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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed May 23, 2012 5:41 pm
He didn't even seem to recognize Len's speed as the moment his headbutt started coming he not only ducked backwards but his sword came up to clash right in the center of the X that was slashed. Doing a backflip he brought his feet up aiming to smash into the Male's jaw before he was able to leap back however with this back flip it sent him backwards as well a good 6-7 feet away from where he had been standing previously.

From the moment his foot touched the ground the next few seconds might seem to slow down for Len simply from the amount of speed that Exsis now exerted, Though before his Sonido showed a somewhat distorted version of him as he used it. This time his Sonido showed nothing, He simply vanished, Appearing behind him almost immediately afterwards. His sword coming down aiming to slice right through Len's torso, After the slash would either connect with Len, One of Len's weapons or once Len dodged he would vanish yet again and appear quite the distance away with his sword held to the sky.

Whilst all this was going on if Len was perceptive enough he'd see that Exsis wasn't really trying to hurt Len, In fact if Len watched very carefully, Exsis wasn't even trying to hit him though it might've seemed like it and weather his previous cut hit or not, Exsis was actually just building Reiatsu inside his Sword, Around Len and himself and in the surrounding area and as he held his sword up all of that Reiatsu seemed to be drawn right towards the sword. Slowly at first and starting to speed up almost right after.
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Sat May 26, 2012 8:08 am


Well that's lame. Len thought to himself as he stood up from his attack, watching the man back flip away from him. "Oi, oi! You're the one who attacked me! Don't just act like a rabbit all the time! He called out to the man, who had just touched onto the ground. As it was, Len had merely smiled as the kick had come towards him, bending his feet onto his heels as he was knocked up into the air by the kick, doing his own backflip. Now they were quite a good distance apart. Len's eyes shot open as the man vanished from his spot, as Len whipped the blade behind his back. What in the hell...? I didn't tell the blade to do that! He thought to himself, his eyes widening in a way that they hadn't in quite some time. The sword whipped forwards, slamming right into the man's blade at its absolutely horrendous speed, tripled by its own effect and increased further by Len's natural speed. However... something wasn't quite right about it. I'm deflecting his sword far, far too easily... why is that? He wondered, blinking.

His gaze shifed straight up, following the man as he dodged away, holding his blade up into the sky. Spitting out a wad of spit, Len looked back down at Freddie. What the hell happened there...? He wondered, tightening and loosening his grip on his trusted sword, gulping. I really know nothing about these color forms or Freddie... do I...? He wondered to himself, before readjusting his gaze to the "man" standing before him.He's preparing for something, isn't he...? Len thought to himself, wondering what in the hell the man was trying to do as Len felt a tug on his aura. Uh-oh. Not good. He reached over with a fist, smashing it into a tree that was right next to him. Then, placing Freddie back in its sheathe, he suddenly whirled around as with great cracking noises the tree began to topple. Len gripped the bottom of it, his inhuman by this point muscles bulging out past his short-sleeve shirt and vest as he swung the entire tree around, chucking it at the man.

"Tell me! Why aren't you going your all at this, huh? He inquired, panting a bit from having thrown the tree at the arrancar.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Kanji Man
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Sat May 26, 2012 12:10 pm
Exsis began to cackle as the man threw the tree, Shifting his left foot a bit as he brought the sword down "ANNIHILATE EVERYTHING, EXTINCTION!" He shouted, The sword barely touching the tree and slamming it into the ground, causing it to jerk back up and do a flip before turning into ash, As this happened the Reiatsu surrounding the two would begin going haywire, Surging past Len and towards him, His own Reiatsu exploding from him and surrounding him in a large tornado that began to expand, Exsis' evil laugh could be heard as the ground began to tremble, His laugh soon replaced by a small rumble that was slowly growing louder, A large claw now moving out of the reiatsu tornado and slamming down into the ground in front of Len, Then a second slamming down on his other side.

