Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault

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by SilasCrowley
on Tue May 21, 2024 8:13 pm
Search in: Seireitei
Topic: Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]
Replies: 24
Views: 361

Clovers Under Shade [J. Saionji]

Like a first-time cook who uses far too much heat and salt, Patel reeled internally for the intense sharpness in J's glare: it sliced through all the pretenses, all his preparation---there was nothing left to clothe the impudent upstart from his mistake.

But he still had his prize. It would only cost him more in the end. Patel backed-away towards a growing ring of 6th division members who cast a variety of expressions toward him. Entertainment- apprehension- anxiety- Patel could see a lot of emotions in the crowd, but they all pointed towards his defeat. Rather than feel discouraged, though, Patel felt refreshed that not a single onlooker showed any confidence in him.

It meant that J was the real deal. Everything move he made, he'd be at a disadvantage, so he decided on opening with the best move he could make quickly.
"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini-" Patel spoke in a frenetic tone. His right index finger draws glyphs and mantras in crimson light through the air, before finally pointing in accusation toward J himself. "-Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat! Bakudo #9: Geki!" Patel shouts, planning to first catch J in Bakudo before attempting a Hadō follow-up... though he expected not to catch him on the first try, not even with Geki.
by Mura
on Mon May 06, 2024 12:09 pm
Search in: Rukongai
Topic: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]
Replies: 42
Views: 575

Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  DyxMvAe


Understanding… hmh, but it was difficult to understand quiet spirits, though! And Ranma was never a people-person… it took a great deal to get along with others. He hadn’t been the most cooperative in the beginning. And it was considered a world wonder how he got together with Erica… but he’d changed.

Hōkamaru, too, could change! Right? It wasn’t just all up to him, this was a two-man effort! So why…

Hinamori-sensei insisted that he shouldn’t treat Hōkamaru as a pain in the ass – fixed that for you – which Ranma had done for quite a while now. It was moreso a coping mechanism, so he wouldn’t keep beating himself around the bush for not having the best relations with his Zanpakutō. But this… her words gave him courage. I mean, Hōkamaru must’ve had a reason to give him his name, after all. There had to be some sort of lesson to learn. Maybe Hōkamaru did expect something from him…

And until he realized that, he’d be stuck.

“Hmmmmmmh, I’m tryiiiiiiiiing… it’s like a murder mystery,” he groaned, drilling his fingers into his head in order to think better, “Even if he doesn’t like to talk to me… Hōkamaru’s saved my butt so many times. But I’m not a detective – I’m not really a big fan of big brain mysteries like these! I should’ve read more of those novels instead of the ones C- y-you know what, forget you heard that last part…”

Alright, back to today’s training! Great! He could move on smoothly, immediately, without Hinamori-sensei asking any further questions regarding the part he was so close to uttering. He needed to cast Geki again... Geki simply halted a target’s movement. It did so with his Spiritual Energy. Like a Spiritual Energy straightjacket. He could imagine that in his head, clearly. A reddish, Spiritual Energy straightjacket that locked itself around the dummy.

“Bakudō #9: Geki,” he casted, one palm thrusted forward towards the target’s location. His Spiritual Energy emitted the same aura and effect as before, grabbing hold of the dummy and braking its movement around the fence. It looked like a horse being towed by a dude whose feet were sliding off the ground. Like a car whose motor was breaking down mid-drive.

C’moooooon… n-no, what am I doing? This is enough! Enough![/i] he alerted himself, simply lessening the strain he was putting on the spell, It’s just a straightjacket… can’t lose my shit over something so simpl- huh?

He starkly imagined a straightjacket wrapping itself around the target at all times, so once he lessened his strain, he noticed that the target was slowing down a bit before breaking off his grab fully. Such a small effect, but-

“D-Did you see that?! Process! Not much, but process! I’m thirsty…”

Time for a break. He’d fling up his gourd, spin it around, flick the prop open, and… nothing was falling to his tongue and mouth. What the fuck? “But… you’re always full, what shittery is this…?”


by Mura
on Sun May 05, 2024 11:23 am
Search in: Rukongai
Topic: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]
Replies: 42
Views: 575

Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  DyxMvAe


”Say wh- oh- reeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-”

Ranma’s cracked impatience kicked in again – how long would he have to practice this, then?! A year? Two? Ten? A hundred? He could never tell with their lifespans, and he knew people who just learned shit on the fly! It wasn’t fair…

“… Okay,” he answered diligently. She didn’t want him to give up so quickly, and he couldn’t make his sensei worry now, could he? If anything, she gave him a genius suggestion – try out one of his trusty Bakudō spells with this method! He was good with a few Bakudō spells already, so…

“Oh, say no less, sensei! Okay… chant first, I can’t keep up with all these details,” Ranma expressed, already drawing in the air with a red blitz escaping his fingers. Since the moving Hollow targets were… well, moving, he decided he didn’t want them to do that anymore. The dummies wouldn’t fight back, so this spell could actually work pretty well this time – only the Soul King would know how many times Ranma had gotten his spell broken by Hollows before.

