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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:20 am
Snopy smiled back as she did and lay her head onto him. He listened as she audibly confirmed what he did before breaking away after a bit. He watched her as she slowly swam to shore, which he then followed. When she sat down in the sand, he went and sat next to her. However, he thought about the possibility of getting sand all over him, and sat a little ahead, so he was technically sitting in the water. This way, sand didn't get stuck all over his body. He listened to her statement about a place like this. That's because I never told anyone about this place. It is so serene, no one ever around. I could come here and just have some time to myself, it's relaxing. Though I am happy you followed me out here. I can spend time with you, and we can do just about anything. Snopy was well aware of the extra meaning in his words, though only after he said it. He blushed a bit as he did. When she stood up and started to brush herself off he started to laugh. He stood up as he watched her go into the water and wash herself off.

As soon as Kanna asked what he wanted to do, he looked away. His mind had forgotten the meaning of the word innocent at this point. Snopy wasn't going to lie to himself, he wanted her. It was plain and simple. With the way these last few minutes had gone, there was no getting around that. He sighed. Well, there is one thing I...had in mind. His voice trailed off a bit, he was slightly embarrassed. Yet as he looked back towards her, he began to walk to her. Once he was within arms reach, he grabbed her and pulled her towards him. As he did, he pressed his lips against hers. This wasn't one of those quick pecks on the lips either, this was an intense kiss he was going in for. As he did so, he wrapped his arms around her and kept her in close. He just couldn't take it anymore, so he went in.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:41 am
Kanna's mind wasn't exactly on innocent thoughts itself. She kept hearing the double meanings withing Snopy's sentences and it began making her a little nervous. With everything that had gone on; their argument and just barely forgiving one another, she wasn't sure whether taking the step she was thinking about taking was the best idea. Hearing his words, the ones that told her he was definitely thinking the same thing, she began to panic, although she did not give any hint of it. He stepped towards her and she brought her arms up in front of her chest, much similar to the more 'innocent' type girls. "Snopy...?" she barely mumbled his name as he came closer. She almost took a step back, out of nervousness, but was stopped when he grabbed her and pulled her into him. As his lips were pressed against her own, she did not hesitate to slide her arms around his back and return his kiss. Holding him close, she felt her body meshing with is own. Her heart rate sped up enough for her to feel her pulse in practically ever nerve in her body.

Although her body was still wet and therefore quite cool, she felt as if her blood was boiling to the surface, causing a deep crimson color to come to her cheeks as she blushed deeper and deeper with every moment that passed her by. "Oh... my god..." she thought as she decided to move a bit deeper into the kiss. She parted her lips slightly, taking her own little risk by sliding her tongue forward and against his lips. It was as if she was asking for some sort of permission to enter, not wanting to force anything that either of them might be uncomfortable with. This was new to them. Never before had they shared such an intimate moment. Still, her excitement was beginning to get to her, causing her breathing to become slightly heavy. She could feel her breasts pressing lightly against his chest with every breath that she took. It only made her more nervous, but still... it excited her. "It's been... way too long... since I have felt something like this..." she thought, awaiting his permission to 'give him a bit of tongue'.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:40 am
Snopy could tell her heart-rate had jumped, and his had too. He had initiated it sure, but he was still extremely nervous. Their breathing was heavy, their pulses skyrocketing. He could feel every curve of her body as it pressed against his. Then he felt it, her tongue brushed across his lips. Whoa whoa whoa! He was caught quite off guard by her effort to begin tonguing him. Yet, this only lasted for a moment. The kiss was drawing him in, in a way. He was caught up with the intimacy of it all. He parted his lips too, and practically sucked her tongue into his mouth. As it entered his own tongue went and met up with hers. He gently brushed his against hers a few times, before entangling his tongue in hers. The experience felt like nothing Snopy had ever felt before. Somehow the more he thought about it, the more intense it got.

The two continued kissing like this before something happened. Snopy slowed down, eventually giving one last parting peck before backing his head from hers. He was still holding onto her, and he still felt very passionate at the moment. Yet, something didn't feel right. He knew if this kept going where it could end up, but he didn't think the situation was right for that. Kanna, I love you...but I don't think this is the right time and place. I know...where this might go if we don't stop now. But...this just doesn't feel special enough for that moment. You know what I mean? He held her tightly as he said every word. He didn't want to risk going too far, but he also didn't want to let go. He just wanted to hold onto her a bit, just a little longer. He simply enjoyed the moment as he awaited her response.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:03 am
A mental gasp shot it's way through her mind in slight shock. Excitement and arousal began to overwhelm her. He had not only given her permission, but took her in rather aggressively, adding to the attraction. The connection through their tongues only made things hotter, Kanna's meeting his. For a moment, their tongues seemed to wrestle with one another, soon moving into a dance of passion and acceptance. For the first time, their bodies were beginning to become physically acquainted with each other. So new to the both of them, at first it had been like an unfamiliar intrusion, now a coveted act of love between to bodies. An intense and fiery feeling vibrated through her body, starting from her very core and moving outwards. She knew then that she too wanted him, but then he slowed down. Kanna immediately understood why, at least on her side of it. It was too soon, too quick. They had been a 'couple' for a while, but after such a huge fight this was not a good idea at all. It had to be stopped before things got out of hand. As the kiss was broken, she leaned into him more, laying her head upon his chest to listen to the rhythm of his heart beat.

