Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault

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by Paradigm
on Wed Feb 01, 2023 3:27 am
Search in: Africa
Topic: Welcome to Wonderland (Criella/Open)
Replies: 24
Views: 1913

Welcome to Wonderland (Criella/Open)

Topics tagged under 54 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD


Africa again... Morikawa Mizu had not had the best experience on the Mother Continent recently, though neither had the millions of people who'd perished when a massive gaping hole opened up underneath it's capital city. After this initial catastrophe monstrous behemoths barely recognizable as Hollows had swarmed out of the sinkhole, but with the combined efforts of the Gotei United and Vandenreich they were each defeated in succession. Unfortunately for Africa's peoples, their problems were not over.

Once Mizu returned to Soul Society after her battle in Vastime she requested the Living Realm Division keep her up to date with the latest developments there. This would prove fruitful as she was given notice of a series of reports of suspicious Hollow activity in one particular area where refugees seemed to be going missing. With a quick notification to the 8th Division about her mission to investigate the reports, Mizu was out the door of the squad barracks and passing through a Senkaimon in just a few minutes.

Though she had just been here recently, the apocalyptic devastation was still stomach-churning to the blond Shinigami. She was, after all, still a stranger to war and the catastrophes it can bring. With a shake of her head Mizu pushed her distracting thoughts aside and focused entirely on her mission. By restricting her spiritual pressure and keeping to the shadows of rubble she was able to cross swaths of land unnoticed to any would-be prying eyes. She continued to do this as she followed the latest reports and the direction they said humans had been witnessed traveling in.

Eventually she was led to a clearing, her Denreishinki alerting her to the presence of Hollows. From behind a collapsed pillar Mizu was able to just barely make out a conversation between what appeared to be a Hollow and Arrancar, and through a sliver of a gap saw the latter execute a desperate human. With a surge of adrenaline fueled by a bubbling hatred for these things and their ilk, Mizu leapt from her hiding spot and immediately yelled the command of a spell "Hadō #54: Haien!" With precision Mizu loosed two spheres of purple energy, one aimed directly at the large Hollow's mask, hoping to kill it in one blow, and the other for the Arrancar who seemed to be in charge. This spell, known for eradicating what it hits, allowed her to both strike first and prevent any other humans from being in her line of fire.

by Paradigm
on Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:51 pm
Search in: Arena of Lights
Topic: Seaside Fight Night: Mizu vs Ehefra
Replies: 14
Views: 794

Seaside Fight Night: Mizu vs Ehefra

Topics tagged under 54 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD


Having suffered a lifetime of taunts, Mizu was certainly not going to be baited by Ehefra's. Her confidence came from pushing her way past every limitation she could to get to where she currently stood. At least there would not be much small talk and they could get right down to business. Though possessing a considerably faster movement technique than Mizu's Flash Step, the time between reappearing in front of her, summoning claws made of Reishi, and then swinging her arm was enough for her to muster up a twice-layered Kidō barrier between them. Though the barrier would crack and begin breaking apart from the attack, it gave Mizu the opportunity to Flash Step backward a short distance as she prepared her counterattack.

"Hadō #54: Haien! Genso Kakusan: Apply Impact!" With a mighty roar Mizu let lose a vibrant purple flame from her raised hand which would quickly close the distance between the two fighters. This spell, known for it's ability to entirely incinerate it's target, was amplified by Genso Kakusan to include a heightened concussive force on impact. Whatever it hit would be struck not just by an intense flame, but by the force of a small explosion as well. "If no swordplay is what you want, no swordplay is what you'll get!"

by Tsubine
on Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:13 am
Search in: Approved Shinigami & Vizards
Topic: [Spirit Class 6 | Hazard C] Kei Saionji
Replies: 5
Views: 914

[Spirit Class 6 | Hazard C] Kei Saionji


I: Basic Information

» Name: Kei Saionji (犲恩治 桂)
» Alias: [Any nicknames or titles?]
» Age: 289
» Gender: Female

» Association: Gotei United; Former Kidōshū Member; Saionji Clan Member

» Appearance Written: You'd think Kei had a height complex with a 2-inch heel on top of three-inch okobo. Thankfully, she doesn't. Standing unshod at about 5'3, she's around the average height. Her Shihakushō has been modified to have shorter sleeves and to be more akin to a furisode. She also wears a large red obi over her hakama-himo. The most distinct part of her attire is her hairpin. Although not as expensive as certain other hairpieces, Kei's is a golden comb with that almost matches her Zanpakutō's tsuba in shape. She attaches two or three preserved morning glories picked from her own flower garden at the Saionji manor to finish its refined look.

» Appearance Image:
Topics tagged under 54 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  7l8G4a

II: Personality

» Personality: Kei has the pride one would expect of a high-ranking noble woman. Most would expect this to turn her into a cold, haughty bitch. It'd make her the standard holier-than-thou noble. She is far from it. There are things Kei is far above doing, and she freely admits when she is. However, she still does it anyway. Her philosophy is that her station allows her the utmost freedom within the law. Others of her class would not be caught dead playing handball or attending crass rakugo performances—and yet Kei will get just as sweaty and laugh just as loud as any other attendant.

Kei rarely uses her positions to strong-arm anyone, but she does use it to put lesser nobles in their place. Neither of the Saionji siblings can stand nobles who use their nobility for nefarious means. Selfish means? She can deal with that. But if you're running a brothel, she'll make sure that it's being ran Right. Unlike her older brother, however, she is more the type to actively call out a member of the nobility without hesitation. The first time is with tact. Any time after is not. This does not just apply to the nobility, as she also calls out her fellow equivalent-positioned members of the Gotei as well.

Kei has no attraction to the male sex. She's a hopeless romantic with a weak spot for soft lips and huge tits. She freely courts any woman she fancies—save for anyone in the Great Noble Houses. Social status doesn't matter. Race is only mildly a concern. She's the type to flirt with her superiors. Kei is not the type to pursue after being rebuffed. She despises playing hard-to-get. This does not mean she is above teasing—she just doesn't expect anything in return.

The trait that Kei admires most in people is when they "practice what they preach." Deceitful and duplicitous people are people she feels cannot be relied on. She'd praise the man who said he'd stab you over the one who stabs you in the midst of an embrace. This is why people like her brother and Byakuya Kuchiki are well-regarded in her mind.

