Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault

Search found 18 matches for 21

by Ottozeo
on Wed May 29, 2024 9:34 pm
Search in: Fourth Division: Combat
Topic: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]
Replies: 30
Views: 471

Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

In pain and stunned by the combined technique’s effect. Shiomaru witnessed its partner’s determination bearing fruit first hand. Seeing the intensity only grow by the second, Shiomaru moved to try and put an end to things once and for all. It was to be the final class between shinigami and zanpakuto spirit. The two combined their power ducking the air from the environment itself as it condensed air pressure in a concentrated built up of spiritual pressure between their two forms. Forming a white and green orb of energy that swirled and twisted into each other.

Tento was quick in movement and critical thought though. His sense of spirit energy telling him that this was an ultimate attack of pandemonium levels. With a quick series of shunpo Tento was set off to work. Using the quick burst 9f location to shift between random locations while changing an incantation. Mouthing the words for a follow up kido while unleashing an chantless spell. Using Bakudo #21 Sekienton, extending his left hand outward to unleash a red smoke screen that bursted out engulfing the area around.

“Smoke will do nothing to us. We are the wind itself, Tento!!”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

by Mura
on Tue May 07, 2024 2:34 pm
Search in: Eighth Division
Topic: Promotion? (Rangiku/Ranma)
Replies: 21
Views: 274

Promotion? (Rangiku/Ranma)

Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  DyxMvAe


Seriously, she was tough as all hell! Tsuzuri Raiden could’ve at least inconvenienced her or made her jolt back, but she powered through and pushed him further back when he needed to flip himself over to recover his foothold. His Zanpakutō had exhausted itself slowing her down earlier, so it couldn’t release the same sphere again. That sphere took up a lot of space, and thus it required a lot of Reishi to pull off – not something you could just unload like a minigun.

But if he shrank the area of effect, he could do some other Zanjutsu with it. Ranma proved really capable in that regard.

“Bakudō? Hell yeah! That’s my bread and butter,” Ranma quickly proclaimed victoriously, almost as if answering a question in a billion yen quiz, “Whatcha gon’ ask me next? That the sky’s blue? Noharu’s the fastest motherfucker alive? Pigs can’t fly? Your tits are huge? Not to be Captain Obvious over here, but I’m kinda synonymous with Bakudō-“

He’d practiced with Hinamori-sensei on chantless spellcasting for now, but Ranma did come up with a sly little plan. He’d utter the chant, but by holding his mouth – or whatever his bandages were covering – and utter it in a quiet, rapid fashion, as fast as he could. “… Pspspspspsps, sfff, pspspsps, Bakudō #21: Sekienton!”

And just as Morikawa-sensei warned him… taking the Kidō lightly would hurt. Instead of summoning a red smoke forward to cover the Vice-Captain’s area, red gases instead blew right into his own face from his own palms. The smoke would expand – thank the lord for the low offensive power of this spell, otherwise he’d be smoked like bacon right now.

Great… fuckin’ wonder! I do wanna try that again, it’s a bit like chantless… wait, I can use this! She can’t see me clearly right now, can she?!

This time, he’d treat Kidō with all of the respect it deserved! Holding both palms against each other, he’d lower his voice and slowly invoke his chant: "Ye lord, Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man… inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south…"

Within the red smokescreen of his, a red light glowed out, giving away his position. Immediately after, the red orb would charge out of the smoke, pushing away a bit of the gas as it charged towards Ranny. However… this was a bit too linear of an attack, wasn’t it? Surely Ranma had thought this through, right?

POST | pretty please

by Mura
on Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:09 pm
Search in: Rukongai
Topic: Letting Off Some Steam (Ranma, Armina)
Replies: 33
Views: 1370

Letting Off Some Steam (Ranma, Armina)

Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  DyxMvAe


Oh dear… oh no no no, oh no no no no no- SHE STOPPED AND THOUGHT FOR A SECOND! COGNITIVE ACTION FROM HER?!

Ranma and co. were fucked.

She used her Zanpakutō to gradually solidify the water, which spread out as manifesting sheets of ice across the river. Directed towards them, the sheets would provide Armina foothold for her chase. Should he fight her again? Noooooo? It was fairly one-sided last time, and reverting back to his ‘Retsu’ mentality was such a dumb idea – fighting without thinking meant he got himself so much more injured than he needed to. Just look at him!

Nay, they had to escape, somehow… but his Zanpakutō could only do so much- he never thought he would think that, though. Slow her down, Hōkamaru! Right? It wasn’t like they didn’t have time enough to escape with a slowed down Arhat, half-frozen giant body and the force of the river to keep them at bay before the sword’s ability- oh…

Ranma’s Zanpakutō emitted a huge, bluish saturation that manifested as a sphere around him, Arhat and a 50-meter radius from his Zanpakutō. Within that space, one would feel the forceful slowdown of all mobile, mechanical movements – as if time itself slowed you down…

Ranma used the sphere to buy some time – he grabbed Hōkamaru by his teeth and held out both palms, slamming them onto Arhat’s hand. “Bakudō #21, Sekienton!” To his luck, while Sekienton wasn’t a very ‘defensive’ Kidō spell, Ranma had an inkling that it’d come in handy for a time like this – Arhat’s entire form was suddenly engulfed in a blasting cloud of red smoke, right when Hōkamaru’s sphere would cease.

