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The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:08 am
Snopy slowly made his way through Rukongai towards the many forests and lakes that stand scattered throughout. A long yawn escaped him as he weaved his way through the streets. He had woken up early today due to some important work he had to do. However when he showed up to do it, it turned out there was a mistake and he was not needed. At this point he could not fall asleep again, so he had just stayed awake. His day had been left completely open, he had absolutely no work to do. He read a chapter from his manga at first, but he decided he wasn't in the mood.

After a bit he made himself some food and filled his stomach. Once that was out of the way, he decided to just go out to one of the lakes in Rukongai for whatever reason. He figured Kanna would be busy, yet he knew there was a chance he would be needed for something. Besides, she did have a right to know where he was after all. He had gone to her barracks and requested that they pass on the message to her. He told them to pass on where he was going. Why would you be going there. Snopy chuckled a bit before responding. Relax, and cool off a bit. As he said the second part he raised up a bag in his hand that had a bathing suit in it. He turned to walk out. But yea, if you could tell Kanna all that, it'd be great. Ciao.

That was only a half an hour before now. Snopy exited Rukongai and made his way towards a particularly large lake nearby. He figured it would be a nice place to relax a bit, spend some time in the water, and whatever else. He had some Light Novels in his bag in case he wanted to read while he relaxed. He even had a sheet with him, he was treating this as he would a day at the beach. He did used to live near a beach, and he missed those days.

Eventually he came upon the spot. The lake had a small sand area which was like the shore at the beach. He looked around, sensing and seeing no one, he quickly undressed. Once done, he put on the plain purple swim trunks he had on. He took the necklace off and tucked it neatly within his belongings. He took special precaution and placed an extremely small shield around the necklace, so no one would take it while he was doing whatever. He was NOT going to lose that necklace. His Zanpakutō were also shielded, for safeties sake. He didn't really see any chance of being attacked so he didn't try and mask off his energy. He took out a pair of sunglasses he had with him and put them on. It was a strange thing to see a Shinigami doing. He was shirtless, only wearing swim trunks, with a pair of sunglasses on. With that, he took a few steps forward. He stopped and took a deep breath before just falling back into the sand. He stared up at the sky for a bit, unsure of what he felt like doing first. Either way, it was a gigantic lake, and there was no shortage of possibilities.

Last edited by Snopy Saika on Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:52 am
As Lieutenant Aikotsuki was making her way through the barracks, she could have sworn that she felt a pleasantly familiar presence. She hurried, but she got there a little too late. She looked around as she entered the room where she could have sworn the presence was, but was saddened to realize he had gone. "You just missed Snopy, Lieutenant." a young woman came up to her and said with a smile. It was the same young woman that had told Snopy to take care of her while she was sick. "He said he was heading out to relax at a lake within the Rukongai..." Kanna looked away from her for a moment and sighed, "I see." The girl smiled when she saw the look on Kanna's face and shook her head, "Lieutenant. I'll cover for you today. Just head out and meet up with him." Kanna's raised an eyebrow at her, "You sure about that?" The girl nodded and Kanna smirked, thanking her once and then handing her over a clipboard that she had been holding. She was already ready to leave if she wanted to. Her hair was done and she had her Zanpakutō, so it was time to head out.

"And just for the fun of it!" Kanna said as she shunpo'd off, "Bakudo Twenty Six... Kyokko!" With that said, her entire presence was hidden and she began chasing after Snopy. After a while, she caught up to him outside the Rukongai. She stopped right next to him and had to fight a big smile on her face. She looked around the area and saw that it was like a small beach, just around a lake. As she looked back to Snopy, he was getting undressed. Her eyes widened and she looked from left to right rapidly, as if she would get busted, although she knew her presence was completely hidden. "Oh my, oh my... Oh my..." she thought to herself in a panic, but that switched up on a glance when she realized she was watching him change. She tilted her head at him and then snapped out of it, shaking her head quickly. "Don't watch him! That is just so rude!" she thought as she turned away and covered her eyes, but still couldn't help but peek through her fingers. Now he was dressed and she slouched over in slight relief.