"His is beating quickly as well...." she smiled softly as she listened to his words. She was wrong. His first thoughts were about how special it was. That was slightly strange to her. She didn't understand, but then a thought came to mind. "Oh..." she thought as a blush came onto her face, wondering if she were correct in this instance. She thought this place was perfect. The two of them were alone and the area was beautiful. The timing was a little off for her, but that was really it. She leaned back a bit and looked up to him, her arms still wrapped around him. "Snopy... Um..." she began blushing again, "Have you... ever had sex before?" She knew it more than likely was going to, but she really didn't want to embarrass him if her little theory was correct. She had no problem with it if he hadn't. She actually thought that would be pretty neat, and would also understand his decision on stopping more. She blinked a few times, the blush soon fading as she awaited his answer to such a personal question.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:29 am
Snopy smiled as she leaned her head against his. At first, he wasn't sure if she understood what he meant. After a moment, he thought she had it. He stood for a moment, just holding her closely, until he saw her look up at him. The moment she spoke, his blush deepened. She had asked the question, the one he had not expected to hear. This definitely confirmed that their minds were headed in the same direction. Snopy looked off to the side as he continued to hold her tightly. No...I haven't ever had sex before. In fact, until you I had never even kissed a girl before.. He continued holding her to his body. At this point, he was unsure himself what to think of that. Kanna had kissed before, and she had had sex before. In a way, that made him nervous. When that time came, he was a little worried about how he would do.

Snopy stroked her hair as he tried to work up the nerve to ask. Tell me Kanna, was I good? Did I kiss well, or did I mess up? He thought it was amazing, but that was his response to her. Her opinion of his could be totally different. He was worried, he didn't want to have screwed anything up. From her actions, he felt he did it at least somewhat right, but he was unsure. The anticipation was killing him.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:51 am
Seeing him blush even more, the answer was confirmed. He didn't even have to speak for her to know exactly what the answer was. "Cute..." she thought to herself with a mental smirk. She sort of liked the idea of being his first. Although, she did know that he was going to be extremely nervous when the time came. She was too, but no way near as bad as he was going to be. "I see... So, you're planning on me being your first? That's nice." Kanna smiled happily up at him and laid her head back down on his chest. Once his next question came, she could only smile more. She had enjoyed this kiss probably one hundred times more than any other she had ever gotten. "Should I tell him that...? I don't want his ego getting to big..." she stayed quiet and thought about it for a moment, then she giggled softly, "Pfft. Snopy being egotistical is something I doubt will ever happen..." With that, she looked back up to him and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

"Yes actually. For someone who hadn't ever done it before, you were definitely very good at what you did. In truth..." she suddenly got a slightly teasing tone with him, "If you hadn't stopped it, you probably would of had me right then and there..." She separated from him a bit and then walked over to her clothing, getting dressed once more. "I'm not planning on getting back into the water..." she said as she wrapped her sash around her waist, now fully dressed. She picked up her Zanpakutō and put back on her waist and looked to him with a smile. She then picked up her ribbon and tied her hair back up into a high ponytail. "So, what are you wanting to do now? You think we should head back?"
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:10 pm
Snopy just stood and listened to her response. Yes, it seemed he did plan on her being his first. That was something he already decided in his mind. As long as he didn't fuck it up, that was his plan. Her head laid back on his chest. In a way, it was soothing. It relaxed him a bit with her like this. Still, that didn't affect his nervousness level too much. As he asked his question, there was a slight pause. This worried him a bit, until he felt a gentle kiss on his cheek. This action definitely soothed him quite a bit, and he calmed. As he heard her answer he couldn't believe it, he was good. He listened as she teased him a bit as she mentioned how he could have had her there if he had chosen. He laughed a bit at this. And if you had really wanted to, you could have prevented me from ending it. If you held me for a bit there, I probably wouldn't have been able to stop myself. He said this teasing, but he was serious. His ability to resist only went so far with Kanna.

Kanna separated from him and he watched as she went to get dressed. He listened to her question on going back. Well today went much better than I expected. The intensity of what happened, I've never felt anything like it. I don't think there is much else to do today, nothing that will beat that experience. So yea, I think it's about time to head back. He walked over to where his stuff was and undid all the seals and such. It was his off day, so he had a change of cloths that wasn't a Shihakusho. He had a T-shirt and a pair of shorts to change into. He chuckled a bit to himself. No peaking~ His tone was extremely teasing, there was no doubt about that. He Shunpo'd behind a few trees and went to get changed. Upon returning to the beach he was wearing a T-shirt, shorts, sandals, basically anything one would wear when out enjoying themselves on a hot summer day. They suited him quite well, in fact, this was what he always wore when he was alive.

He got all his possessions together and put the pair of sunglasses back on. He went over to where Kanna was currently standing. Well, shall we? And by the way, I'll be heading back to my home. I assume you'll be headed back to your squad? If so, and if you would like me to walk you all the way back, I'll just have to stop by my house to drop my thing off. At this point he didn't mind if he just went home or if they did something else. Though in all honesty he did want to just go home and relax. So he simply ended his statement and headed off. With that, the two headed away from the lake and back home.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:20 pm
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:21 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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