… But Ranma’s Spiritual Pressure had disappeared completely. Should Armina enter the smoke or blow it away, neither Ranma nor Arhat would be found.


by Mura
on Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:01 pm
Search in: Africa
Topic: Monochromia Descends [Act IV]
Replies: 20
Views: 547

Monochromia Descends [Act IV]

Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  APFxyQ1


… Oh, at least he was alright. Ranma wouldn’t lie, his heart raced up to his throat for a brief moment there – now, to the present-

His Yone actually landed on the flying, armored, nasty eyeball and made it lag in real life. He’d met his fair share of opponents who thought it’d be real fun to crush his confidence by simply evading those spirit waves, but luck must’ve been on his side today! And Tentō wasn’t a second too late with a follow-up attack, with such synergy complimenting the enigma’s supportive role and revitalizing his coura- that sound didn’t sound like severing flesh, not one bit…

Nooooooooooo… bullshit.

Apparently, the fancy eyeball had some sturdy… whatever that was. It was mostly an eye, so was that carapace its eyelids? Weren’t eyes fragile and vulnerable to something as little as a hair? Stupid Hollow powers… but it was still an eye, right?

“Ayo, Tentō…” Ranma tried reestablishing verbal contact once more, ditching the wordless teamwork while they had some breathing room. The floating orb they were trying to kill had made distance from them both, maybe with the same idea or maybe it was charging up a Cero. Either way, from his observation, it had no fucking ears, so what gives? But Ranma had a plan, and if not for his bandages, he’d reveal a wide crooked grin with squinting eyes at the setting taking place in his mind. “Reckon you can cook up a Kyokkō? At my mark, I’ll give ya a setup – just get ready to surprise the meatball.”

Aaaaaaaand the incantation was probably needed, he wanted the cloud to be as big as possible… and he’d end up pointing both palms downward, ending his chant with: “Bakudō #21. Sekienton!” And as things played out in his wonky head, the moment that red, scattering cloud of smoke emerged, Tentō would know exactly what to do.


by The Cat
on Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:07 am
Search in: Approved Shinigami & Vizards
Topic: [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard Rank D] Lyza
Replies: 2
Views: 564

[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard Rank D] Lyza


I. Basic Information

» Name: Lyza
» Alias: Lazy
» Age: She forgot
» Gender: Female

» Association: Gotei

» Appearance Written: Lyza is 5'10 with pale skin, golden eyes, and long white hair often styled in a variety of ways. From being tied back in singular, thick braids, to simple ponytails when she's training, to just letting it all hang down as it pleases when she's just not in the mood to fight it. More often than not, she looks rather emotionless, though that isn't to say she's explicitly without emotion, but she's picky about who she actually emotes around.

Her outfits, outside of her shihakusho, are rather ornate. With dress pants, heels, and frilly shirts, or expensive silky dresses all being things she'll wear. There are, more often than not some kind of chains on her outfits somewhere, though. Jewels here and there, sometimes earrings, sometimes no earrings. It's surprisingly variable, more to keep herself entertained than because she truly enjoys dressing up to look as fancy as she does in the eyes of others.

» Appearance Image:

I. Personality

» Personality: Lyza's personality is repressed by a mixture of PTSD, apathy, and hesitance. She does have a personality, but to the average person she interacts with, she is purely stoic, empty, and almost totally unemotional. Asides from a few sarcastic quips here and there, there's not much to Lyza's everyday personality. Her real self is buried deep within herself and only comes out for those she's truly comfortable with being around. Otherwise, she won't even crack so much as a smile.

Years of filing paperwork has ruined what was at some point at the very least Vice Captain material. That Lyza is genuinely gone now, as she transferred to the 1st Division to get away from most combat scenarios after participating in both Quincy genocides, even if the first time was only as a supportive role. The shock of seeing so much death and suffering followed by causing that death and suffering left a very brutal impact on her psyche that she still hasn't recovered from.

In reality, Lyza is a very stern, but caring woman who focuses on proper discipline through action as opposed to babying those in need of help. She'll give them as much help as they need to take the next step themselves, but Lyza will not take that step for them. That's something she makes clear to anyone she offers help or advice.

In a situation where she can truly gauge her abilities and the circumstances she finds herself in, Lyza is both experienced and confident enough to know where she sits on a ladder. She might not immediately be able to fill that ladder up completely, but her sense of judgment is rather strong. Both in regards to judging skill or power, but also the ability to judge others on the merit of their actions. Lyza is, deep down, very concerned with justice and righteousness, but only in regards to the fairness of happiness.

Lyza wants people to be happy, she always has. It's why her most powerful skill is her Kaido. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether or not you can be happy. It doesn't have to last forever nor does one have to be free of suffering to achieve true happiness. So long as a person can enjoy their life, then their life is worth living. Since you only get one shot at it, elongated or not, there is no reason to live if you are not happy. But that doesn't mean you should give up, just that you might need a little help to get back on the right path. Or at least, that's how Lyza sees things.