With all of that in mind, it is important to know that Kei does have a coldness about her. She has a certain "look" that her brother will attest to. It's a far-off, yet piercing gaze. It's as if she's looking so hard through someone that her gaze has circumnavigated the globe only to look at them afterward. It is vacant of everything, yet it is almost like what it definitely does not exude emphasizes what it is meant to be. It is hatred, disappointment, and a desire for violence. It is the face of a woman who will set a poisoned cup of tea in front of her prey, tell them to drink, and if they ask if it is poisoned, she'll say yes—and still be expecting them to drink it. It is the look of a true blue-blooded noble.

» Likes: The female form, peaches, dedication

» Dislikes: Cherries, too-toned bodies, spies

III: History

» History:

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

IV: Natural Abilities

» Durability: Kei's durability is only so high because of how many times her Kidō experiments have gone awry. She's been electrocuted, exploded, set on fire, and been trapped in her own netting more than once. Even through all of that, she still gets up and goes right back to it.
» Speed: For the same reason her durability is high, so is her speed. She's above average for a graduate, but a frontline soldier still likely beats her. But that's fine. Kei's not a true fighter. Like other members of the old Kidōshū, Kei was trained that the best place for the mage is away from the frontlines. Therefore, escape was a mandatory skill to be trained for.
» Strength: Kei graduated the Shin'ō Academy. She's at the bottom end of that skill level due to her training swinging more into a Kidō focus.
» Martial Skill: Kei graduated the Shin'ō Academy. The difference in shape between her Shikai and sealed state have caused her setbacks in her training.

» Deduction: Kei's deduction is only at this level for Kidō and related topics. For any other effect, she is treated as one step lower. Because of both her innate skill and time spent studying, Kei has trained herself to identify things about Kidō that many others do not. Although she is not at the point currently of writing a thesis on a groundbreaking discovery in the field, she's well on her way to being able to see the things that would allow for that. Some of her theories on incantations have been particularly thought-provoking.
» Focus: Kei can notice small variations, especially in Kidō and other energy-based attacks. Combined with her knowledge, it allows her to accurately and quickly react to them—even though her body may not be able to keep up.
» Willpower: As mentioned above, Kei has injured herself many a time trying to perfect her own talents. She may not be able to push beyond her limits much, but her skill is that, no matter what, she'll go back to whatever she's failed at even if takes her time to regroup and reassess the situation.

V: Racial Abilities

» Kidō: Kei is something akin to a prodigy when it comes to Kidō. However, to call her a prodigy doesn't do all of the training she's done justice. As a "prominent" (this was mostly an insular prominence; as it's hard to determine Hooded Shinigami #345 from Hooded Shinigami #20 to people outside the organization) member of the Kidōshū before its merger with the 5th Division of the former Gotei 13 in the early 2000s, Kei had ample time to practice and experiment. Kei has modified and created a few Kidō, which are listed below in spoiler tags. Kei is a fan of Eishōhaki, but her unique twist on it has given her a slight edge.

  • Eishōryakki: (詠唱略記; Incantation Abbreviation) Simply put, this halves the penalty to Eishōhaki by speaking half of a Kidō's Incantation. Why isn't this more common? It's because you have to know which halves to forgo and which to keep.
  • Eishōten'i: (詠唱転移; Incantation Transference) Kei has been developing a way to pre-speak an Incantation or to perform an Incantation when the user is unable to speak. So far, she has not been successful.

Modified Kidō:

Custom Kidō:

» Zanjutsu: Mostly thanks to her brother, Kei has undergone a lot of training with her Zanpakutō. It may require her to be closer than she would like, but her Zanpakutō is still a tool worth using. Kei's understanding and training of Zanjutsu has given her a solid foundation of a Shikai at the cost of unbalanced costs of her abilities.

» Hohō: As part of the Kidōshū, Kei was trained on how to escape bad situations. Her Hohō was never the best, but the extra training during the sixty-or-so years of peace helped shore up this weakness somewhat. She doesn't like using Hohō—she'd rather use Kidō to replicate the effects if she can.

» Hakuda: Kei graduated from Shin'ō Academy, but this was her lowest-graded subject at all times. Kei knows little more than the fundamentals of Hakuda in practice, but she does have a decent grasp of its theory.

VI: Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Senkō Zensen (閃光前芟; Flash Before the Harvest)

» Zanpakutō Spirit:
Topics tagged under 54 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  G6AHD1
Senkō Zensen is a Zanpakutō that enjoys a show. She never stops calling out for an encore, even after the play is long-gone. She does not usually interact directly with her owner, but instead from the empty audience in front of the stage. Senkō Zensen is quicker-witted than her master, and any challenge or criticism from Kei is instantly rebuffed. Senkō Zensen usually sits with a bored expression and only truly gets interested when Kei does. This is because Kei neglected her Zanjutsu training for so long that the spirit is jealous of her Kidō training. Senkō Zensen understands that Kei is perhaps better suited for Kidō, but it doesn't change the fact that she feels ignored. In truth, it's more that she wishes she could be a better help to her master, but their expressions of power end up being almost at cross purposes.

» Inner World: Senkō Zensen's inner world is that of a stage. The floor on the stage moves and extends as Kei moves so that she is always on the stage and never off of it. She can approach yet never reach the audience. She can never retreat from the stage. If more actors appear, the stage extends. The background scenery is printed on a repeating roll, and as the "scene" changes, the background will fade into the correct one for that scene. The scene changes depend on three things: Kei's mood, the purpose of the conversation, and how many actors are present. For example, a hot-blooded fight between Kei and a representation of Senkō Zensen might have the look of a burning forest, whereas a heart-to-heart may be that of a moonlit forest.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Senkō Zensen takes the form of a purple naginata. The handle can fold into itself to allow for easier storage.

VII: Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Shine down (照付ける [てりつける]; teritsukeru)

» Shikai Release Action: Kei adjusts the grip on her polearm to have one hand near the edge of the guard. As she calls the release phrase, her other hand passes over the hilt and over the blade. When her hand finishes passing over, the blade is now a full-length katana.

» Shikai Appearance:

» Shikai Abilities:
Senkō Zensen is similar to Sogyo no Kotowari in that it converts an opponent's energy into energy blasts of its own. The difference is what kind of energy it takes in. Senkō Zensen converts kinetic energy into stored Reiryoku. This does not negate the kinetic energy coming in—Kei is still pushed around and back by incoming attacks. Each strike fills up a portion of a "gauge" Kei has.