"You pathetic worm!" A voice roared from the tornado "How dare you think your my equal, Why do I not go all out? Because you are not worthy of it!" He said as his Reiatsu now stopped in mid-air before being sent downward and sweeping across the field they we're in, Most likely either causing Len to be sent flying from the sheer force, Or pushing him back away from him a bit.

It was at this point that the very sky began to darken as the new form that was now revealed to be a very large dragon opened his mouth wide, A small ball of Reiatsu began to form and slowly began to get larger and larger as the Reiatsu around the large beast began to get pulled towards the ball. Len was a capable fighter of course....And anyone could tell that whatever it was that was doing, Was dangerous.....And considering how powerful he was before......What in the world could he possibly be doing?
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Tue May 29, 2012 8:56 am


Len's eyes widened quite a bit as the spiky-haired human watched a... a tornado appear in front of him. What is WRONG with these people?!?! He wanted to scream, as he suddenly saw a claw appear from the tornado. However, his hands shot down, gripping and pulling out his blades out of their sheathes, both of them, holding them to either side of himself, preparing for whatever it was that this monstrosity would do.

"Well, we don't know that yet!" He roared back, crossing his arms in front of himself and fighting against the reiatsu as it tried to push him back, away from the tornado. "You just assume that out of hand! That's more pathetic than anything I could do!" He once again roared at his opponent as his eyes widened, seeing the large dragon above his head.

"For example!" He called out loudly, as he reached both arms back. He wasn't entirelyy sure what exactly he was about to do, but it felt perfectly right as he watched the beast begin charging... whatever it was. His swords dropped back in their sheathes as his arms went to his right side, his right hand on bottom and his left on top.

"" He said, his voice oddly echoing over the entire forest they were in. In his hands, a strange yellow sphere of energy had begun to form; it was already at the brims of his hands; and he could feel that the attack was just beginning to grow. "" He continued, as he felt the power grow beyond where his hands were, pushing them away from one another as they continued to charge and charge. "Ha...Meeeeee...." His voice drew out the last syllable, as the ground all around his body visibly cracked, deeply, as the blast in his hands seemed to become dense around itself; extremely dense, as he felt it. The attack was ready. He pushed both hands forwards, thrusting his palms up away from the attack.

"HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" He said extremely loudly, his voice thundering as from his hands fired a massive blast of energy; something far more than Len had thought that he was capable of. It shot forwards, almost as large as the dragon itself; something quite unheard of for someone of Len's level. It blasted out, every bit as powerful as it seemed; it would be very difficult for the dragon to dodge; but Len could feel as it began taking its toll, as it finally finished pouring out of his body, his arms going to either side of his panting torso, one eye completely closed, doing all he could to maintain his Gold Form. That'll... teach ya... to underestimate... me.... He thought to himself as he watched the attack, waiting to see what would happen.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Kanji Man
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Tue May 29, 2012 7:23 pm
Indeed it was impossible for the massive beast to dodge and instead, He continued his attack as the male charged his and then soon fired it. It wasn't long before the Dragon released his own blast, A massive blast of Reiatsu that shot forth, The Reiatsu around both of their attacks starting to lash about wildly as the energy collided with each other, However he was able to sustain his blast far longer then Len.

A bit after the two energies clashed and Len's arms dropped was when his attack began to get swallowed up however because of the amount of time the two had fought about with the energies the blast from the Dragon was weakened a bit and thankfully because of how Len had fired the Dragon's blast barely missed Len as the center seemed to *Loop* around Len, However everything in a 145 degree cone in front of the Dragon and about 16 miles past them was utterly destroyed, Not a single thing was left that the blast had touched.

By now Len was probably back on his feet and had probably regained some of his composure as well as energy as the Reiatsu around them and around their field and even where the Dragon's blast had wreaked havoc was lashing about wildly, Anyone who was able to see Spiritual Pressure could see wild strips of Reiatsu clashing into each other as the Dragon towered over Len, The dragon chuckling...Though it didn't show on the outside, The massive blast Exsis had just released had taken it's toll on him. Exsis glared down at the man snickering "You see human...No matter how much you throw at me, You cannot defeat me" He said as he raised his claw and brought it down towards the male, In an attempt to cage him underneath his claw...However Exsis had raised it quite high so Len in theory had plenty of time to dodge if he wanted too or had enough energy too.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:02 am


Len stood in the crater, unsure what had happened. He was breathing, terribly, one eye still completely closed. He watched as his aura faded away into nothing, his hair falling onto his head. No... not like this... It will not... end.. LIKE... THIS...! He cried out within his own mind.. unaware he had also shouted it out at his opponent. When suddenly, from his very body...