Outside of this, Lyza likes very few things. Most of her day consists of office work, followed by training which, at this point, is closer to a supernatural workout than actual training. At some point she did train herself and became strong, but now such a time has passed and so has Lyza's will to go back to that. She doesn't want to fight much anymore, after all.

Of the things she does like, she would probably say things that are quiet, the sounds of the breeze through the trees, the scent of petrichor, and gentle music. Those would probably be the most prominent things.

She dislikes needless conflict and only sees violence as a means to a very few specific sets of ends, she does not like reveling in violence, nor does she abide by politics unless strictly necessary. Conflict is meant to be a clash of ideals, but nowadays it's mostly just petty squabbling. A real, proper, good fight has merit behind both sides' reasoning. It is not just a fight for fight's sake.

I. History

» History: Lyza remembers very little about the absolute beginnings of her own history. The most that comes to mind is that she had a different name and was born to a lesser noble family that, as of now, is probably incredibly obscure. It fell out of power sometime during her lifetime and she remains as one of the few living members of that family. Not that it's of any real significance after they've become so obscure, but it's at least worth noting.

Of course being born to a noble family, even as small as it was, meant she could get preliminary training to become a Shinigami. This was followed by time at the academy, and by the time she was in her mid-twenties, she was a proper Shinigami. It wasn't a big dream of hers initially, but during her later years in the academy, she couldn't help but get rather enthusiastic for it. She developed an aptitude for Kido almost immediately, though the rest of her skills fell behind quite quickly.

All in all, Lyza ended up passing and was placed in the Kido Corps as a result. This is where she would personally note just how long ago this was. It was upon her entry into the Gotei that she was immediately bombarded with constant work healing almost endless amounts of injured soldiers, which eventually she came to recognize as just a rotation of almost the entirety of multiple squadrons coming to be healed before going right back to the battlefield. But for what war? Oh, just the first Quincy Genocide.

This was during the earliest of the Gotei's days, where everything was far more strict but a lot less structured. During these first centuries, Lyza was nothing more than a healer. She'd find time to practice Kido with her fellow squadmates, but she never got to go through the real training or get much of the combat experience she wanted. Not for a good long while, that is. These first few centuries were rather uneventful otherwise, but her family did fall out of power during this time. That's really it.

Lyza was rapidly growing disillusioned with the Gotei as an organization, too. To call an organization "unorganized" felt sort of comical to her. It only led to further disillusionment as she realized that the Gotei, in its early days, functioned as a sort of war machine. Even outside of wars, the fight against Hollows in order to preserve the world order never stopped. Even a fairly weak Lyza was forced to fight at some point. She wasn't totally incapable, but with only Kido and a measly asauchi at her side, there was only so much she could do.

Lyza felt hopeless. Was this really her lot in life? To be just some normal Shinigami? Was being a Captain really that special? A very average Lyza wondered that to herself. But being Captain was never her goal. And yet in comparison, she felt like a speck of sand in a desert of average souls all fighting because they had to.

If only because of her seniority, Lyza applied for leave of absence. She did desire power, and she had to achieve it herself. If only because she wanted to be more than a grain of sand, she'd train herself in her leave of absence and come back stronger. This became a process. On and off leaves of absence, several years in the Gotei, several years in the human world isolated in the world while she put herself through increasingly rigorous training regimens. Starting with strength and speed to help compensate for her weak points, she'd eventually become satisfied with her speed and turn back to Kido, keeping her physique well maintained but beginning to further her real strengths.

She would continue to do this for another few centuries. Training her body for several years followed by accumulating real combat experience once she was back to work, she'd keep up this cycle and improve herself steadily. She never truly became Captain material, or even Vice Captain material, but she'd become worthy of a seated position in the Kido Corps one day, just decades before the second Quincy genocide.

Until then, Lyza continued to train, until she was made once again a healer for the Gotei. This didn't upset her at first, but as she was sent out in platoons of her squadmates to butcher the Quincy people. Lyza's job was as a healer, not a killer. She had trained to fight but it was for the purposes of slaying Hollows, not people. To kill this many living beings, regardless of reason, sat wrong with her. She understood why, but that did not mean she had to like it.

At this point, platoons of Shinigami felt more like kill squads, sometimes even being referenced as such by the people in them. The people she was placed with weren't exactly the best either. Some hated it just as much as she did, and some reveled in the bloodshed. Despite her utter distaste for such heathens, Lyza was forced to work with all sorts of friends and degenerates alike.

Eventually with the Quincy groups so spread out, the squads sent to eliminate them grew both smaller, and weaker, until Lyza was forced out of the backlines and into a fresh role as an actual killer. Her laborious days of training were put to use on other people before they were on Hollows. All that work that she had spent practicing to keep others safe and healthy was now being used to rob others of their life. This blossomed the first true hatred for her kind in the woman's heart, and it was that hatred, the feeling of utter disgust, and the distaste for war and violence that flipped a switch in Lyza's zanpakuto.