The "gauge" is not visible on the blade, but behind Kei in a dimly-glowing ring of small lightning-like balls of energy. The balls of energy are barely present and do not have much energy on their own—simply just enough to stay visible and hold their position behind Kei. Filling the gauge is simple. Each strike she successfully parries, blocks, or just intercepts with her blade lights a single sphere. Kei currently has a maximum of 10 spheres, split into two sections of five with a mitsudomoe separating the zones. When each section is filled, a mitsudomoe lights up. As she advances the strength and understanding of her Zanpakutō, the amount of sections of five increase by 1 per level (for example, going up to Advanced would increase her to 3 sections total while Elite would be 4 sections total) to a maximum of six sections. When all sections are filled, new mitsudomoe appears at the top-center of the ring, opening like an eye.

The closer the gauge gets to full, the more unstable the blade seems to be. Purple lightning crackles around the blade at about 5 spheres and increases in size and visibility until it reaches capacity. The electricity doesn't do much damage on its own—at most it's a small zap. Absorbing past fill is also problematic, as if she goes a full five strikes over, she loses her current stacks and her Shikai releases the energy in an uncontrolled burst around her—most likely harming herself in the process.

Kei currently has three ways of expending the energy. Currently, each ability uses the entirety of the storage. As with the amount of spheres she can use, increasing her Zanjutsu skill will likely affect the consumption. Once it's been used, it has to be filled back up once again.

Senjō: (扇状; Fan-shaped) The basic version of the energy release. This takes the shape of a wide crescent about 1 foot thick at the thick end and 3 yards tall. Every 5 spheres increases this by 3 yards. This is also the fastest of the three releases, travelling at a similar speed to a Shakkahō. It has been called "a cheap knockoff" of Ichigo Kurosaki's Getsuga Tenshō—much to Kei's chagrin and repeated explanations that it's different.

Hashira: (柱; Pillar) The complicated version of the energy release. Kei stabs her sword into a surface. From any point within 150 yards around her that is connected to that surface, she can create a glowing circle that, after a short delay, sends a 10ft-to-100yd-long pillar of Reiryoku.

Sōbana: (総花; All-Around) This is Kei's most "expressive" version, and it requires 10 spheres. Simply put, this blasts the Reiryoku away from the blade in all directions (save for the Tsuba). It's a brief pulse that sends the energy in a very compacted form not very far away. This turns it more into a Reiatsu-like ability, but it is still Reiryoku doing all of the work and is affected like other Reiryoku. The ability is especially effective in areas that do not allow for much expansion, such as underwater or within a surface. Kei has used this to kill a Hollow by stabbing them with her Shikai and then effectively setting off a concussion grenade inside of their body.

VIII: Bankai

» Bankai Name: [What is your zanpakutō's release phrase?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your shinigami do any physical action to release their bankai? Feel free to remove this if not.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your shinigami's bankai look like?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your shinigami gain in bankai?]

IX: Equipment

» Equipment: [If your shinigami has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

X: Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Adept
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Advanced
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Elite
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Beginner


by Paradigm
on Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:34 pm
Search in: Europe
Topic: Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]
Replies: 11
Views: 994

Natural Enemies [Mizu/Cala]

Topics tagged under 54 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD


Another day, another Hollow Hunt. Mizu found herself accepting more and more Hollow Hunt contracts, for a multitude of reasons. First, her sense of duty as a Shinigami drove her to hunt these beasts; second, she used them to train and challenge herself; lastly, she had grown to genuinely enjoy visiting Earth lately. Though her visits usually ended in her body getting battered and bruised, she often came across interesting people and as a member of the Gotei United's 8th Division it was important for her to be accustomed to traveling to and from the living world.

This time she had accepted a hunt in Greece, and after a short investigation managed to track a particularly nasty Hollow through the nation's countryside. Recently it had been preying upon people traveling through the area as otherwise there were practically no souls for it to consume with human homes few and far between. Mizu theorized it chose this location to remain anonymous and off the radar of the Gotei United. Too bad for you I'm here, then! the petite blond thought to herself as she narrowly dodged a swing of one of it's long metallic tendrils in place of where it's arms should be.

When another of it's dozen or so whip-like appendages crashed down near Mizu she leapt to the side before bringing both hands up, palm out, and aimed directly for it's head as she shouted "Hadō #31: Shakkahō!" Upon saying these words a sphere of crimson flame formed in front of her hands before launching at the Hollow, exploding into a small inferno upon contact. Unfortunately for Mizu this did little more than singe and disorient the monster, leaving no lasting scars upon it's snow-white hide.

"Tough one aren't you..." she said more to herself before beginning to run in a circle around the Hollow, it's arms narrowly missing her as it struggled to keep up. Suddenly she was stopped in her tracks as one of the tendrils struck the ground in front of her, which gave enough time for another to grab her leg and violently pull her into the air upside down in front of the Hollow's hulking body.

Feeling her foe's tentacle arm squeeze her leg, Mizu wasted no time in fighting her way out of the situation before more damage could be done. This time she said aloud a different spell's name "Hadō #54: Haien!" which created an oblong blast of violet energy that struck the Hollow's body where the appendage holding Mizu met it's torso, burning through it immediately. This allowed her to escape it's grasp as both she and the arm fell to the ground in a heap, though she managed to avoid being crushed by it. With a big of pain still in her leg Mizu raised her Zanpakuto and prepared for a drawn out fight against the now-11-armed Hollow.

by Henrex
on Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:50 pm
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: [Ziamichi] Kitarune Astillon [APPROVED; 2-5/2-5] [Hazard Ranking: D]
Replies: 13
Views: 4879

[Ziamichi] Kitarune Astillon [APPROVED; 2-5/2-5] [Hazard Ranking: D]

Topics tagged under 54 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  6EdIfMt


Natural Talent: One of the most important parts of Kitarune's skill set is her natural talent, particularly in swordsmanship in her human life, and, during the afterlife, Kido. During her time as a human, Kitarune always had a natural affinity towards the art of the sword, capable of wielding it without much issue and understanding most of the basic martial arts revolving around the blade, taking her little time to learn them on a very base level. Over time she was able to continue advancing her skill with swords, a skill that wasn't entirely lost after death. Though nowhere near the same level that it was before, Kitarune is still very capable with a sword.

During her time with Katsuhiko in the Rukongai and his dojo, the basic movements of Kendo came as second nature to her, allowing her to remember the martial art and master it once again. Furthermore, another aspect she showed innate talent in would be energy control, something she picked up much later after she had become a Plus and, by extension nowadays, Shinigami. With this, Kitarune was able to get a grasp on the concept of energy control much faster than other Shinigami, and, as a result, was able to use the knowledge of the different terminology of energy from Katsuhiko to accelerate her learning. As time went on and as she was on her own in the Wastelands, she honed this skill to manifest into the Kido skill that she has today.