As he said this, a stranger aura began to encircle around them, as Len's appearance began to change. As the dragon watched, His eyes changed to a much, much darker shade of blue, and his hairs turned completely black. They also elongated, as his hair reaches down past his shoulders in length. He stood there, directly in front of the dragon, as he reached a single hand over Mugen. "This tis' the final blow!" He announced loudly to the dragon before himself. He held up Freddie... which had also changed dramatically. The blade had turned completely black; as Black Len drew it out of its sheathe. The sheathe was now black as well, with the hardness and weight of actual obsidian. The blade now found white lines being etched into it; fairly intricately. Around the top of the hilt, there is a solid white line going around it; however, it dips on the blade's right and left sideds to make a curve before returning back to the the top of the blade. In addtion, the blade is a good bit longer than it was before, a bit more than half as tall as Len himself was.

Len felt... very... strange. He could feel that he was breathing at an insane rate; much more than he even had with Freddie. It felt like this blade.... had boosted him... more. It had, in fact; it was increasing his speed and strength by six times. Anyone else who got ahold of this blade would still only find its 3x boost applying to them; but Len was different.

However, that wasn't the only thing that it had improved... as the arrancar was about to find out, looking at a panting, black haired Len. In addition to these... it had also given him some handicaps. Being who he was, a human with very little actual training, there were two things he badly needed. Swordsmanship... and comprehension, adaptability to react to a situation. And that's what this new blade, Mugen Freddie, had done for him; given his mind the neccessary pushes to allow him to use these.

All around Black Len, there was a dark-gold aura, very similar to the one that Exsis had just seen in Len's Gold Form. However, this one didn't affect the ground at all... but rather, Len's own body. In fact, this same body that had just vanished, its speed enhanced so much by Mugen, as Len shot past the giant dragon at an insane speed, Mugen Freddie slashing out as Black Len shot past the dragon's eye. Due to his increased strength, the probability of it effecting the dragon was pretty high...

Although there was a problem... a problem that Black Len... couldn't fly. Crap... that's it... for me... but at the very least... I didn't... let him... get away... with... calling me... His thoughts stopped as his still form slammed onto the ground, his eyes completely closed. He lay there on the ground, as right all around the dragon, a huge amount of Gold-tinted space began spreading out from Len's body. Len himself had turned back into his normal state, his eyes closed as the Golden energy kept spreading, gripping onto the reishi particles in the air. As it was, there were very, very many; mostly due to Exsis' transformation. The particles were grabbed by the energy, before they suddenly all swirled, going around the chest of Len, the 40 foot wide expanse of space that Len took the energy from briefly becoming dead of reishi.

Len's entire body began shivering, his eyes closed, before he lay still once again. In fact, his body's natural limits had just been immensely improved... directly thanks to the Arrancar before him. This... was the power of Len's Potential Gene. And it was quite a magnificent power indeed... granted Exsis didn't mess with his unconscious and beaten form...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:39 pm
Exsis watched as the little boy went through his Transformation....The only thing that caught him off guard was the 'Arrancar' bit. When he jumped at him and slashed, Exsis didn't even attempt to dodge or block, Instead he took the blow and stumbled back a bit, His right eye was slashed right down the center, Rendering the eye unusable until it was healed.

He glared down at the now unconscious boy, His claw coming down and aiming to grab Len's unconcious body, Which unless he had some sort of barrier protecting him Len would be scooped up by the large Dragon. His mouth opened again, only this time instead of the same energy that was used the last time his mouth opened, The Reishi that was in the air was drawn towards it, Causing it to turn all sorts of colors "Pathetic fool!" Was the last thing Exsis said as he tossed Len into the air, Aiming the ball of energy right at Len's falling body he let the blast escape the ball and fire right at Len, Unless Len woke up soon...Or somebody saved him....There was little to no chance Len would survive.