Taiyo-shin no Utage, Feast of the Sun God, the antithesis to Lyza's morals as a medic, and a being who's mere existence was based solely on the idea that conflict is ever present and unavoidable in the life of a Shinigami, healer or not. It spoke its true name to her for the first time during a particularly surprising fight with a small tribe of Quincies. They had caught the Shinigami coming and launched a preemptive strike instead, killing one of Lyza's only friends and the rest of her squad in the meantime while she listened to the whisperings of her zanpakuto. All she could do was scream its name to the heavens for the very first time and retaliate with ungodly hellfire. After the bloody battle, the smell of cooked flesh still fresh in her mind, Lyza returned as the only survivor. It was a surprise considering their attack was supposed to have been a surprise, but upon hearing the explanation it was all swept under the rug as nothing more than a mishap on her squad's part.

The war didn't end that day, nor would it for a while. Lyza learned to hone her Zanpakuto's powers, heightened her skill with Kido, began utilizing the physique she had to more mercifully kill as opposed to scorching the earth and cremating those still living, both for their sake, and her own. Lyza would get very familiar with her Zanpakuto much to her own chagrin, but she would never truly finish honing her skill with it. Despite this, Taiyo-shin was incredibly satisfied with the results of its timing. It had drank the blood of far more than it could count, and for that, it praised Lyza by refusing to return to its sealed state. Instead, once the war was over, it dissipated into flames that burned Lyza to her very core and merged with her very blood. It would forever be with her as even further reminder of that which she had done. At no point would she ever be allowed to escape the trauma, or her insidious Zanpakuto.

After that, Lyza was properly shook. She had committed atrocities on several levels, had discovered her Zanpakuto's immoral powers, and now had to live with the reality she had just helped the Gotei commit genocide. She did not want to support the war machine anymore, but there was nowhere else for her to really go. Was she supposed to desert them and be hunted down? She couldn't be allowed anymore leaves of absences due to her now perpetual Shikai. Lyza was stuck.

The best compromise that she could come up with was to transfer divisions. For the next few centuries, she would work in the 1st Division. Lyza would become more or less an office worker, as this was around the time that such roles began to become more relevant. More politics, more processing, more things to do that weren't just combat. As much as she detested such measly work, Lyza now preferred it much more to the idea of going back to fighting.

Her 'training regimens' can hardly be called such anymore, and ever since transferring they have done very little to maintain her body. Most of what had been her peak had now atrophied, and Lyza is now significantly weaker than she was in terms of raw physicality. Even achieving Shikai at all, lasting this many years, it meant she had true potential. But Lyza doesn't care. She doesn't exactly know what she does care about anymore, just that it's not... this. She has an existential crisis almost every day about it, but it never goes anywhere. Is she supposed to figure something out? She doesn't want to, because deep down she knows where it'll go. Instead she just lives her day to day life and tries to keep her head down in case another war breaks out. She's missed most conflicts up to this point, outside of it hitting her office job pretty hard, but she's successfully avoided all of it.

Until now, that is.

I. Natural Abilities

» Wizened Eyes, Capable Body: It's through over a millenia of experience that Lyza has become accustomed to all sorts of maneuvers, tactics, and moves from her opponents. Despite her lack of technique when it comes to movement, her overall skill at twisting and turning her body in time to block or intercept her opponent is more or less capable of keeping up with even some of the fastest. While she does lack the entire ability to use Hoho, Lyza is well above the baseline for speed and martial skill. Blocking, parrying, countering, it's all quite literally second nature to her. Instinctual, even. Most of the time she does it without even thinking. Her body is trained well enough to react for her in most scenarios, and her experienced mind fully capable of determining when her instincts aren't merely enough.

» War Witch: Lyza's style of fighting involves complex sworplay mixed with regular spellcasting to cover her weaknesses. Her Zanpakuto even supports this with its abilities. She is strong, speedy, nimble, and most importantly, multitalented. Dipping in and out of melee to fight from a distance, only to surprise her opponent by closing the distance and returning to fight with her blade once more, Lyza can fight close or far and switch between in a moment's notice. If the situation permits, Lyza will even weave spells between individual sword strikes. All of this is subject to her stats and the limitations they impose on her, but where she's able, she will use all of her strengths to her benefit.

She also is extremely efficient specifically with Zweihanders, as that is the form her Shikai takes. More specifically, she swaps between two primary stances. A defensive oriented stance where she holds her Zweihander in a reverse grip, and also by its middle grip, almost like she's wielding a staff. In this grip, she uses the hilt, guard, and hooks on the blade to defend herself from attacks. In her offensive stance, she wields it two handed by the hilt and only takes a hand off every so often to fire a Kido where needed. With wide sword strokes powerful enough to cleave through obstacles and still deliver full force unimpeded, Lyza will relentlessly attack her foes as if her sword is borderline weightless to her.

» Walking Librarium: Lyza has, ever since she was born, been able to remember things down to the absolute minute details even when she necessarily doesn't want to. The only things she has ever forgotten are over a thousand years old, just like her, or are things she has chosen to deliberately wipe from her memory for the sake of her own sanity. That being said, not everything can be gotten rid of. Lyza remembers the days of the genocide just as much as she remembers the descriptions and diagrams from the medical books she casually reads. Practically everything comes from some kind of immediate offhand knowledge of a subject unless that particular thought or memory is truly inconsequential.

Over the course of a millenia, Lyza has experienced probably tens of thousands of things ranging from everyday happenings to some rare freak accidents. Kido practice and old training sessions, to political meetings and even brutal fights. She's seen more than almost anyone else alive, save for the few living things that are as old, if not older than her. And she still remembers it, whether she likes it or not.