“Disintegrate, you black dog! Look upon yourself with horror and claw out your own throat!”

Red energy surrounded Ranma’s form and further emitted around the dummy’s frame, slowing it down in its tracks. “Bakudō #9: Geki!” As the entire spell’s name was ushered, its full power was exerted, and the dummy braked in its tracks, only nudging a bit to the direction it was going. So this was the extent of a full-force Bakudō… so how would it look without Incantations?

“Zanjutsu’s my thing, sensei,” Ranma revealed to her, suddenly pulling a grimace at remembering the process of… strengthening his bond with Hōkamaru, “My Zanpakutō’s… fuck, I wanna say weird, grumpy, overall just a troll, but something tells me I’d be talking about myself in the end…” I mean, he and his Zanpakutō… weren’t they the same? Both intolerant of certain people in life, not even giving them the time of day or night. Both fiending for the easy and the peace that ease brought. Both… internally distrusting of people.

But Ranma had changed! So wouldn’t Hōkamaru change, too?! If only the damn spirit would talk more with him… all he gave was his name. And with that, a Shikai was born.

“It’s as if he still doesn’t trust me… but he gave me his name. Hōkamaru. He should trust me to some extent, right? So why won’t he talk to me? Is this supposed to tell me something about… myself? I don’t even fucking know, it’s bothered me for years!”


by Valqy
on Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:27 am
Search in: Japan
Topic: Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)
Replies: 16
Views: 389

Squid Games. (Akira vs Priscilla)

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Where to find such an Arrancar, such would be a difficult ta-

That is a bright light.


Akira’s body tensed violently as his foot dragged into the ground below, Shun’poing swiftly out the way as a swathe of land was left in ruin, trees brought to heel by raw energy that was forced out through wrath. This cerulean energy almost blinded him entirely, as the Sight managed to locate the originator of this technique through unseen reiasu residue. Well. It was then, the foot dragged into green grass below, staying thirty meters away, hoping to catch her off guard with the index and pinky twitching, condensing reiatsu as it crackled, sparking with an amber hue.

"Bakudō #9. Hōrin.

He muttered softly, before a burning sphere of orange ignited into reality, a swirling energy that was shot forth at a rather impressive speed, letting it twirl like a corkscrew, exploiting the usage of its control to flick the wrist with the hope it would move to wrap around the upper thigh of the Arrancar! His ability to alter Kido was limited as of this brief moment, but a lack of incantation only enforced the speed, altering the tethered design to have a smaller formation, reducing the initial potency for versatility to alter the trajectory if needed.

The womans Cero was enough to indicate a level of danger that Akira required to be cautious of, checking around the body for any insight into her skillset or leans.


by Paradigm
on Thu May 11, 2023 3:16 pm
Search in: Arena of Lights
Topic: Seaside Fight Night: Tag Team Event: Lukas and Solomon vs Tento and Mizu
Replies: 16
Views: 1261

Seaside Fight Night: Tag Team Event: Lukas and Solomon vs Tento and Mizu

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Can't catch me off guard that easily! Having previously fought Solomon in the Seaside Fight Night Arena, his electric pillars were of no distraction to Mizu. Nor was Lukas too quick for her to follow as he tried flanking her, even with a bit of smoke in the air. She followed Lukas's movements with her raised hands, and when it became clear he planned on lunging at her she spoke another spell's name "Bakudō #9: Hōrin!"

If Lukas and Solomon were familiar with the many Kidō spells available to Shinigami, they may be just as surprised as Tento at the plain Kidō barrier that formed instead of energy tendrils. What Lukas wouldn't know is upon being struck, the barrier would unleash Hōrin tendrils which would immediately seek to wrap tightly around him. Whether the Quincy inadvertently set the trap spell off or not, Mizu proceeded to draw and swing her Zanpakuto while dodging backwards, uttering the words "Hadō #78: Zangerin - Apply Fire!" as she did, causing a an arc of energy enveloped in flames to launch from her weapon in Lukas's direction.

by Ottozeo
on Sun May 07, 2023 12:53 pm
Search in: Europe
Topic: Mysterious Hollow in France!
Replies: 45
Views: 2865

Mysterious Hollow in France!