Speed: Speed is one of the more important skills that Kitarune possesses, arguably one of her most important general skills. Due to her low durability, this is both a given and a necessity. As a result of her Avian Physiology like Henrex, her bone structure is much lighter to compensate for it and allows her to reach higher speeds easier and with much less effort. This can be supplemented with energy to go even higher, but, at her base, movement is one of the key points of her speed. It allows her to maneuver the battlefield and keep at a range where her spells would be the most effective and allows her to move out of the way whenever needed.

The second application of this would be her focus on reaction speed. While not nearly as talented as she is in movement speed, Kitarune is still very capable of processing events in front of her. For her, this became an important skill to hone as she learned more about the potential of her Zanpakuto and where her main talents, skills, and proficients lie. It works well with her abilities and allows her to use this processing to discern what her next move should be; whether it be what spell to weave or what her next literal move is.

Strength: With most of her proficiency laying in the realm of energy usage and control, Strength is another area that is, at most, average. While she is capable of reaching moderate levels of power, her main skill is, again, with energy. At the base level, her strength isn't anything particularly amazing. But, she is capable of using her immense energy control to boost her strength beyond this, but at the cost of her not being able to handle the backlash of such power, a very short time limit of how long this kind of enhanced strength can last, as well as a much higher energy cost as a result.

Durability: Generally speaking, Kitarune isn't the most durable girl. In addition to the trade-off of being able to handle and reach higher levels of speeds and process events in front of her faster, this left her with a very lackluster defense. While she can cast barriers and shields to bolster her defense or prevent attacks from reaching her, at her core, she isn't sturdy by a long shot. So, it can be rather easy to break her bones and damage her overall. However, this also has caused her to think of additional ways to circumvent this, with the use of her demonic spirit and her skill in magic.

Martial/Weapon Skill: When it comes to the use of weapons, Kitarune isn't the best. While she has had experience with different weapons in the past and has been able to grow experienced and accustomed to them, certain ones shine above the rest. Firstly, it should be noted that staff-type weapons are Kitarune's bread and butter. Polearms and other melee weapons with long-range are the ones that Kitarune have noted to have exceptional proficiency, as it is the closest resemblance to her Zanpakuto, and so, it is something that could be considered muscle memory, as the similarity between the two is something that allowed her to pick up the weapon and wield it with ease. But, at its base, Kitarune's skill in most weapons can be boiled down to average.

Kido: The magic of the Shinigami is likely Kitarune's strongest and most refined skill. Upon entering into Shin'o Academy, it was evident that this was her strongest suit. To put things simply, it comes as second nature to control her energy and exert it in the form of Kido. As a result of this, it became something that she was able to refine and progress and allow her to reach new heights. This has allowed her to cast spells without incantations, infuse more energy into her Kido to boost the power, as well as being able to cast multiple Bakudo and Hadō spells in quick succession. As a result of this, the concept of magic was something that became rather heavily emphasized on for her Zanpakuto -- adding even more for her to learn, and more limits to breakthrough.

Zanjutsu: In likeness to her Kido skill, Kitarune's natural talent and practice in the art of the sword has made this one of her greatest skills alongside the art of magic. Before unlocking her Shikai and discovering the true nature of her Zanpakuto, Kitarune wielded it as a basic katana for the longest time during her time in the Rukongai and while honing that base skill in Katsuhiko's dojo. As a result of this, it wasn't hard for Kitarune to adapt and understand the mechanisms of the Shinigami's way of the sword, allowing her to master the basics of Zanjutsu within a short time. Additionally, the true nature of her Zanpakuto allowed her to reach new heights with the skill and merge the principles of her various styles into her new style of fighting.

Hakuda: Her weakest skill, without question. While she can defend herself against opponents equally lacking in skill in this area, one of the main weaknesses of Kitarune when it comes to this is her lack of a formal style and her very "roughhouse" style of fighting that she normally uses, due to her time in the Rukongai, teaching herself how to fight to properly defend herself. Extremely unpolished stances, terrible footwork, with predictable and unrefined movements. With all of this and a very reckless abandon when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, it isn't hard for someone to best Kitarune in this area.

Hoho: While she does have a basis in speed, Kitarune's main forte comes from her general speed. As a result of this, her Flash Step is rather average. She's capable of using it multiple times in succession before having to rest and can leap rather high distances without many steps. However, something that is somewhat unique about her Flash Step would be the near-instant nature. With her level of energy control, it's easy for Kitarune to be able to summon the energy to perform the technique in rapid succession between two steps, ask well as easy for her to be able to use it without much if any delay and without any initial movement.


Avian Physiology: Excerpt from Henrex's App: As a man who has wings, it should not come as a surprise that the rest of his body would be that of an avian. However, this has noted to provide a bit more of a downside, rather than having positives. To begin things, this is something that heavily affects Henrex's skeletal system. For one, it makes his bones fairly hollow. This means that Henrex's skeleton is a lot weaker than normal, which causes his bones to be injured a lot easier. This is something that does not affect his skill sheets, but rather, just makes him a bit more susceptible to damage. While he makes up for this with the Cybermind plating that his skeletal system is surrounded with -- along with other protections -- this also has a slight upside. This also allows Henrex to move a lot faster, as his weight is slightly decreased from this.

Furthermore, Henrex's body receives several natural boosts as a result of this. The first thing that is boosted would be Henrex's senses. While this mainly excludes touch and taste, Henrex's hearing, sight, and sense of smell are increased to exponential levels, with him being able to hear and smell things from miles away, while his sight is only enhanced by being completely 20/20. So, while his senses are not extremely boosted, they most certainly are not normal. Another thing that would be his increased lung capacity. This is something that grants Henrex a much larger range of how long he can hold his breath, or even going as far as to keep his lungs constantly filled with air.

Stillness in Motion: As a way to make literal meaning of the Chinese proverb, this ability is, simply put, regaining energy. By drawing from the spiritual energy and particles in the area, she can fill her energy capacity. Through this, Kitarune can rapidly increase the rate at which her energy is refilled, allowing her to have a seemingly “unlimited” pool of energy for her to tap into. However, this is simply not the case. Kitarune can regenerate energy from this, but this by no means makes it unlimited in any way. This does have its limits -- being that Kitarune cannot move at all while she is doing this. Even if so much as a single finger were to twitch, the concentration would be broken, and she would have to wait for a post before being able to perform this again, and it would take her three full posts to get to the maximum capacity of energy.