"Get a hold of yourself girl..." she thought as she put her hand back on her face, trying to think of what to do now. About that time, she heard a soft thud and looked towards Snopy. He laid down on the sand. She blinked and slowly stepped towards him, sitting down next to him and looking up at the sky. She suddenly dropped the Kidō and smiled. "Hey..." she spoke calmly, letting her presence be known. She hoped that this would startle him. It WAS the point of her little sneak about, but to her dismay, it more than likely would not. Snopy was smart and extremely observant, which at times could be a pain since she couldn't have fun like she normally would with other people. It was still a good thing though. If he wasn't as smart as he was, she probably wouldn't like him as much as she did. He'd be a completely different person. She rolled over and faced him, bringing her arm up to lay her head on her hand, "You know, you could have invited me along..." She raised an eyebrow at him, giving the pretense of her being irritated at him.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:20 am
Snopy had noticed the slight sound of footsteps in the sand. To top it off, he noticed the sand upsetting itself next to him. For some odd reason he felt he knew who it was. If he was wrong, he would be ready to dodge any incoming attacks, but he felt it was unnecessary. If it was who he thought it was, he figured she'd want to spook him a bit. If he turned out to be right, he'd fake it just to give her that pleasure. Though she was quite smart herself, which meant she would probably see he was faking. Same as Kanna, he was glad for that intelligence as well. Hell, half the reason he felt so attracted to her was probably because she was intelligent.

Suddenly she revealed herself and it was indeed Kanna. As if on cue, Snopy jumped a bit when she appeared, Whoa, when did you get there? He faked it best he could, even if odds were it wasn't going to work. After a moment, he settled back into his position and looked over at her. She was facing him, lying on her side with her head on her hand. She spoke, asking why he didn't bring her along. I thought you were busy, I just stopped in so you knew where I was. Didn't want to interrupt anything. Snopy looked back up towards the sky. What, you didn't bring a bathing suit? Shame, once I saw you were her I kinda wanted to see it. I think you'd look cute. He laughed a bit, obviously teasing her. His tone obviously showed it.

He moved a little closer and went to give her a quick kiss on the lips. Well, we're both here. The best part is we have the whole lake to ourselves. We can do almost anything we want out here, and no one will be around to bother us. He got up into a sitting position. Well I'm open to suggestions, anything you want to do first? Snopy hadn't had anything in particular to start, so he may as well ask her what she wanted to do. It wouldn't hurt, and he did care about her opinion after all.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:32 am
Kanna raised an eyebrow at him and just stared at him for a minute. She set a hand on his face and pushed it a bit, "As if I actually scared you. Faker..." She just relaxed and listened to his reasoning and then smiled. She was about to reply to him, but stopped when he spoke of her lack of bathing suit. "I... guess I was so concentrated on catching up to you, I didn't really think about it." she said looking down to her clothing. She stood up and pulled her Zanpakutō from her side and set it near where his things were, although his were hidden, she didn't care to do the same for her stuff. She walked back over to his side and laid back down, only to be greeted by a kiss. Pressing her lips back against his own, she returned the kiss and fought a blush as it separated. Hearing what he was saying about them being completely alone out here, the blush deepened. Then he continued to say that they could do whatever they wanted, causing her to blush even deeper. Her mind was obviously not in the most... innocent... of places at the moment. Clearing her throat, the blush faded and she sat up next to him.

"Well... You're wearing a bathing suit, so why don't you go for a swim? I'm sure that's one of the things that you wanted to do when you came out here." Kanna suggested to him, making it rather obvious that she would not be joining him in this case. Or was she? She had her own little solution for the lack of bathing suit. It was called her bra and her panties. It was the same as a bikini. The only difference was the was society and media portrayed to be okay. She was never one to care too much about that. It covered the same things that a bikini would, if not more. So... she unwrapped the sash from her waist, pulled off her haori, and then kicked of her pants. She folded them all and then set them to the side. "I.. am getting in the water." she said standing up and walking over to the lake. Once she got into a deeper area, she dove in and began swimming around under the surface until she ran out of breath and came up to see what Snopy had decided.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:46 am
Snopy laughed a bit as she immediately saw through his faking. Figured you would notice. Well good, I like having a girlfriend who is smart. He listened to her reasoning and shrugged, it was fair enough. He had been joking, though he wasn't lying about wanting to see her in a bathing suit. He attempted to shake the dirty thoughts in his mind that kept creeping in. He was patient as she put her stuff by his and came back. He was also happy when she kissed back and was blushing. The more he said, the more she seemed to blush. After each sentence he went back and looked at the ways they could be taken. He himself had to resist blushing, since it was obvious what was going through her mind. Somehow or another, he did manage to resist.