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Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:35 pm

For a moment, it seemed like evil had prevailed on this day, but thankfully, a Shinigami rescued the young hero from a grim fate. But even so, the threat of evil still lurked over them all, and over the young Len, beaten unconcious from this hard fight. If he were to stay this close to the battle, he could still be injured! But thankfully, fate was smiling upon the warrior in training. For not only the Shinigami had been watching this battle. Suddenly, it was there - a presence and Reiatsu with burning radiance, the shining light of a soul bathed in holy energy.

A loud 'bang' was the next noise anyone could hear. It wasn't from an explosion or attack, no - it was from the sound barrier being ripped to shreds, as in shining bright light, he appeared. A figure clothed in complete white, adorned with a black insigna on his chest that looked just like a sun - and a white, shining light in the middle of it. This figure looked like he had been ripped straight out of a hero story - but he was just as real as everyone else here, as his voice boomed over the forest that he had appeared in. How had he found this place? Well, the man under this mask had many connections. And just as many reasons to worry about a lot of people...
"You, evildoer! We won't allow you to hurt our comrade any further!"
In a flash of light, moving so fast that he was nothing but a blurr, the superhero appeared infront of Len, standing infront of him like an immovable wall of confidence and strength. It did not matter to him who his enemy was. He could be facing the king of demons or just a normal enemy, for he was...

"As the earth cries out, as the skies cry out - I am the hero that answers their call! FALLING! STAR!"

And with those last words, a sudden, bright flash was emitted from his chest. This burst of light could easily blind the enemy that was looking at them, while leaving the Shinigami untouched as long as he didn't turn around beforehand. This was all possible because of the form he had assumed - Ray Force: Body had enhanced his speed and muscles to incredible levels, and Falling Star was virtually vibrating with energy that he could unleash in flashes like these. His hidden eyes went from the Shinigami to the enemy and to the hurt Len.
"Listen, my ally. This boy is hurt - he needs immedeate attention. I'll get him out of here - I trust you to banish this evil creature to where it belongs. If you require my help, I will come back as fast as I can - I'll be back in a flash." His serious, deep and booming voice had not lost one bit of pure loudness, so that nobody could easily guess who the speaker from under the mask was. Grabbing the unconcious Len, he threw him over his shoulder and held him like a sack of potatoes, but the blonde youngling wasn't so weak as to not be able to deal with this kind of treatment, for sure. The eyes of the hero met the beast.

"If you dare to follow me, I shall destroy you right away. You do not stand one chance against the Falling Star!"

And with those words, he was off - dashing at multiple times the speed of sound towards Karakura Central, again so fast that he was only a blur, leaving behind the crashing sound of the breaking sound barrier. A small shield out of particles protected Len from the effects of high-speed travel during this.

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Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:21 pm
Len could only feel as something picked him up from his pain and torment; something overflowing through his body, a strange feeling, as if there was something deep within his chest that was bursting to come out. He heard what sounded like a roar; however, it did not come from outside of him, but from deep within, inside of his core, as he was picked up by the Fallen Star; himself not aware of this, merely seeing what the force was that had called out deep within him.

W-what... are you...? He thought to himself; not expecting any kind of reply... but getting one. I am AE. And I'm the one who would have destroyed that beast of an arrancar if you had not just been saved by that man. I am... something that I myself do not completely comprehend. However, I do know that whenever you need me, I will fight for you until my very heartfire is dead. For I have the heart of a pheonix, and the body of a Dragon! However... now is a time for me to rest. I have awoken from a very long slumber; but, now is not the time for me and you to become complete, and until then, I shall go back to rest. However, know that I am always, always watching... The strange voice said in reply as Len was taken away from the battlefield, a single, golden drop of pure flame falling from his mouth as he was taken away...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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