The Sibling's Bond: This is a passive ability that Kitarune possesses, and directly connects to her brother, Henrex. This, in essence, is what binds the two together as siblings, and what truly defines their connection together. Upon activation (something that will need IC progression to occur, as it's currently inactive), Henrex and Kitarune will be able to connect, mentally. As a result of this, they will be able to transmit thoughts to each other, and they can detect and read each other's emotions, no matter the distance. Even if they were entire dimensions apart, they would still be able to create this connection. Furthermore, this allows them to have the innate knowledge of where the other one is, and -- if the other permits -- they can use this to "picture" the environment around them, allowing them to gain a semblance of where they are, and what it looks like. This can also occur when it comes to sharing memories, as the events will be projected into the other's mindscape. As children, they often used this skill to pass secrets to one another, or just to tell the other what they were thinking. However, now that they have both matured immensely, this is capable of so, so much more.


Zanpakutô Name: Jugenro (呪源路, "The Way of Magic's Source")

Inner World:

Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance:

Sealed Zanpakutô Appearance:

Sealed Zanpakutô Power

Zanpakuto Manipulation: One of the applications that Kitarune's energy control and manipulation of said energy is the control that this gives her over the shape and size of her Zanpakuto. It's a very small, basic power, retained in every form that she mainly uses for either small adjustments to her Zanpakuto, or to change its form entirely, with a single post in between changes, whether full-form or small adjustments.


Shikai Release Phrase: "Enchant, Jugenro!"

Rawk wrote:Meaning: This name is actually fairly difficult to translate neatly into English, but I think it comes across very well in Japanese. Speaking literally, the kanji together would be "spell source path," but the choice of kanji and their order play into the thematic, particularly when taken alongside the Bankai name (which we will get to). "呪源," the "jugen" here, is a play on the phrase "水源," pronounced "suigen" and referring to a fountainhead, the source of a river. The kanji 水, for water, has been replaced with 呪, the kanji for a spell (or curse). The imagery evoked in this particular wordplay, then, would be a source of magic or spellcraft that was akin to a river's source. 路, pronounced "ro," is an antiquated method of referring to a path or road. While one can take this word to mean a very literal road, it can also be taken as a belief, practice, or set of principles. Therefore, all together as 呪源路, "Jugenro," the meaning implied is more akin to "The Way of Magic's Source."

Shikai Appearance:

Shikai Abilities

  • Will of the Magus: One of the first abilities that Kitarune learned about her Zanpakuto Spirit, especially when it came to honing the powers, was learning more about the spirit within the sword and how to manifest it into the real world. With her unwavering will and dedication, Kitarune can summon her Zanpakuto Spirit to the physical world. However, while in Shikai, she is only capable of summoning them for about 2-3 turns and having to wait for six posts afterward.

Arm of the Magus: The core of her Zanpakuto, put simply is magic itself. This ability is meant to show her creativity, utilizing her natural talent for Kido and Zanjutsu in a manner that allows her to create different forms of magic with her Zanpakuto's powers. A prime example of this would be Elemental Magic, the bread and butter of her list of magics. For her, this type of magic deals with the basic elements of the world: fire, water, wind, earth, and even stretching out to some of the concepts of the environment and the world, light, and darkness.

All of these are exceedingly versatile, allowing for Kitarune to create a variety of different forms of this power, such as using this to send a fireball towards an enemy, create a veil of shadow in a select area, or create a flash of light to blind an enemy. All of these stem from an additive power to this, Kido Manipulation. Due to her extensive research and eventual knowledge in Kido, it wasn't hard for Kitarune to learn about the potential modifications to a spell and develop it as an ability.

With this, she takes the base form of a spell, for example, #54, Haien, and alters the form and shape of it to create a massive fireball or create a set of fiery eruptions from the ground. Or, taking something like Hadō #11, Tsuzuri Raiden, and increasing the power of it to cause more damage and be more on par with the more powerful Hadō spells such as Soren Sokatsui. This knowledge and ability in Kido allow her to have a lot of creative freedom to make spells both as potent, or as weak as she needs them to be.


Magic Circles: Above everything else, this is the main technique of Kitarune's Zanpakuto. By compressing her spiritual energy into a single area of focus, she can create a purple circle in any location within two miles of her, of which she can control all properties of it -- an example being the size. This allows her to focus her magic into this specific area and allowing it to be much more powerful than it would have been on its own. Furthermore, as stated before, these act as enhancements to her magic. While she can cast spells without the use of circles, the added refinement of her energy alongside the circles naturally makes her magic slightly more powerful, as well as her Kido. Were she to not use these, her spells would be about 5% weaker.

Additionally, it should be noted that these are very easy to create, as they require little to no energy to form, along with the fact that they can also be stacked on top of one another to create vastly more powerful spells (though this would cause them to cost more energy). Another application of these would be summoning them around her hands to enhance her strength and serve as made-due weapons. During this, they would boost her strength at a single level, halting at Elite. Any attempt above that would give a 30% boost. So, it should be obvious that these are a very common form of combat with Kitarune, as they are one of the most versatile techniques that she has.


Spell Link: One of the many tricks that Kitarune learned to perform during her time in the Wastelands and learning Kido was the ability to link her spells with one another. Similarly to "Nijū Eishō", or Twofold Incantation, this is performed with two spells, though this is notably different due to it not only being able to utilize two separate spells, even without incantation but also two of the same spell to save time. There are notable strengths and weaknesses of this technique, the first being that this allows the second spell release to be cast for only half the energy cost, but also reducing its overall power to around 60-70%. Furthermore, this can only be used twice before having to wait for three posts to perform this again.

Conduit: As a Zanpakuto is an extension of the Shinigami's power, Kitarune can use the weapon as a catalyst for her base powers. While she is capable of utilizing Kido with her hands and without her Zanpakuto, utilizing her Zanpakuto as a conduit has a unique effect on her spells. By channeling the energy through her staff instead of her body, Kitarune can cause her the Kido generated from the staff to have a small increase in power -- around 5-10% -- to make them slightly stronger and hit harder, at the cost of control and energy of a spell ten levels higher, capping off at Kido spells of #80 and below. Furthermore, one of the key effects of this technique is that it also bolsters the general effects of the spell in question.

If it were a fire spell, it would burn hotter. An electric-based spell, it would have a higher voltage and give a much more powerful shock. This also is true for spells that are based around the forces of the world, such as impact spells hitting with more kinetic force and sharp, piercing spells and attacks being able to deal more damage to defenses and being able to pierce through targets better. However, while these are what amounts to a direct upgrade to her regular spells, channeling them through her Zanpakuto like this can cause a much higher energy cost and causes a longer cooldown both in between spells and in terms of downtime, making the recommended amount of times she uses this be around 2-3 times before waiting for 3-4 posts to conserve energy.