He listened to her suggestion of him going into the water. True, I was planning on it. The thing is, I don't want to just go and leave you here alone. Before he could continue Kanna began to move.. Before he could utter a word in response to that she began to remove her clothing. The very instant he realized what she was doing his entire face turned bright red. He was blushing like crazy as she removed her clothing and was left in her underwear. He could not hide it no matter how much he wanted to. He literally couldn't remove his eyes from her. She was indeed a beautiful woman. He could not look away, and he could not believe that was his girlfriend.

He knew he probably looked like an idiot, though his jaw did not drop or anything. Her not looking his way was about the only way she could not notice. She spoke about entering the water and headed towards it. He was still having trouble looking away. The thoughts in his mind were EXTREMELY far from innocent. This was the first time he had ever lacked this kind of self control. Usually, when he looked at a girl he could look away, or ignore these things. It was definitely because he loved Kanna so much that cause him to be unable to resist her.

As she jumped into the water he calmly stood up, despite the blush on his face. He may as well recover from that lack of self control. The power she might have over him scared him a bit though. Rather than walking, he decided to run as fast as he could into the water. As he reached the edge, he jumped. Gaining considerable distance, he landed near the deep area and submerged from the force downward. As he popped back up Kanna had also reemerged. Oh I forgot how good this felt. As he said it he looked towards Kanna, the blush returning to his face. He couldn't hide it, he liked what he saw. She would obviously figure that out.
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:08 am
Kanna had to fight yet another blush when she saw the look on Snopy's face. She hadn't really thought too much about their situation when she decided to move down into her underwear so she can swim. Maybe being so 'open' in front of him so 'early' in the relationship wasn't the smartest thing to do. With his blush, she really wasn't sure. She shrugged it off and continued her way into the water. As Snopy came up from the water, she smiled to him and then leaned back, allowing herself to float along the surface comfortably. "It has been a while since I've been able to relax and just take a swim... I am glad I followed you out here." she said with a small smile as she brought her hand back and grabbed onto the band that kept it up. She pulled it out, her hair separating in the water while she floated there. She turned her head to look towards Snopy, "So, why did you decide to come out here today anyway? Also... Do not take offense to this question, but... Snopy... where did that name come from? Until you, I had never heard of it before." That was a question she wanted to ask since day one, but she just never got around to asking it. The two were always either training, working, on a mission, or fighting one another, so it had never come up. Kanna looked up to the sky and closed her eyes to shield them from the sun.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:00 am
Snopy watched as Kanna went onto her back and began to float along the surface of the water. Snopy chuckled a bit before speaking. I'm glad you did too. It is much nicer out here with some pleasant company. He smiled warmly, as he had regained control of himself. Then something dawned him. He just called her pleasant company. When he looked at her he genuinely regarded her as pleasant. What a warped sense of reality my mind has entered. He was aware how warped that was, she was not really one most would call pleasant. Yet Snopy thought she was. He snapped out of it as she asked a question.

Why'd I come out here? I dunno actually, maybe I just felt that if I did I would have a good day. So far I'd say that's happening. I always enjoy being with you. Then he listened as she asked him about his name. It's odd, I expect to hear that question a lot more often than I do. Well, it actually wasn't what I was meant to be named.I was supposed to be named Nobuo I believe. At the hospital, there was a mix up. It was discovered pretty quickly considering my parents were apparently handed a dark skinned child. Well, my mom still didn't have energy but my dad sure did. He apparently threw a fit, which I don't blame him for. They did mess up with his kid after all. After a kot of yelling, they eventually got me back. After the mix-up was being cleared, apparently the English characters making up my name were on the birth certificate. No one knows to this day how it ended up there. My parents almost flipped again, but then they thought about it. It was a unique name, and they liked it in a weird sort of way. My mom always told me she kept that unique name, because she felt that I was going to do something great. She always believed I would accomplish something. She said my name was a way to show that I am different, special. She also said when I finally do accomplish something great, my accomplishments would be tied to my name and my name only.

