue May 17, 2011 5:26 pm
Edwin felt more offended when she said "I almost have to move from this." He knew he was the weaker man in this fight, and that thought he couldn't stand. He didn't want to be the weakest man in the Espada. He wanted to be the strongest person living, so that he couldn't die. Because the strongest men stay alive and the weakest men die.. he didn't want to be weak. He wanted to beat Ashlei, but he knew he couldn't. With that Cero at his head, Edwin used Sonido behind Ashlei, and his pride got in the way again. "I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE! I WANT TO BE THE STRONGEST THERE IS! THE WEAK DIE, THE STRONG DON'T! He was going at his best power now, and he was going to try and do the impossible - Win the fight.

Edwin clenched his huge knuckle, while he was behind Ashlei, and threw a strong punch, aiming for her spine. If this hit, Ashleis spine would of cracked in half, making it impossible for her to stand, and could even do damage to her brain due to the spinal cord being connected to the brain, aswell as the concussive force of sending her flying. This was Edwins Deus Ex. The power to destroy people with immense force and strength..
Queen Of The Sands
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Edwin's New Power - Page 2 Empty Re: Edwin's New Power

Wed May 18, 2011 4:21 am


[ A S H L E I C L I X X ]

Edwin's New Power - Page 2 AshleirightEdwin's New Power - Page 2 Ashlei-middleEdwin's New Power - Page 2 Ashleileft


~ Go on, be negative. You'll be just my type ~

~ I will kill you and defile your corpse. Maybe then they will learn to fear me ~


[ L E T ]
[ T H E ]
[ B L O O D ]
[ F A L L ]

Ashlei fired her pink cero at the guy but he used Sonido to move out of the way. How foolish as he brought this up with a long sentence that gave her plenty of time to react. She could hear where he was talking from so sensing it would be a waste of reitsu, and the fact hew as huge kind of made it obvious. However he was the stupid one for attacking her from behind.

Ashlei spun around to face him mid sentence, however she made sure she crouched perfectly to go under his punch. She was a rather small girl but not that small. yet she could crouch under his shoulder size pretty easily, and while spinning, held her wings out at full wingspan.


As she span and her wings moved towards his legs one after the other, she picked up the pace and forced her wings to strike his legs if he didn't move. The likeliness he would move now though was low as his fist was only just at the end of its punch, and she was already within leg removing distance. her wings after all, were sharp as her personality.

[ K I L L I N G ]
[ T I M E ]
[ I S ]
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