Reflective Ward: Upon activating Shikai, Kitarune gains a small passive barrier around her body, barely visible. This barrier around her allows her to directly weaken the effects of other magics used against her. Aether Magic, Demon Magic, Kido, anything inherently magic in nature will generally be less effective against her in terms of damage. It will cause her to take around 20-30% less damage from other magics while this is active. Otherwise, this would last for around two to three posts, with a four to five post cooldown. This can only be used three times and can be shattered by two hits of a Hadō #80 or above spell, requiring a four turn cooldown between uses, lasting as a max duration of eight posts.

Furthermore, something else that should be noted about this is that it doesn't absorb the energy of incoming magic, or negate the attacks by nature, it simply dulls the potency of energy when it comes in contact with the barrier, causing the overall attack to be weakened. Additionally, this does have some level of influence over basic energy and energy attacks, although much less powerful, only able to negate up to 10-20% while in Shikai. Finally, this effect is bolstered when she enters Bankai, allowing her to weaken the effects of magic up to 50-55%, with basic energy attacks up to 25% at max.

Mist of the Lethe: Likely one of the most standout spells that Kitarune has in her arsenal. By generating a thin, sweet-smelling purple mist in a half-mile radius, Kitarune can cause two set effects in the immediate area: drowsiness and forgetfulness. Most NPCs in the area will feel these effects almost immediately and begin to have their actions slowed, whereas other characters will have significantly more resistance, depending on their Willpower and Focus. Adept and lower will begin to feel the effects of sluggishness within the span of the first post, with the second or third post being long enough for them to fall asleep and be out of commission for the rest of the thread.

Advanced would take much longer to feel the direct effects, though the initial dizziness and sluggishness would still be in effect. It would take around three to four posts for them to begin to feel the drowsiness in full effect, and another post after that for them to fall asleep. Elite and higher would be able to resist the effect completely, [strike]but, in exchange, would feel the sluggish and dizziness effects much more than others
. This would cause them to have visual difficulties, and make it harder focusing on the task at hand. This lasts for three posts, with a four-post cooldown.

The Warp spell being used

Warp: Warp is one of the most simple spells that Kitarune possesses. A personal variation of the Shinigami's Senkaimon, Kitarune uses this to travel anywhere in the multiple, more specifically and commonly used to travel between dimensions. No matter if it's Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, or the Demon World, the Warp spell allows her to transport herself or others into any dimension of her choosing, at her own risk. Furthermore, it should also be noted that this does include being able to transport anywhere in that dimension that isn't directly and explicitly stated to prevent teleportation such as this. But, as a final note, it should be noted that this has almost zero applications in combat, outside of transporting people in and out of the battlefield. This is due to the portals and the general time it takes for the portals to form and teleport people being far too long to be practical in combat. Therefore, this does not have a direct cooldown or limitation for that reason.[/strike]

Hundred-Layer Magic Circles: As her main form of combat is the use of magic circles to focus her magic into a specific area to condense, contain, and increase the destructive power in said area, Kitarune needed to find a way to improve this technique. To do that, Kitarune discovered the ability to "layer" her magic circles on top of one another to increase their power. Doing this allowed her to reach some of the greatest heights that her magic circles were capable of in that state and create levels of power and influence that she had never thought possible before.

The first thing to be noted about Hundred-Layer Magic Circles would be the very broad nature of the ability itself. While the limits in this form are quite apparent at 100, it is by no means the only way that she can utilize this stacking. The Hundred-Layers act as a limiter of how far she can bolster her magical spells from both her Zanpakuto and her Kido spells. The next thing that should be noted is the scaling energy cost and the time needed to form them. While all of her spells can be launched within a post, the more circles that she ends up stacking increases the amount of time that she will need before actually firing the spell before her turn is over.

The next point, energy cost, is that the more magic circles that Kitarune stacks on a single spell, the bigger the energy cost. Ergo, should she use a consistent amount of full-power, Hundred-Layer Magic Circle spells, it would cause her energy reserves to be quickly tired out. So, she makes certain not to use the full-powered spells constantly, as she's well aware of this limitation and uses the flexibility of the ability to get around it, while still making sure that she is capable without those "trump cards."

  • Hundred-Layer Magic Circle - Kido Empowerment: With most of her skill and finesse coming from her skill in manipulating Kido, this "sub-spell" for her layered magic circles is focused on making even some of the weakest spells in her arsenal applicable in any situation and powerful in their own right. As said in the base power, this allows her to stack up to one-hundred magic circles to empower any Kido spell she chooses to cast, drastically increasing the amount of power that it contains, and allowing certain Kido to become deadly and fatal in their own right.

    For example, she could cause a spell as weak as Hadō #1, Sho, to turn into a powerful blast of kinetic force capable of leveling a building. However, this does share the drawbacks that the base power has. Firstly, the energy cost. The energy cost has a lot of variables, such as the amount of power put into it, the number of the spell, and how many circles that she uses to empower it. The higher the spell, the higher the amount of energy that she uses, on-top of the energy that she uses to both create and stack the magic circles. This, in turn, causes her to increase the cooldown time, scaling from something as small as a single post, all the way up to a five to six post cooldown.

  • Hundred-Layer Magic Circle - Bound Discharge: As her main form of magic is elemental, one of the elements that she can put into overdrive with the use of magic circles is lightning. By layering up to one-hundred magic circles, Kitarune can create an electrical spell that allows her to potentially reach levels of destruction that only some of the highest levels of Kido could cause before. By pointing her staff forward, she can unleash a powerful blast of lightning capable of equaling Kido levels 70 at maximum magic circles and maximum output.

    After unleashing this blast, a series of magic circles will appear in a line in front of her in an attempt to track her opponent as a series of lightning bolts strike the magic circles in sequence. Each circle reaches around ten to twenty feet in length, totaling the amount of distance covered by this line of attack to around half a mile. However, the more power she can put into these attacks, the more range she can cover, at the cost of more energy being used, giving her a pretty heavy drawback when it comes to this.

  • Hundred-Layer Magic Circle - Abolition Phoenix: Using Hadō #54, Haien, as a base, Kitarune casts Haien through a purple magic circle in front of her, unleashing the spell in the form of a large phoenix-shaped blast of energy. As it travels, the blast ignites and melts away, turning the blast of energy into a colossal, burning phoenix that singes the ground, causing a small explosion of fire upon contact. Like the previous spells, this is also modifiable in how many magic circles are used to give a full range of how many levels of influence and power this, with the maximum power of this being able to be around the level of Hadō #70. Due to the massive drain that this can create for Kitarune, this is restricted to two to three uses in a turn, before being restricted for six turns afterward.