He looked up towards the sky. Strange how things worked out. I killed a Vasto Lorde when I was only 14, she was obviously right at least about me accomplishing something. Unfortunately all that power is gone. I never saw myself as someone special, but still. It feels like my mother's words had a strange power behind it that I will never know, or at least have yet to find out. Oh, I'm sorry. I kinda rambled a bit there, I'm probably boring you. He sighed as he continued to think about it. He still never understood the whole thing, though in the end he was glad they had picked that name. He had grown to like it, and he wouldn't change it for any reason.
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:15 am
Throughout everything he was saying, she did not say a word. She closed her eyes, listening to everything he was saying and seeming to really take it to heart. A mix up as a child and it grew on him and his family enough to where they liked it. Not only that, but it was kept because his mother felt it was unique and that is what he was. With her eyes still closed, as content smile moved onto her lips and she let out a quiet chuckle. Once he was finished speaking, she still did not say another word. She floated there in the water, thinking about what she had just been told. "That's actually a wonderful story, Snopy. Your mother seems like she was a wonderful woman. She must of thought a lot of you. .... And you weren't boring me. I was able to learn another thing about you. I'm happy about that." It would have been very obvious to anyone that was speaking to her right now that she was not at her norm. She was speaking happily and softly, like a person in a really good mood. She was very comfortable in the water, but that wasn't enough for her to change usually, so what was it? Either way, she shifted in the water, bringing her legs down and turning towards him as she kicked to keep herself on the surface.

"Hm..." she stared at him for a moment and then took in a deep breath. She brought herself down under the water and swam under him. Reaching out, she grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him into to her, uncaring to whether he had taken a breath or not, although it would be best if he had. Once he was under the water, she swam up really fast and pushed him down deeper, using her feet to kick his shoulders downwards. Yes, her behavior was REALLY off. She was NOT acting like her normal self. This action was completely playful and she even giggled happily during it. She was in a really good mood. With everything that had gone on lately, it was no wonder her stress level was low. She felt like she could be herself around him. Her mental breakdown helped her release a lot more pent up anger than anyone would have thought at first, especially if she was not acting like a little excited girl.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:48 pm
Snopy just went onto his back and floated as he listened to Kanna's response. He let out a deep sigh. I wonder whatever happened to her after I died. He noticed Kanna's voice was soft and happy. Sure, in the past she had had softened tones before and occasionally sounded a little happy, but this was different. She sounded like a normal happy girl. He wondered if this was what she had sounded like before everything had turned her into what she was today. He didn't really mind though, the way she was now was kinda what he had fallen in love with, though he rather enjoyed the vibe he was getting from her at the moment.

He heard the splash of water as she went under the surface. Snopy didn't pay attention to the movements she made while she was under. Out of nowhere, he found himself grabbed by the wrist and tugged under into her body. He had managed to get something that might be called a breath before going under. Next thing he knew he feet were on his shoulders and he was shoved further down. He had no idea what had gotten into her. He thought he could see her giggling like crazy. He smiled a bit as he reoriented himself and made for the surface. Seeing as she had swam back up she was at the surface. Snopy made his way up quickly, and as he reemerged, he popped out of the water and grabbed onto her from behind. Got ya! His arms went around her neck and hugged on tight. The pressure of it was centered slightly above her chest.

He was laughing as he did it, he was being rather playful himself. Though fer knew it, he wasn't always quite himself around most people. That isn't to say he was faking it or hiding it. It was just when he was around someone he was really close to, he tended to be happier, more playful, and in with close family members (as well as Kanna), affectionate. So it was more like his emotions were different and that made him act different. Normally he was generally a sort of calm, at peace, and just a little happy. Right now he was extremely happy. As he held onto her he was laughing like crazy himself. The feelings he felt weren't something he could hold in at this point. So he didn't try, he didn't even want to. He had finally found someone he felt 100% comfortable with. He was going to enjoy it.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:20 am
Kanna jumped as he wrapped his arms around her, startled slightly by the sudden touch. She looked back to him and smiled softly towards him. She laid her head back against him, kicking her feet to keep her above the surface of the water. "Yes... You've got me." she said, unknowingly having a second meaning behind her words. She too felt very comfortable being around him, which is why she allowed herself to 'let loose' and act so happy. This was something she would never have done before now. She gently separated herself from him and swam over to the shore. As she made it there, she sat down on the sand, her legs still in the water. "You know... I never thought there would be a place like this in the Soul Society... It's very similar to the beaches back in The World Of The Living." she looked around and soon realized that sand was going to be stuck to her. She stood up and looked at her backside, trying to dust it off, but of course the sand was not cooperating. "How... irritating..." she said in her normal sounding voice as she stepped back into the water, allowing it to rinse her and then stepped right back out, but this time not sitting down. "So.. suggest something that you want to do?" Kanna asked him as she pushed her hair back behind her ear. "Swimming is fun, but if that's all your doing, it becomes slightly dull..."
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