This all leads to her level of general understanding being much higher than other people's. She can look at a situation and deduce what's happening in an instant, save for the truly arcane. Very little, if anything, escapes her perceptive gaze. It would take something genuinely bizarre for her to not understand.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

» Unassuming Presence: Lyza is able to hide her power so well that it comes off as appearing, at most, equivalent to a normal plus. This is assuming she isn't using any of her powers, that is. This comes from needing to hide her presence when not training so as not to attract any Hollows. It takes a minute to calm her reiryoku down to this point from its highest of highs, or more accurately a whole post.

» Altered Sealed State: Taiyo-shin no Utage does not reside in its normal Asauchi state most of the time. It can, if it desires to return to such a state, but it does so to prove a point more than because it, or Lyza, wants it to. As a result, when not in Shikai, Taiyo-shin no Utage primarily exists as flames. It is usually literally fire, but it does not exist outside of Lyza's body. Instead, it resides in her blood, heating it up and literally burning her from the inside out almost constantly. Not to any extent that would permanently damage her, but it does feel like her muscles are burning and her nerves are constantly being put up against a painful heat, the kind of which a normal person would feel if their insides were exposed directly to the heat of a nearby flame. This heat only goes away when Lyza uses Shikai.

» Professional Mage: Kido is Lyza's main specialty, as well as her ability to manipulate Reiryoku to cast these spells. From Hadō, to Bakudo, to Kaido, she excels in all three forms and uses them to her benefit both in and out of combat. She is able to use any numbered Hadō or Bakudo spell up to 89 and has most of them memorized, often practicing them from memory so she doesn't forget. In addition to this, Lyza has learned the following techniques:

Incantation Abandonment: As a Master of Kido, Lyza is able to simply announce the type of Kido (Hadō or Bakudo), the number of the spell, and its name, and can use the spell with only a 10% loss to power, up to any Kido #89.

Incantation Empowerment: Rather than having almost no reason to use incantations at all, when Lyza uses an incantation, it increases the power of any Kido by 50%. This also increases the power requirement by 50%, and as such, she can only use it on Kido up to 40 and below. While preparing a Kido to be cast this way, her Reiryoku blossoms forth from her body and prepares to be used to cast whatever spell she's using.

Two-Fold Incantation: The ability to cast two Kido one immediately after the other by combining their incantations.

» The Healing Witch: Lyza's most apt specialty is easily Kaido, something she has been practicing for years and become extremely proficient in. From healing wounds both internal and external, to easing illness or even outright curing it in some cases. Lyza's desire is to primarily help others, even if her overall desire to do anything at all has dwindled over the past few centuries. Her knowledge of reiryoku and its properties, as well as the body of the soul, has led her to becoming an apt healer who can help soul after soul all day long and only come out winded. It's only when she's put to almost slavish levels of work healing several particularly wounded people in a row that she actually starts to feel aftereffects.

Small cuts take half a post, deep cuts take a full post, broken bones take two posts and no movement, and internal organs or anything worst can take 3 posts or more depending on how severe the injury is. There are very few things that Lyza cannot heal, such as outright death or terminal illness.

Lyza can also heal herself without the need to place a hand over herself, but it does require focus and for her to stand still.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: 太陽神の宴, Taiyo-shin no Utage (Feast of the Sun God)

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Taiyo-shin is an unwitnessable sun god that shines so brightly that it will almost immediately blind anyone who looks directly at it. The only indication that Lyza even has of it being female is the sound of its effeminate, motherly voice.

Make no mistake, Lyza is not the owner of her own Zanpakuto. Instead, it owns her. Taiyo-shin refers to Lyza as its most dedicated worshipper, sometimes even calling her a witch instead. It acts like its the one in charge, and to an extent, it does hold an indirect form of power over her. The price Lyza must pay is meant to defy Lyza's morals in order to stop her from using it freely. Not because it's particularly powerful, but because of her own twisted psyche and degraded, disillusioned morals that are slowly pushing her closer and closer to an edge that she doesn't even realize is there. Will she succumb and cave to her cruel god's wishes? Or will she conquer herself and her zanpakuto in order to fully see her goals through?

» Inner World: Lyza's inner world is devoid of Taiyo-shin when it does not want to be seen. When her inner world is like this, everyhing is purely black, and yet perfectly lit. Beneath her is water that ripples visibly with every step, and there are flower petals raining from somewhere she can't see. Everything is visible, and yet beneath the surface of the water is pitch black, the sky is pitch black, and there is nothing else but these petals that sink beneath the water upon contact, and Lyza who is just there.

When Taiyo-shin is around, everything becomes so blindingly bright that trying to look at Taiyo-shin will immediately and permanently blind anyone who looks at it. Lyza has to simply close her eyes and kneel so as to not go blind whenever Taiyo-shin is around. The sky turns pure white, as does the black water, and the flower petals falling from the sky turn to ash that slowly fills the atmosphere like a gray mist that's left behind whenever Taiyo-shin appears.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  VIdwJ8j

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: None.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Take as you please

» Shikai Release Action: Lyza raises an outstretched arm, pulls back a sleeve, and several lacerations appear. Instead of blood flowing from her wound, at least immediately, fire instead pours from them and proceeds to swirl off of her open wounds to create a small pillar-like shape in front of Lyza's hand. Upon closing her hand around it, the flames will disperse in a burst of fiery energy, leaving only Taiyo-shin no Utage's form in its subject's grasp.