  • Hundred-Layer Magic Circle - Orchid Wind: Named after the Kido it's based on, Orchid Wind is, for the most part, an augmented and modified version of Hadō #58, Tenran. By creating a magic circle and causing it to spin at rapid speeds, Kitarune can use this time to layer the magic circles on the spell to increase the power during the casting time. Whenever she decides to stop the spinning, Kitarune can unleash a powerful funnel of spiritual energy and air at an opponent, generating from her staff and traveling in a straight line. This can also be modified, using multiple magic circles in tandem to create multiple smaller whirlwinds, with a more wide-spread effect, rather than everything being focused in a single circle. Like the other spells, this is also restricted to 2-3 posts, before going on a six post cooldown.


Bankai Name: Jugenro - Hakkakusu (呪源路 八角州, The Way of Magic's Source - Eight Angle Sandbar)

Rawk wrote:Meaning: ...Now, onto the Bankai. Continuing with the thematic of a river, 八角州, "Hakkakusu," is a play on the phrase 三角州, which refers to a river delta. The literal translation of the term would roughly be "three angle sandbar," but in changing the first kanji to 八, it becomes "eight angle sandbar." Eight is something of an important number in subjects of wisdom, seen most prominently in the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism. By adding this number to the many branching paths of a river delta, there is the implication of a more enlightened design to said branches.

Bankai Release Phrase: “Cast a spell unto the heavens, Jugenro - Hakkakusu!”

Bankai Appearance:

Bankai Abilities

The Archmage: When Kitarune enters Bankai, the first thing that changes would be a tremendous boost in power in her magical prowess, allowing her Kido Modification, and Empowerment spells to be taken to an even further degree. This allows her to boost Kido spells to even the limits of the Kido library's power, and even beyond that with the addition of magic circles, leaving her a dangerous foe to fight. Furthermore, there is an additional passive effect that Kitarune gains when she is in this state. To combat against others who share a similar skill or talent as she does, Kitarune gains an improved version of her Shikai ability, "Reflective Ward". Just by being in this second release state, Kitarune emits a shield around herself that functions the same as the aforementioned: resisting the damage of other magics used against her, this time by around 45%.

This allows her a great deal of magical resistance to this who might end up using Kido, or other forms of wizardry against her, but, like Reflective Ward, this shares many of its downsides. While it is capable of weakening any magic that impacts this shield, it is by no means a permanent effect. Like before, three high-powered spells (i.e, an all-out attack from someone of a similar tier, or something akin to two spells of #80 and below) can break this shield and leave her open, but the shield will automatically restore itself within a five post period, while also being limited to three uses and a max duration of eight posts.

Temporal Magic: The first form of new magic that Kitarune gains while in Bankai, this allows her to manipulate the concept of time in her way. Unlike Reality Magic, this -- along with Spatial Magic -- allows her to directly affect another person. Using this, Kitarune can freeze the flow of "time" in another person or object, freezing the energy in said person/object. In a person, this would cause the flow of energy to slow down, making energy-based attacks be slow and difficult to unleash (20%). On the other hand, however, Kitarune can apply the reverse, affecting allies and speeding up the flow of time in their bodies (also 20%). During this period, allies would be able to perform energy-based attacks much easier and faster. These effects begin to fade in two posts, fully dissipating by the third post and going on a five post cooldown.

Spatial Magic: The second magic that Kitarune attains in Bankai, spatial manipulation. As the name entails, this allows her to briefly alter the properties of space around her to a maximum of three miles. At its core, this allows her to briefly disturb the space of something, either physical or spiritual to achieve a variety of effects. This can go as far as to swap the locations of two things occupying a different space. One of the main uses for this would be the ability to "prevent" regeneration, in a sense. By tapping into this power, Kitarune can use this to cut through the body and disrupt the space between the body and the limb, moving it to a separate space. With this, regeneration can't activate normally, as the limb technically isn't "removed", it merely occupies is in a different space, and can still move and function normally. However, this requires Kitarune to actually "cut" someone with this. Furthermore, this can only be done once before going on a five post cooldown.

Spatial Magic Scale (Kido)
Beginner: Half-mile
Adept: One mile
Advanced: Mile and a half
Elite: Two miles
Master: Two and a half
Grand Master: Three miles

Solar Magic - Sunbreaker: Solar Magic isn't as much of a new form of magic as it is a highly advanced form of her original fire magic. As per the name, this allows her fire magic to reach new and higher levels of heat (15% fire-based spell damage increase while decreasing Bakudo proficiency by 40%), enough so that it could be considered to be drawing energy and heat from the sun itself. To do this, Kitarune must gather energy from the world, heating it and combining it with a fire-based Kido as a base, such as Shakkaho, Sokatsui, or Soren Sokatsui to create a physical form for the spell. This advanced form of magic is the basis for the penultimate spell of Kitarune's fire-based magic: Apocalyptic Blaze.

Thousand-Layer Magic Circles: The ultimate form of Kitarune's magic circles, only accessible while in Bankai. As it is an augmented form of the previous two incarnations of the ability, there is little that has changed. With her now being able to layer up to a thousand magic circles on top of one another to achieve even greater levels of power to modify and augment her Kido spells with, her magic becomes incredibly powerful, costly, and dangerous. The power of her spells has increased to titanic proportions, with her spells reaching only singular usage limits before going on cooldown as a drawback to this, as well as a massively increased energy cost.

  • Thousand-Layer Magic Circle - Apocalyptic Blaze: The strongest of Kitarune's fire magic, and the signature of her Thousand-Layer Magic Circles. By creating hundreds of magic circles in the air her opponent -- all of which are already layered to further increase its power to absurd proportions -- Kitarune can use two spells as a base for this spell. The first being Shakkaho, causing a large ball of red energy forms above the circles, before crashing to the ground, passing through the circles as it goes, empowering the spell as it falls. When it reaches the ground, it sets off a tremendous explosion in a three-mile radius around it.

    Immediately afterward, Kitarune can utilize the second Kido spell used as a base, Haien, to manipulate the flames in the ensuing explosion, altering them to both start spreading at an incredibly fast rate, as well as taking on the properties of the spell they are based on. By doing this, anyone caught up in the flames will find their regeneration taking more energy to utilize to their fullest potential, as well as said regeneration being much slower than normal. However, due to the immense power of this spell, it is only able to be used once, and after that, it will be unusable for the rest of the thread due to the immense energy costs.