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Hmmmm. Fair fair. Kaminari was right about that, their aim was to find out why it stood out against other hollows. Observation and interaction were the tools for that. And since they couldn't observe it fight or get anything more in another way; combat would most likely be the solution.

He wasn't sure about destroying it though. After all it was a hollow that only gqrmer other hollows. Heck it even was reported that it seemed to avoid harming human environments and didn't bother humans. Such a hollow was a tool for Shinigami possibly. If hollows got rid of hollows and a docile one got rid of troublesome ones. Then no biggie. On the other hand, they had a duty to cleanse souls and thus hollows. But if it wasn't harming humans or the balance why really bother?

If was a back and forth thought in his mind.

After his comments to the unknown hollow was ignored and the string of reminders from Kaminari came. Tento found himself standing blade drawn as he eyed the hollow. Truth be told it felt obvious of what she said, but given the situation. And this being a tight space it was good to keep in mind some details about fighting as a team. Especially with such a powerful opponent before them.

In the stillness of wait. Beetle burstes forward once again. Grabbing onto trees and easily moving before gaining momentum before throwing out a thrust towards its mask. As Beetle moves to do this attack Tento would quickly lend aid. Extending his left hand out to cast Bakudō #9. Hōrin. Using his index and middle fingers, to generates an orange-hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns to ensnare and immobilizes Blackhorn's form. Aiming to cover ite shoulders and below in the kido entanglement
opponent as the tendril wraps around their body.

If this managed to be successful and not get into Beetle's way. Tento would speak the encanation of Hadō #4. Byakurai before letting loose a pulse of high-density spiritual energy through the kido binds. After casting this Tento would shunpo, repositioning himself to approach from the side.

Light in the Dark | End Post

by Paradigm
on Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:25 pm
Search in: The Living Realm
Topic: Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta]
Replies: 29
Views: 2330

Only Other Thing We Need is a Wardrobe [Mizu, Amaranta]

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD


Immediately Mizu knew her Shakkahō had failed to reach it's intended target, and so as Amaranta moved out the way she readied herself for her opponent to start fighting back in earnest. With her hands already up, Mizu quickly spoke another spell's name "Bakudō: Zuishinkabe!" In the space between them, as the Arrancar's cocked fist aimed at Mizu, a tan barrier the size of a large rug would appear. This barrier's rubbery surface would be better at absorbing impact than almost anything else she could conjure, and would hopefully serve it's apparent purpose of defending against Amaranta's punch.

What the Arrancar might not immediately be aware of is the presence of another Zuishinkabe barrier behind her as well. Having long since learned to simultaneously cast spells, Mizu didn't struggle to do so; the hard part would be what follows. With as much speed as she could muster the blond Shinigami attempted to sandwich and completely envelop Amaranta between and with the two rubbery walls and roll her up like a corpse in a rug. At the same time she cast another spell "Bakudō #9: Hōrin!" which caused an orange rope-like tendril twice as strong as the Hainawa Kidō rope she had used to bind Amaranta, to surge forward and wrap around the outside of the Zuishinkabe barriers hopefully still covering her.

Though she wanted to defeat this Arrancar woman, she was for some reason unsure about trying to kill her outright. If there was any truth whatsoever in her words, Mizu would feel regretful killing someone who maybe did just want to live untroubled. But on the other hand, she thought, every bit of information available about Arrancars said they represent the worst kinds of emotions and wickedness you could expect from a sentient being. Or, at least, the majority do. Could this woman be one of the few and far between exceptions...? Mizu didn't know, couldn't know. All she could do is incapacitate her for now. Try to, at least. Thus without any waiting she cast one final spell in this latest attempt to capture the woman "Hadō #11: Tsuzuri Raiden." which would cause another surge of electrical energy to travel from Mizu's hands, through the Hōrin tendril, and throughout Amaranta's body if successfully trapped by her barriers.

by Paradigm
on Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:25 am
Search in: Africa
Topic: AfriCatastrophe: Letterboxer
Replies: 19
Views: 1103

AfriCatastrophe: Letterboxer

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD


Despite her heightened emotional state from witnessing these monsters continue to lay waste to what must have been an awe-inspiring city, Mizu shrugged off the Quincy's taunts as she refused to allow infighting to harm their cooperation. "I apologize if my actions upset you, Quincy-san. I only wish to defeat this creature and I know we can do it if we work together!" With her golden eyes burning with determination Mizu observed as her newfound allies leapt into action.