» Shikai Appearance:

» Shikai Abilities:

»火道, Hidō (Path of Flame): Taiyo-shin no Utage has its own form of spellcasting, although it is not truly Kido. As a result, it uses Lyza's Zanjutsu skill as its skill level instead. This is a bit more relevant since it implies using her actual skill with her Zanpakuto, which is the source of Hidō.

Hidō is the antithesis to her morals. It uses human sacrifice as fuel for casting its spell. From taking a little skin off her body, to demanding blood, to entire limbs, or even one's own life. As a result, Lyza is not very proficient with it whatsoever. At most, she uses her shikai as a self defense weapon, but tries her best not to actually use Hidō.

Another source can be used as fuel for Hidō, but the source must be a corpse and cannot be living. The only exception to this rule is Lyza herself.

Hidō uses a number system like Hadō or Bakudō.

Hidō is not affected by incantation empowerment.

Lyza can use Incantation Abandonment at a reduction of 50% power.

The Hidō that Taiyo-shin has taught her are as followed.

Hidō #1: 燭火, Shokuka (Candlelight): A spell so insignificant that Taiyo-shin finds it almost petty to take from Lyza as a result, and yet it still does. With a snap of her fingers, a few sparks fly and a flame no bigger than a candle's flame appears at the end of Lyza's index finger. Whilst snapping her fingers, some of the skin on Lyza's thumb and middle finger erodes, but it's so utterly insignificant that she won't notice unless she casts this spell too much in a very short timeframe. Even then, she can just heal it. Not only that, but this spell is so simple that Lyza doesn't even know if there's an incantation for it.

Hidō #8: 火玉, Hidama (Fireball): Lyza casts this spell by raising a hand and channeling her reiryoku into it. Several shallow lacerations form on her forearm during this attack, but any blood that flows from the wounds turns to embers that float off of her arm as if picked up by a small breeze, but they quickly begin to encircle a space as big as 2 meters diameter in front of Lyza's hand where flames begin to form, until there's a fireball in front of her open palm. Aiming it by pointing her hand in the desired direction, Lyza then finishes her chant or recites the name and number of the spell before firing it. The spell travels at roughly 50 meters a second and reaches at most a mile. Upon impact, it explodes in a 25 meter radius and litters flames all over the ground in the same space. The incantations is as follows.

Lost flame, forever wandering, drink of the holy wine to finish thine pilgrimage. Rekindle thine brethren flame on your journey and let the bonds of your kin burn out brightly.

Hidō #19: 溶岩谷間, Yōgan Tanima (Molten Ravine): Lyza places her hand to the earth and several lacerations appear on her legs, cutting through her pants if they need to. The blood that would flow from these wounds simply evaporates into smoke the moment it's exposed to open air. From wherever Lyza places her hand, the ground cracks open in a 20 meter long fissure from which molten lava jets into the sky. The fissure is only a few meters wide, but the force of the ground splitting can send things flying if in the wrong place. Lava takes a second to form, the inner ground where the earth split open becomes rapidly superheated, and a second or two after casting this spell, lava shoots over 20 meters into the sky with enough force to bust through buildings. The incantation is as follows.

God who spites the earth, burn and mold your subject to your needs. Cackle and howl as it kneels without contest, and celebrate your victory through unfettered destruction!

Hidō #21: 燃焼枷, Hensho Kase (Burning Shackles): Lyza holds one of her hands sideways and pinches at the air against her palm. One of her ribs breaks, and she is able to pull her hands apart to conjure a burning rope of fire that can extend for a full mile. This can be used as a whip, or to wrap around an opponent, but either way it is a fire whip that lasts for a full three posts. It is made of fire so it does indeed hurt and will singe/char any flesh it wraps around. At the same time, it is tangible and can be used to bind someone in place, pull them around, anything you could do with a whip. It cannot withstand slashing attacks and whatever part of it gets severed off will dissipate, but more whip will quickly form to take its place, so her opponent will have only bought themselves a little under a second at most. The incantation is as follows.

Ye Godless heathens, repent with your flesh as I have with mine! May your skin char as black as your nihilistic folly while your rotten soul is condemned to the sunless depths of the netherworld!

Hidō #34: 罪人火葬場, Tsumibito Kasōjō (Sinner's Crematorium): Lyza claps both of her hands together and breaks several fingers as the price. However, in doing so a ring of fire about 20 meters in diameter and 2000 degrees celsius forms in front of her, trapping her opponent in a cyclone of fire that rages like a furnace and begins closing in on them. It shrinks in diameter at a rate of 7.5 meters per post until it finds its target. Once any person who is inside of the Cyclone touches any of the walls, it will rapidly close in on that person and simply engulf them in a concentrated pillar of flame 10 meters in diameter that can last up to two posts. It does not move with the person at any point, only shrinking to engulf them once a wall is touched or its overall diameter naturally reduces to the 20 meter range. It cannot be canceled or interrupted after the cast. The incantation is as follows.