  • Thousand-Layer Magic Circle - God Thrust: While this spell does not have nearly the amount of area-of-effect that her other spells have, Kitarune is still able to use the compressed form of the spell to cause a great deal of damage. By using the first Hadō spell as a base, Sho, Kitarune can channel this into either her staff, her hand, or another magic circle as she layers the others on top of it. By pointing a finger, thrusting her staff or sword forward, or by using some other means of casting, Kitarune mixes in Byakurai in order to increase the damage, and add to the effects.

    Both of these spells combined create a spell of kinetic force and electricity, capable of piercing most kinds of defense -- albeit over a small area -- and push an opponent backward with the force of an F1 tornado. However, what makes this spell different than most others is that due to the negligible energy costs of the two spells used for this, God Thrust is one of the very few spells that can be used in rapid succession, though to do so, Kitarune needs to lower the power of the spell. Furthermore, even without using it in rapid succession, this spell is still capable of being used multiple times before going on cooldown, totaling around three times, before going on a four-post cooldown.

  • Thousand-Layer Magic Circle - Arc Ring: Arc Ring is one of the simplest spells in her Bankai's arsenal, as it isn't modifying the existing spell as much as the others. By gathering and channeling energy into her staff, Kitarune can utilize Zangerin as the base spell, augmenting it with her base powers in order to unleash a slash of energy from the weapon within the immediate vicinity with enough power to level multiple buildings. However, the very nature of this spell is a weakness. By gathering energy and concentrating it into her staff, as well as using Zangerin as a base, this gives the two heavy restrictions of energy consumption, as well as being able to only use this within a very short range, being around three feet.

  • Thousand-Layer Magic Circle - Drums of Raijin: The strongest of Kitarune's electric magic, and one of the most taxing. By using Hadō #88, Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō as the core for this spell, Kitarune layers all of the magic circles at the end of her staff, empowering the already present energy and modifying the effects of the spell. Instead of firing a single large beam of spiritual and electrical energy, Kitarune is able to take a post to compress the beam into three large orbs of energy that she can release from her staff, one per post. Each of them is able to create a dome-shaped explosion (something that can be turned on her by attacking the orb), expanding outward with electrical and spiritual energy at around fifty feet in size, each. This can only be used twice in a thread, with a six post cooldown in between.

  • Thousand-Layer Magic Circle - Magus Infinite: When it comes to many release forms, there is always a technique or power that is meant to show the absolute pinnacle of their power. For Kitarune, this is Magus Infinite. To begin this spell, Kitarune needs to channel a large amount of energy into her magic circles, something that takes a post to fully charge, creating one for each type of magic as she layers other circles on top of another to give it even further power, before creating a singular one over the rest, larger than the others, stretching out at around three and a half miles in total.

    After the circles have finished forming, almost immediately after, a massive eruption of elemental, conceptual, and spiritual energy occurs, capable of causing a variety of effects within; electrocution, burning, slowing down the flow of energy within the body through the added effects of her temporal magic, and tampering with healing powers through her spatial magic's natural disruption capabilities. However, due to the power of this spell with how many forms of magic it combines together, it comes as no surprise that the energy drain for this spell is absurd, capable of draining Kitarune's energy supply almost entirely if not used properly, leaving it with only a single use per thread.

Template By:
by SayaXO
on Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:00 pm
Search in: Locked/Archived International Threads
Topic: Campfire Chronicles I: Sisterhood
Replies: 5
Views: 946

Campfire Chronicles I: Sisterhood


A Dip In The Pool

Artist: Cash Cash - Song: Surrender - Word Count: N/A

Sophia navigated the forest floor slowly and patiently. The ambiance around them was cold but no uninviting. She held her arm tight around her body. Her was body wrapped tightly with a thick pink cotton towel and her hair pulled back into a swirl of golden locks. She lightly gripped Yuki's hand to guide the young fox across the environment. Eventually coming across a lightly grazed enclosure, they found a steady stream. Following the path of the stream led them to a fairly large body of water. Probably one large enough to swim far and deep within.

Looking over to Yuki, Sophia gently smiled. "I think this would be a good place for us to bathe, right?" Gathering her soaps and washcloth in one hand she crept to the shoreline of the water. She slowly shifted around looking for the perfect place to settle in the water. Crouching down with grace and elegance, she dipped her fingers into the water. Holding it there for a moment, she bit her lip and pulled her hand away from the water, "A little to cold for my taste."

Taking what she had been practicing with Kamui, she brought her hand toward as if she was reaching out for something. Thinking to herself, "You don't always need power, sometimes efficiency and speed is much more beneficial." She whispered sweetly, "Hadō #54. Haien" instantly from her hand sprouted an immense pink flame. Squinting her eyes for a moment she grasped the bursting flames and brought her hand down into pool of water. After a moment, the pool shimmered with pink hues. Steam began to dance atop the water, bubbles began to rise to the surface. The heat formed a bubble around them. It was as if the steam and the warmth were confined to a certain distance centered on Sophia. She prided herself in her skill and accuracy of her spell. Approaching the water and stripping down to nothing. Her body smooth and the light of the moon hitting the curves of her body. As she slowly glided down into the water. "Mhhhh... This feels amazing..." Turning over and smiling sweetly at Yuki, "C'mon hop in, that's an order!" Sophia gently splashing yuki with water. Tails of reishi slow arose from the water, splitting and parting the water away from Sophia's back. "I'm so glad, Kamui decided to pair us up. Not very often you meet someone with your talents let alone tails." Sophia gently giggled as the waved a finger at Yuki, coaxing her into the water.

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by Pockeh
on Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:08 pm
Search in: Miscellaneous Thread Archive
Topic: [THE KIDO MASTERLIST] (Outdated, do not use)
Replies: 2
Views: 5137

[THE KIDO MASTERLIST] (Outdated, do not use)


This will be the list of all Kido Techniques on the site, both Canon and Custom. This list will be composed in the way of all kido being in order by number and in the following format.

Note: When I organized the Custom Kido, I went from the last page to the most recent page, getting things chronologically. For this reason, if a Kido has a number that conflicts with the number of a Canon or Custom Kido that came before it, I simply put it under "Unknown Number". If you see one of your kido on the Unknown Number list and would like to assign it to an untaken number, just let me know and I'll make the appropriate changes.

Note #2: Before using one of these Kido in a thread, check to make sure it's a Kido that your character can use. If it's too high of a level for them, or if its specific to only one practitioner, do not use that kido.

Note #3(Added by Wan):The url hyperlink for each custom kido keys off the "Hadō" or "Bakudo" not the name of the kido itself.

Canon Kido
Custom Kido

Let's get started.


Known Numbers

Unknown Numbers


Known Numbers

Unknown Numbers





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