With Lukas unleashing a torrent of electricity and Kokuto hitting the Hollow with an inferno of fire, Mizu was grateful for their power. They would need everything at their disposal to defeat a monster like this. [i]Can't let up, I have to do what I can as well![i]

With a strategy in mind Mizu Flash Stepped a moderate distance away from Lukas so as to not make them an easy target for the Hollow's next attack. Upon landing on a large boulder jutting from the ground, no doubt a remnant of what was once a populated building now entirely unrecognizable, Mizu gathered spiritual energy in both hands and held them out in opposite directions. In her left hand an orange blaze enveloped her fingers, and in her right a blue sphere of fiery power with a tinge of red quickly did the same.

As Kokuto's last attack finished Mizu unleashed her own, allowing no time to recover for the Hollow if it needed it. "Bakudō #9: Hōrin! Hadō #4: Byakurai! Go!" The Shinigami woman simultaneously unleashed two spells, causing an orange tendril of energy to burst forth from her left hand as a blaze of blue energy did the same from her right. Her plan was for these spells to strike at the same location underneath the Hollow's great skull. She doubted her Byakurai would manage to do much damage, but that wasn't her objective anyway; upon the two spells hitting Letterboxer, a great red Kidō net would suddenly spring from the blue energy and wrap around the beast's head. Hōrin's chain would then connect to the net and provide a direct connection to the Hollow for Mizu.

Hōrin would provide much slack for it's caster so as to not force her into a contest of strength with a monster surely many, many times stronger than her. Instead it's purpose would be made clear as she then cast yet another spell "Hadō #63! Raikōhō!" With both hands firmly latched onto the tendril she'd created, a sudden swelling of yellow energy would surround them as bolts of lightning shot out harmlessly in every direction. After a moment of powering up this energy would be discharged and channeled through the tendril as it raced toward Letterboxer, before finally spreading through the Kidō net and sending a huge, at least for Mizu, burst of lightning across and through it's entire head.

Immediately after her latest spell would finish dissipating both the net and tendril she created would do the same. Sweat formed at her brow as Mizu found herself panting, somewhat exhausted from her rapid successive usage of Shinigami magic. Though only one of her spells had been of a high number, the sheer scale to which she stretched the others had done a number on her Reishi reserves. She hoped, for all their sake, her strategy had helped in some way.

by Ottozeo
on Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:17 pm
Search in: Approved Vizards
Topic: [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard C] Tentō Zefā
Replies: 12
Views: 3865

[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard C] Tentō Zefā

Cannon Kido from Show


#1 Sho
#4 Byakurai
#11 Tsuzuri_Raiden
#12 Fushibi
#27 Kongōbaku
#31 Shakkahō
#32 Ōkasen
#33 Sōkatsui
#43 Gaki Rekkō "Rain from above. Corner and smite them. The lord of my spirit, shepard tho I am sheep,
#57 Daichi Ten'yō
#58. Tenran
#63. Raikōhō
#73. Sōren Sōkatsui "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens."
#78. Zangerin
#86 Hyōga Seiran

#1 Sai -
#2 Shibireyubi
#4 Hainawa
#8 Seki
#9 Geki -
#10 Hōrin
#14 Noren_Mekuri
#21 Sekienton
#26 Kyokkō
#30 Shitotsu_Sansen
#37 Tsuriboshi
#39 https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Enk%C5%8Dsen
#59 Inemuri
#61. Rikujōkōrō "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"
#62. Hyapporankan
#63. Sajō Sabaku
#64 Hakufuku
#66 Tanma Otoshi
#73. Tozanshō
#75. Gochūtekkan
#79. Kuyō Shibari
#81. Dankū

Barriers and Seal:

by Gamma
on Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:13 am
Search in: Sixth Division: Realm Enforcement
Topic: The Sweet Trap of Work [Kyo, Makoto]
Replies: 27
Views: 1069

The Sweet Trap of Work [Kyo, Makoto]

Topics tagged under 9 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  Header2

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"

She muttered the incantation in tandem with his own but the benefit of using a lower spell was its much briefer incantation that went with it and therefore would let her execute it a lot faster.

"Bakudō #9. Geki."

The spell enclosed around its target, restricting him in spinning his zanpakuto, stopping him dead in his tracks in his short advance and even restricting his ability to aim the spell properly at her. She didn't care to hold it for long though, the paralysis was only to keep him stuck there momentarily so that she could come at him from the side and bring a kick to launch him a few metres away from her.


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