O righteous flame of God, ye merciless lord of the Sun, I ask of thee an accord; that the sinners who taint the world with their Godless ways may be purged in your holy flame! To Hell with those who know not the Mother Sun. Amen!

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: [What is your zanpakutō's release phrase?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your shinigami do any physical action to release their bankai? Feel free to remove this if not.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your shinigami's bankai look like?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your shinigami gain in bankai?]

I. Equipment

» Equipment: N/A

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: Beginner
» Speed: Adept
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill:Adept

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Advanced
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Beginner
» Kidō: Advanced
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Beginner

by Kanji Man
on Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:37 am
Search in: Eighth Division
Topic: Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]
Replies: 50
Views: 2407

Prelude Of Showdown [Open/Noharu/Ranma]

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Prelude of Showdown & This is it

Shura made sure to keep her eyes firmly locked onto Noharu as she began to move, the first move made to resemble a zig-zag pattern, intent on avoiding the binding. While fast enough to dodge it, the hit to the hips from the Byakurai was noted. When Noharu blitzed forward and reappeared in front of her, it was only nature for her instincts were to immediately Shunpo away. While this did give her space, the one that had appeared also vanished and was instead replaced by two Noharu's.

Then came the flurry, an attempt at overwhelming Shura. Such tactics were nothing new to Shura, she understood the value of tactics involving such things. "Bakudo no Nijyuichi, Sekienton" First a smokescreen that swiftly erupted to encapsulate the area she was in and the area the clones were entering, she knew it wouldn't distract them for long however. So with a quick Shunpo to the right she- fell right into the feint. Three swift strikes aimed at her head, all of which connecting with a fourth and final strike aimed for the center of her back.

However whilst it would hit, Shura's prior Shunpo hadn't carried everything with it, a chain led from her to the red smoke cloud and as she was launched forward, Shura gave it a hard yank to pull the axe left in there back towards her in a tight arc "Hadō no Ichijyuichi, Tsuzuri Raiden." With any luck, chain that now had lightning racing down it would wrap around the twin clones charging towards her, both binding and electrocuting them.


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
by Henrex
on Sun Aug 27, 2023 2:37 pm
Search in: The Time Chamber: Past Role Play Section
Topic: Fight Night Forever: Ad Es Caelum [Yuuto, Ulquiorra]
Replies: 18
Views: 1194

Fight Night Forever: Ad Es Caelum [Yuuto, Ulquiorra]

Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  ZBd0Iyu


He knew that Resurrección boosted an Arrancar's capabilities, but he didn't know exactly how much, until that moment. His eyes widened as he felt her hand suddenly holding his head, before being thrown across the arena. A platform of energy manifested behind him, invisible to all but him, softening the blow. Dust still erupted from the area of impact, obscuring vision of him.

Wind kicked up across the arena, the rainfall became more and more intense, and the gathering storm finally reached its apex, rampaging freely across the open sky. He could hear Ulquiorra speak, repeating his own words. His eyes narrowed in response, but no irritation came.


He could sense the surge of power, the sense of danger suddenly sending hundreds of warnings to his body, ordering it to move.Even with the boost from his Shikai, her Resurrección was technically stronger -- for now. Right now, holding back wasn't enough. She could keep up with the speed that he was using, so, he needed to be even faster.

So, kicking the speed up even more, he launched from his position to the side to avoid the first attack, though he had taken too much time. As he moved, he was caught in the blast, and while he did not scream or flinch, he had certainly taken damage. Still, he pushed on, holding a hand out and whispering a name.

"Bakudo #21: Sekienton."

Immediately, red smoke burst from his hand, spreading far and wide across the entire arena, the Captain having augmented it to cover far more distance than it normally would. It cost more energy, but comparatively, it was a small price to pay. As the smoke expanded across the arena, Yuuto's spiritual pressure would be silenced once again, a conscious effort to conceal himself.

His wounds quickly began to repair themselves, closing and sealing as if they had never been there. Silenced Shunpo carried him across the arena to close the gap. He knew she was trying to get a rise out of him, but he was better than that. It wasn't the first time he had been pressed, though it had been quite a long time.

While Tengiri had fizzled out, he just needed to have patience. The rings that had been following him through the smoke began to move, two of them positioning in front of him. As he went through them, Yuuto hit even greater speeds as he shot forward, lifting his sword.

Electricity gathered on the blade, considerably more potent than it had been in his base form, even without the refinement of Tengiri. As he drew close, he brought the sword down, unleashing a powerful explosion of lightning, creating currents of wind that blew the smoke away, revealing the two fighters once again.

Given her Hierro and regeneration, Yuuto had little concern as to how much power he had placed behind that attack -- they were both capable of taking obscene amounts of punishment and coming right back from it.


by Henrex
on Wed May 10, 2023 9:28 pm
Search in: Arena of Lights
Topic: Seaside Fight Night: Kikoto vs Nero
Replies: 28
Views: 1243

Seaside Fight Night: Kikoto vs Nero

Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  SsqSScZ


Finding out that Nero had a sword was, unexpected. Quincy were supposed to be ranged fighters, weren't they? Well, it wasn't entirely unreasonable -- he was a mix of the two anyhow. He'd just have to get around the sword! He'd prove himself better than this guy! Kikoto showed no fear as he slipped from side to side to avoid the tip of the sword. However, he was not perfect, and there were many cuts, grazes, and stabs that hit him as he tried to avoid Nero.

Nevertheless, he was quick to continue his assault, sneaking in mixes of jabs, kicks, and blasts of low-level, small-scale Kido. With the range that they were at, he couldn't waste time reciting a chant. Byakurai was enough for now! Even if spamming it would probably eventually come back to bite him. So, as Nero made another thrust of his sword, Kikoto jumped back, placing his hands on the ground.

"Bakudo #21: Sekienton!"

At the spell's utterance, red smoke burst from where his hands were, putting a bit more energy into it to try and smother the two of them in smoke. Kikoto quietly moved through the smoke, keeping his Reikaku centered on Nero as he went to attack from the side. Standing a decent distance away, Kikoto held up both of his hands, each a distance apart from one another, and began to recite a prior chant.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō #31: Shakkaho!"

A red orb manifested at his palm, but he wasn't done yet. Keeping the red orb at his palm, he started reciting another chant.

"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hadō #33: Sokatsui!"

Blue flames crackled and sparked to life on his other hand, and Kikoto brought his hands closer together, before suddenly unleashing a wave of red and blue fire from each hand. The Shakkaho and Sokatsui surged toward Nero, tearing through the smokescreen. Were it to hit, it would likely cause rather substantial damage as the two mid-level Kido would explode on impact, sending a mixed wave of blue and red fire in all directions.

It was far from cost-efficient, but it looked awesome, and it'd deal a lot of damage if it hit! Take that, pretty boy!

by Paradigm
on Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:25 pm
Search in: Arena of Lights
Topic: Seaside Fight Night: Mizu vs. Solomon
Replies: 17
Views: 1190

Seaside Fight Night: Mizu vs. Solomon

Topics tagged under 21 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD


With golden eyes focused on her target, Mizu remained unwavering and determined. She had hoped her magic would do more, but alas she still was not certain about this Solomon's abilities. She knew about Quincy abilities, and in conjunction with his use of electricity through his sword she was beginning to at least get a picture of her opponent. The question now would be how to deal with the man's electric attacks.

At Solomon's comment about her combination magic being a "crowd pleaser" Mizu considered what he meant. Her duty was to fight this Quincy with her utmost ability to display the Gotei's strength, build relations with the Vandenreich, and see what the Quincies were capable of. She had not approached this mission intending to show off for onlookers like a stage actor or trained animal. For someone like her that would be wholly unnecessary and not worth her time. Her only focus was putting her best foot forward and doing the Gotei proud.

Knowing the danger of staying within close quarters of an unknown combatant Mizu had no intention on letting the man close the gap between them. Each time he used his Quincy movement technique she would counter by moving a similar distance in the opposite direction, first nearly to the edge of the pagoda and then back to the middle when he got behind her. At least thus far they appeared to be evenly matched in their movement ability Have to stay away! she thought to herself as she readied more Shinigami magic.

This time Mizu planned on being a bit trickier with her Kidō, opting for a combination of Hadō and Bakudō. With her left hand pointed at the ground Mizu vocalized a spell's name "Bakudō #21: Sekienton!" which immediately created a plume of red smoke which would quickly cover a wide area and obscure her body. From within the smoke she would quietly set a trap by casting Hadō #12: Fushibi which would cause the smoke-covered area to burst into flames should Solomon step into it, meanwhile Mizu had already moved back out of the smoke where he couldn't see and cast another spell: Bakudō #26: Kyokkō which hide's the caster's physical and spiritual presence. In the past using this many consecutive spells would spell her doom by quickly exhausting her, but Mizu was still managing to feel confident about the situation. Still, she wouldn't allow herself to grow arrogant. This Quincy was clearly powerful and if she lost focus this bout would be over all too soon.

by Ottozeo
on Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:17 pm
Search in: Approved Vizards
Topic: [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard C] Tentō Zefā
Replies: 12
Views: 3862

[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard C] Tentō Zefā

Cannon Kido from Show


#1 Sho
#4 Byakurai
#11 Tsuzuri_Raiden
#12 Fushibi
#27 Kongōbaku
#31 Shakkahō
#32 Ōkasen
#33 Sōkatsui
#43 Gaki Rekkō "Rain from above. Corner and smite them. The lord of my spirit, shepard tho I am sheep,
#57 Daichi Ten'yō
#58. Tenran
#63. Raikōhō
#73. Sōren Sōkatsui "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens."
#78. Zangerin
#86 Hyōga Seiran

#1 Sai -
#2 Shibireyubi
#4 Hainawa
#8 Seki
#9 Geki -
#10 Hōrin
#14 Noren_Mekuri
#21 Sekienton
#26 Kyokkō
#30 Shitotsu_Sansen
#37 Tsuriboshi
#39 https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Enk%C5%8Dsen
#59 Inemuri
#61. Rikujōkōrō "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"
#62. Hyapporankan
#63. Sajō Sabaku
#64 Hakufuku
#66 Tanma Otoshi
#73. Tozanshō
#75. Gochūtekkan
#79. Kuyō Shibari
#81. Dankū

Barriers and Seal:


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